How correctly, interesting, beautifully and briefly write about yourself on Instagram: tips, examples

How correctly, interesting, beautifully and briefly write about yourself on Instagram: tips, examples

Do not know how to write about yourself on Instagram correctly and interesting? There are examples in the article.

Social networks have long become an integral part of the life of modern society, allowing each person to constantly be in touch and be aware of what is happening in the world.

Read on our website an article on the topic: "Storis on Instagram - what is it, how to add and use in business?".

One of the most popular social networks today is undoubtedly Instagram. This service allows each user to tell other people about their lives, hobbies and plans, through photographs, short videos and text. At the same time, those who only get acquainted with this social network may have the expected question: “How is it interesting to write about themselves in order to attract the attention of other people?” We will analyze this issue in detail in this article. You will know how to correctly design your page in the section "About yourself." Read further.

We write about ourselves on Instagram beautiful: tips

We write about ourselves on Instagram beautiful
We write about ourselves on Instagram beautiful

An important factor when filling out the page in Instagram The beauty and readability of the text is. At the same time, it is important to understand that it will not work beautifully about yourself if you do not put a certain meaning in the text. We write about ourselves on Instagram beautiful. Below you will find advice. So, we will list several important criteria that must be taken into account in order to present themselves to other people from the best side.

  • Literacy
  • Brevity and conciseness
  • The presence of positive in the text
  • Structural text
  • Lack of stamps
  • Interesting information

The beauty of the text when filling out the questionnaire is really important and is unlikely to argue with this. However, the greatest attention must still be paid to the content of the text. First of all, you need to know what information about yourself can be uploaded and what you should not write. Otherwise, you can not only push potential subscribers away from yourself, but also disgraced. Read further.

What can you write about yourself on Instagram?

We write about ourselves on Instagram
We write about ourselves on Instagram

Filling out the profile in Instagram You need to understand that you thereby project your own life, flaunting it. Because of this fact, many users of this social network are very carefully monitored by what they write about themselves and what photos are posted. What can you write about yourself in Instagram? Consider several important points that may contain account information Instagram.

  • The cap of the profile

This is information that is indicated after the name of the account owner. This section has a limited volume for records - only 150 characters. Turning to the page, most readers pay attention to this particular inscription and conclude whether this profile is interesting or not. Therefore, this item is the most important for the popularity of the blog.

  • Signatures for photographs

Depending on the presentation of the context and the tasks, the signatures to the photographs can be long or short.

  • Inscription in history

Daily photos that can not be only pictures. Preserving content in the profile, it is better to draw up photos, systematizing individual events.

The main distinguishing feature Instagram, in comparison with other Internet sites, is that here users are mainly signed by those people who are really interesting and can speak beautifully and original about their own ambitions, hobbies and life. Therefore, each of the listed points is important and requires careful and thoughtful filling.

Как интересно написать о себе в Инстаграме: советы

Интересно пишем о себе в инстаграме
Interesting write about ourselves on Instagram

As already written, in fact, the hallmark of the profile is its hat. This is the very first thing that catches the eye of a person who enters the profile. In step "About Me" Creative, but a brief display of the essence of the account should be contained. Consider several rules of how interesting to write about ourselves in Instagram. Here are the tips:

  • Think your own as best as possible nickname

Nickname account I must display what a person does and at the same time easily read.

Интересно пишем о себе в инстаграме
Interesting write about ourselves on Instagram
  • Availability of a name and information about activities

This information must be present in the description of the account so that potential subscribers understand who is the master of the blog and what he is talking about.

Интересно пишем о себе в инстаграме
Interesting write about ourselves on Instagram
  • Short description

The profile should always have a short description containing information about the owner of the account. In order to arrange the right accents and dilute the text in this section, you can use icons and symbols.

  • Avatar

For an account avatar, it is best to use the photo that will allow you to stand out from the crowd of other users Instagram And at the same time it will be well remembered by potential subscribers.

It remains to add that trying to fill beautifully instagram profile, many people are fond of and overload it with information. Do not do that. A too large amount of information in the description can scare people away, because few people want to read a long text only to learn something about the owner of the account. It is not for nothing that they say that brevity is a sister of talent.

Add a description of ourselves in the Instagram profile: how to do it?

Add a description of ourselves in the instagram profile
Add a description of ourselves in the instagram profile

After we figured out the description of the profile Instagram And its design, it is worth paying attention to the question of how to actually add this description. This information will be the most relevant and useful for those people who are just starting to get acquainted with the social network Instagram And they have not yet figured out all the functions of this service.

Add a description of ourselves in the instagram profile
Add a description of ourselves in the instagram profile

So, add a description of ourselves in the profile Instagram. How to do it? To decorate the account of the account profile Instagram, you need to take the following steps:

  • Enter the account Instagramopen your profile and press the button "Profile editing". Usually the icon of this action is located on the right side of the avatar.
  • Next, a page will appear on the screen, which will need to be filled. Invent and write nicknames on this page, indicate your name and fill in the field "About Me", there will also be the opportunity to indicate the site (usually required for a commercial account).
  • After entering all the necessary data, you will need to confirm the actions made by clicking on the button "ready".

Very often, after filling out the profile cap, it requires its alignment, as well as a change in the font and scaling the text. Let's tell you how to do it:

  • First of all, it is necessary to enter your account through the computer and open the profile.
  • Next, click on the button "Editing Profile."
  • Then you need to choose a function about yourself and put a few spaces in front of the name so that the description is in the very center of the page.
  • After that, it remains to confirm the manipulations, clicking on the button "Send".

It remains to add that after performing all the actions, it will be possible to check the result of the work done by going to the main page of the profile. Also, all the necessary changes and profile settings can be done at any time, easy and simple.

How to write about yourself in a commercial Instagram account: Tips

We write correctly about ourselves in the commercial account of Instagram
We write correctly about ourselves in the commercial account of Instagram

In addition to ordinary profiles Instagram There is such a thing as a commercial account. For such accounts, there are individual design rules. We will talk about them further.

First of all, people who are going to commercial accounts should immediately understand what the profile owner is doing and what he conveys to the society. Therefore, all the necessary information must be tried to fit nothing more than in 150 characters. The description should be original and interesting, as well as in a regular account.

We write correctly about ourselves in the commercial account of Instagram
We write correctly about ourselves in the commercial account of Instagram

How to write about yourself in a commercial account correctly Instagram? There are several steps that need to be performed by drawing up such a page. Here are the tips:

  • To begin with, it is worth listing all the goods and services offered audiences and visitors to the account.
  • Next, describe in detail all the additional options. For example, agencies associated with tourism sometimes add to their pages the opportunity to arrange a visa or book a ticket, despite the fact that this is not related to their main activity.
  • In addition, it is necessary to take into account the preferences of your subscribers. For example, if girls and adolescents are the target audience of account, and you own a beauty salon, you can clarify that there are playing rooms in your beauty salons.
  • Prospect your activity. Create a story or post about the advantages of your services and why customers choose you.
  • Additionally, publish good reviews about your services and the product so that subscribers can form your own opinion about the proposed product, based on reviews of regular customers.
  • Demonstrate your uniqueness to the subscribers. For example, if you own a flower store, you can list rare flowers, which no one else has.
  • Constantly monitor the accounts of other bloggers. This will make it possible to constantly keep abreast of new trends and trends.

In the end, I must say that whatever the account is: ordinary or commercial, you always need to approach its design creatively, and then there is no doubt that you will find your subscribers and the audience.

What can not be written in the item "About yourself" on Instagram?

Another important topic regarding the design of the page in Instagram - What can not be written in the section about yourself or how you should not draw up an account. We will analyze unsuccessful examples of page design at this point of Instagram further.

  • The use of an difficult text

Sometimes users Instagram Apply unusual fonts that seem to them very beautiful. In fact, such inscriptions are practically unreadable for subscribers. Because of this, it becomes impossible to find out what kind of information is contained in the profile.

  • Links inserted into the text

Clickable links can always be placed in the profile hat. Do not add them to the description text, since no one will copy them in order to open them in a browser.

  • The text written by "Caploc"

Select a key " Caps Lock " Separate words can be, but the whole text is not necessary to write in this way. From the outside it will look very unpresentable

No matter how much I would like to arrange the profile beautifully and original, you need to understand that the text should first be readable and understandable, let it be better in it more meaning and less originality than the opposite.

Examples of filling the profile on Instagram

In order to better understand and see how to fill the profile in Instagram, some tips should be carried out. This is what we will do. Here are examples of filling the profile on Instagram:

Examples of filling the profile on Instagram
Examples of filling the profile on Instagram
  • To begin with, you can use the wealth of fiction: hyperboles, synonyms, epithets.

For example: "Unbearable cardiologist", "dangerous and fast, like a bullet" - courier.

  • The publication of awards and achievements that other users do not have.

For example: The winner of the beauty contest Miss Antarctica-2021, participant in the World Ecological Conference " Venus-2020».

Examples of filling the profile on Instagram
Examples of filling the profile on Instagram
  • Appeal to subscribers

For example: since you went to my page, it means that my husband takes beautiful photos, or goes through a social survey - all the information under the last photo.

Examples of filling the profile on Instagram
Examples of filling the profile on Instagram
  • Publishing positive, life -affirming quotes. At the same time, it is important that the published quotes coincide with the general theme of the page.

Example: “Fitness trainer- i did not choose sport, we fell in love at first sight", "Financial Consultant - refusing today from unnecessary purchases, in a year you can buy a diamond ".

  • The presence of humor

For example: "The best athlete, according to her husband", "The most lazy of activists".

So, only one, small, but at the same time the original phrase, is quite enough to tell subscribers about themselves and the features of their life, or activity. Briefly and capacious.

How to write about yourself on Instagram not only beautiful, but also briefly?

In order to beautifully write about yourself in Instagram, it is not necessary to use large volumes of the text, this can be done briefly. For this, it is only important not to move away from the main style of the account. How to write about yourself on Instagram not only beautiful, but also briefly? For example, if the owner of the page is a beauty blogger or model, it will be more correct to tell subscribers about fashion and design. Consider several such descriptions.

  • My photos are similar to the smile of a loved one and the look of a child.
  • If you are in love, do not lose hope. If you are trying to find the perfect person, then watch the movie. If you are happy, then forget about everything.
  • Real student. I want to study well, find a job and meet my love - these are plans for a month.
  • My name is Zina. Girlfriends call me Jessica. And I like it more when my name is in a restaurant or for a walk.
  • I am a banking manager. I work hard, a lot and for a long time. I love sharp nuts and humor, as well as the old grandmother's sweater and films about the New Year.

Here are a few more stylish examples:

A short description of yourself on Instagram
A short description of yourself on Instagram
A short description of yourself on Instagram
A short description of yourself on Instagram
A short description of yourself on Instagram
A short description of yourself on Instagram

In the end, you need to clarify that general epithets, like “beautiful and cheerful”, are good in combination with another information about yourself. Romance is most suitable for young girls, and it is better for people from business to be moderate in their statements. It is enough for ordinary workers and managers, it is enough to write about your hobby.

Examples of unsuccessful writing about yourself on Instagram

Very often carried away by the description, people are trying to embellish their appearance, achievements and hobbies. As a result, the description can turn out to be too pathos, and sometimes even funny. Consider examples of such, unsuccessful description of yourself in Instagram:

  • The sexiest, beautiful and charming, dream girl - Too pathetic, uninteresting and trite.
  • Fashion model, lawyer, Vorontsova S. D. - Lightly dry.
  • Several symbols that have no meaning, the meaning of which only the owner of the account knows. For example, "Murloda" or "Deltog128". In those cases when a strange inscription is really important with something, there must be an explanation next to it: “Murloda” is a new funny video on YouTube.
  • Information copied by other users - a violation of copyright.
  • Words with errors. Illiteracy is even worse than banality.
  • Political calls, slogans, mat and insults. For the publication of such information, they are very often banned.

Filling out information "About yourself" on Instagram, it must be remembered that any truth is always better than attempts to invent and embellish anything. The inconsistency of photographs, information and other data will only push potential subscribers.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the page of any person in Instagram - This is essentially his own site, where he presents his products or himself. Therefore, filling out the profile on the social network, it is necessary to pay attention to each detail. Otherwise, you can lose potential subscribers and readers, which is why any efforts will be in vain and in vain, and without good design, the page will be uninteresting and crumpled. Good luck!

Video: How to arrange a profile hat on Instagram?

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Video: How to beautifully arrange a profile on Instagram?

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