How to send VKontakte video on a message to another user? How to send a video in VK from a phone, computer?

How to send VKontakte video on a message to another user? How to send a video in VK from a phone, computer?

Often users VKontakte have the need to share a video or photo with a friend so that others do not see it. Let's find out how to do it.

Many VKontakte users after recording a video or just adding it to their page, sometimes they want to share it with a friend. At the same time, if the video is personal, then I would not want others to be seen. Let's find out how to send a VKontakte video in a message.

How to send a video or photo from a computer to VK?

So, for starters, let's figure out how to send videos from a computer correctly.

  • Open your VKontakte page and first download the video you need for it. The desired button is located in the section "Video" And it is called "Add a video"
Adding a video
Adding a video
  • Click in the new window "Select a file" And we find it on the computer. For a choice, click on the video and further - "Open"
Select a file
Select a file
  • Immediately after this, the loading window will appear
  • While the video is pumped, you can change the name and description for it
  • If you do not want everyone to see your creation, then click on the line opposite "Who can watch this video"
Configure privacy
Configure privacy
  • If you do not want to open overall access, then select "Only I"
  • Now the video will be on your page, but you will see it only you
  • Now you can send him to your friend in correspondence. To do this, in the dialog window, click "More"
Attach the video
Attach the video
  • We click on the list "Video recording" and select the desired video, or click on "Photo" and select the desired picture

Additionally, you can add some text and send it to a friend.

How to send a video to a friend VKontakte from the phone?

It is important to know how to properly send a video on VK from the phone. In principle, everything is done here, but only the buttons are slightly different.

  • So, go to the application and open the section from the video
Video attachment
Video attachment
  • Here we choose a plus at the top right and click "Choose the existing"
  • Now find the right video in the phone’s memory and download it by clicking on the button "Attach"
  • The video will immediately display in the list. It remains to go there and press three vertical points above the video
Extra menu
Extra menu
  • Choose in the new menu "Edit" And here we are interested in the line "Who can watch this video"
  • We also leave that only you can view the video and save the result by clicking on the checkmark
  • It remains only to send the video to a friend. To do this, go into correspondence and click on the crossbar
Sending a friend
Sending a friend
  • In the menu opened, select "Video" or "A photo" And then click on a specific video

Add an additional message text and send it with the video.

Video: How to send VKontakte video from your computer?

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