How to shave correctly: a scheme. How and what to shave correctly without irritation: instructions, tips, review of funds before and after shaving

How to shave correctly: a scheme. How and what to shave correctly without irritation: instructions, tips, review of funds before and after shaving

Shaving instructions.

Many men are used to shaving daily before going to work. And men with skin, prone to irritation, acquired electric blists, as well as trimmers. Such devices significantly save time, help reduce irritation. But still, the use of machines with blades is the most affordable option that allows you to achieve perfectly smooth, flat skin. In this article we will tell you how to shave correctly.

How and what to shave correctly without irritation: instructions, tips


  • Moisturization is necessary. The fact is that the skin before the procedure is dry enough, there are many keratinized particles on it. Therefore, do not rush to apply shaving cream on dry skin and proceed to the procedure
  • Initially, it is necessary to pour the face with warm water several times. It will be great if before the procedure you can pamper yourself with a shower or in the bathroom. Thus, the hairs, as well as the skin on the face, will become much softer, and the shaving process will pass less traumatic
  • Next, it is necessary to apply a shaving product. It can be a special soap or foam. In no case do not use laundry soap, shower gel. Because these ingredients dry the skin, thereby provoking injuries, cuts, as well as irritation
  • The ideal option will be the purchase of special soap or high -quality shaving foam for sensitive, and skin prone to allergies
  • The fact is that such funds contain softening substances that prevent the appearance of irritation, as well as damage
  • Apply the product abundantly on the skin and start shaving according to a certain scheme. It is necessary to move in the direction of hair growth
  • Indeed, many note that if you shave against hair growth, it turns out to shave much better and achieve perfectly smooth skin
  • But the fact is that this smoothness disappears around the end of the day, so it does not matter much
  • If you are shaving against hair growth, soon you will achieve irritation, as well as growing hair. Because the hair follicles shake very deeply. You will block the way out of the hair, which will subsequently cause acne and acne on the face, as well as growing hair
  • To determine the direction of hair growth, it is necessary not to shave for several days and see where the least resistance is observed when touching them
  • You need to stroke the skin. If you do not feel the roughness of the hair, this is the direction of their growth
  • Please note that in different parts of the face, different areas of growth
  • The fact is that on the cheeks they are directed down, from the chin to the tub, the hair grows directly towards the chest
  • In the area of \u200b\u200bcheekbones, bristles grow just towards the ears. Therefore, carefully examine the skin and specify the direction of hair growth
  • Thus, you will be able to shave correctly and at the same time do not cause yourself a lot of troubles
  • After the manipulation, the remains of shaving foam, as well as the hair are washed off. In this case, it is necessary in the process of shaving, each time after the next movement, wash off the remaining hair with running water
Shaving process
Shaving process

Than and how to shave correctly: scheme

A lot of attention should be paid to the choice of machine tools, as well as razors. Now on sale there are a huge number of both cheap and expensive options. Many manufacturers advertise razors with five blades, which allow you to make a minimum of movements with a machine. That is, you do not have to drive several times in the same place.

Please note that repeated use of dumb razor provokes irritation. The fact is that with each new movement you remove a thin layer of skin, which later becomes very thin, irritated. Therefore, choose an option with a large number of blades, as well as with a floating head.

Scheme of shaving
Scheme of shaving

It is really very difficult to direct the machine in such a way as to remove the entire length of the hair. Especially if it is a rectangular, old machine with a removable blade. Pay a little attention to the force of pressing the razor itself. Do not press or crush much, because it provoke irritation, cuts, as well as damage to hair bulbs, follicles. Movements should be light, accurate in the direction of hair growth, with a minimum number of repetitions in the same place.

In the process of shaving
In the process of shaving

Shaving products: List


  • Lotion after shaving Gillette Series Cool Wave fresh
  • Lotion after shaving Gillette Series Arctic Ice invigorating
  • Balm after shaving Gillette Pro 2-in-1 Intense Cooling Intensively cooling
  • Balm after shaving Dr. B’s L’ Homme Man Care After Shave Balm
  • Gel after shaving l’Oréal paris men Expert hydra sensitive
  • BlueBeards Pre-SHAVE OIL oil oil before shaving
  • Shaving cream Proraas Green Pre-Shave Cream
  • Shaving cream Uppercut Shave Cream
Shaving foam
Shaving foam

If you want to get rid of irritation, but at the same time, the quality of shaving is not a very important aspect for you, we recommend that you purchase electric brows. Using devices is much easier than machines. At the same time, the shaving process itself is reduced to a minimum.

Video: How to shave correctly?

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Comments K. article

  1. I used to constantly irritate after shaving. But when Dry Dry Gel began to use, this does not happen anymore.

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