How is the word correctly written: “not correctly” or “incorrect”, together or separately?

How is the word correctly written: “not correctly” or “incorrect”, together or separately?

How to write words correctly: not correct or incorrect. Read all the rules in the article.

The Russian language is complex in terms of spelling and in the pronunciation of words. It is not even enough just to learn the rules, you still need to know how one or another word depends on the context. In this article, we will consider the spelling of the word "incorrectly." When it is written together, and when separately.

How is the word correctly written: “not correct” or “incorrect”?

How is the word correctly written: “not correct” or “incorrect”?
How is the word correctly written: “not correct” or “incorrect”?

To find out how the word is written correctly: "" not correct" or " incorrect", You need to pay attention to the context. Console " not»It is written together if the word is an adverb. For example:

The first option is to write together:

You made a remark incorrect

It was incorrect express your opinion about me.

The prefix from the root is inseparable, and the word incorrectly in this case is an adverb, since it answers the question: how? Also " not»It is written together if the adverb can be replaced with synonym.

The second option is to write "not" separately:

You asked a question not correctlyAnd rude.

You expressed my opinion to me by no means not correctly

If there is a confrontation or enhancing effect in the sentence, then " not»Always written separately. The words "give an enhancing effect" by no means», « long away», « not at all», « not at all», « at all" and others. The same rule applies if the proposal has a contrast with the Union " a", As in the first sentence.

Important: If there are doubts about writing a word, then you should consider the context in more detail and apply all methods of verification.

In more detail and clearly, spelling " not»With adverbs can be seen in the table:

How is the word written: “not correct” or “incorrect”?
How is the word written: “not correct” or “incorrect”?

In what cases is "incorrectly" written together?

If you read the above rules and did not learn the lesson, then you need to fix the material covered. In which cases " incorrect»Is written together?


Compare these eras incorrect.

You behave very incorrect.

In this case, an adverb without " not"Cannot be used, since the proposal will find another meaning, so here" not"Is a prefix, and this part of the word is inseparable from the root. It is worth noting that in most cases " not»With this dialect is written together. Now let's look again when it is written separately.

In what cases is “not correctly” written separately?

Check how it is written " not"In the word" not correct ", simply. You just need to make a verification of the word in the context.

An example when “not correctly” is written separately:

You behave not correctlyBut this is not a crime.

Speak like that at all not correctly

You said this phrase not correctly, and even rude.

In the first and third sentences there is a confrontation with the unions " but" and " a". The second sentence has an enhancing effect with the word " at all».

How is the word correctly written: “not correct” or “incorrect”, together or separately?

How is the word correctly written: “not correct” or “incorrect”, together or separately?
How is the word correctly written: “not correct” or “incorrect”, together or separately?

Adjectives " not correct" or " incorrect»You need to write according to the rules of writing" not»With adverb. So, how correctly the word is written: "" not correct" or " incorrect", Separate or separately?

Rule: If there is a confrontation or enhancing effect in the sentence, then " not»Separately written.

Example No. 1:

You behave not correct way, but it's not scary.

You speak by no means not correct words.

Rule: If a " not»Undead from the adjective in the sentence, then the word is written together.

Example No. 2:

Comparing these eras is considered incorrect.

You incorrect in relation to me.

If you do not know how this or that word is written, then remember the rule, and try to consider it in context. This will help write a word without errors.

Video: Russian language. The spelling of the particle is “not” with different parts of speech. Online training center "Foxford"

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