How to get installments, credit online for goods in M.Video? What banks give a loan, installments in M. Video, at what percentage, on what conditions? Important installment plan, loan without overpayments in M. Video: conditions, application, reviews

How to get installments, credit online for goods in M.Video? What banks give a loan, installments in M. Video, at what percentage, on what conditions? Important installment plan, loan without overpayments in M. Video: conditions, application, reviews

Instrost in M. Video is a profitable promotion for each buyer. Read more in the article.

In Russia, there are many different retail networks for the sale of electronics and technology. M. Video is one of the leaders among such networks and shops. Marketers, managers, administrators and other experts know how swift life in a big city is, and it is important for a person to be in time everywhere.

  • People work, engage in business, study, rest at home, and M. Video helps to quickly and easily buy the necessary household appliances for the home.
  • In addition, this retail network understands that in a crisis, it is difficult for people to “cut out” from the family budget a means of buying expensive products. Therefore, M. Video offers installments - without the first contributions and overpayments.
  • How to get installments? How many years can you get a loan or installment plan? How to get an interest -free installments? All these and other questions will be given answers in this article.

What is an installment plan in M. Video?

What is an installment plan in M. Video?
What is an installment plan in M. Video?

In M. Video, there is an action that uses hundreds of thousands of buyers of products of this retail network. What is an installment plan in M. Video?

  • The action from the organizers of the network is called "smart installment plan."
  • Within the framework of this action, discounts on goods are provided when purchasing goods on credit.
  • Thanks to this, overpayment for a loan will not be charged. In addition, the buyer will not have to pay for any additional services of a banking institution, as when receiving cash from lending programs.

The advertising action "Smart Install" is convenient and beneficial for each buyer M. Video.

What banks give an online loan in M. Video, under what conditions?

What banks give an online loan in M. Video, under what conditions?
What banks give an online loan in M. Video, under what conditions?

Naturally, loans can be obtained not in all banks. Two banking institutions work with this trading network. What banks give an online loan in M. Video, under what conditions?

  • "Setelem Bank". Credit conditions under the advertising campaign of M. Video: the initial contribution 0%, the loan term 36 months, interest rate is 8.23%. You can get through this bank from 2500 to 450,000 rubles for the purchase of new household appliances.
  • KB "Renaissance Credit". Credit conditions: initial contribution 0%, lending term of 24 months, interest rate 10.33%. The loan amount is from 3000 to 250,000 rubles.

In other banks, you can take a loan - cash, and already with them to come to M.Video for the purchase. Find out the conditions for providing loans in these banking institutions.

Renaissance Bank - Credit, installment plan in M. Video: conditions, interest

Renaissance Bank - Credit, installment plan in M. Video: conditions, interest
Renaissance Bank - Credit, installment plan in M. Video: conditions, interest

The conditions and percentages of installing installments to the Renaissance Bank to buy equipment in M.Video were described above. The interest in this bank is slightly higher than in the “Setel Bank”, but less the amount of the loan. In addition, in this financial institution, you can apply for an installment plan for the purchase of equipment for only 24 months.

Install, loan 0-0-24 in M. Video: Conditions

Install, loan 0-0-24 in M. Video: Conditions
Install, loan 0-0-24 in M. Video: Conditions

Remember: a list of goods to which the action is distributed is limited. Therefore, if you want to buy goods by installments, you need to hurry.

Installment conditions, loan according to scheme 0-0-24 in M. Video:

  • This type of installments can be issued for the purchase of equipment within 250,000 rubles.
  • The interest rate is a little more than 10%.
  • You can get this loan only if there is a passport or other identification document.

First you need to choose a equipment in the network store, then approach the bank employee, and provide a passport. A bank employee will send an application for consideration, and in case of a positive decision, you will be able to buy what you need.

How many years they give a loan, installments in M. Video?

How many years they give a loan, installments in M. Video?
How many years they give a loan, installments in M. Video?

In M. Video there are many goods for different categories of citizens and different ages. One product will interest a 19-year-old young man, and the other is needed for a 65-year-old woman. Therefore, many potential buyers of this retail network may be interested in the question: how many years they give a loan, installments in M. Video?

Persons who have reached the age of 18 will be able to get a loan or installment plan. At the same time, you should have monthly income, but not in the amount of payment, such as a scholarship in students, namely earnings. After all, the bank will approve the loan if he understands that you have money for food and clothes, otherwise the loan will be refused.

What is needed for a loan, installments in M. Video, what documents?

What is needed for a loan, installments in M. Video, what documents?
What is needed for a loan, installments in M. Video, what documents?

If you receive a cash loan directly at the bank, then the potential borrower must provide a package of several documents. But when applying for installments in the retail network, everything is much easier. What is needed for a loan, installments in M. Video, what documents?

You will need only a passport or other identification document. Also, an application in electronic form is drawn up to the bank, but this is done by a representative of the financial institution to which you are contacting.

How to buy equipment and arrange an installment plan in M. Video?

How to buy equipment and arrange an installment plan in M. Video?
How to buy equipment and arrange an installment plan in M. Video?

You only need to come to the store and choose the necessary equipment or electronics. You will also need a passport. How to buy equipment and arrange an installment plan in M. Video? Follow the following instructions:

  • Come to any M. Video store.
  • Choose a product with a share mark.
  • Contact the representative of the banking institution for installments. It is usually located at a separate table or persistent.

It will be possible to repay payments at the cash desk of a store or in a bank is convenient and comfortable.

M. Video: online a loan application

M. Video: online a loan application
M. Video: online a loan application

Thousands of buyers draw up a loan on M. Video online. This allows you to sit at home or in the office to send an application and buy all the necessary equipment for the house. If you are not registered in the online store, read our articleHow to do it right. If you still have questions, contact the phone 495-777-777-5 - Moscow, 8-800-200-777-5 - The remaining regions of Russia, or write to the email address:

Where to leave an online application for a loan in M.Video? Tips:

  • Go to the network online store.
  • Find the goods offered by the promotion.
  • Leave a request on the site by filling out the form. You can find it in your personal account.
  • Wait for the decision by employees of the banking institution.
  • If the installment plan is approved, the courier will deliver goods and documents to the doors of your apartment that you must sign.

Important: it is convenient to use the “order and take” service and arrange an installment plan in the store when receiving the goods. You do not waste time waiting for the approval of the bank - simple and comfortable.

Important installment plan, loan without overpayments in M. Video: how to get?

Important installment plan, loan without overpayments in M. Video: how to get?
Important installment plan, loan without overpayments in M. Video: how to get?

Every person wants to receive a loan without overpayments. But banks need to work not at a loss. Therefore, credit institutions offer different profitable programs together with retail chains. So in M. Video you can get an interest -free installment plan and a loan without overpayments. How to do it?

You only need to come to any network store and choose the product, or do the same, but in the online store. Do not forget to take your passport with you. The application is issued directly in the store.

Will they give a loan in M. Video, will they give everyone a loan?

Will they give a loan in M. Video, will they give everyone a loan?
Will they give a loan in M. Video, will they give everyone a loan?

As mentioned above, a loan in M. Video is not given to everyone, but only to persons who have reached the age of 18. You should also have a stable monthly income, Russian citizenship and good credit history. To find out if they will give you a loan or installment plan in M. Video, fill out an application with a bank representative in a store or on the website of the online store.

Online loan, installment plan in M. Video: reviews

Online loan, installment plan in M. Video: reviews
Online loan, installment plan in M. Video: reviews

Before making an expensive purchase or getting a loan, people try to read as many reviews on the Internet as possible, because dissatisfied customers will not be silent. If the question arises, to arrange or not to arrange an installment plan or online Credit in M.Video, read a few reviews.

Mila, 30 years old

Our family decided to change the refrigerator. We saw an advertising campaign in M. Video with an installment plan. Let's go to the store and chose the goods. The representative of the bank designed everything quickly. The decision from the bank came within 15-20 minutes. The initial fee was not made, we pay only 1600 rubles per month. Profitable, comfortable and fast!

Angelina, 34 years old

I took in installments in M. Video a laptop. I did not even know that installment plan is the same loan, but without interest. The cost of the laptop was 55 thousand rubles. Therefore, the payment turned out to be 3 years a little more than one and a half thousand a month. But we paid only six months. The husband was given a prize to work, and we paid off the debt ahead of schedule. I liked this store and its service. For the next purchase, we will definitely come here to purchase again in installments - it is convenient and profitable.

Semyon, 42 years old

My TV broke. I looked at the new in M.Video for 38,000 rubles. An employee of the store offered to take in installments - I agreed. The bank representative took my passport from me, explained that he would apply for an application, and that there are two options for receiving installments: approval of the bank or refusal. As a result, after a couple of minutes the answer came with approval. My joy knew no bounds! I took the TV and went home. Now I advise all my friends to make purchases on this network on an advertising campaign - installments.

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Comments K. article

  1. Online loan in M-Video! This is all lodges and setup. We decided to take the phone by installments in M-Video, having issued online installments online, the bank immediately approved us, SMS came said to be issued for the issuance of goods. We come to the joyful, we go to credit brokers to print the contract and sign it, and then we have it, they say we say, when filling out, the date of issuing a passport is not correctly indicated ... Although I checked the correctness of the filling and we called from the bank, we were verified all right .. I certainly believed, I believed it, I believed it, I believed it, I believed it, I believed it, I believed I was upset that I decided that it was not my day, and the next day I re -arranged online installments at a different address and here they again found an error, they say the address of Tyumen in the passport, and in the contract, we reduced the city of Tyumen and again did not give out a loan, although the banks, although the banks were given a loan He agreed to us. Then while I was sitting there, I still watched the picture how the girl also came to draw up a phone on credit, they told her that you had a mistake in the line of the cycle unit code, she was also shocked, she was also shocked .... Well, we still didn’t give up, we decided to issue a loan online on a terrible and you won’t believe it)) the banks gave a positive result, he came to form and they say that the line is the error code in the line))) but there was definitely a scam, since we checked a hundred times a hundred times Before sending an application! Why I do not understand online registration of loans if it is a waste of time! Not so much insulting that they did not get installments, but sorry for the time and nerves spent in an empty! I also ask the leadership of M-Video to pay attention to this divorce and take some measures!

  2. I also have an unpleasant situation. I formed an online application, the bank approved, came to receive, and they tell me that from today the bank refused to provide installments. Although the application was issued before this date.

  3. these are the nits of credit departments in the store like this, they do not have bonuses from online loans, and therefore it is easier for them to refuse how to print pieces of paper for free and spend time on you. One word of creatures ...

  4. I want to take TV

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