How is the word correctly written: “inaccessible” or “not accessible”, together or separately?

How is the word correctly written: “inaccessible” or “not accessible”, together or separately?

The rules for writing the word “inaccessible” and “not accessible”.

How many efforts does foreigners go to study the great Russian language?! What are foreigners there - we ourselves very often have to rack their heads over the writing of certain complex turns and phrases. Such severe cases include the phrase “not accessible” or the word “inaccessible”. How is it all the same to write this tricky word?

How is the word correctly written: “inaccessible” or “not accessible”, the phone number is “unavailable” or “not accessible”?

How to write correctly
How to write “not available” or “inaccessible?
  • Like many similar cases, the word “inaccessible” can be written differently. The correct spelling of this expression will directly depend on the context. In other words, in order to find out how to competently write the word “inaccessible”, you need to pay attention to the words surrounding it and the meaning of the whole sentence.
  • To specify all the rules for writing the word “inaccessible”, we will consider examples of its use in a shallow and separate form.

In what cases is “inaccessible” is written together?

When is it inaccessible to write together?
When is it “inaccessible” written together?
  • “Inaccessible” can be written together if this word with the prefix “not” makes the absolutely opposite meaning. At the same time, the adjective with “non” can be replaced with other adjectives without “not”. Example: “inaccessible” - “closed”.
  • The word “inaccessible” is written together, accompanied by an explanatory dialect “completely” when this adverb acts as an adverb of measure and degree. In other words, it can be replaced by dialects “absolutely”, “too”, etc. Example: completely inaccessible Internet. (Absolutely inaccessible).
  • The same rule acts when writing the word “inaccessible” with the dialect “at all”. Example: at lunch, the connection was quite bad, and in the late afternoon the Internet became completely inaccessible.
  • The word "inaccessible" is written together when it bind it in the text with adverbs denoting the measure and degree. Such adverbs include: “absolutely”, “super”, “very”, “completely”, etc. Example: In view of the weather conditions, the review was completely inaccessible to pilots.
  • The word “inaccessible” is written together in question sentences, when the denial of something is not emphasized. Example: was their conversation unavailable for other people's ears?

In what cases is “not available” is it spelled separately?

When is not available written separately?
When is “not available” is it spelled separately?
  • The phrase “not accessible” can be divided into two separate words, if in the text it performs the function of contrast. Example: these sites are not available, but encoded.
  • The phrase “not accessible” is written separately if the text contains the explanatory words of negative adverbs and pronouns (starting on “nor”) or the phrase “by no means”, “far from”. Example: unlike other sites, this site is considered by no means available. Unlike other sites, this site is considered in no way accessible to everyone.
  • The phrase “not accessible” is written in the sentence separately in pairs with the adverb “completely” and “completely” if they acquire a negative value and they can be replaced by dialects “by no means” or “in no way”. Example: the provider guaranteed the good speed of the Internet, but it turned out to be by no means available.
  • The phrase “not accessible” is written separately in question sentences if it expresses the denial of something. Example: Is this information available to you?

How to write: “inaccessible” or “not accessible”, together or separately?

How is it written correctly or inaccessible?
How is “not available” or “inaccessible” spelled correctly?

The words “inaccessible” and “not accessible” apply to the same rules for their writing as to the words “inaccessible” and “is not available”.

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