How to take aspirin for liquefaction of thick blood: preventive and therapeutic dose, instructions, reviews. How does aspirin affect the blood, what does he do with blood? Is it possible to drink aspirin to thin blood during pregnancy, before blood donation?

How to take aspirin for liquefaction of thick blood: preventive and therapeutic dose, instructions, reviews. How does aspirin affect the blood, what does he do with blood? Is it possible to drink aspirin to thin blood during pregnancy, before blood donation?

Aspirin for liquefaction of blood or helps to thicken it?

Increasingly, people face such a problem as thick blood. Few people know for what reason the blood thickens and even fewer people know what actions should be taken in this case. But this problem is very serious and definitely requires proper and high -quality treatment. This is exactly what will be discussed today.

Why is a person's blood thickens: reasons

The reasons why blood can thicken more than enough, let's analyze the main of them:

  • Let's start, perhaps, with a problem such as a lack of vitamins and nutrients. You probably know that this reason contributes to the appearance of not only this ailment. It is not at all difficult to guess that vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are extremely necessary for the human body. In simple words, this is how our body receives the forces he needs. That is why, when the body does not receive proper substances, this may affect the quality of blood.
  • Dehydration or use of poor -quality water. Water quality in recent years has worsened significantly. However, a person cannot stop drinking water, because, as you know, we are from the water. The composition of the water also affects the composition of the blood. Dehydration, in turn, affects the density of blood.
  • Age and a sedentary lifestyle. "Movement is life". With age, it becomes more and more difficult for us to follow this statement. Also, human activity has significantly decreased due to technological progress. One way or another, this factor also contributes to the appearance of this disease.
Blood thickens
Blood thickens
  • Incorrect diet. Eating a lot of fatty, fried and sweet will definitely not lead to anything good and the fact that this is the cause of thick blood, another proof of this. Here you can also say once again about the quality of water and the problem of its assimilation.
  • Bad work of the liver and spleen. First of all, the balance of the composition of the blood is disturbed. To say easier, the plasma becomes much less than other blood components.
  • Heredity. If your relatives suffered from such problems, then there is a chance that your body is more inclined to such a disease.
  • Transferred stress. Stress hormones contribute to blood thief. “All diseases from the nerves” - you probably heard more than once and this is true.

It is because of the above that people very often suffer from thick blood. But many reasons can be easily eliminated, be a person’s desire.

Another important point is the symptoms of this ailment:

  • Of course, weakness in the body and constant desire to sleep
  • Frequent headaches, pressure problems
  • Swelling of the veins
  • Irritability, aggressiveness and even a state of depression
  • It is important to understand that only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. To do this, you will be assigned a number of the necessary procedures.

Aspirin - it dilutes blood or not, what he does with blood: the effect of aspirin on the blood

For many people, Aspirin is truly a “magical” tablet. Indeed, this drug has anti -inflammatory, and antipyretic and analgesic effects. And do not forget about its anti -aggregation action. It looks good, isn't it? However, there is an opinion that aspirin is not only useful, but also dangerous. Nevertheless, the drug is widely used all over the world and is completely not prohibited.

  • Indeed, Aspirin copes well with the antipyretic, analgesic and anti -inflammatory function. But can this medication in any way influence human blood? Maybe.
  • Aspirin affects the blood cells that are called platelets. For reasons already known to us, platelets can stick together and form blood clots. How serious it is not even worth saying. So aspirin, acting on the cells, prevents their gluing, thereby liquefied blood. It should be noted that only regular intake of the drug can have such an effect.
Aspirin and blood
Aspirin and shelter
  • It is also important to pay attention to the fact that aspirin can really harm the body. Regular administration of the medication negatively affects the state of the stomach and can cause a violation of the mucous membrane, and this can also cause an ulcer.
  • Having decided to take this drug on an ongoing basis, you need to consult a doctor, because there can be much more harm from this medicine.

The use of aspirin for liquefaction of blood: benefits and harms

Disputes about what is more, harm or benefit is inferior, they still do not subside. However, if the drug is not prohibited and it is widely used can be concluded that in some cases its benefits are still much more than the harm they do. Well, let's try to figure it out.

So, let's start with good:

  • According to the studies and the opinion of experts, the regular use of the drug helps to reduce the risk of developing intestinal cancer, lungs, prostate, as well as the esophagus and throat.
  • Cardiologists also believe that the benefits of aspirin are much greater than harm. It is these "magic" pills that help with cardiovascular diseases. The drug dilutes blood, improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of blood clots.
  • Definitely, aspirin is the right medicine, but you need to take it under the mandatory control of the knowledgeable doctor. Indeed, from the uncontrolled technique of these at first glance harmless pills, you can not only worsen the state of your health, but also die.
The benefits and harm of aspirin
The benefits and harm of aspirin

Now let's move on to the harm:

  • Do not be surprised that the medication can cause great harm to the body. This can be due to unauthorized administration of the drug, improper dosage, individual intolerance and a number of other reasons.
  • First of all, the mucous membrane of the stomach falls under the effect of pills. In this case, everything is fraught with the appearance of peptic ulcer.
  • Since the tablets make blood more liquid, sometimes you can observe the appearance of bleeding. Bleeding can occur during operations, menstruation. This once again suggests that only an experienced specialist can prescribe the drug and dosage.
  • Pregnant women need to forget that such tablets exist. Taking the drug during bearing a child is able to cause various uglies.
  • Also, you can not take aspirin in acute viral ailments, especially for children and adolescents. In this period, tablets can cause liver disease, which destroys not only liver cells, but also the brain.
  • Taking the drug together with alcohol can also cause damage to health. Together with alcohol, this medication is able to cause bleeding in the stomach.
  • As with all other medications, and for this person, an elementary allergy can have. Reception of tablets in such situations is strictly prohibited.

Take this medication or not - decide only to you and your doctor. However, when making a choice, you need to proceed from the possible consequences. If the consequences of not taking the medicine are worse than possible consequences from taking, then the choice is obvious.

How to take aspirin for liquefaction of thick blood correctly and for a long time: preventive and therapeutic dose, daily norm

The question of how to take a medical drug and how long it should be done should be asked first of all to your doctor. Based on this, it is clear that you can and should take aspirin only by order of a specialist.

Believe me, these tablets can really harm health. If you still decide to take a medication not by the doctor’s prescription, but for “your own prescription”, then we recommend that you at least pay attention to the instructions and follow it unquestioningly:

  • As a rule, the doctor prescribes to adults from 30-40 mg to 1 g per appointment.
  • You need to take the medicine about 2-5 times a day. Reception is carried out strictly after eating. The tablets are recommended to wipe into powder and drink it with a lot of water. You can also drink the drug with milk and alkaline mineral waters.
Aspirin for liquefaction of blood
Aspirin for liquefaction of blood
  • The daily norm is from 150 mg to 8 g. It all depends on the individual need and, of course, the stage of the disease.
  • If you take the medication not under the supervision of a doctor, but yourself, then longer than a week is prohibited.

Which aspirin is better to drink to liquefy blood

Again, we repeat that only a doctor can prescribe a drug. Do not neglect this moment.

  • Most often prescribed a drug called "Aspirin Cardio." However, this medication also has contraindications and indications and they must be observed.
  • The active substance of the drug is all the same acetylsalicylic acid, that is, aspirin.
  • Aspirin of cardio is used to prevent some cardiovascular diseases, as well as for liquefaction of blood.
  • This drug is made in tablets. Each tablet contains from 100 to 300 mg of active substance. The doses of pills for the prevention of the disease and its direct treatment are different.
  • This drug must be taken before meals, preferably at the same time. It is necessary to drink with a large amount of water. These pills cannot be chewed, turned into powder.

Aspirin: Pregnancy planning and pregnancy

Pregnancy is perhaps one of the most important stages in the life of every woman and girlfriend. During the period of bearing the baby, even the safest medicines can be taken only according to the prescription of specialists. In this case, any initiative and any self -medication is prohibited. The reception of aspirin is no exception.

  • Taking the drug in the first and third trimester is most dangerous. At the very beginning of pregnancy, the medication is even able to cause termination of pregnancy. In late terms, tablets can worsen the condition of the future mother and complicate the process of the baby's birth. Aspirin is able to cause various deviations in the fetus, therefore, during pregnancy, it is prescribed extremely rarely and only in cases where there is much more benefit than possible harm.
  • Taking the drug in the second trimester is the safest. However, this is undesirable. That is, to take aspirin tablets just from a headache in this important period in any way.
Aspirin during pregnancy
Aspirin during pregnancy
  • When taking the drug is necessary according to the vital indicators, for example, to thin the blood, doctors can prescribe reduced doses. The so -called "children's" doses, as a rule, do not harm the expectant mother and her child. But if there is an opportunity to avoid taking this medication or at least replace it, then this must be used.
  • Let's also say breastfeeding. Nursing mothers also need to refrain from taking this medicine, because aspirin is released with mother's milk, which means that the baby, although in small doses, will still receive this medication with food.
  • Regarding pregnancy planning - this moment is better to clarify with your doctor. In preparation for pregnancy, it is also undesirable to use various medicines, but it all depends on the state of your health.

Can I drink aspirin before blood donation?

The process of blood donation is a very serious process. Taking almost all medicines before blood donation must be stopped. You also need to adhere to a number of other recommendations.

  • Indeed, doctors insist that before such a procedure, taking medications must be stopped. The exception can be only emergency cases, and then it takes into account which medicines were taken earlier.
  • Experts recommend stop taking aspirin and drotaverine about 5 days before blood donation.
  • In principle, everything is clear without explanation. Since aspirin helps to thin the blood, and can also provoke bleeding, its intake before such a procedure is simply dangerous.
  • Do not neglect this recommendation, because this can lead to very negative consequences.

Aspirin for liquefaction of blood: Contraindications

Like any other medication, this medication has enough contraindications for taking. And these contraindications concern not only people taking the drug for liquefaction of blood, but also everyone else who uses the medication as an antipyretic, anti -inflammatory and analgesic.

  • So, let's start with personal intolerance. People very often have allergic reactions to certain types of drugs and aspirin is no exception. If you know that your body does not perceive this drug, in no case do not start and do not continue its intake. Ignoring this recommendation is fraught with serious consequences.
  • Ulcers of the stomach, intestines. Since aspirin can affect the gastric mucosa and contribute to the appearance of ulcers, it is strictly prohibited for people suffering from such ailments.
Contraindications to the use of aspirin
Contraindications to the use of aspirin
  • Bleeding. Bleeding of various kinds is a signal in order not to start or urgently stop taking the drug. After all, aspirin can increase bleeding. By the way, if you have an operation, the doctor must be informed that you are taking such a drug.
  • If the blood has a low amount of platelets, then taking the medication is also strictly prohibited.
  • With hemophilia, the use of the drug is not even discussed.
  • Pregnancy and period of breastfeeding.
  • Liver, renal failure.

As you can see, contraindications for taking the drug are more than enough and all of them are significant, such, the ignoring of which is strictly prohibited.

How can you replace aspirin for liquefaction of blood: analogues

The analogue of aspirin must be selected based on what purpose you take this medicine.

  • If you use aspirin as an antipyretic, anti -inflammatory or analgesic agent, then the choice is relatively large. You can use drotaverin, paracetamol, ascophen, nimesil - that is, any means that can relieve pain, lower the temperature and remove the inflammatory effect.
  • If you take the drug so that the blood becomes more liquid, then with the choice of an analogue you need to be extremely neat. You should not make a decision on the replacement of aspirin on your own. If for any reason you do not want or cannot take acetylsalicylic acid, you need to seek a doctor’s consultation. The specialist, assessing the situation, will offer you another version of medicines.
  • Quite often, Aspter is an analogue of Aspirin. This tool also has an antipyretic, anti -inflammatory, analgesic effect, and also has an anti -aggregate effect.
  • Most often, it is prescribed for the prevention of myocardial infarction and for treatment after a heart attack, the drug also dilutes blood and prevents the formation of blood clots.
Aspirin analogues
Aspirin analogues
  • The method of use is prescribed and adjusted only by the attending physician. Taking the drug independently is strictly prohibited.
  • Another analogue is Asafen. The active substance is the same acetylsalicylic acid. The drug copes well with pain syndromes, helps to reduce the risk of blood clots, and also prevents cerebrovascular accident.
  • It is necessary to use only by order of the doctor and under his control.

Aspirin action for urine and blood analysis

Before passing the analysis of urine and blood, experts recommend refraining from taking any medication. The exception can only be the drugs prescribed by the doctor and which are taken constantly.

If you do not know if you can stop taking this or that drug before taking tests, consult this issue with a specialist.

Aspirin, like any other medicine, can affect the correctness of the tests, especially if you take it for a long time and regularly. Experts note that a long -term intake of this drug can color urine in pink.

Application of aspirin for liquefaction of blood: reviews

According to the reviews of people who take this drug to thin the blood, aspirin really has a favorable effect. However, its application should be strictly controlled not only by the doctor, but also by the receiving himself.

  • It is necessary to exclude all related factors that can cause the problem of thick blood. That is, for the treatment of this ailment, it is necessary not only to take thinning drugs, but also to normalize your lifestyle.
  • It is necessary to exclude the use of alcohol, stop smoking, switch to “healthy” food, and also normalize the daily routine. Only the full strength, a rested body is able to quickly come into shape.
  • Well, and, of course, before you start taking the medication, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons, that is, to evaluate the benefits and possible harm from the drug.

To date, the problem of thick blood is becoming more and more common. Not only elderly people suffer from it, but also young people, and sometimes even small children. The reasons why this ailment may occur quite a lot and today you have seen this yourself.

It is important to know that at the first symptoms of the disease, it is urgent to seek help from a doctor, since the problem of thick blood develops into the formation of blood clots, and this is fraught with death.

We also want to emphasize once again that it is impossible to self -medicate in this case. Take the drug, whether it is aspirin or any other medication only as prescribed by the doctor and in the doses that he will indicate to you.

Video: How to take aspirin for liquefaction of blood?

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Comments K. article

  1. How to take aspirin and in what dosage, only a doctor can say. The self -medication is definitely not worth it.

  2. Yes, this is a serious drug, I agree. Moreover, there are so many of them now in the pharmacy, you need to know which one to buy. For the prevention of a stroke, I first took one drug, and then I switched to a thrombus. He turned out to be cheaper and with his stomach everything is fine with him. That's it!

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