How to wash a pillow from a pen at home: methods. Washing the feathers of the pillow in the washing machine, manually: instructions, tips, recommendations

How to wash a pillow from a pen at home: methods. Washing the feathers of the pillow in the washing machine, manually: instructions, tips, recommendations

Puff pillow washing instructions in the washing machine and manually.

With the onset of spring, many housewives begin to clean and put their housing in order. It is in the spring that the curtains are washed, the winding of the windows, as well as the audit and the pillows. In this article, we will talk about how to wash the pillow manually and in the washing machine.

How to wash the pillow: methods

The pillows from the pen are the most beloved, we remember them since childhood. Since it was on them that they slept with their grandmother. Such a pillow is the softest, as well as high. It is very convenient to sleep on them, but it is precisely such products that require careful care, it is the most difficult to wash them. There are several options to wash the pillow.

Washing options:

  • Pass in dry cleaning. Now there are exit points in which there is a special machine. In this machine, the pen is disinfected under the influence of hot air. All garbage is eliminated, and the light fraction is again transferred to the pillow. In this case, all the garbage remains in the receiver and is thrown away. Unfortunately, such cleaning requires money.
  • Wash yourself manually. If you are not ready to give a round sum in order to get through the filler of your pillow, you can wash it yourself. Remember that such a procedure can take all day.
  • Wash in the car. This is also not very fast, since you will have to sew covers for washing and dry the filler for a long time.
Wash the pillow from the pen
Wash the pillow from the pen

How to wash the pillow manually?


  • First, it is necessary to open a paragraph and pour the contents of the pillow into a large basin. Pour warm water and add a little liquid detergent there. You can use grated household soap.
  • Soak feathers for several hours in this liquid. After that, take a colander and pour all the dirty water through it.
  • Again, transfer the contents to a large basin or bowl. Pour warm water, add liquid powder or detergent.
  • Now thoroughly wash the filler. Again it is necessary to pour water through a colander and rinse feathers several times in pure cold water.
  • Remember that if you have allergies in your house, you need to thoroughly wash the powder and detergents so that a person does not have allergies.
  • If everything is in order, you can use your favorite aromatic oil. Add with the last rinse a couple of drops of essential oil into the water and rinse the feather.
  • At the final stage, it is necessary to push everything into a colander and squeeze thoroughly. Take a large bath towel and lay it on the balcony.
  • It is desirable that it be the sunny side. Put the feathers with a thin layer, leave for several hours or even days.
  • Remember that the pen should be completely dry. Do not allow drying to be carried out on the street, because in windy weather, the pen can fly behind the wind.
  • When the feathers are dry, it is necessary to reduce the painted departments with the filler, sew them.
  • The matter is painstaking and long, but allows you to completely clean the pillow and get rid of ticks, sweat particles, as well as garbage.

How to wash a pillow in a washing machine: Instructions

The presence of a washing machine simplifies the task. But it is necessary to adhere to several rules. You will have to sew a few additional areas for washing. In no case should you use special bags or gauze bags in order to wash.

Thanks to sharp tips, the pen can get out and score a filter of the washing machine or provoke a breakdown. We do not advise doing this. The ideal option for the manufacture of covers will be dense calico or hb. It is necessary that the width is like in the pillow, and the length is 2 times greater. This will allow Peru to be evenly located in a case in a more thin layer than in the pillow.


  • Pour the filler into the covers. Next, it is necessary to load the contents of half the pillow into the washing machine and wash in a delicate wash mode.
  • Be sure to use the water drain modes and squeezing. It is also necessary to add several tennis balls to the car, they will knock on the pen and knock it out.
  • Thus, it will be evenly located in the case and not go into a heap.
  • After washing, it is necessary to extract covers with feathers from the car and evenly, on a flat surface, shake to the side.
  • Thus, it will be distributed evenly, then turn the covers with feathers into rolls and squeeze the water again.
  • Now put the covers on the street or in the house on the sunny side. In no case should you hang it, because the pen just gets into a heap.
  • In the process of drying several times shake the covers.
  • If the feathers are completely dry, you need to fill them in the departments and sew them.

Important: Remember that a detergent that will be poorly washed in feathers can accumulate in feathers. Therefore, do not forget to put the washing machine for additional rinse.

Washing in a typewriter
Washing in a typewriter

Washing pillows from the pen at home: tips


  • To wash the feathery pillow in the machine as well as possible, the products are soaked in a special solution. A little liquid detergent and ammonia 3% (ammonia) are added to the water. For 5 liters of water, it is necessary 4 tsp. ammonia, a cap of soap.
  • In order to avoid an uneven load on the drum, any things are additionally put in it.
  • Initially, the entire number of filler is best divided into 6 parts. The compartment of the washing machine contains up to 3 such parties. As a result, vibration is reduced, and the fluff does not go into lumps.
Washing pillows at home
Washing pillows at home

The washing machine is a great option for washing feathers. Follow the instructions and remember that cleanliness is the key to health. Indeed, linen ticks, as well as allergens, often accumulate in feathers.

Video: Washing pillows from the pen

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