How is the word correctly written - “optional” or “not necessarily”: together or separately?

How is the word correctly written - “optional” or “not necessarily”: together or separately?

How to write the word “not necessarily” correctly - together or separately? Read the answer to this question in the article.

It can be difficult to deal with spelling in Russian even a teacher, and what to say about an ordinary person or child. Words with a particle " not»Separately written, but there are cases when this particle turns into a prefix, and then you need to write a word C" not»Sweet. " Not necessary" or " not necessary" - when it is written together, and when separately? You will find an answer to this question in this article.

How is the word correctly written: “optional” or “not necessarily”?

How is the word correctly written: “optional” or “not necessarily”?
How is the word correctly written: “optional” or “not necessarily”?

This word can act as an adverb and as an adjective, but in both cases one rule applies:

Rule: If without " not"You cannot replace this word with synonym, since it acquires a completely different meaning, then you need to write together. If there is a contrast in the sentence or denial intensifies, then you need to write separately.

Now you know how the word is written correctly: "" not necessary" or " not necessary", But in order to fix the material, you need to consider all points of the rules on examples.

In what cases is it “optional” written together?

In what cases is it “optional” written together?
In what cases is it “optional” written together?

Adverb or adjective with " not»Sprinking is written only in one case, and this rule is easy to remember. In which cases " not necessary»Is written together?

  • « Not necessary"It is written together if this word when replacing the word synonym acquires a completely different meaning. For example, "you did not have to go here."
  • The word and sentence acquires a completely different meaning if we say: "You have to go here optionally." In addition, the sentence sounds strange.

Advice: Remembering this rule is simple. Try to make several offers yourself to fix the material.

In what cases is “not necessarily” written separately?

In what cases is “not necessarily” written separately?
In what cases is “not necessarily” written separately?

For separate writing this word, there is also its own rule, and remembering it is very simple, as for words with " not"That are written together. In which cases " not necessary»Is it spelled separately?

  • The opposition in the sentence involves separate writing adverbs and adjectives with a particle " not". For example, "you did not have to go here, but it is important" or "not necessary to run this distance, but preferably." Union " a" or " but»Suggest the presence in the proposal of the contrast.
  • Strengthening of denial also involves writing this word with a particle " not" separately. Usually in such sentences there is a negative dialect as an explanatory word: by no means, far, far and so on. For example, "for him this is by no means necessary" or "I do not have to go to this work."

It's important to know: This adverb can be written if the sentence has dialects and degree: very, very, extremely, almost, almost. For example, "this work was not necessary."

How to write a word - optional or not obligatory: together or separately?

How to write a word - optional or not mandatory: together or separately?
How to write a word - optional or not obligatory: together or separately?

For adjectives with a particle " not»The same rule is valid as for adverbs. How to write a word - optional or not obligatory: together or separately?

  • If the adjective is not used without “not”, that is, you select a synonym, and the word acquires a different meaning, then you need to write together. For example, "classes today are optional for you, you can not come to the hall and stay at home."
  • You need to write this word together if the sentence has an adverb measures and degree: "Such a diet is completely optional, it is important to eat right."
  • Separately this adjective with a particle “not” is written if the proposal has a contrast with the Union “A” or “but”: "This act was optional, but important and necessary."
  • Separately, you need to write this adjective if there is an increase in denial with explanatory words: by no means, far, not at all and so on. For example, "this gift was completely optional."

Now you know how to write an adverb and adjective " not necessary», « optional". Remember the above rules, as they are used for almost all adverbs and adjectives with a particle " not».

Video: Russian language. The spelling of the particle is “not” with different parts of speech. Online training center "Foxford"

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