Red wine is useful properties with moderate use. On the benefits and dangers of red wine

Red wine is useful properties with moderate use. On the benefits and dangers of red wine

Red wine is not just a pleasant drink, but also a richest source of mineral substances and chemical compounds useful for the body.

Red wine is a complex combination of a large number of chemicals, the exact content of which depends on many factors: climatic and agrarian conditions for growing raw materials, methods of its cultivation, production features, and so on.

Beneficial properties of red wineChemical composition of red wine

The main components of red wine:

  • Water
  • Carbohydrates
  • Acids
  • Alcohols
  • Phenols
  • Nitrogen compounds
  • Inorganic substances
  • Vitamins
  • From carbohydrates, wine contains glucose and fructose
  • Organic acids are mainly represented by wine, apple, citric and milk
  • Ethyl alcohol contained in red wine is widely used in medicine and is considered the least dangerous in effect on the body. But methyl alcohol, causing the most severe toxic lesions, is practically absent in red wine
  • Phenols are natural antioxidants, the taste, color and smell of red wine depend on their composition
  • Nitrogen compounds are involved in the formation of amino acids
  • Of the inorganic substances in red wine there are iron, potassium, fluorine, magnesium, iodine and a number of other elements that play an important role for the body
  • The percentage of vitamins in red wine is not large, but their effect on the body in combination with other components makes red wine extremely useful

Therapeutic properties of red wine

Beneficial properties of red wine

For centuries, red wine has been used by doctors to treat various ailments along with other medical drugs. The healing properties of wine noted Paracelsus and Hippocrates.

  • due to the content of iron increases blood hemoglobin with serious bleeding and anemia
  • has an antiseptic and bactericidal effect; In undiluted red wine, bacteria die for half an hour
  • helps to remove cholesterol from the body, contributing to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases
  • replenishes calcium reserves and helps with muscle cramps, convulsions and fractures
  • removes metabolic products and toxic substances from the body, improves the activity of the kidneys
  • due to the presence of tannins contributes to the healing of wounds and scratches, including on the mucosa inside the body
  • red berry wines are very rich in vitamin C
    The presence of antioxidants prevents aging and neutralizes excess radiation

Using red wine in the treatment of certain diseases

With strong blood loss, a lack of iron and vitamins in the body In small portions, a total of 1 cup of pure red wine per day for 7 days
Respiratory diseases 50 ml of heated red wine three times a day; You can add honey or black pepper to wine
With acute non -infectious diarrhea Drink 50 ml of chilled red wine
Depression, bad sleep One glass of red wine before bedtime
Strong hypothermia MUBLENTVIN: 50 ml of hot red wine with the addition of cinnamon, ginger, cloves, honey, pepper and nutmeg
Injuries, bruises, hematomas, stretching Compresses from chilled red wine
Fractures 3-4 times a day, 50 ml of red wine
Gum diseases and inflammation Rinse of the oral cavity with dry red wine, 1 cup per day

Speaking of useful properties, it means natural red wine of good quality without falsifications and extraneous impurities.

Contraindications for the use of red wine

Contraindications to the renewal of red wineYou can not consume red wine in the following cases:

  • In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, pancreatitis, liver and duodenal diseases, stomach ulcer), red wine can provoke attacks and exacerbations
  • In addition, red wine contributes to the processes of fermentation in the intestines, which can lead to undesirable complications
  • With allergies to plant components, red wine can cause an unwanted reaction
  • With migraines and headaches, these symptoms are also enhanced by the use of red wine
  • With alcoholism, drug addiction and mental disorders, the use of red wine can cause unpredictable behavior and inadequate deeds

The use of red wine during pregnancy

  • The first trimester is considered the most dangerous period for the emergence of various kinds of complications, since at this time all vital organs of the fetus are formed
  • In order to avoid possible pathologies, up to 12 weeks should refrain from drinking any alcoholic beverages
  • After the 12th week, doctors consider it possible to use red wine within 5-6 glasses per month, but not more than 50 ml per day

The use of red wine PR PregnancyThe effect of red wine on blood pressure

At increased arterial Pressure should only be consumed by dry red wine. It contains a large amount of fruit acids that help relieve spasms and expand the vessels.

Hypotonics It should be consumed red wine, which increases the amount of heart contractions and increases pressure.

Red wine for weight loss

In addition to all the properties listed above, red wine has another undoubted advantage: it contains resveratrol.

It is scientifically proven that this component prevents the development of adipose tissues, which allows the use of red wine in various diets

A five -day wine diet

  • 1st breakfast: one boiled egg and tomato
  • 2nd breakfast: one green apple
  • Lunch: 200 g of low -fat cottage cheese and one cucumber
  • Dinner: glass of red dry wine

During the diet, salt and sugar cannot be consumed. It is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. The interval between techniques should not be less than 2 hours.

Red wine for weight lossRed wine: choice

  • If the label costs a year of harvest or at least exposure time, such wine deserves your attention. If there are no such instructions, low quality wine
  • Serious manufacturers do not pour wine into a bottle of intricate shape, since the capacity for storing wine is part of the technological process. Choose wine in classic strict bottles with a narrow long neck and a hole at the base of the bottle
  • On the front side of the label, the manufacturer and grape variety from which wine was produced should be indicated. In expensive wines, as a rule, in addition to the grape variety, the name of the wine community and the grape collection region are indicated
  • Too low the cost of the wine indicates the unnatural composition
  • If the label has the words “made and spilled”, this means that the wine goes on sale directly from the manufacturer
  • If there is only the word “importer”, it means that the manufacturer buys raw materials in different regions and mixes it in an industrial way, which is not reflected in the quality of wine for the better

Red wine: choiceThe benefits of homemade red wine

Red wine cooked at home contains only natural components, which cannot be guaranteed when using wine made by the factory way.

In addition, industrial red wines are produced mainly from grapes. At home, you can use any fruits and berries that you consider for yourself useful.

What to cook homemade red wine

Delicious and healthy homemade red wine is made of cherries, currants, plums, raspberries, black ash.

  • To prepare wine, it is important to use only mature (but not overripe!) Berries without mold and rot
  • It is not recommended to wash the berries too carefully, since bacteria that are useful for proper fermentation of wine live on their peel
  • Wine from berries, like jam, does not like metal utensils, so when preparing it is recommended to use a wooden spoon, glass, plastic or in extreme cases enameled dishes
  • You can withstand homemade wine only in a glass or wooden container
  • In the process of excerpt, wine should be in relative warmth, otherwise the fermentation process will not occur

Homemade red wine from berriesHomemade wine from black ash

You will need:

  • Ripe berries of mountain ash 5 kg
  • Sugar-sand 2.5-3 kg
  • Water 1 liter
  1. Remove the berries thoroughly, place in a 10-liter non-metallic container. Add 2 kg of sugar. To improve fermentation, you can add a little raisins. Cover the capacity with a lid and leave for a week at room temperature
  2. Mix the berry mixture thoroughly daily to avoid mold.
  3. After that, it is necessary to manually squeeze the berries, strain the resulting juice through the tissue into a separate container. Remove the container with juice for a week in a dark warm place
  4. Add the remaining 1 kg of sugar and 1 liter of warm water to the squeezed berry mass, mix well, cover with luminous cloth and leave at room temperature for another week. The fermentation process can be considered completed when all the berries will rise upstairs
  5. Mix the berry mixture daily so that mold starts up
  6. From a can with the first portion of juice, remove foam accumulated in a week. Fill the second portion of juice there (we also pre -filter it through the fabric). Mix both portions of juice, close a lid, leave in a warm place
  7. Two days after mixing, remove the accumulated foam from the surface of the juice, gently pour the entire juice into a dry clean jar so that the sediment remains at the bottom of the previous container. Remove again for two days. This procedure must be repeated until your wine gives a precipitate
  8. After the completion of all stages of filtering, wine must be removed for storage in a cool place and withstand at least 2 months before use

Beneficial properties of red wineSpeaking about the benefits of red wine, do not forget that everything is good in moderation. Even the best medicines with improper and excessive use can cause serious harm to our health. The norm is the use of one glass of red wine per day.

Video: Elena Malysheva. Red wine: benefits for those who believe

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