How to stress in the word flounder correctly? Declining the word flobal according to cases with stress: Example

How to stress in the word flounder correctly? Declining the word flobal according to cases with stress: Example

Where should there be stress in the word flounder? How does the stress in the word flounder change when it is declined?

Such a delicious and unusual fish as flounder sometimes brings quite a lot of trouble for those who are trying to pronounce its name correctly. So how to pronounce “flounder” or “flounder” correctly?

How is it right, on which syllable to stress in the word "flounder"?

Where should stress in the word flounder?
Where should stress in the word flounder?
  • The linguists give the only and undeniable answer to this question - the stress in the word “flounder” must definitely fall on the first syllable.
  • An explanation of this is the origin of the fish itself and its name. The fact is that in Finland, in the homeland of flounders, its name sounds like “kampla”. The stress in this word falls on the first syllable. That is why Russian linguists do not take the courage to change this fact.
  • However, they often close their eyes to the fact that many Russians are used to pronouncing this word as “flounder”. This version of the name of this fish is considered colloquial and is allowed in everyday life.
  • The help for such pronunciation is not only oral speech, but also literature. So, for example, the “Russian spelling dictionary” Lopatin considers both options for the pronunciation of this word true.
  • And the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” Kuznetsov gives the word “flounder” the status of a conversational option. Having stressed in the word "flounder" on the last syllable, you can also refer to the works of the Soviet poet Zabolotsky N.A. In his verses, he writes:

The animal dog is sleeping,
Cambala fish dozing ...

How to pronounce flounder or flounder correctly?
How to pronounce a "flounder" or "flounder"?
  • The adherent and ardent protector of the pronunciation of the name of this fish as “flounder” is the dictionary of the Zavle “Russian verbal stress”. In this dictionary, the word "flounder" is recognized only with an emphasis on the first syllable, and in no other way.
  • The Russian poet N.M. joins this statement Rubtsov with his poem:

Club flood - depths of the seas,
And teeth spotted blocks,
In the red pile of large perches ...

Separately, it is worth focusing on the homonym of the word "flounder". The fact is that in the Russian language this word has several more meanings, and depending on these designations, different stress in them can be observed. For example:

  • Cambala is a great yogi in Buddhism.
  • Cambala is a sport in the villages of Southern India.
  • Cambala is the name of solid varieties of wood in Africa.

Declining the word "flounder" according to cases with stress: Example

Stress in the word flounder when declining
Stress in the word flounder when declining by cases

The word "flounder", as the name of the fish, does not lose its stress, regardless of its number. Examples:

  1. Nominative - flounder, flounder
  2. Genitive - flounder, flounder
  3. Dative - flounder, flounder
  4. Accusative - flounder, flounder
  5. Coming - flounder, flounder
  6. Prepositional - flounder, flounder

Stress in the word "flounder": Ozhegov's Dictionary

Where, according to the Ozhegov dictionary, should stress in the word flounder?
Where, according to Ozhegov’s dictionary, should stress in the word “flounder”?

In the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" S.I. Ozhegova the word "flounder" is written with an emphasis on the first letter "a".

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