How to dry river and sea fish at home in the spring, summer and winter? How to salt and dry fresh, dried, salted fish? How to dry fish in the summer so that flies, in the oven, electric dryer, on the battery, microwave do not sit down?

How to dry river and sea fish at home in the spring, summer and winter? How to salt and dry fresh, dried, salted fish? How to dry fish in the summer so that flies, in the oven, electric dryer, on the battery, microwave do not sit down?

Dry fish, methods.

Dedicated to all lovers of dried fish. This article will talk about the correct technique and technology of fish drying.

What fish can be dried: list, names, photos

Drying and drying of fish are methods of its workpiece for subsequent storage. The difference is as follows:

  • drying is the process of procurement in which fish can be salty or unsalted. The resulting unstable product is a kind of semi -finished product that requires subsequent preparation. Salted dried fish can be consumed immediately.
  • sliding is a drying of raw materials, which was pre -salted. The meat seems to ripen in the process. After drying, the product becomes suitable for use without additionally processing.

Usually when we talk about dried fish, we mean precisely the dried fish, which is considered an ideal snack for beer. For the preparation of dried (dried) fish, many of its species are suitable. The main thing is that it is medium sizes (not more than 1 kg) and not very fat, since the thicker the carcass, the more salt it will be required, and the longer the process of the drying will take place.

You can use both river and sea fish. The most suitable for these purposes are these river species:

  • krasnerek
  • bream
  • taran
  • roach
  • vobla
  • chekhon
  • womer
  • perch
  • zander
  • carp
  • summer
  • pike
  • gudgeon
  • crucian carp
  • ide
  • sinets
  • carp

Keep in mind that only fresh river fish is suitable for drying, which is no more than a day after the catch. Otherwise, the product may deteriorate without having time to prepare.

Dry fish
Dry fish

Among the variety of sea fish for drying, it is preferable to use:

  • mackerel
  • moiva
  • gobby
  • smelt
  • tulka
  • salaku
  • kilka
  • samsu
  • sea \u200b\u200bperch
  • barabul
  • scapa
  • stavrid
  • sea \u200b\u200bruff

Before using frozen sea fish, it must be previously thawed at room temperature.

How to salt and dry fresh fish: preparation for drying, a saline recipe

Before drying (dried) fish, it must be correctly prepared.

This process includes several stages:

  • treatment
  • salting
  • soaking

Treatmentit is as follows:

  • Take the carcasses weighing up to 1 kg. If you have a lot of fish, it is advisable to sort it in size, since it will take different times to prepare it
  • Gut the carcasses. On a large fish, it is better to make a cut on the back, in its thick part, and in a small one - on the abdomen. Some fishermen prefer not to clean the fish, believing that the obligation gives it fleshy and fat content. The taste of such a product will be slightly bitter. But on the other hand, in the copies of the spring catch there is caviar, which is very desirable in dried fish. However, the one that feeds on vegetation is still necessary to clean, otherwise the algae inside the carcass will begin to decompose and rot
  • If you decide to dry large fish with a non -driving one, using a syringe through a rotary hole, pour a strong solution of salt into the abdomen
  • Cut large specimens along the back for quick drying


  • Before drying the fish, it needs to be well salted. The purpose of this process is to remove excess moisture from raw materials
  • At the same time, oppression is necessarily used (150 g per 1 kg of fish), which is needed in order to prevent the appearance of cavities in raw materials where putrefactive bacteria can develop
  • Also, salted raw materials are sure to be kept in the cold, so that the still unwathe parts of the fish do not deteriorate
Drying fish
Drying fish

There are different salting methods. The most suitable for home conditions are the following:

dry (suitable for large fish):

  • gut the carcasses, then gratefully rub with salt from all sides, pour it in the gills
  • prepare a basket or box with holes
  • cover the thick fabric (burlap or canvas) to the bottom)
  • lay the fish in layers, be sure to up
  • pour the layers abundantly with salt (10 kg of fish is about 1.5 kg of salt)
  • put in a cold place for 5-7 days
  • the resulting liquid will drain through the holes (take into account this fact when installing the box)


  • pour large salt to the bottom of any vessel (such salt is absorbed more slowly, but faster pulls moisture from the fish)
  • rable fish with salt inside
  • fold in layers (“walet” and so that the back of one covers the abdomen of the other), generously pouring each with salt. At the same time, lay larger fish to the bottom, and small - on top
  • salt should evenly cover the carcasses, but do not lie on it in a bunch (on average, 20 % of the weight of the fish). Each subsequent series of salts must be increased by 15 %. And the latter should cover fish 0.5 cm
  • put a plate or an inverted cover with a load on top. At the same time, carcasses should not fit tightly against the walls of the dishes, so that the possibility of air flow is preserved
  • put in the cold for 3-7 days depending on the size of the fish

miner (in saline) - suitable for small fish (up to 0.5 kg):

  • make a gear - dissolve so much salt in water so that the egg lowered into the container floats to the surface
  • lower the fresh fish there. In this case, the brine should be completely covered (approximate volume - 1 liter per 3 kg of raw materials). Fish can be immediately strung on ropes and greasy right in the ligaments
  • cover with a net and put on top of oppression
  • keep like that for 3 days in a cool place

During the salting, you can add a little sugar, bay leaf, pepper and other spices to taste. Fragrant is a fish, shifted by the leaves of horseradish. Check if the fish has sucked up, you can like this:

  • press your finger on the back. If a fossa forms, it means ready
  • holding the head and tail, stretch the carcass. The boiled fish will crunch the vertebrae
Drying fish
Drying fish


In order for excess salt to leave the salted fish, it must be soaked in fresh water. In addition, this process is suppressed by the carcass with a liquid to maintain taste and decorate the surface layer so that they do not dive in the finished form. Do it like this:

  • pull the fish out of the brine and let it lie down for about an hour so that the salt is evenly distributed throughout the meat
  • rinse in the freshly flowing water and cleanly clean the mucus
  • pour cold water and leave it so, periodically, changing water (on average, the number of hours is equal to the number of days of sealing). It is believed that when the carcasses begin to emerge, they are ready for drying
  • wipe dry and put on a paper towel so that the glass is excess moisture

Now salted and soaked fish can be hung on drying.

How and where to dry river and sea fish at home in summer, spring and winter and how much to dry?


The process of drying salted river or sea fish can be of two types:

  • artificial-in special installations, which maintains the required temperature (60-90 degrees)
  • natural - under the influence of air on the street or in well -ventilated rooms

At home, a natural method is used. In order for the final product to please you with an excellent taste, you need to dry the fish correctly, given some subtleties:

  • prepared fish (salted and soaked) pierce and string on a strong fishing line or twine. You can cling the carcasses on the paper clip, hooking it with a fish lip and hanging it on a rope. On large specimens for uniform drying, you can make sprouts of toothpicks in the abdomen, and dry the small fish on a grid stretched on a rail or frame
  • enrage the ligaments in a ventilated dry place. Do not put them in the sun, since while the fish is wet, it can simply “boil” in the heat. In addition, fat can expire in fat carcasses
  • in spring and summer, you can dry in the shade or under a canopy, and in winter - on a glazed balcony, kitchen, attic
  • the optimum temperature from 18 to 20 degrees is considered the optimal for drying
  • keep in mind that the fish should hang without touching each other
  • do not have your catch near the strongly smelling objects (painted wall, etc.), since the fish will absorb unpleasant odors very quickly
  • in hot weather, you cannot dry the product, as it can burn out
  • during storage, the finished fish loses more and more moisture and becomes dry
Drying fish at home
Drying fish at home

The drying period of fish until cooked depends on its size and conditions:

  • in the spring-the summer period, in the air with a small breeze and the absence of raw weather, it will take about 5-8 days, and for very small-2 days
  • in winter at frosty temperatures on the street-for about a month and a half (moisture from the fish will gradually freeze), and in a heated apartment-7-15 days

Where, how and how much to dry the dried fish?

Some people love a very dry salty fish, while others prefer soft, as if under -wrapped, dried. Sliding, in fact, is the process of drying the product that is not completely brought to the end.

The main conditions of sluggling:

  • relatively low temperature
  • a long period

The best time to drown fish is autumn and spring (before the start of spawning) for two reasons:

  • the fish during this period is especially fat and tasty
  • there is no heat in which carcasses can deteriorate with prolonged drying
Drying dried fish
Drying dried fish

Features of the process:

  • it is best to sliding fish on the street under a canopy, far from sunlight
  • depending on the size of the copies and weather conditions, the readiness of the product occurs after 7-15 days
  • large specimens dry for a long time, and can deteriorate before they have time to dry. Therefore, they need to be dried at low temperatures (preferably in the cellar). The process takes up to 3 weeks
  • in winter, the process should occur in a room that needs to be often ventilated, arranging drafts so that the fish is weathered. In addition, it is necessary to periodically spray the room and carcasses with cold water, since when heating the air in the apartment is dried, and the fish at low humidity will not be worsened, but dry.
  • it should be borne in mind that drying in a warm room occurs faster, and the fish does not have time to acquire amber color and transparency, which is so appreciated
  • the well -chilled fish does not have the smell of raw meat, and the back remains a little soft
  • it is necessary to store the finished delicacy, wrapping in paper or a canvas cloth
  • we can use dried fish immediately, but amateurs claim that for a better taste it needs to “ripen” at least two weeks in the cold and wrapped in parchment

How to dry fish in the summer so that flies do not sit down?

When drying fish in the summer, it is likely to damage the product with larvae of flies. The aroma that the enzymatic fish emits is very attractive to insects. To prevent this, use the advice of experienced fishermen.

Before you hang out the carcasses of fish for drying, slightly lubricate them (to choose from):

  • vinegar solution (3%)
  • sunflower oil
  • a weak solution of potassium permanganate
  • a mixture of vegetable oil with vinegar in a proportion of 1: 3

In addition, dry the catch in this way:

  • high the fish for drying in the late evening - then there are no flies. During the night, the carcasses will dry out, and their gills are covered with a dry crust. Insects will no longer be terrible
  • cover the drying fish with gauze fabric so that there is free space between them (for this, use small spacers)
  • keep in mind that the longer the fish dries, the less attractive it becomes for flies. Therefore, it is very important to protect the product in the early days

Many fishermen use special boxes for drying, which to make it yourself is very simple:

  • make a box out of the rack
  • pull it with gauze or nets
  • make one side of the box with a lid so that you can get the finished fish as needed

How to dry the fish: head down or up?

Often there is a dispute between the fishermen, how to string the fish on the rope: through the tail or head? In fact, both methods are correct, and the choice of drying depends on your preferences:

  • head down - The fish will dry even more and faster, since moisture through the mouth is draining. The final product will turn out to be less fat, and such a fish will be stored longer. In the fall, it is recommended to hang it in this way, because in this period the fish is very oily and can dry for a long time.
  • head up - The fat remains inside the carcass and impregnates the meat. Such a product will dry a little longer, but it will turn out more fragrant. So it is recommended to drown low -fat fish. However, if it is not gutted, then the bile, which is in the right, can adversely affect the taste of the finished product, and it will be bitter.

Is it possible to dry fish without scales?

Usually, when drying fish, scales are not removed for the following reasons:

  • it protects the internal fabrics of the carcass from deformation and pollution
  • when salting, this will protect the meat from strong corroding with salt
  • the absence of scales will lead to excessive drying out of the product
Drying fish
Drying fish

In some cases, scales are cleaned with fish. As a rule, they do this with large copies or with the aim of more convenient use of the finished product. However, experts argue that such a fish is less tasty, since it turns out too dry and non -armed.

How and how much to dry the fish in the apartment, on the balcony in the garage?

Often, residents of cities have to dry their catch in the room, especially in the winter. At the same time, there are frequent cases when the fish turns out to be tasteless or even spoils. To prevent this from happening, and your work does not disappear in vain, take into account the following features of sluggishness in closed rooms:

  • before salting, it is better to get rid of the insides. In the conditions of the apartment, gutted fish guaranteed to boil and will not deteriorate
  • after salting and soaking, hang the carcasses above the bathroom so that the liquid glass
  • start the drying process in the evening: spread the fish and open the window for the night. So there will be less unpleasant odor in the apartment
  • the balcony on which dry the fish should be well blown. If it is glazed, then open the windows more often. In the summer, do not forget to provide protection against insects. Whatever floor you live on, the fragrance of fish will surely attract flies
  • in winter, you can hang fish in the kitchen over the stove, but not very low (at least 80 cm). So it will dry after 3-7 days
Drying fish on the balcony
Drying fish on the balcony
  • for drying in closed rooms, you can use a fan for air circulation
  • some dry the fish behind the refrigerator, hanging it on the radiator
  • keep in mind that in the process of drying, moisture and fat will drain from raw materials. So substitute some container or cover the floor
  • be prepared for the fact that in the first few days of drying, a specific fish smell will be present in the room
  • you can’t say exactly how much fish will be dried in the room. This process can take from 3 days to two weeks. Check the readiness of the product, periodically trying it to taste

How and how much to dry the fish in the oven?

The use of the oven is a simple method that will accelerate the process of drying of salt fish in apartment conditions.

Dry it right in the oven in this way:

  • gut the fish
  • slide and soak the carcasses in the usual way
  • turn on the oven in convection mode
  • set a low temperature (approximately 40 degrees)
  • put the fish on a baking sheet, having previously covered it with parchment or foil
  • put a baking sheet in the oven, the door of which leave an ajar for about 7 cm
  • after a couple of hours, cover the heads of fish with foil so that they do not burn
  • leave it to dry for another 3-4 hours depending on the size of your fish
  • take them out and string them on a wire or rope
  • send in a well -ventilated room or on the street (it will take about a day)

You can get a beautiful snack for beer, dried in an oven too small fish. It is done simply:

  • prepare 500 g of very small fish (smelt, tulks, samsa)
  • remove the scales if necessary, the carcasses can not be gut
  • rinse well
  • dry thoroughly using paper towels
  • mix 1 tsp. Salt, 0.5 tsp sugar and 0.5 tsp. lemon juice
  • evenly distribute spices on the fish, carefully rubbing them
  • cover with a plate and put in the cold for pickling at night
  • lubricate the baking sheet with vegetable oil
  • put the fish in one row so that it fit tightly to each other
  • warm up to 200 degrees oven
  • knead the baking sheet there for 15 minutes
  • after this time, neatly turn the fish on the second side
  • bake for another 15 minutes
  • cool

How and how much to dry fish in an electric dryer?

Many in order to accelerate the process of drying and drying of fish use an electric dryer. A similar device is convenient in that the elevated temperature and forced ventilation help to accelerate the dehydration of the product.

Features of this method:

  • it is not necessary to pickle fish for a long time, enough 7 hours
  • at 50 degrees, the fish slows down about 5-7 hours. At a higher temperature, the carcass can simply break, and the meat will separate from the bones. Some advise not to include a heating awning in general, but to put the device in the blowing mode. So the fish will dry longer - about a day
Drying fish in an electric dryer
Drying fish in an electric dryer
  • to accelerate the process, you can dry the fish not entirely, but by cutting into layers
  • dried fish is very tasty, pieces of which were pickled in a marinade of 0.5 cup of lemon juice, 5 tsp. Salt, 2 tbsp. cut parsley and 1 chopped onion

How and how much to dry the fish on the battery?

In the cold period, when the heating season begins, it is convenient to dry salted fish using hot batteries. Usually the readiness of the product with this method occurs in 4 to 8 days. There are several options for such a drying:

  • under the battery - put the carcasses on the floor on a double layer of paper or cardboard. When one side of the fish dries, turn them over to another
  • on the battery - cover the radiator with a rag so as not to stain. Hang a bunch of fish on it, like a Christmas garland. In a couple of days, turn the other side
  • near the battery - spread the prepared fish for drying the laundry and install it next to the battery

With this method, you need to ensure that the fish does not dry. Otherwise, the meat will be separated from the bone, and it will turn out not very tasty. If the batteries in your apartment are very hot, place fish half a meter from them.

How and how much to dry the fish in the microwave?

The microwave for drying fish is difficult. This is due to the fact that for this process, not so much the temperature is important as the air circulation. And it is almost impossible to achieve this in the microwave. In addition, during the operation of this kitchen device, you cannot open its door, as in the case of the oven. And there will be no additional air supply.

Therefore, only a microwave with convection can be suitable for fishing. You need to set the temperature low (not more than 40 degrees), and lay the fish in one row. Drying time depends on the size of the fish and the features of your furnace.

At the same time, it will always be highly likely that your fish will simply bake, and not dry.

How to dry perch, crucian carp, czechos, kutum, wobl, bream: tips and recipes

Each fisherman has his own salting and drying method. At the same time, it is believed that different types of fish require their intricacies of jerking. We bring to your attention some tips on drying fish from experienced fishermen.

Perch - One of the most common fish in our reservoirs. Not everyone has it to taste, as it has not very fat, even dry, meat. However, properly woven perch has a pleasant specific aroma and excellent food properties.

How to dry the perches correctly:

  • the process is carried out in spring or autumn, since in the summer heat of the scales of this fish it turns into a dense crust, and the meat inside begins to deteriorate
  • before salting, large specimens are cleaned of the right, small ones are not cleaned
  • fold the carcasses in rows, rubbing abundantly and pouring them with salt with sugar (500 g of salt and 5 tbsp. Sugar per 2 kg of fish)
  • keep in the cold under the yoke for 3-4 days
  • soak in fresh water about a day
  • dry for about a week

Crucian carp- A popular fish that is very tasty in dried form. Before drying it must be gutted, otherwise it will be bitter. For salting, take 1 kg of salt and 1 tbsp. Sugars for 7-10 kg of raw materials. Dry, as a rule, about 6-7 days with the head down, putting the spacers in the gills.

Chekhon - This is a valuable commercial fish that has an elongated shape and resembles a saber. In dried form, it has remarkable taste characteristics, although not everyone likes her bony.

Features of preparation and drying:

  • you need to clean the fish from the insides very carefully, without damaging the film inside the abdomen, because it prevents the flow of fat from meat
  • for sealing, take about 100 grams of salt per 1 average carcass
  • some fishermen do not soak the fish after salting in water, but only wiped or put under oppression to leave moisture
  • dry for about 10-14 days, while the first two days-head down, so that the liquid is faster than the glass, and then change the position

Kutum- A rare Caspian fish, very tasty and valuable. Her meat is tender, without small bones. But it is very difficult to pick up and dry it right due to high fat content and flesh. Therefore, when salting, do not spare salt and wool at low temperatures.

Vobla- A variety of roach, belongs to the family of carp. Very often used for salting and drying. They usually salt it for about 3 days, then they rewind about 6 hours. So the fish turns out to be small and tender. Slide it from 13 to 30 days.

Bream - Probably the most popular fish appetizer for beer in our area. We offer several ways to dry it.

Method 1-Volzhsko-Akhtubinsky (suitable for drying at the place of fishing)

  • gut the fish
  • call the carcass along the ridge
  • put in salt on both sides
  • hang in the sun and wind

At the same time, bream is dried very quickly, but does not have a special taste and aroma.

Method 2:

  • gut the carcass, be sure to remove the black strip along the ridge
  • rinse thoroughly inside
  • take 250 g of salt per 1 kg of raw materials
  • sake the carcass well
  • lay in enameled dishes, the bottom of which also pour salt
  • set the load on top
  • after 2 days, rinse the fish
  • stry dry at a temperature of about 15 degrees for 7 - 14 days

Method 3:

  • gut the carcasses
  • make a saline solution (2 liters of water 2 cups)
  • put the bream in it
  • press the load on top
  • salt so in the cold for at least 2 days
  • rinse well in running cool water
  • dry in the shade of 2 weeks
Dried fish
Dried fish

Carp- Very tasty in dried form. However, not everyone knows how to dry it correctly:

  • remove the scales and gut
  • cut the tail with your head
  • eat a dry or wet current of 10 days
  • brease
  • mix salt with nitrate (0.5 - 1 % of salt)
  • rub the fish well
  • dry in a ventilated room for at least 2 weeks

Not everyone knows that dried salted fish can be consumed not only as a beer snack. Try to diversify your menu:

  • drink dried carcasses in flour and add the resulting powder to soups, salad dressings, fish cutlets
  • based on the basis of such a fish ear (salt the dish is needed with caution)
  • prepare a spaspace for sandwiches: mix chopped fish with sour cream, mayonnaise, greens and a clove of garlic
  • make a casserole: soak the fish in water for about a day and cut into pieces, lay on thin chopped potatoes, pour a mixture of milk and eggs, bake in the oven

Video: How to salt and dry fish correctly?

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