How to drink water correctly during the day and how much water do you need to drink per day? Which water is better to drink: cold or hot, boiled or raw, mineral or simple? What will happen if you drink too much or little water - it is useful or harmful: the consequences

How to drink water correctly during the day and how much water do you need to drink per day? Which water is better to drink: cold or hot, boiled or raw, mineral or simple? What will happen if you drink too much or little water - it is useful or harmful: the consequences

A proper drinking regime along with rational nutrition plays an important role in ensuring the normal life of the body. What water is more useful to drink and how to do it right so as not to harm your health? Read about this below.


Water is a universal solvent. Paying into the liquid component of the blood, it is involved in the transportation of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients and products of vital activity, thermoregulation and chemical processes in the cells.

How much do you need to drink per day of water to an adult, pregnant, newborn child, children per 1 kg of weight?

Scientists calculated that the body of an adult man is 60% water, and female - by 50%. Adult:

  • To maintain the water balance, it is necessary to consume 1.5 - 2 liters of clean water per day.
  • The physiological need for recounting 1 kg of weight of an adult is 30 ml of water daily.

During pregnancy Water is involved not only in the metabolism of the body of the mother, but also of the future fetus. This is why doctors recommend:

  • Consume 2.5 liters of drinking water per day.
  • To prevent edema, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fluid drunk, but salt, and this must be done throughout pregnancy.

The doctor will help establish the correct drinking mode based on the results of the tests.

Inadequate fluid intake can affect the quality of amniotic fluid and mother's body.

The amount of consumed newborn child Water depends on the type of feeding.

  • With artificial or mixed feeding, the norm must be finished with a baby from two -week age, while the norm of water he had drunk during the day is 100 - 200 ml.
  • During breastfeeding, the baby needs to be finished, since the breast milk he drinks 90% of the water. The baby will have enough 50-70 ml of drinking water per day.

Important: the opinion is erroneous that the baby on breastfeeding does not need to be finished. Remember that breast milk is food, not drinking!

Compliance with the water balance in the body children - This is the key to their health. The use of a sufficient amount of liquid of proper quality will help to avoid problems with growing teeth, gums, joints, and kidneys.

  • Children need to drink 1-1.5 liters of clean water per day
  • The physiological need for water in children is 50 ml per 1 kg of weight

What will happen if you drink too much water - it is useful or harmful: the consequences

Despite all the benefits of pure drinking water, with a large amount of consumption, it can harm the body.

  1. When consuming a large amount of water, vomiting appears at a time. This property is used when washing the stomach during poisoning, but under ordinary conditions this phenomenon brings only discomfort.
  2. The risk of edema increases that can even affect the brain and lungs.
  3. Along with excess water, salts and minerals are washed out of the body, a water-salt balance is disturbed, which can lead to a decrease in muscle and mental activity and even convulsions.
  4. The body will try to get rid of a large amount of fluid with diarrhea.

“Everything is poison and everything is a medicine. And only the dose makes the medicine poison, and the poison - the medicine. " (Paracelsus)

Is it harmful to drink too much water for the kidneys?

Among doctors, there is an opinion that the best prevention of kidney diseases is their continuous work. In order not to suffer from urolithiasis or inflammation of the urinary tract, you need to use a sufficient amount of fluid per day (at least 2 l). This volume must be reduced if there are already kidney diseases.

With excessive use of water, the kidneys work in an enhanced mode, and it can be assumed that over time, such overloads will begin to affect their health and performance. However, to date, a reliable relationship between kidney diseases and a large amount of fluid drunk has not been established.

Situations in which you need to drink more water

In some cases, the volume of fluid consumed can be increased to 3 liters per day.

  1. Physical exercise
  2. Vomiting and diarrhea
  3. Enhanced urination
  4. Increased sweating
  5. Burns of the body
  6. Poisoning and intoxication of the body
  7. SARS, flu

What will happen if you drink too little water - it is useful or harmful: signs of dehydration, consequences

Without food, a person can live for more than a month, but without water only 3-4 days. A decrease in fluid level in the body is extremely dangerous for all body systems. You suffer from a lack of water in a mild and moderate degree, if:

  1. You have dry skin. This is manifested in peeling, a tendency to weathing, the appearance of deep wrinkles and other signs of premature aging.
  2. There are problems with digestion - heartburn, stomach disorders, frequent constipation.
  3. Thirst and dry mouth and eyes are felt, as the mucous membranes dry out.
  4. You are sick longer, because viscous blood does not have time to transport the toxins formed during illness to the organs of their excretion.
  5. Try pain in the joints due to the fact that the amount of fluid in the joint bag is reduced, and the bones begin to rub against each other.
  6. You often have a headache, especially at the end of the day. So the brain reacts to a decrease in water level in its composition.
  7. Feeling hunger occurs more often than usual. The body sends hunger signals to make up for fluid reserves along with the food taken.

A severe degree of dehydration requires speedy medical intervention and has the following signs:

  • charp breath and heartbeat
  • increased body temperature
  • fan dealership in infants
  • confusion and distraction in children and adults
  • lack of sweat and tears
  • dark urine in small quantities
  • a strong feeling of thirst
  • reduced blood pressure

Such dehydration is rare, but requires close treatment in a hospital.

Which water is better to drink: cold or hot?

Neither cold nor hot. Cold water causes spasms of the walls of the digestive tract and stomach, in addition, the body still “fuels” the received fluid to body temperature. Hot water, boiling water - not very pleasant in taste, and can burn the mucous membrane.

It is correct to drink warm water, heated to room temperature or temperature of the human body.

Why do the Chinese drink hot water?

There is no only correct answer to this question, but there are versions that:

  • In accordance with the ideas of Chinese traditional medicine, the use of cold drinks can violate the energy of Yin and Yan in the body.
  • Heated water contributes to better absorption of food, especially oily, because fat is easily dissolved in boiling water.
  • More earthly version - water is heated for hygienic considerations to kill pathogens.
  • The use of pure boiling water is a feature of the mentality, a tradition developed by centuries that has no specific subtext.

Is it useful to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning, how much water to drink, cold or hot?

According to doctors, the ideal start of the day must necessarily include the use of drinking water on an empty stomach. It should be warm water, comfortable for our body.

  1. A dripping on an empty stomach water washes the walls of the stomach, helping to cleanse it from undigested food residues.
  2. The reduction of the walls of the digestive tract is stimulated and thereby a slight laxative effect is obtained.
  3. Gastric juice is diluted and a feeling of morning heartburn passes.
  4. The appetite is reduced due to the feeling of fullness of the stomach.

To achieve such effects, it is enough to drink 1.5 - 2 cups of warm water in the morning.

Is it useful and how to drink water with lemon in the morning?

It will not be superfluous in warm water in the morning to add a slice of lemon or a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Lemon perfectly stimulates immunity, invigorates, accelerates the excretion of toxins, enriches the body with vitamins.

In addition, it is known for its fat -burning and antibacterial properties. You need to drink such a homemade “lemonade” on an empty stomach, 20-30 minutes before meals.

Children need to give lemon water with caution. Sour juice can harm the delicate mucous membrane of the stomach of the child, and the lemon is caused by an unpredictable allergic reaction.

Which water is better to drink: boiled or raw?

Thermal processing of the drink is one of the most effective means in the fight against pathogenic microbes. However, many consider boiled water to be dead, useless, and harmful chlorine-containing compounds are formed with boiling. In order to avoid this, it is recommended to defend water in open containers before boiling during the day, so that impurities such as chlorine, ammonia, etc. evaporate.

Raw water tastes more pleasant, but contains pathogenic microorganisms and disinfecting additives, if we are talking about tap water. Before use, such water must be defended or passed through household filters.

Which water is better to drink: mineral or simple?

Simple water, tap, is usually taken from ground sources and has an unstable composition. It depends on the amount of precipitation, the time of year, the removal of the reservoir from settlements and other factors. The chemical composition of ordinary water does not always meet the body's needs as and the number of trace elements contained.

Mineral water It has a constant chemical composition and is more saturated with inorganic trace elements. Depending on the content of salts in it, they distinguish:

  • therapeutic
  • therapeutic-dimensional
  • canteen mineral water.

The first two types of water are taken as prescribed by the doctor and in limited quantities. Canteen mineral water (with a content of salts of less than 1 g/l) can be drunk without restrictions and preferably from those sources that are geographically close to the place of your permanent residence.

Mineral water perfectly quenches thirst and restores the water-salt balance, but its regular use requires significant financial costs.

Is it possible to drink distilled water from a car shop, rain?

Distilled water from a car shop Designed for household purposes of maintenance of machines, for example, for washing radiators. Therefore, the container in which it is stored is not intended for food products, and you should not drink such water without extreme need.

Distilled water does not contain impurities and minerals, and absolutely all the water consumed can not be replaced by it.

Against, rainwater It has an indefinite composition. It absorbs impurities contained in the atmosphere - dust, heavy metals, ammonia, pesticides. Drinking such water and even using it for domestic purposes is not recommended.

Is it possible to drink sea water?

Sea water is the strongest poison for humans. The salts contained in it is enough to disable the kidneys and poison the body. After its absorption, there is a sharp increase in the concentration of trace elements and salt in the blood, which leads to the outflow of fluid from tissues, which leads to rapid dehydration.

Is it possible to drink water from a crane, from a well?

Water water Several degrees of cleaning passes and before entering the pipes corresponds to all sanitary and epidemiological standards. However, in the water supply, it is polluted a second time - iron oxides, organic, bacteria, and chlorine compounds contained in it can have a negative effect on the health of allergy sufferers and asthmatics. Therefore, water from a tap that has not passed boiling or cleaning with household filters is not recommended to drink.

Tasty and invigorating water from the well In the conditions of modern ecology, it most often contains a large number of nitrates and fluorides. These compounds are difficult to remove, and they are particularly dangerous for the child's body. The quality of water in different wells is different, and without laboratory tests it is difficult to establish whether it is possible to drink water from a particular source.

Is it possible to drink water with lime sediment?

A characteristic dairy sediment of limestone after the defending of water indicates a significant content of calcium salts (increased hardness) in it. Sanitary standards are forbidden to use such water for drinking needs. Without additional softening and cleaning, regular drinking water, rich in limestone, can lead to metabolic disorders and the formation of kidney stones.

Is it possible and useful to drink water overnight?

The body consumes water in the process of metabolism even at night. To avoid a sense of thirst, half an hour before bedtime, it is recommended to drink half a glass of clean water, you can mineral. But you should refuse to use fluids before bedtime if:

  • in the morning, swelling is worried
  • there is a restless sleep and frequent urination

Is it possible to drink water at high pressure, hypertension?

A diet for hypertensive patients must include a sufficient amount of fluid for an adult (at least 1.5 liters of water per day). Water with hypertension plays an important role in the body:

  1. Cleans the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques.
  2. It increases the volume of circulating blood, thus expanding the vessels and reducing blood pressure.
  3. It dilutes blood, facilitating the functioning of the heart.

The volume of water used and its quality is better to coordinate with the attending physician.

How to drink water frozen in a bottle?

Frozen water has changed qualities. It is more promotes to cleanse and rejuvenate the body, accelerates the metabolism. To obtain it, the defended water is poured into the bottle and placed in the freezer, and then it is removed by an blank ice and an unhurried part.

  • First, it is recommended to drink no more than 100 ml of frozen water per day to cause addiction.
  • Then you can drink up to 1.5 liters of frozen water per day. This volume must be divided by 4 to 5 times and for therapeutic purposes to drink 30 minutes before meals.

How to drink water for weight loss?

The correct drinking regime will help not only get rid of extra pounds, but also preserve the result.

During the day, you need to drink 8-12 glasses of water.

Try to adhere to an approximate water use schedule:

  1. In the morning on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before breakfast.
  2. During the day 30 minutes before eating and 2-3 hours after its intake.
  3. Between meals, focusing on a feeling of thirst.
  4. A small amount of water before bedtime.

In this case, water will help get rid of a false sense of hunger, reduce the volume of food consumed, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

How to drink water in the heat and is it possible to drink cold water?

In hot weather, a thirst is felt stronger, and I want to drink as many cold refreshing drinks as possible.

The amount of water drunk on a hot day should be increased by 0.5 - 1 liter from the norm. Thus, an adult needs 2.5 -3 liters of liquid to maintain water -salt balance.

Choose the temperature of the water correctly. Do not abuse cold drinks - This is fraught with colds and tonsillitis. Ice water causes vascular spasm, sucks slower and quenches thirst worse.

It is much more effective to drink warm or even hot water to accelerate the metabolism, increase sweating, and thus cool your body in a natural way.

Is it useful to drink a lot of water at temperature?

Doctors recommend drinking more warm water for diseases that cause an increase in body temperature. This is dictated by the fact that:

  • Water is additionally consumed on increased sweating and rapid breathing
  • The fluid helps the body cope with intoxication, removing the products of the activity of viruses, bacteria and toxins from the body.

Instead of water, you can drink herbal teas with the addition of raspberries and rosehips.

After how much after eating can you drink water and why not during meals?

The tradition of drinking food while meals it complicates digestion, since the incoming water dilutes the gastric juice and takes the necessary enzymes outside the stomach. For the same reasons, you can not drink water immediately after eating.

It will be correct to drink a glass of clean water half an hour before meals and 0.5 - 4 hours after eating.

  • after 30 minutes - after drinking fruits
  • 1 hour after vegetables
  • after 2 hours - after carbohydrate food
  • after 4 hours - after meat products.

After how long you can drink water after training and why can not you drink during training?

It is worth refrain from using water during training so as not to create a feeling of fullness of the stomach and avoid discomfort during active loads. In addition, an athlete who uncontrollably drinks water during exercises to quench increased thirst, threatens water poisoning.

  • You can drink water after physical exertion, every 15 minutes of 150-200 ml. The total volume of the drunk fluid should not exceed 1 liter.
  • Drink 1-2 cups of clean water half an hour before training to replenish fluid reserves in the body and not experience thirst during exercises.

Why can't you quickly drink water, but can you have small sips?

Water dripping in one gulp has a sharp load on the kidneys and the digestive tract. Not having time to absorb, it is more excreted from the body, without absorbing.

On the contrary, water, dripping with sips, is absorbed completely and perfectly quenches thirst.

Hold the drinking water in the mouth before swallowing it. This moisturizes the oral mucosa and “deceive” receptors that signal the thirst, creating the effect as from a large amount of fluid drunk.

Why can't you drink water after melon, corn?

To avoid unpleasant effects from the gastrointestinal tract, do not drink melon and corn with water. This will lead to increased flatulence, colic and even diarrhea. For the same reasons, it is not recommended to eat them on an empty stomach.

Why can't you drink water after surgery, anesthesia?

The postoperative state is accompanied by a strong thirst, but doctors do not allow drinking water after surgery and anesthesia.

  • The received water against the background of general weakness provokes nausea and vomiting, and the vomit can enter the respiratory tract and cause pneumonia.
  • In the case of cavity surgery, a drunk fluid exerts pressure on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and seams.

Drinking water is allowed only 2 hours after anesthesia.

Video: how and why do you need to drink water? Tips from Elena Malysheva

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  1. I am for a simple one, only from the tap we run, which does not cause trust. We use the filter, we take the interchangeable A5 AB cartridges for it and do not know grief, the water is simply cleaned, you can not worry. And our children drink water from the filter, and the baby food is preparing on this water-very much very much. In addition, the water is filled with magnesium, and many have a do not grip in our time.

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