How to dry the fruits of rose hips in an electric dryer, an electric and gas oven, in the fresh air for the winter at home? When collecting rose hips for drying, in what month? How much can a dried rosehip be stored?

How to dry the fruits of rose hips in an electric dryer, an electric and gas oven, in the fresh air for the winter at home? When collecting rose hips for drying, in what month? How much can a dried rosehip be stored?

The article tells about the time of collection and methods of drying rosehips.

Rosehip is a plant that grows in a temperate climatic belt everywhere. Relative to the family of pink, it blooms with beautiful colors. Later, berries that have a lot of properties useful for people appear from these colors. They are collected in order to use in fresh or dried form in cooking and medicine. About when to collect rose hips, how to harvest it correctly, to be stored longer, and it will be discussed in the article.

When can you collect rose hips for drying, in what month?

In botany, there are up to 400 types of rosehips. Each of them has its own characteristics, which include the time of ripening of the fruit. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly when to collect the fruits of the plant for the workpiece.

Rose hip.
Rose hip.

Should be considered:

  • type of plant
  • the climatic conditions of the region of its growth
  • weather conditions since spring to autumn of a particular year
  • the condition of the berries (they should be red or orange, but still solid, elastic, not touched rot or diseases)

Usually, mature, most concentrating beneficial substances in themselves, rosehip berries become from the end of summer to mid -autumn, more specifically, from August to October. This lesson should be devoted to a warm, dry, calm day.
It is necessary to have time to prepare the rosehip before the onset of the first frosts - the frozen berries will lose the lion's share of their benefit.

Important: if you believe in signs, collect the rosehip for the drought on October 1, on the day of Arina Rivnitskaya.

Collection of rosehip berries.
Collection of rosehip berries.

By the way, it is important to choose not only the correct time to collect rosehip fruits, but also the right place. It must be environmentally friendly. In berries collected near industrial enterprises, near railways and roads, in large cities, in polluted areas, there may be more harmful substances than useful ones.

Important: for medicinal purposes, leaves, flowers, rosehip roots are also harvested. Raw materials are collected at different times of the year.

You can read about the benefits of various parts of the rosehip plant in the article “Rosehip fruits, flowers, roots and leaves: beneficial and healing properties, contraindications for men and women. Rosehip thickens or dilutes blood, diuretic or not, slashes or fasten? ”.

Video: When is it necessary to collect rose hips?

Do I need to wash the rosehip before drying?

If you collect rose hips in your site, are confident in its environmental purity, you do not need to wash the fruits before drying. It is enough to sort them out, remove the garbage and dried leaves, while not to touch the leg and cups.
If you doubt it, before drying, rinse the berries in the cool running water.

At what temperature and how much to dry the rosehip berries in the electric and gas oven?

The simplest and most affordable way of drying rosehips is in the oven of gas or electric.

  1. The berries that you chose for drying are put on a baking sheet in one layer, not too tightly.
  2. Place the baking sheet with rose hips in the oven.
  3. The temperature in the oven should be minimal, from 40 to 60 degrees Celsius.
  4. So that during drying to the rosehip berries there is access to air, do not close the oven door tightly.
  5. Dry rosehip in this way for 10-12 hours.
  6. Do not forget to mix the berries every 2 hours.
Drying rosehips in the oven.
Drying rosehips in the oven.

How and how much to dry the berries, rosehip fruits in an electric dryer?

If you are a summer resident or gardener, you just need an electric dryer for berries and fruits! It is very convenient to use it for rosehip fruits.

  1. Lay the rosehip into the drying pallets with one layer.
  2. Set the temperature by 65 degrees Celsius.
  3. Dry rosehip 12-14 hours.
  4. Do not be lazy to change the pallets in places every two hours so that the berries dry evenly.
Drying rosehips in an electric dryer.
Drying rosehips in an electric dryer.

How to dry berries, rosehip fruits in the fresh air?

The natural method of drying rosehips, when the fruits of the plant dry naturally in the fresh air, are not the lightest and most correct. Firstly, in time it can drag on for a whole month. Secondly, during drying, part of the fruits may deteriorate, and those that remain will lose some of the useful properties. But if you still decide to choose this particular method, do it as follows:

  • lay the rosehip in one layer into trays or pallets
  • cover the trays or pallets with paper or thin natural cloth
  • leave the rosehip to dry in a calm place hidden from direct sunlight
  • mix the berries periodically
  • dry them for 2-4 weeks
Drying of rosehip berries in the open air.
Drying of rosehip berries in the open air.

Is it possible to dry rose hips in the sun?

In the open sun, rose hips are not dried. A similar method leads to the destruction of ascorbic acid.

How much can a dried rosehip be stored?

Dried rosehip is stored in glass bowl. Subject to the correct drying technology, they are suitable for use for 3 years.

Dried rosehip: the berries are dry, but retained color.
Dried rosehip: the berries are dry, but retained color.

Video: how to dry rose hips. How to dry rose hips?

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