Why keep the child a column after feeding? How to hold the child with a column and what is prohibited to do? The child fell asleep after the meal: did he keep it with a column?

Why keep the child a column after feeding? How to hold the child with a column and what is prohibited to do? The child fell asleep after the meal: did he keep it with a column?

In this article, we will consider the need and correctness of holding the child with a column.

The newborn baby is completely dependent on his parents. And every mother is very reverent to each aspect of baby care. Especially a lot of questions, shortcomings and disagreements gathered around the feeding of the crumbs. Therefore, in this material we will consider the purpose of holding the child with a column, and also tell you how to do it correctly.

Why keep the child a column after feeding?

There have always been and will be disagreements about the proper feeding of the crumbs and all rituals around it. Some require the child to keep the child with a column, and someone denies this whole process at all. Let's figure out in more detail in this matter, and for this we will delve a little into history.

Hold the column
Hold the column
  • Not so long ago, maternity leave was only 2-3 months. And very tiny babies were given to the nursery, where everyone was fed with mixtures. Calculating the correct dosage was very problematic, and they did not strive too much to do it.
  • At the same time, a personal nanny was not assigned to each child, and one could not “tear” at everyone either. Therefore, the babies were held with a column so that they would blink an extra portion of food. After all, overeating is terrible not only obesity, but also in other diseases.

Positive points of vertical position

But it cannot be said that these are only echoes of Soviet times. The baby’s digestive system does not work correctly. More precisely, right, but not like an adult. Therefore, she needs help from the outside world, that is, from her mother.

  • Regurgitation - This is a natural and normal process. But if the baby regains half the food or does it too often, then you should immediately consult a doctor. This threatens not only weight loss, but also with stomach problems.
    • The child is not yet able to control the amount of food. Yes, and it is not easy to calculate exactly his needs. The remnants of the mixture can cause fermentation, and this will lead to colic and gas formation.
    • Regarding breast milk. It is better absorbed by the walls of the intestine, almost completely. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that it is impossible to overeat it. Moreover, as much milk is produced as the baby needs.
    • But not everything is so simple. Milk is not produced by computer technology. When the child sucks, this sends a signal about the need for milk. And now they remembered how often you apply it to your chest. Yes, whims, a bad mood and the baby immediately searches for "reassurance".
Keep the child with a column
Keep the child with a column
  • But the weight will say about overeating. In breast milk, children are less likely to “complain” about pain and a tummy problem. And the point is that the artifications are more than the slopes swallow the air with the mixture. This is the first reason for education colic. And this already leads to sleepless nights of the whole family.
    • Yes, babies on breast milk can also swallow air. But this is due to improper attachment to the breast that mothers with inexperienced babies allow only the first weeks. Then the natural process is established itself.
  • The air in the stomach is very dangerous! It causes colic, and its constant accumulation can provoke bloating and gas formation. The indicator of this is a solid tummy. It will also hurt the baby if they touch him. And also pay attention to the main symptom of colic - whether the baby presses the legs to the tummy.
  • Also, along with the prevention of these symptoms, the vertical position also reinsures from suffocation. Children still do not know how to get up or turn, therefore, by tearing in a dream, they themselves can choke on it themselves. The situation is aggravated when the baby is also swaddling. But this is another conversation.

We will touch on the aspect of the muscles of the crumbs and its ridge.

  • "Column" helps develop the back correctly, and also trains the cervical department Keep your head.
  • In addition, this is a great textile contact baby with parents. This is especially important for those who feed the child from the bottle. He lacks your warmth and attention! This will also help to establish a connection with the dad, which is not so actively involved in the life of crumbs.
The child is a column
The child is a column

Important: but if the baby does not bother the tummy, he gains weight well and does not spit in a dream, then there is no urgent need to keep it with a column. Unless for prevention. But infants often fall asleep under the chest, so you should not wake the baby for a vertical position! Take care of your and childish calm time.

If you hold the child with a column only according to the instructions of the doctor, then applying to the chest may increase. And this will certainly threaten overeating and excess weight. Therefore, if the baby fell asleep under his chest and can sleep for a while without crying, his tummy does not hurt (otherwise he will press his legs to him), then leave the angel to sleep tightly.

How to hold a child with a column?

Even from the maternity hospital, they instruct the child to keep a column. But do not forget that the crumbs ridge are still weak, so it is contraindicated for a long time to do this. Newborn babies are enough and 1-2 minutes. But from the age of month you can already be laid out by leaning on the shoulder. The vertical stay should be from 5 to 10 minutes.

  • Be sure to take care of hygiene issues. The kid can burst on you, so it will not prevent the diaper on the shoulder. Also, keep in mind that the baby’s skin is very delicate. Therefore, there should not be any objects on the clothes that will cause discomfort.
  • Be sure to hold the baby's head with one hand. She should not swing. And, moreover, it is contraindicated that it be thrown back!
  • Hold the baby’s back and make sure that it is even.
Correctly keep the child
Correctly keep the child
  • It is forbidden to support the baby for the ass. This creates an additional load on the ridge.
  • Also make sure that the baby does not rest on your hands. It will also be a load for a fragile back.
  • It is very good to make the shoulder support. This will be an additional fixation for the crumbs head.

The algorithm of actions

  • Take all actions gently and without sudden movements. Gently talk to the baby so that he feels comfortable and safe!
  • You must take the neck of the crumbs, capturing your head with your palm and fingers. Hold your back with your elbow.
  • The second hand holds onto the lower back! But raising the baby, grab a little and his ass.
  • We raise until his head is on your shoulder. Then they just hold lightly by the neck and lower back. During this, you need to sway slowly and smoothly.
Can be kept in several ways
Can be kept in several ways
  • You can keep in several ways:
    • You can press it right in front of you. That is, the child will be at the level of your chest. By the way, the smell of milk for the baby will become, like a sedative aroma, that everything is fine with him.
    • You can lean on your shoulder. That is, the child will be either at the level, or slightly above the shoulder joint.
    • And you can completely turn it with a back to yourself. Then there will be an additional insurance that the head will not fall back. But it will need to be kept under the handles and between the legs. By the way, this method is more convenient for older children.

Important: if the child did not bite for 10 minutes. (this is the maximum time indicator), then put it in the crib. Such procedures are very tiring for the baby, so let him relax after eating.

Do I always need to put the child with a column?

  • Sometimes it happens that the baby begins to be capricious even in his arms. This is often associated with accumulated gaziks and excess foods that cause colic. To alleviate the condition of the crumbs, be sure to hold it with a column. You can shift from one shoulder to the other by changing the pose slightly.
    • Also, do not forget to swing the baby lullingly - it calms.
    • Stroke it on the back, gently and affectionately. This will be a kind of natural painkille.
    • Doctors also note that the child is in an upright position, feeling the warmth of his parents, it becomes better, and he calms down.

Important! If the baby has a solid tummy, and he is capricious, then he must be kept with a column. When the baby is calm, sleeps well and eats, then such a procedure is not very mandatory. It is also noted that children need a vertical position with a lack of weight and those who often register.

What in no case can you do if you keep the child with a column?

There are some mistakes that young and inexperienced parents often make, holding the child with a column. Yes, even large mothers can simply not pay attention to this. We will remind or even teach some nuances what needs to be taken into account, so as not to harm the crumbs with our actions.

  • The child must always be lifted by the neck and ass. It is forbidden to raise it by the handles. He still has too weak joints, so you can simply dislocate or stretch them.
  • Also do not forget about the head and weak muscles of the cervical region. That's why you can not take the baby for the armpits. Even when he begins to hold the head, always a little insure the newborn.
  • Now we turn to too trembling parents that they are afraid to drop the baby. Pressing too tightly to yourself is not worth it. You worsen blood circulation. And, again, the bones and joints are too weak, so you can damage them.
  • Always follow the head. It must be fixed with shoulder and one hand.
  • Do not be distracted by various minor affairs, holding the child with a column. For example, if you need to answer a phone call or raise something. Always put the child first.
  • To avoid the formation of wryfish and not provoke the curvature of the spine, transfer the baby to different shoulders. After all, the child does not just lie on his tummy, but considers the world. Therefore, try to ensure that the neck is turned in different directions when wearing. Change the pose for each time.
  • If the child does not like such an activity, then attract him with stories, toys or help study the world around him. That is, entertain him.
We hold the child correctly
We hold the child correctly

There are still harmless reasons for crying and anxiety of kids. Therefore, pay attention to such insignificant details:

  • The fabric of your things. Sometimes textile contact of the baby’s skin with mom causes discomfort. After all, the parent has a rough fabric of things or they are with some sharp objects. Do not forget that even beads or shares will cause crumbs crying;
  • Perfumes and other aromas Exclude from your everyday life. The baby simply does not need them, because then he does not hear the smell of his mother. After all, the composition of any fragrant means can cause an allergic reaction;
  • Physical discomfort can create a button, lightning Or other hard, albeit small, objects. Be attentive to your clothes;
  • And most importantly, this is an emotional connection. Each of us heard that mother’s emotions are transmitted to the baby. And not only with milk, but also in case of contact. If you have a bad mood, first take a breath, and then take the baby in your arms;
  • By the way, sometimes whims are associated with diapers. Do not forget to change it in time. After all, kids often “go to the toilet” immediately after eating. Therefore, whims can be associated with this nuance.

The child fell asleep after the meal: did he keep it with a column?

Each child is individual. Therefore, there are no strict rules that need to be followed. More precisely, there are recommendations, but, first of all, you need to listen to the behavior and wishes of the baby. He still does not know how to speak, but you will see on him what the baby really needs.

  • If the child ate and immediately fell asleep, then it is not recommended to wake him. The baby does not bother anything, therefore it is pointless to disturb him. But in this case, take care of a little insurance against suffocation after randomly spitting.
    • A child can (but this is also not always) to bury after eating even in a dream. He does not yet know how to turn, so he can choke. Therefore, make him a diaper roller and put it under his back. That is, the baby should sleep on the side.
  • The situation is the second - the child falls asleep, but naughty and quickly wakes up. This suggests that the baby has swallowed air, his stomach swollen and this gives him discomfort or even pain. In this case, be sure to hold the child with a column.
Keep the child with a column
Keep the child with a column
  • And also the situation when the baby fell asleep, woke up sharply and began to cry. This also symbolizes that air fell along with food. But the dream took up. In this case, it is necessary to hold the child with a column. It is advisable to do this so that he does not wake up. If this happened, then sway it a little, but do not give your chest. Otherwise you will get into the cycle.

Important: keep the child with a column for about 4 months. But this is a purely personal indicator. Someone after a couple of weeks disappears this need.

Video: How to keep the child with a column?

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