How is it written correctly, called a dish: a chicken tobacco or a tapaca?

How is it written correctly, called a dish: a chicken tobacco or a tapaca?

How to call the dish correctly: a chicken tobacco or tapaca? We will find out about this in the article.

How is it written correctly, called a dish: a chicken tobacco or a tapaca?

Tapaca chicken cooked in a tap pan
"Tapaca chicken"

To find out what is the correct name of the dish: “Tobacco chicken”, or maybe “tapaca”, we will reveal the history of its occurrence.

“Tapaca chicken” is a Georgian dish, and if literally, it sounds in Georgian as a “tapaca civilian”. This dish is very popular in Russia, but the Russians have changed its name a little - “Tobacco chicken”.

Why is the dish so called? And very simple: the name of the dish comes from the name of the pan on which this chicken is prepared. In Georgia, they love this dish so much that they invented a special pan for its preparation. It is called tapa. This is an ordinary cast -iron pan, but its unusual lid is heavy, with a scrolling screw or without a screw, but the lid tightly presses the chicken to the bottom of the pan.

Tap pan
Tap pan

Before frying the chicken, it needs to be prepared for this:

  1. The carcass of the chicken without feathers, chop off the legs and head, and put it aside - we do not need them.
  2. We cut the chicken in the middle of the chest, breed parts of the chicken to the sides, and flatten it.
  3. On the back we make incisions and tie the wings there.
  4. Now it is necessary that the carcass of the chicken becomes as thin as possible. To do this, beat the bones in the joints and the back with a wooden hammer.
  5. We rub the meat with bones with garlic, salt and pepper, let the spices be saturated for half an hour.
  6. We fry the chicken fat in a tap pan, lay out the chicken carcass soaked with spices, first with the back, cover with a lid, make low fire and fry for 15 minutes.
  7. Then we remove the lid, turn the chicken to the other side and fry for another 15 minutes.
  8. If there is no tap pan, tobacco chicken can be cooked in a conventional pan, but instead of a chicken cover, they put a load and so fried from one, and then from the other side.

So, a fried dish of chicken is called “tapaca”, but “tobacco” is also correct.

Video: Simple. Tobacco chicken from Ilya Laserson

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