How to clean the laptop screen with special solutions, home products? How to wipe the laptop screen if there are no special tools? Laptop screen cleaning: common errors

How to clean the laptop screen with special solutions, home products? How to wipe the laptop screen if there are no special tools? Laptop screen cleaning: common errors

How to clean the laptop screen with special solutions and home products.

A laptop is a technique that almost everyone has in the house. Many are engaged in work using laptops. Because of this, the monitor is polluted, covered with dust, divorces. In this article we will tell you how to clean the laptop screen.

How to clean the laptop screen: cleaning features

Please note that this is not glass at all, but a special screen, which is most often rather soft, can be liquid crystalline. Accordingly, use the products that contain ammonia, alcohol, white spiteen, and other solvents are not worth it. Because they can damage the screen, refuse to use ordinary glass fluid, it is not suitable for cleaning the laptop and its screen.

The ideal option will be the purchase of special tools. Now on sale there are napkins saturated with a special cleaning agent. In specialized stores for technology, you can purchase a spray that is applied to the screen and wiped with a lack ofrsium cloth. Thus, there are no traces of dust.

At the initial stage, you need to wipe all the dust from the surface before proceeding to the next stages of cleaning. This helps to completely get rid of dust and reduce the number of divorces. It is best to use soft cloth for this purpose, toilet paper or hard fabric is not suitable for this. An ideal option will be a bottomless napkin.


The fact is that in paper there may be particles of wood that scratch the monitor. Accordingly, this will damage the surface and lead to scratches. If you do not have any special tools to clean the laptop screen, you can use the home tool. For these purposes, you need to grind a half of the baby soap on a grater, about 50 g, add to 200 ml of warm water and warm up on fire to the complete dissolution of flakes.

As a result, you will get something like liquid soap. Now, in the resulting product, you need to moisten a regular cotton pad, which is sold in any household. After cleaning the dust, wipe the screen with a soap mixture. When all the dirt is removed, all drops and stains are washed, it is necessary to moisten the clean discs in the water and wipe the screen, washing off the soap until the surface becomes brilliant, without stains and spots.

Technique care
Technique care

You can also perfectly cope with stains on a laptop using microfiber. The fact is that this is a special fabric, with a certain cut, which attracts dust and bacteria. This is an ideal option for cleaning glasses, a computer monitor, and a laptop, as well as a liquid crystal screen.

Such fabric is an ideal option that prevents the occurrence of divorces. Therefore, using such a fabric, there is no need to rub the surface to shine several times. You will be able to achieve shine and lack of divorces, traces the first time.

Elimination of divorces
Elimination of divorces

Now the stores have a huge number of caring funds. You can choose the most suitable for your pocket. Please note that ordinary wet wipes that are sold in a household are not suitable for cleaning the laptop. They are very often impregnated with solutions of antiseptics, alcohol and other substances that can aggressively affect the state of the monitor, especially if it is liquid crystalline.

In this case, it is worth abandoning the use of wet wipes. An ideal option will be the use of ordinary dry, limp napkins, baby soap or special tools. They are most often sold in bottles with a spray, have a watery or creamy texture.

Pure office equipment
Pure office equipment

How to wipe the laptop screen: a review of common means

Now on sale you can also find sets that consist of a large number of dry napkins, as well as a cleaning agent. Their price is quite high, but there are enough such funds and sets for a long time. Below is a list of tools for cleaning the laptop screen.

Laptop screen cleaning tools:

  • COLORWAY Cleaner for LED/TFT/LCD screens (CW-5151)
  • Patron set for cleaning screens 2 in 1 F4-011 (CS-PN-F4-011)
  • Patron Cleaner for Screens (spray 120 ml + napkin) F3-022
  • COLORWAY screens 100 ml (CW-1032)
Special napkins
Special napkins

How to clean the laptop screen in the corners?

Such funds are suitable for cleaning both liquid crystalline monitors, as well as older models that are made of dense material, glass or plastic. Please note that it is quite difficult to clean the joints between the glass and the body. An ideal option for these purposes will be a cotton wool moistened with a special tool. It is with her that it is necessary to go in the area of \u200b\u200bjoints, corners, and after that it is packed with a dry, clean microfiber or a bottomless cloth, avoiding the appearance of stains and traces.

Please note that you should not remove some kind of spot, pollution or drop, with a finger. Because you leave a fingerprint or a fat trace on the screen. Even if the hands seem quite clean and dry. Therefore, we recommend using special napkins or, in extreme cases, a regular handkerchief. Please note that during the cleaning of the laptop screen, you should not press hard in order not to damage and not worsen color rendering.

Technique care
Technique care

Laptop crane cleaning: common errors

There are common errors that office equipment sometimes carry out. Usually these are the wrong ways to remove contaminants. First you need to assess the screen condition, check how contaminated it is. There are several types of pollution:

  • Dust
  • Fat spots
  • Traces from flies
  • Divorces
Modern technique
Modern technique

Depending on what kind of stain it is, the cleaning method is selected. The easiest way to get rid of dust. This can be done oddly as the most ordinary cellophane bag. To do this, take a clean, new, disposable, cellophane bag. Preferably very thin, comb it and wipe the laptop screen without much pressure. Due to static pulling, all dust will remain on a cellophane bag, without leaving scratches on the screen.

Now you can proceed to the next stage of cleaning. If there are fat spots on the screen, traces of fingers, in no case should you scrap them with a knife, felt or solvent, detergents that are used in everyday life to clean the sink, glasses or dishes. The fact is that all these products contain aggressive components that can damage the surface of the screen. Accordingly, it is necessary to use sparing products.

Unsuccessful cleaning
Unsuccessful cleaning

Laptop screen cleaning: what can not be washed with the screen?

Prohibited materials and means:

  • It is worth using special solutions or ordinary baby soap. To do this, apply a little baby soap to the soft fabric and try to rub specific contamination. After that, the surface is wiped with a damp cloth and polished to shine.
  • Please note that in no case should you use a washcloth, sponge, as well as the hard sides of the sponge to clean the screen to scrape dirt from dishes. In no case should you use ordinary napkins for table setting, toilet paper, as well as ordinary waffle towels. All this leaves scratches on the surface.
  • Refuse the use of terry towels, because they have a large amount of pile that will settle on the surface. If you do not have special napkins and tools, there is nothing wrong. Use a soft flannel cloth that is used to sew children's diapers with a bike. They are very soft and practically do not contain pile, they can be used to wipe the screen.
  • At the same time, there will be no traces on it. It is also worth being very neat with the choice of the amount of moisture. In no case should you use wet tissue, it should only be slightly wet. Because all this moisture spoils the surface of the screen, and in the future damage may appear on it, which will affect the performance of office equipment.
Polis for the screen
Polis for the screen

As you can see, cleaning the laptop screen is a fairly simple procedure, especially if you approach it wisely and use special tools. But even without spending money on the purchase of special facilities for cleaning, you can keep your equipment clean, knowing a few secrets.

Laptop screen cleaning tools with aliexpress

A lot of useful tools and tools can be found on Aliexpress.

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Video: Laptop screen cleaning

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