How is the word spelled correctly: a grammable or competent, with one or two letters M? How to write the word literacy, competent, competently, more competent, literacy, grammar: rule

How is the word spelled correctly: a grammable or competent, with one or two letters M? How to write the word literacy, competent, competently, more competent, literacy, grammar: rule

How is a competent word correctly written: with one or two m?

Such a question arises not by chance, because quite often we confuse two similar in sound and writing a word from one field of knowledge.
What are these words?

  • First - The word under consideration literatethat is written with one M.
  • The second word — grammarthat is written with two M.

But every person who considers himself truly competent needs to remember that a competent word is formed from the word of the letter and the same number of letters in it M, that is, only one.

Why are we confusing writing words and grammar?

The Russian proverb says: "Learning is always useful to learn." And the other confirms the same idea: "You can’t learn without grammar and mathematics."

This is where the confusion between the word grammar and literacy occurs, because they lie in our head literally on neighboring shelves: they belong to one thematic group and have similarities in meaning.
In order not to make a mistake in writing, you need to understand the difference in the meaning and use of words of the letter and grammar.

What values \u200b\u200bdoes the word literacy have and what does a competent word mean in its original meaning?

The explanatory dictionary of the modern Russian language will introduce us to several meanings of the word of literacy.

  • First, diploma - This is the ability to read and write. From the word with this meaning, a competent adjective was formed. Just in the first meaning, it means a person who knows how to write and read, compared to illiterate, who did not learn this at all.
    So, for example, after the revolution, workers and peasants were taught literacy. There was a special state program for eliminating illiteracy - abbreviated by the educational program. They sat down for the desks and old and young. Thanks to such work in the country, there are more literate people who own people.
  • Secondly, diploma - This is an official document. This can be, for example, a commendable diploma that a person is awarded for conscientious work or other achievements. There is a security letter or patent letter - a document reflecting certain privileges, the advantages of a person who received it. Protective letters also give out objects such as natural monuments or architectural monuments.
  • Thirdly, there is an outdated word of letter. At school, we learn about birch bark letters found by historians in Novgorod. These are ancient Russian letters and business notes on birch bark.

The stable expression (phraseology) of the filkin letter is closely associated with the third meaning.

How has the meaning of the word competent changed over time?

It is interesting that the word is competent, which we talked about above, has more than one meaning.
More often, we began to use it in the meaning of "knowing, well versed in any question, competent." For example, "I found a competent advertising specialist."

In school everyday life, a student is still competent, who is able to write without errors or makes little mistakes. In pedagogical science, there is a concept of spelling and punctuation literacy. If a person has spelling literacy, then he writes words without errors, punctuation - correctly puts punctuation in sentences.

It turns out that a competent student is one who has studied grammar well - a holistic theoretical system of the language.
So we approached the important term of the science of linguistics - grammar.

The origin and meaning of the word grammar

The word grammar comes from Greek grammata - “letters, writing”.
We turn to the interpretation of the word grammar in the dictionary.

Grammar in the first meaning is the formal structure of the language, the language system in the aggregate of all its sections, the main of which is morphology and syntax.

  • The second meaning is the science of this structure of the language, its section "Grammar".
  • The third meaning is a book dedicated to this section describing the structure of the language. For example, the textbook "Russian grammar" M.V. Lomonosov.

In the first and second significance, adjectives of grammatical, grammatical, grammatical, having the following lexical compatibility: grammatical structure of the language, grammatical theory, grammatical form, grammatical significance, grammatical category, etc. are formed from the first and second significance.

These phrases are related to the science of language and contain abstract meanings.

Are the words of literacy and grammar related?

If we open the etymological dictionary of the Russian language and study the origin of the words grammar and literacy, we will find that the words came from one root - grammata,what means "letters", as well as "Writing, letter, letter, decree."
Only the word letter during borrowing was re -registered. Obviously, it was previously borrowed in its sound, phonetic shell - there is a similarity in pronunciation.

And the word grammar is a purely foreign term that retains the signs of foreignness, which was originally used only in science and, possibly, was written by Latin, so he retained two letters of M. in his graphic shell

It is also unusual that in modern word -formation dictionaries in some authors we see these words in one word -formation nest, as related, and others, like words that came from different roots of letters and gammat.

Naturally, all words formed from the word of the letter will be written with one letter M: competent, competently, competent, illiterate, illiterate, literacy, literacy, literacy and others.
From the word grammar, we have an adjective grammatical and its formal, grammatical, grammatical, mlodogrammatic (change similarly) and noun grammar that inherited two letters M.

How to write unstressed vowels in words competent and grammatical?

Comparing these adjectives, we note that there is a difference in writing a second vowel: errors often occur here. Competent but grammatical.

We can conclude that the words of literacy, grammar and derivatives are vocabulary and require distinguishing their meanings and memorization. Our detailed above study of the origin of these words will help you with this.

In a word, without extensive knowledge about the origin of words, it is difficult to master grammar and write competently.

Video: How to learn to write competently in Russian?

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