How to distinguish a bruise from a fracture, cracks: signs, comparison. Can there be a fracture without pain?

How to distinguish a bruise from a fracture, cracks: signs, comparison. Can there be a fracture without pain?

In this topic, we will talk about the distinctive features of the bruise from the fracture or crack.

It is very easy to injure, especially in the winter, when an insidious ice “knocks” on every corner. But both adults and children can fall in warm times. At the same time, you can just bother, and sometimes you can get a very serious injury. But the shock state does not always allow us to soberly look at the state of things. Therefore, in this topic, on the eve of winter frosts, we want to find an answer how to distinguish a bruise from other types of injuries.

How to distinguish a bruise from a fracture, cracks by external signs?

Any disease or injury has its characteristic symptoms, on the basis of which a diagnosis is made. But sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish a bruise from other damage. Especially if you do not have x -ray vision. Therefore, we propose to study the external characteristic features of common and similar only at first glance injuries.

Important: you need to fall correctly! If you feel that you can’t hold your balance, group. Recall that for this it is necessary to press the elbows as much as possible and hide the chin. In no case should you put your arms or legs! At the same time, it is better to fall on the side so as not to injure the face. And also - try to relax the muscles as much as possible, then the blow will not be so traumatic.

Basic species
Basic species

Although you can not always be injured exclusively when falling. You can bother or get a crack from a strong blow to the item. A fracture can be obtained when a heavy cargo falls. By the way, its weight is directly proportional to the integrity of the bone. With very strong blows, it is possible to completely destroy it on small fragments.

But it is also worth noting that the path or method of injury will only superficially tell you. For example, when you hit with a hammer on your finger, you will get a strong bruise. And if the hammer is also bulky, then a crack or even a fracture is possible.

Basic features or how to distinguish a bruise?

  • Injury- This is closed injury to tissues or organs without violating the integrity of the bone structure.
  • It is usually accompanied by the following indicators:
    • naturally, a person experiences t pain. It completely depends on the strength of the injury of soft and hard tissues and your personal endurance criterion. As a rule, in a day, the pain is already slightly reduced and is not a sharp nature;
    • with a strong blow, it is possible to complete numbness And the disobedience of the affected parts of the body. In this case, by the way, this already speaks for the gap of elastic and muscle tissue;
    • it can also give the upper parts of the articular elements;
    • hematoma There may be enough saturated color and considerable size if the vessels are very much damaged. But She always goes a single spot;
    • swelling occurs at the place of the bruise, which can be caused by the accumulation of fluid or bruise. It increases significantly on the first day, but after, as a rule, it can subside a little. Especially if you hold the limb in an elevated state or under a cold compress.
  • Distinctive feature - the ability to move the limbs, If they are injured, or in other parts. Yes, it will hurt, but through efforts you can do this.

Important: edema with very strong bruises in some cases can stay for relatively long! Individual sensitivity, and the ability to self -healing, also affects.

Bruised leg with hematoma
Bruised leg with hematoma

What is the symptoms in case of a fracture?

They are very similar, but even the same signs are expressed in their own way. In addition, there are also additional differences that should be caught.

  • Recall what is generally fracture - This is the destruction of the integrity of bone tissue or periosteum, expressed to varying degrees and form. It can be in a closed and open form. That is, depending on the integrity of the skin - they remained intact, or suffered, respectively.
  • With an open fracture It immediately becomes clear what it is. Indeed, fragments or fragments of a solid organ can often stick out of the wound. In this case, there is a strong deformation of any part of the body. Often, the appearance itself causes the patient the severe pain and even shock.
Computer model
Computer model
  • With a closed form, things are a little more complicated, but nevertheless amenable to distinctive symptoms. Depending on the degree, shape and size of bone damage, various symptoms of the fracture appear:
    • at the time of the bone fault, a person experiences piercing pain. But unlike a bruise, after a while it does not become smaller, on the contrary - intensifies;
    • the swelling of the surrounding fabrics increases strongly and rapidly;
    • as a rule, at the fracture site appears hematoma, which also gradually becomes more noticeable. But, for example, in the shoulder or thigh due to dense fabrics, it can manifest only after 2-3 days. With some types of fractures, when soft tissues are not affected, hematomas may not be. But the main feature is due to ruptures of the integrity of fibers and blood vessels. have subcutaneous bruises and occupy an extensive area;
    • it is also based on a certain crunch, What does the bone flask say.
  • A very important distinctive characteristic is crepitus! That is, Anced possibility of normal movement and movements. Consider more carefully:
    • for example, if a hand is injured in the elbow area, then you cannot move your fingers. And there can be no question of taking something;
    • if there is an injury to the lower leg or hips, then, of course, a person will no longer be able to become the whole limb;
    • the most dangerous of the chest fracture. Since the usual breath has a sharp passing pain. But this is not all - the edge of the bone can hurt internal organs!
A good example
A good example

How to distinguish a bruise and a fracture from a crack, how is it expressed?

  • There is still such a thing as bone crack. But in fact, this is the same fracture in which the integrity of the bone is not completely violated. Symptoms in this case are usually the same as with any such injury - pain, edema and hematoma at the injury site.
  • Here is the cunning of cracks ! This symptoms can be similar in nature to both bruises and a fracture.But there is a small clue - The pain from the crack will not subside, Until you go through the course of treatment.
  • By nature, unpleasant sensations can be stupid, and pulsating, and very sharp. Especially, If there is a load on this place. But at rest, anxiety may be completely absent!
    • For example, the knee hurts when walking (by the way, the knee cup is very much subject to cracks), and when breathing, the patient tries not to take deep breaths.
  • At the same time, even slight swelling or bruise can remain for a long time. But by nature, signs are more like a bruise. Since there is no fracture damage to soft tissues, blood vessels or capillaries.
Visual picture
Visual picture

Can a fracture be without pain?

The answer is affirmative-positive-yes! There are forms of fractures in which pain symptoms and function disorders are not very pronounced or weakly expressed.

  • For example, when one bone enters the cavity of another solid organ. By the way, the hematoma can be internal, and the edema will not be so pronounced.
  • Or with a fracture of a fiber or plus bone.

Important: a surge of adrenaline or a shock condition can drown out the pain from the fracture. Therefore, it will not have such a sharp and intolerable character.

But it is worth paying attention to such a characteristic symptoms:

  • the lower limb with such a serious injury can suggest using the effect of a “sticky heel”. That is, when a person lying on his back cannot raise his leg or just at least tear it from the surface;
  • with the displacement of bone fragments, which is more often on the limbs (but other parts of the body are not insured from this), the fracture will be noticeable to the naked eye. Due to the deformation of the bone at the junction of the injury, the limb may seem shortened or, conversely, elongated compared to a healthy part. You can also observe a picture with a bulging of a fragment;
  • when feeling the damaged limb, if there is no infringement of the muscles between the fragments, you can easily feel their crunch.
Bulling out a fragment
Bulling out a fragment

Important: with any suspicion of a fracture, the limb must be tightly fixed before providing medical care so as not to shift the fragments even more, and not to damage the nerve endings and blood vessels.

By the way, how to provide first aid in various dangerous situations to an adult, including during a fracture, you can read in our article on the topic "Procedure and rules of first aid."

How to distinguish a bruise, fracture, crack: comparison

  • We have already decided on external symptoms:
    • swelling and hematomas Significant sizes and in the first seconds are characteristic of a fracture. With cracks or severe bruises, they can pass over time and cover not such significant scale. Since there is no vascular damage;
    • with a fracture, it is impossible to move the entire patient with a limb or part of the body. Bruise and crack give us the opportunity, albeit through pain, but move and breathe;
    • well, as an additional feature - The deformation is visually visible in case of dangerous injury;
    • pain - This is a slightly dubious indicator, so only it is necessary to focus on it extremely carefully. In general, a fracture is characterized by sharp, permeating and prolonged pain. The bruise has a weaker degree. And a crack - it does not so much hurt much as it torments for a long time at any load.
Axial pain will help in resolving the issue
Axial pain will help in resolving the issue
  • But one difference is very important, which will help to diagnose - axial load. That is, an experienced person with a medical education will conduct a slight pressure along the bone. With a fracture, the pain will still be very much to give in a sore spot and to adjacent areas. But with a severe bruise, such a penetrating pain is not felt.
    • Small advice to very impressionable people and especially mothers - you can do it yourself if there are no directly bright symptoms of a fracture. That is, lightly tap your finger with a phalanx of your finger or pillows along the affected place, but only slightly higher or lower. In the absence of severe pain, this will indicate a bruise.

Important: but without fail it is worth showing the victim to the doctor! It can make an accurate diagnosis only during an inspection and x -ray to prescribe the correct treatment. After all, do not rely only on external signs.

And as we examined, they have their own characteristics. Yes, their symptoms are very similar, but should be expressed in different ways, with different scale and degree. Although it can be very torn to interpret with adjacent indicators.

Video: How to distinguish a bruise and a fracture among themselves?

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Comments K. article

  1. in any case, when an injury, you should see a doctor, do not pull, I remember fell, thought a fracture, but turned out to be a strong bruise, helped a lot of frosts of frostspre, relieves pain in a matter of seconds, cools, then hematomas and bruises do not appear

  2. I was completely fragmented by the elbow joint, moved with all my fingers and with my hand, swelling was small, so it was better to the doctor.
    The article is good, thanks

  3. Thanks for the clear, simple description. Now it is more or less clear that we have.

  4. i hit my hand on the door. The brush hurts. I can move her, but there is pain with movements. There is no tumor, bruises, etc. on the hand. Tell me what is it?

  5. Thank you!!! Now I got it when I had a crack and then a fracture.

  6. With any injury to the emergency room, it is urgent, how many cases, a person rises in post -traumatic shock, and after a couple of hours there may be a fatal outcome. I had it, hit my leg, I thought a bruise. I anointed with ointment, but lay down to sleep. And in the morning this was inflated, it turned out to be a fracture. He was in the hospital for a long time. Evalarovsky Calcium Helat drank so that the bones to grow faster. I did not find a cool complex and side effects from the reception.

  7. The ankle hurts the tumor when I do not move does not hurt at load. Pain

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