How to do highlighting itself at home: with foil, hats, combs. How to make independent highlighting with a stretch of color?

How to do highlighting itself at home: with foil, hats, combs. How to make independent highlighting with a stretch of color?

In this article, we will consider how to properly do the highlighting of itself at home.

Just a few years ago, it was believed that complex staining can be exclusively for real professionals. The units of the girls decided to highlight themselves, the rest preferred to overpay the cabin and, as a result, they could get absolutely not the effect that they were waiting for. Fortunately, in our time in the modern market you can purchase a whole set of necessary tools that will help create highlighting yourself without resorting to the help of a hairdresser.

How to do classic highlighting for yourself at home: how to do how to recruit highlighting

Four the hair strands is a great way to refresh your hairstyle a little and give the appearance of new accents. Usually, in order to achieve the right result, it is enough to do everything according to the instructions and adhere to some rules. But the most important rule that should be observed implicitly before the highlighting of itself - these are unwashed curls!

Important: in no case do not wash your head before the procedure. Moreover, you need to refrain at least 2 days. The fact is that highlighting at home or even in the cabin, greatly overdles the hair, as brightens are used. Dirty hair is covered with a certain film, which helps to preserve the structure of the hair. Remember - the clarifier can not only dry the hair, but even burn their structure.

Do the highlighting only for dirty hair
Do the highlighting only for dirty hair

What do you need to highlight your hair?

  • To prepare a clarifying paste, you will need an oxidizing agent and powder. The percentage of peroxide content into oxidizing agents can vary depending on your color and state of hair structure. And to correctly mix and make up components, read the article "How to mix paint and oxidizer?".
  • It will also require a cloak or a clean towel that will not be a pity to stain with paint.
  • A special brush for staining with synthetic pile.
  • Saws for dividing hair into strands.
  • Plastic container for mixing funds.
  • Hair clips and hair clamps.
  • Disposable gloves.
  • Any fat cream to walk through the forehead.
  • Additionally, you may need:
    • food or special foil;
    • special hat;
    • cooking with a hook for dragging hair;
    • a comb-lobe or fence.

Important: you can do highlighting yourself, or even in the cabin, no more than 2 times a month if you want to constantly maintain freshness and excellent appearance. But for a careful attitude to your curls, it is better to carry out the procedure no more than 1 time per month. And do not forget to do nutrient masks to avoid overdrying.

You can lighten the strands no more than 1-2 raas per month
You can lighten the strands no more than 1-2 times a month

How to do highlighting yourself with foil?

  • Throw a towel on your shoulders. Cut the foil into wide strips with length, which will be more than your hair by 20-25 cm. Width can vary, but, on average, it is 10-15 cm.
  • Each piece of foil must be bent from each edge literally 1-1.5 cm inward in order to isolate the main part of the hair. That is, prevent the flow of paint on the skin and other hair.
  • Mix the oxidizing agent and paste, clearly adhering to the instructions. Using a scallop, conditionally divide the hair into 5 fragments, each part of the curls securely fix the clamp.
  • Separate one or two strands that will be painted and put a strip of foil under them. Remember - the bent edge should be as close to the base of the hair as possible.
  • Carefully smear the strands of pre -prepared clarifying paste and fold the foil in half.
  • Next, rising from the previous painted strand by 2-3 cm, we do the same in all the hair. You need to do highlighting from below!
  • The exposure time of the oxidizing agent on the hair is 30-40 minutes. The longer you hold, the brighter the color will come out, but the hair itself will dry out more.
  • Then try to remove the brightening paste from the hair with warm water without removing the foil. That is, you need to work with each curl separately.
  • At the end of dyeing, wash your hair in the usual way with shampoo and the use of balm. After all, the clarifier does not act on them in the best way.
Scheme how to make highlighting foil
Scheme how to make highlighting foil

Highlighting itself at home through a special hat

This coloring method is more suitable for girls with a short haircut. To clarify the strands, you yourself will need the same set of tools and means as with classic highlighting with foil.

Important: you can do highlighting through a hat only when the hair does not exceed 15 cm in length.

  • Instead of foil, use a special disposable cap with intended holes, which can be purchased in a special store for hairdressers or cosmetic direction.
  • Cover the shoulders with a towel so as not to stain yourself and clothes with paint. In a separate container, prepare the clarifying paste, clearly following the manufacturer's instructions. Pour a hat tightly on your head.
  • Using a hook -shaped comb through the holes in a hat, pull out individual strands and lubricate them well with clarifying paste. Start with the crown!
  • Pay attention to what effect you want to get yourself from highlighting yourself. If you use every 4-5 hole, then, as a result, you will get easier lightening. Saturated highlighting is obtained exclusively if you used all the holes in the hat.
  • Each elongated strand of hair should be completely and evenly covered with staining paste. Cover the hair with polyethylene or film.
  • After that, leave them in this form for 30-50 minutes. If you want to get a very light staining, keep the strands in the paint for only 15-20 minutes.
  • After the allotted time, without removing the caps, thoroughly rinse each strand with warm water. After this manipulation, wash your hair in the usual way with shampoo. It does not hurt to use a special hair mask.
How to lighten hair through a hat
How to lighten hair through a hat

How to make highlighting yourself with a comb?

If you do not have a special comb for home highlighting, then arrange just a comb with rare teeth. By the way, do not take wooden tools.

Important: such staining is well suited for those who want to get a certain volume. Also, this method is perfect for beginners, because it is easy to work with it, but it’s hard to make mistakes.

  • As expected, comb your hair well and throw a proper capacitance or old robe.
  • If you practice this method for the first time, then for convenience, divide the hair into 4 zones and fix the curls with clamps.
  • Apply the prepared mixture directly to the comb or comb. And just comb your hair. In the comb-assembly, you need to place the strands between the teeth and just stretch it down.
  • So go through the entire length. Focus on your hair density. It may be more convenient to work with separate curls. Owners of rare hair are quite simple to draw along the entire length in each zone. Otherwise, simple discoloration of all hair may come out.
  • Without wrapping or wrapping either in foil or film, leave dyed hair for the due time. It completely depends on the structure of your hair (hard hair needs more time to influence) and on the desired shade. Therefore, it can vary from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Carefully, but carefully rinse your hair with warm water. At the end, washing shampoo. By the way, it is better to dry your head in a natural way and without shining in a towel. Then the curls will not lose their shine.
A comb is very easy to do independent highlighting
A comb is very easy to do independent highlighting

How to make highlighting yourself with a stretch of color?

If you like to experiment with the style, and do it yourself, then try several proposed options. A big plus is the lack of an assistant. And also each time the clarification of the strands will turn out in a new way and unusual.

We make highlighting to ourselves without auxiliary materials

  • The first way is Using rubber bands. You can also do different options. You can simply tie 1 tail, you can walk through the whole head with small tails, or you can even put the figures geometrically with them. Apply just to the ends of the tails (you can also adjust the painting), wait for the right and wash off.
  • About the same scheme act pigtails. They are also braided in arbitrary order and quantity. Also, apply the oxidizing composition to the ends, for the best effect you can wrap them with foil, and after the allotted time, wash off with shampoo and balm.
  • And the method without any tools at all- hands. Based on this scheme, the glazing or hoarfrost effect is released. The only difference is that glazing is done for short hair, and frost looks better on long and curly hair. Although they are made almost according to the same scheme.
    • To do hand glazing, moisten your hair and only slightly dry it with a hairdryer. Tilt your head and gently apply the paint to some strands or ends.
    • For hoarfrost You need to apply hair foam on dry hair and dry it with a hairdryer. Also, tilt your head and only smear the curls. For an interesting transition, you can do this after different times.
Simple and stylish
Simple and stylish

How to make California highlighting strands to yourself?

In addition to the habitual ways of highlighting for us, thanks to the trends of fashion, new types of clarification of strands appeared, which eventually give just an incredible result.

  • The only difference between California highlighting and classical clarification is the smooth transition of the native color to the lightened part. For work, all the same tools and tools will be required, with the exception of additional components.
  • The stretching of individual strands of hair occurs in a checkerboard pattern, along the partings. For this type of staining, you do not need a fat layer of pasta on the hair, only a couple of light strokes with a brush is enough.
  • At the same time, the painted strands are not isolated from other hair, reprinting part of the paint and to other curls.
  • You should wait for at least 35-40 minutes, and then wash your hair in the usual way for you.
To make California highlighting is very easy
To make California highlighting is very easy

We do it yourself highlighting with a pile - Shatush

To stain this type, you should prepare the usual set of tools and tools, in addition to auxiliary devices.

Important: for such highlighting, you need to use such an oxidizing agent that the resulting color from a natural shade differs only by 1-2 tones.

  • Also divide the head into visual 4 zones. In each, highlight, starting from the forehead, 2-3 cm strands. Comb them and apply the clarifying agent with light, inaccurate movements.
  • Do not forget to retreat 4-5 cm from the roots of the hair (you can more). The same procedure must be quickly performed with the remaining strands. Do not forget that all actions must be performed with careless and chaotic strokes throughout the head.
  • After a maximum of 40 minutes, rinse off the hair with a brightening paste and cover your hair with a mask for silky hair.

As you can see, it is very simple to make the highlighting for itself. The main thing is to choose high -quality professional paint, which will lighten hair with minimal harm.

Video: How to do independent highlighting at home?

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