How to write the word: “mattress” or “mattress”? How will it be right: a bed with a “mattress” or “mattress”?

How to write the word: “mattress” or “mattress”? How will it be right: a bed with a “mattress” or “mattress”?

How should the word “mattress” or “mattress” be written?

Almost every of us in our lives at least once, and has come across a problem of writing one or another word. For example, our parents, as twice two, know that the word “mattress” is written exclusively only through the letter “c”. But modern youth can argue with them. So how is it that you write this unfortunate, but so pleasant, word?

How to write the word: mattress or mattress?

How to write a mattress or mattress correctly?
How to write a “mattress” or “mattress” correctly?
  • In order to answer this tricky question, it is necessary to make a short excursion into history.
  • It is necessary to return during the reign of Peter I. It was this Russian innovator and esthete that brought to Russia a novelty called Matras. Together with the very thing, the Russian people were given a new word, and Tsar Peter called the soft litter precisely the “mattress”.
  • The fact is that this wonders were borrowed from the Dutch. In Holland, this bed attribute sounds like “Matrasse”, that is, through the letter “C”. That is why all the nobility pronounced this word in the Dutch manner as a “mattress”.
  • The controversial letter "C" appeared a little later, when a wave of emigrants from Germany poured into Russia. In this country, such a litter was called "Matratze". The ringing ending with the letter “C” was to the liking of many residents of Russia.
  • It was then that complete confusion began with these two pronunciations-some persistently continued Peter’s instructions and pronounced the word as “mattress”, while others, succumbing to the trends of the German fashion, began to call the sleeping attribute “mattress”.
  • In Soviet times, when everything was supposed to be in their places, and there was no place for misunderstandings, it was decided to dwell on the only correct version of writing this word - “mattresses”. Moreover, the justification was iron - the dictionary of V.I. Dal was considered a source of justice. In the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Great Russian Language" Dahl, this word was prescribed with the letter "c" at the end.
  • Only later in the “Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language” S.I. Ozhegov appeared a double version of the mattress (c) a. Ozhegov suggested legalizing both variants of this word.
  • In our times, when the government decided to simplify the life of children and people, and allowed a large number of disputed words to write differently, this word sounds equally correctly, both “mattress” and “mattresses”.

How will it be right: a bed with a mattress or a mattress?

How to write and pronounce a bed with a mattress or a bed with a mattress?
How to write and pronounce a “bed with a mattress” or “bed with a mattress”?
  • Based on the previous information, we can safely conclude that the phrase “bed with a mattress” has exactly the same chances of existence as the phrase “bed with a mattress”.
  • In other words, you can confidently use any variant of these phrases in sentences - the grammar will not condemn this.

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