How to choose the right bread maker: tips. How to choose a bread maker by power, functions and volume? Overview of the best bread makers according to experts

How to choose the right bread maker: tips. How to choose a bread maker by power, functions and volume? Overview of the best bread makers according to experts

Instructions for the choice of bread makers.

The bread machine is a fairly common device among hostesses who prefer to cook at home. This kitchen device allows in a short period of time, with minimal expenses of funds, to cook bread. In this article, we will tell you how to choose a house for a house.  

How to choose the right bread machine in power: tips

It is worth noting that many housewives are lazy, and consider this device absolutely useless. Indeed, the cost of bread is not so high in the store and usually it is not consumed, so you can buy it. At the same time, the cost of the device itself is quite high.


  • Many consider it inappropriate to acquire such household appliances. However, the bread maker will be a real salvation if you are allergic to some food products, you suffer from a whole, or you have a rather large family and small children.
  • What parameters should you pay attention to when choosing a bread maker? One of the most important parameters is the power of the device. The higher it is, the faster and more powerful the device. If the device is low -power, you can hardly prepare a large amount of bread in a short period of time.  
  • Optimal for home use are bread-wings with a capacity of 800-1200 watts. With this power, you can cook bread quite often and decent sizes. If you have a large family, or you often prepare dumplings and dumplings of your own preparation, then you should buy a bread maker with maximum power. The fact is that the dough for dumplings, dumplings are quite tight and very hard.
  • It is cool, so try to purchase a powerful device. The small power of the device is simply not enough to sufficiently knead the dough. The capacity of the device is also of great importance. An important parameter is the volume of the baking bowl itself. Of course, the test can be put in it as much as you like, but at the same time the furnace will still work at such power as it should be. What can be accelerated by cooking or will contribute to burning.

How to choose a bread maker according to the parameters?

What parameters should I pay attention to? Two forms that will be included in the container of the device itself will be very useful. The fact is that not always in the family all participants can eat the same bread.


  • It so happens that someone is on a diet, or, due to health problems, is forced to use other bread, distinguishable from what the rest of the family eats. Thus, A double bowl with a compartment can become a real salvation.
  • That is, in one department you will cook one bread, and in the other another. This will save time, as well as the amount of electricity. Many housewives believe that the bread makeup uses a lot of electricity, much more than a classic oven. In fact, this is not so. If we compare the average preparation mode, then on average the bread machine is consumed one and a half times less electricity than the oven.
  • The calculations were given on the basis of the average duration of baking bread. At the same time, the time was also taken into account to prepare the dough in the bread machine. Therefore, do not worry about electricity. Even if you have an oven in your house, cooking much faster and more economically in the bread maker.  

Which bakery for the house to choose?

The number of baking bread programs is also of no small importance. The cheapest devices have a small number of programs, so you cannot cook, for example, a cupcake, or knead the dough for dumplings and dumplings. Therefore, before purchasing a device, you need to analyze for what purposes do you need it? Many devices are equipped with baking programs made of whole grain bread with bran, ordinary white wheat, also in some models there is a function of making jam.

Home apparatus:

  • Therefore, if you need a specific mode, be sure to check with the seller if he is in this model. Undoubtedly, there are very sophisticated, expensive models, in the kit of which there are several forms for baking.
  • Some are even equipped with forms for baking French bread and baguits. But in some models, everything is quite primitive, simple. Many housewives want to save and purchase such devices. Then it turns out that the functions in them are not enough to prepare dishes that households prefer.  
  • If you cook quite often, or you have a huge family, so you are not enough for you to make bread, then of course, pay attention to devices with additional forms. That is, after baking bread, you can safely get a bucket of food and place a new batch for cooking bread.
  • It also makes sense to purchase a device with a program for the preparation of free -free bread or pastries on leashes. This is important if you are on diets, or a adherent of a healthy, proper nutrition. Therefore, like to cook bread without yeast, based on leaf.
  • Of no small importance must be given to additional configuration. There may be scapulas, mixers, and a large number of new shapes in the kit.  
  • Some devices have a dispenser. This is the so -called divider, the compartment in which products are added, which are found additionally. That is, these are dried fruits, nuts, and herbs. They are not recommended to be introduced immediately, at the beginning of the preparation of the dough.
  • The fact is that sometimes the mixers are not able to completely mix and averaged such bread, then the mixture settles at the bottom or in one place. The dispenser allows you to choose a convenient time to introduce additional ingredients. Thus, it turns out to create very tasty bread, with a homogeneous content of raisins, herbs.  
Preparation of bread
Preparation of bread

How to choose the right bread maker: the best models for home

Also on the market there were novelties with two mixers. Indeed, this helps to accelerate the process of mixing the dough, making it more homogeneous. This is an indispensable option if you prepare the dough for dumplings, dumplings. It is more tight than the mass for baking bread or buns, so it interferes much more complicated. Thus, not mixed places or areas with heterogeneous tests may remain. To prevent this from happening, purchase devices with two mixers.  

Overview of the best house for home:

  1. Panasonic SD-ZB2512KTS. This bread machine has a rather low power, it is 550 watts. The form in the bread machine is only a brick. In this case, the weight of the loaf can vary from 600 to 1 kg. The coating of the shape is Teflon, so the bread does not burn and easily lags behind the walls. Only 12 modes. At the same time, you can cook not only bread, but also noodles, charlotte and jam. The minimum work time is 2 hours, and the maximum 6 hours.  The main advantage of this furnace is that there is a dispenser in it, that is, you do not have to interrupt the work of the bread makers, adding a variety of ingredients. Nuts can be added at the very beginning to the dispenser, which then independently throws them there. You can choose the color of the crust. There are also many modes for the preparation of pies, pizza and dough for dumplings. You can bake cupcakes, also bread with bran. In addition, it is laid that you can postpone the start for 13 hours.  

    Panasonic SD-ZB2512KTS
  2. Gorenje BM1200BK. This bread machine is equipped with two mixers in order to cook the dough. That is, it is as powerful as possible, and can even mix the dough for dumplings. The maximum size of the loaf is 1.2 kg. The power is quite high and is 800 watts. Forms are also with anti -stick coating, so finished products are easily pulled out. In this case, there are a lot of advantages of this bread maker. You can prepare a French baguette or dietary bread, as well as options with whole grain flour. You can prepare cupcakes and make dough for dumplings, pizza. There is a delay for the start. At the same time, the main advantage of this furnace is that there is an observation window and you can observe the process of making baking. Among the minuses, it is worth highlighting that there is no dispenser. That is, you have to turn off the device to add nuts. There is no choice of different sizes of loaf, that is, you have to bake bread of the same size.  
  3. Philips HD9016/30. This is a device that prepares bricks up to 1 kg in size, the power is average, is 600 watts. The main advantage is that you can use the device as a yogurt. There is also a dispenser for chocolate and raisins, nuts. You can choose a crust option, that is, make it more roasting or light. You can prepare cupcakes. But there are drawbacks. The fact is that there is no function of kneading dough for dumplings and dumplings.  

    Philips HD9016/30
  4. Vimar VBM-330. It works at medium power and can bake bread weighing 1.25 kg. The main drawback of this furnace is that there is no way to choose the size of bread. It will always turn out big. You can prepare a non -free -free dough for dumplings, dumplings and pies. There is no dispenser, so the additives will have to be entered independently. The main drawback is that dietary bread does not prepare if flour is without gluten. That is, you do not bake gluten -free bread in this bread maker.  

    Vimar VBM-330
  5. Sencor SBR1031WH. This model is rectangular for baking. It is covered with Teflon, so nothing in it is burning. There you can choose the size of bread from 450 to 900 g. In this case, you can even cook with a delay. Prepares a stove from flour of different types. That is, you can prepare gluten -free products for those who sit on a diet. You can prepare marmalade, jam and jam. In addition, there is a time of delay in cooking, as well as heat conservation. The disadvantage is that there is no dispenser.  

    Sencor SBR1031WH
  6. Kenwood BM250. A very nice device that is equipped with twelve programs. There is an observation window that will observe the preparation of baking. There are disadvantages due to the lack of a dispenser. That is, it will not be possible to add nuts, as well as raisins. We will have to stop the program and add these components during the preparation of the dough. In addition, there are a lot of advantages. It can bake both from coarse flour, and for gluten -free gluten. There is a function that allows you to knead the dough without baking. That is, you can thus prepare the dough for pies and pizza, which then bake in the oven. Accordingly, you do not have to smear a bunch of dishes and your hands. The dough turns out excellent, airy and slightly rising. You just have to blind the pies and fry them.

    Kenwood BM250
  7. Redmond RBM-M1919. The power of this device is 550 watts. In fact, this is a very interesting choice for those who do not have a multicooker. The entire device is equipped with 25 programs. Therefore, the device can be used as a slow cooker. That is, in it you can not only a stove, but also extinguish, fry and cook. You can cook yogurt, cook milk porridge, jam and soup. And even cook hot. In this case, you can also choose the size of bread and the option of the resulting crust. The main drawback is the absence of a dispenser. That is, fruits and nuts will have to be added separately. This device, of course, is expensive, but it will come in handy for those who wanted to buy a slow cooker and a bread machine. Thus, you will be able to save and purchase two in one. This is a great household kitchen device that is able not only to prepare the first, second, but also bake a huge amount of delicious cupcakes and pies.  

    Redmond RBM-M1919

As you can see, choosing a bread maker is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Give preference not to the cost of the device, but by the number of modes and their need. In addition, pay attention to power, the number of blades and the equipment of the device.  

Video: how to choose a bakery for a home?

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