How to change the login and password of VKontakte? Login in VK - how to change to phone number?

How to change the login and password of VKontakte? Login in VK - how to change to phone number?

In our article you will learn how to change the login and password of VKontakte.

Social networks today are tightly included in everyday life. They always allow you to always remain in touch and maintain communication with the outside world. Download a photo, show a beautiful dress or a new car and another - this all allows you to do VKontakte.

Almost all of us at least once forgot our data for entering VKontakte. It is not at all difficult to restore it, and we will tell you how to do it.

How to change the vkontakte login without SMS?

If you decide to change the vkontakte login without a phone, then you will need at least email. It is a login for authorization of VKontakte. It must be indicated at the entrance to get to your page. Otherwise, it will not work to change the login.

When you find yourself inside your account, then open "My settings" on the left menu and scroll down the page down to the line "Your email address".Your username will be shown in the upper line, that is, the current address and part of it will be closed using stars. This is a kind of protection against scammers.

We change the login - mail
We change the login - mail
  • Here, in the line - "New address" We indicate the new login and save it. A letter will come to a new box with confirmation where you need to follow the link and all changes will be saved. A notification will also come to the old address that your mail has been changed.

How to change the vkontakte login if there is a phone number?

  • If you use the phone number as a login, then the changes will be carried out according to a similar scheme. There is a setting in the same section, but at the same time, changes need to be made in the column "Your phone number".
Change the phone number - Login
Change the phone number - Login
  • The number used and under it will be shown there - "Change the phone number".
  • Click on it and enter a new phone into the line. Confirm it with the help of code and it will be preserved.

It is worth saying that the number will not be changed instantly. For safety reasons, VKontakte gives 14 days for this. All this time you will be displayed that the number will be changed, and before day x you will receive a notice of replacement.

The easiest way to change the login in this way to those people who have access to the old number. This allows you to accelerate the process by re -confirming the number. To do this, click on the notification from the system and the corresponding line will be indicated there.

How to change the login of VKontakte to the phone number?

If you have always used e -mail for the entrance, then you will probably be interested to know how you can now use your phone instead.

In fact, it is very simple to do it. If your number is already attached, then the process will be easier.

When the page has no binding to the number, you need to do this in the settings. The whole operation looks approximately the same as when changing the number, you just will not have an old one. After maintaining the desired parameters, you can use the phone number and enter your page.

If the number is already saved, then nothing needs to be done. You can immediately use it for the entrance. In other words, here you already like it more - you can use immediately both the phone and mail.

Is it possible and how to restore the login of VKontakte?

  • If you have forgotten what login your VKontakte page has, then you can restore it. To do this, follow the link on the entrance page "Can't come in?". You will open a window for access to the page.
Can't you enter?
Can't you enter?
  • Choose below "Click here" And then enter your account address and move on.
Click here
Click here
  • Here we select our page and indicate all the data that are known, and after that the application is sent to the administration.

Now you know how to change the login. It remains only to deal with the login.

How to change the VKontakte password?

In addition to the login, sometimes users need to change the password. How to do this? Indeed, the password is a pass to virtual life and it should be convenient and memorable. Otherwise, it must be changed and VKontakte is extremely easy to do.

  • So, first open the page settings and find a line with a password
  • Here we choose "Change password"
  • Three fields will be located in the opened form
Change the password
Change the password
  • First we write the current password, and then we indicate a new one twice. This avoids various errors in writing and make sure that the password is correct
  • After completing, click on the button "Change password" And it will be preserved

Video: how to change the login of VK. How to change the login of VK?

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