How is the word correctly written: “not for long” or “not for long”, together or separately?

How is the word correctly written: “not for long” or “not for long”, together or separately?

Read to become to know all the rules on the spelling "not" with adverbs.

There are many words in the Russian language that schoolchildren and even many adults often do not know how to write correctly. Sometimes even memorization of the rules does not help. After all, it is important to understand not only the rule, but also to be able to apply it correctly. In this article, we will analyze how the word is written " not for long" - Separately or separately, as well as consider all the rules that relate to the writing of this word.

How is the word correctly written: “not for long” or “not long”?

How is the word correctly written: “not for long” or “not long”?
How is the word correctly written: “not for long” or “not long”?

If you do not know how to write an adverb or an adjective with a particle " not", Then you need to pay attention to the context. If we talk about this dialect, as a separate word, then it must be written together, since the adverb with " not»Sprinking is written, and it" not"In this case, it is a prefix, and we know from the 2nd grade that the prefix is \u200b\u200binseparable from the root.

But how the word is written correctly: "" not for long" or " not long", If " not- is this a particle? The answer is further in the text.

In what cases is "briefly" written together?

In what cases is
In what cases is "briefly" written together?

As mentioned above, in Russian there is both an adverse and separate spelling of the word " not for long". It is necessary to consider it in context. In which cases " not for long»Is written together? Rules and examples:

  • “For a short time” is an adverb, but an adverb with a “non” particle is written together.
  • It is necessary to write together if you can choose the word similar in meaning (synonym), which may not be a word, but a phrase. The prefix changes the word in meaning to the opposite meaning. If this is so in the text, then you need to write together.
  • For example, "I left for a while." If you rephrase this proposal with an adverb without a particle " not", It turns out" I left for a long time. " It turns out the opposite word in meaning, which means that you need to write it together.

In this case, the word needs to be written together, as it means " for a short time" - this is a synonym that is easily selected for the word in this context.

In what cases is “not for long” written separately?

In what cases is “not for long” written separately?
In what cases is “not for long” written separately?

Separately this word is written if " not"Is a negative particle. Here are the rules that help to understand in what cases " not long»Separately written:

  • This word cannot be replaced with a synonym, since its integrity will be lost in the context.
  • A sentence with an increase in denial: for example, "I have come in, but not for long."
  • The proposal has a contrast with the Union " a":" I want to come not for a long time, but forever. "
  • The presence of words that relate to " not long":" I want to come to you not at all for a long time. " There is a contrast in such sentences, so "" not"It is written separately:" They did not stop at us at all for a long time. "

If you learn the rules and understand how to apply them correctly, then any words can be written without errors. Everything is simple and clear. If you still do not understand something, then learn the rules by heart and try to make the sentences yourself-so you will fix the material passed.

Video: Assigned and separate spelling not with adverbs

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