How to do injections in the buttock to yourself and the child? What to do if you made an injection with air or got into the nerve?

How to do injections in the buttock to yourself and the child? What to do if you made an injection with air or got into the nerve?

You need to be able to help loved ones and to yourself, including making an injection. Read about the rules for injections in the buttock to adults, children, to yourself, read in the article.

An intramuscular injection (in the buttock) is a medical manipulation, which has to resort to quite often. Of course, the most correct option would be to conduct its professional nurse.

But there are times when the injection must be carried out urgently, or there is no way to go to the clinic or call a nurse. It would be nice to master the skills to make injections in the ass, including a child or to yourself.

How to make an injection in the ass: technique of execution?

The skill of setting injections intramuscularly in the buttock is useful to help yourself, your child, relatives and even a work colleague. It is not difficult to purchase it. It is only necessary to be careful, careful, to discard the nervousness so that the hand does not tremble.

You need to know the following:

  1. Injections in the muscle are made so that the medicine is better absorbed by the body, it will affect faster. Muscle tissue is rich in blood vessels, so the medicine quickly enters the bloodstream and is transported to where it follows
  2. In addition to the buttock, intramuscular injections are made in the thigh or arm. But! A person without medical education should not be taken up for their implementation. When putting an injection in the “file part”, a lower risk of damaging nerves or bones
Intramuscular injections are most often made in the ass.
Intramuscular injections are most often made in the ass.

The prison in the ass requires the preparation of a certain “inventory”. There should be at hand:

  • medical alcohol
  • sterile cotton wool
  • disposable syringe of the corresponding volume
  • ampoule with a drug
  • special file for ampoule

Important: a great idea is a small cosmetic bag with everything necessary for the injection. You can put several files in it (they tend to be lost right before the injection) and a small section of the oilcloth, which will tire on the table before the tools necessary for the injection are laid out on it

  • For injection in the ass, you need to use a special syringe, the length of the needle of which will be 4-6 cm
  • Usually, their volume is from 2.5 to 20 ml. It is believed that imported spits are better, since their needles are more acute and thinner, which facilitates the injection and makes it less painful
  • It is also recommended to ask for three -component syringes in the pharmacy, which have a rubber seal on the piston. They are easier to handle and safer
Scheme of staging intramuscular injection.
Scheme of staging intramuscular injection.

The preparatory phase of intramuscular injection includes the opening of the ampoule with the medicine and a set of medicine in a syringe. He passes in this way:

  1. Anyone who will make an injection must thoroughly wash his hands. For even greater sterility, he is recommended to wear rubber medical gloves
  2. Cotton wheels, they are prepared 4 pcs., Wet in alcohol
  3. The ampoule is wiped with the first disk for injection
  4. Before sawing off the tip of the ampoule, using a special file, it must be shaken well so that air bubbles rush up
  5. The ampoule is opened very carefully. The tip is clamped by the second cotton pad. There is no need for sudden movements and excessive attachment of force so as not to cut and prevent fragments from entering the injection solution
  6. The syringe is slowly filled with medicine. After it should be lifted upward, taping it with your finger, again to drive out air. Then you can begin to slowly move the piston of the syringe up, so that the medicine rises up the syringe and into the needle. When the air bubble completely comes out of the syringe, a drop of the drug for injection will appear on the tip of the needle

During the injection itself, you need to ask the one who is being done to lie down. Many people prefer to receive injections standing, but this is not entirely correct: if the muscle is not completely relaxed, there is a risk of breaking a needle, making a person painful.
Actually, the production of the injection in the ass is done in this way:

  1. When a person is already lying, his buttock must be divided into a quarter, drawing an imaginary cross. The injection is done in that quarter that is at the top and outside. It is beyond all from the sciatic nerve and is considered the safest
  2. A cotton blade, the third in a row, wipes the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin on the priest, which will enter the needle
  3. The syringe is held in the right hand
  4. The skin in the place of the future injection in the adult is slightly stretched with his left hand
  5. The syringe needle with a firm hand is introduced at an angle of 90 degrees for three fourth lengths
  6. The drug for injection is administered into the muscle with a slow pressing on the piston of the syringe. Such manipulation is carried out with one hand or two depends on the design of the syringe and the skills of the one who makes an injection
  7. The injection site is again treated with a cotton pad with a cotton pad, the needle is sharply extracted from the muscles from the same angle at which it was introduced
  8. The injection site is massaged

Important: if we are not talking about a one -time injection, for example, from temperature or to lower the pressure, but about a course of injection, it is necessary to do them in the left and right buttocks alternately

Video: How to do injections yourself?

How to make an injection in the buttock to yourself?

Sometimes there is no one nearby who could make an injection. We have to set him himself.
The greatest difficulties are as follows:

  • it is difficult to determine the upper outer quarter of the buttock
  • it is difficult to introduce a syringe needle at the required angle
  • it is difficult to smoothly crush the syringe piston
It is sometimes difficult to make an injection to yourself.
It is sometimes difficult to make an injection to yourself.

It is recommended to perform manipulation in front of the mirror. Again, it is better to do your own injection.

  1. The preparatory stage before intramuscular injection is the same as in the case of setting it to another person: wash your hands, disinfect and open the ampoule, collect the drug into a syringe, expel air, determine the injection site and disinfect it
  2. The injection itself is made with a comfortable hand (usually right), sharply. The syringe holds the left hand when the right, crushing the piston, administers the medicine
  3. Further, the injection site on the buttock is again disinfected, the syringe is extracted, self -massage is carried out

VIDEO: How to make an injection to yourself?

How to do a prick in the buttock for a child?

When making a child in the ass, you need to discard the nerves and prevent the hand from trembling.
When making a child in the ass, you need to discard the nerves and prevent the hand from trembling.

When setting an injection, the child needs to follow the same rules as for adults. Another thing is that making an injection to the baby is morally harder. Something that can help:

  1. For an injection, the child needs to choose a needle of 4 cm
  2. Before you enter the needle into the child’s muscle, it needs to be carefully massaged
  3. No need to draw medicine in a syringe, drive out air from it, so on, in front of the child's eyes
  4. You cannot demonstrate your own fear, uncertainty to the baby
  5. If the baby is afraid of injections, you need to talk to him, but in no case do not laugh from him and not condemn his fear
  6. No need to lie to the child that an injection is not at all painful. The child should know that there will be discomfort, but not for long, and this is a forced measure, so that the disease retreats more likely
  7. For the courageous behavior of the baby, you must praise

Important: it happens that the child in front of the injection literally beats in hysteria - he twitches, wriggles, tries to break free. In this case, the one who will make an injection must be needed. The baby will need to be kept so that the injection procedure does not complicate

How to make an oil injection in the buttock?

  • Oil solution for injection has a denser consistency, so it is administered intramuscularly with a needle of larger diameter
  • Before a set of oil medicine in a syringe, the ampoule with it must be heated to body temperature, holding a sorted in the hand for several minutes
  • The preparatory stage for the introduction of an oil drug is the same as described above. In the process of expulsing the air from the syringe, you need to make the oil drop out of the needle. She will play the role of a peculiar lubricant that facilitates the entry of the game of the muscle

Important: there is another trick that nurses use so that the needle of the syringe is sharper. If the bottle has a lid of foil, which needs to be pierced in order to gain medicine, it is gained by one needle, and for the injection itself a new, not blunt

During the injection of the oil drug, it is necessary to ensure that the needle does not fall into the blood vessel. This can be checked if immediately after the needle gets into the muscle, slightly pull the syringe piston on yourself. If blood is not sucked into it, the vessels are not damaged.

During the administration of the oil medicine intramuscularly, it is necessary to ensure that it does not fall into the blood vessels.
During the administration of the oil medicine intramuscularly, it is necessary to ensure that it does not fall into the blood vessels.

If the oil solution fell into the vessel, it can clog it by causing a medication embolism. The food of the fabrics surrounding the injection site worsens or stops. Their death may occur. In the worst case, if the oil enters the vein, pulmonary embolism occurs. Such consequences are treated only by doctors.

Incorrectly made an injection in the buttock, consequences

Serious complications after the injection in the ass occur in the case of incorrect manipulation, during which the following errors were made:

  • when performing the injection, the rules of septic tank and antiseptics were not observed, so infection fell into the injection site
  • the injection was carried out not at that angle, or the syringe needle was not administered enough deeply, which is why the medicine did not enter the muscle, but under the skin or adipose tissue
  • the sciatic nerve was
  • an allergic reaction began on the introduced drug in a person
Bruises are the least dangerous consequence of injections in the ass.
Bruises are the least dangerous consequence of injections in the ass.

Complications from unprofessional injection in the muscles on the buttocks can be as follows:

  1. A hematoma is formed on the buttock. Hemorrhage under the skin can occur in two cases. The first - the vessel turns out to be punched by the needle itself during the injection. The second - the piston of the syringe is pressed sharply or quickly, the drug for the injection enters the muscle too quickly and, not having time to dissolve, damages the blood vessels. Bruises from injections on the priest hurt, but perhaps this is the only negative consequence of them. After a week, hematomas are absorbed without a trace even in the absence of any treatment
  2. The medicine is not absorbed, infiltrate is formed. The cones on the pope are visible with the naked look. They create considerable discomfort. If you do not help the infiltrate to resolve, it can pick it up, and this problem is much more difficult
  3. Due to infection of the injection site, an abscess is formed on the buttock. Due to the purulent process in the soft tissues, a cavity is formed, filled with pathological contents. Outwardly, the abscess looks like a reddened, swollen, hyperemic place on the buttock. It is very painful. The abscess must be shown to the doctor: only a specialist can determine whether there is a chance to cure him with conservative methods (ointments, compresses, so on), or you need to open it surgically
  4. An allergic reaction has gone. It can be local, in the form of redness of the skin and itching, as well as more serious, for example, in the form of a runny nose or anaphylaxia. In any case, a visit to the doctor is needed

Important: incorrectly carried out, non -sterile injections can have distant negative consequences, such as HIV infection, viral hepatitis and some sexually transmitted diseases. You need to make injections only with disposable syringes from the whole package. After use, syringes with closed needles are disposed of

Injected after an injection in the buttock.
Injected after an injection in the buttock.

What to do if you were injured in the buttock, but got into the nerve?

If the injection place was chosen incorrectly, the needle fell into the sciatic nerve close, at the very moment of the procedure, a person feels intense pain:

  • the nerve is damaged by the actual needle
  • the nerve is damaged by the medicine, which, not having time to resolve, presses on it
Damage to the sciatic nerve during injection in the ass rarely, but happens. The consequences are treated by a neurologist.
Damage to the sciatic nerve during injection in the ass rarely, but happens. The consequences are treated by a neurologist.

After the injection site is numb. There are more severe cases when, due to damage to the nerve, it paralyzes the limbs.
With a similar negative consequence of the injection, you need to contact a neurologist. He will appoint:

  1. Vitamin preparations (containing vitamins of group B), for example, compl they in
  2. Anti -inflammatory drugs such as Kenalog or Nimesulide
  3. Electrophoresis and dry heat to the injection site
  4. If necessary, means for speedy resorption of infiltrate

What to do if you made an injection with the air in the buttock?

If, when setting an injection in the ass, a person who is not a professional physician did not let out the air from the syringe, he naturally begins to worry. Usually, such experiences are groundless.

Before the injection, it is necessary to burn out the air from the syringe well.
Before the injection, it is necessary to burn out the air from the syringe well.

Even if several air bubbles enters the muscle, the one who puts the injection will not even feel this: his body is quietly and independently cope with the problem. Simply speaking, the air will safely resolve.
If, after an injection with air, a cone appeared on the buttock, they act with her in the same way as with infiltrate.

Bruises on the priest from injections: how to get rid of?

You can read about how to get rid of hematomas from injections on the pope in the article:

Video: injection in the buttock and hip

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