How to weave a wreath of dandelions, daisies, herbs and wildflowers on your head step by step: Scheme

How to weave a wreath of dandelions, daisies, herbs and wildflowers on your head step by step: Scheme

Schemes of weaving wreaths from dandelions, daisies and wildflowers. The process of completing weaving.

Well, which of us in childhood did not weave a wreath of dandelions? This lesson carried away everyone - both boys and girls. Over time, maybe someone has forgotten how to easily and quickly weave a wreath of field and other colors?! In this article, we will try to thoroughly disassemble the technique and scheme of this simple lesson.

How to weave a wreath of dandelions of daisies, herbs and wildflowers on your head step by step: Scheme

How to weave a wreath of flowers?
How to weave a wreath of flowers?
  • For weaving wreaths, it is advisable to choose only flowers with long stems and fresh buds. If the plant has spikes, it is better to get rid of them.
  • In addition to flowers, it is also advisable to weave beautiful leaves into the wreath.
  • Some wizards prefer to decorate ready -made wreaths with ribbons, beads or other decor elements.

There are several schemes for weaving wreaths from field and other colors.

Scheme No. 1

Winger weaving scheme No. 1
Winger weaving scheme No. 1
  • The first method of weaving is familiar to us all.
  • For its implementation, it is necessary to collect several flowers in a bundle.
  • Then you need to add another bud to the resulting bouquet, and its stem is braided around the stems of existing colors.
  • Subsequent plants need to be laid exactly in the same way, tightly wrapping them in the stems of the resulting bunch.
  • The buds must be placed very tightly so that the wreath looks thick, and there are no gaps in it.

Scheme No. 2

Winger weaving scheme No. 2
Winger weaving scheme No. 2
  • The second weaving method implies the use of the principle of braiding.
  • To fulfill it, you need to take three flowers and start weaving a braid.
  • After the first finished node, another flower must be added to the subsequent.
  • The new flower should be located in the center of the braid, so that all the flowers are on the same line.
  • Each subsequent flower must be weaved exactly in the same way.

How to finish weaving a wreath on the head from dandelions, daisies, herbs and wildflowers: Scheme

How to finish the process of weaving a wreath?
How to finish the process of weaving a wreath?
  • When the wreath reaches the desired size and will approach the head, it must be connected.
  • The ending process of weaving is based on the combination of the two ends of the wreath and their bunch.
  • You can tie the ends of the wreath with a strong blade of grass, thin twig, thread or ribbon.
  • The sticking the ends of the stems must be carefully trimmed and hidden inside the weaving.

How to weave a wreath of dandelions: video

How to weave a wreath of wildflowers: video

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  1. Not the right tutorial, it does not work

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