How to distinguish carp from crucian carp in appearance: distinguishing features. Why is carp and crucian carp often confused?

How to distinguish carp from crucian carp in appearance: distinguishing features. Why is carp and crucian carp often confused?

Although carps and crucians are different fish, they are often confused. In our article, we will figure out what both of these fish are and how to distinguish them externally.

Carp and crucian carp are similar at first glance and therefore even experienced fishermen can not always quickly figure out who is in front of them. Yes, undoubtedly, both fish are representatives of the same family and are largely similar. That's just the differences between them are large, and you will not notice them during a cursory examination.

Carp and crucian carp - what kind of fish?

Carp and crucian carp
Carp and crucian carp

The crucian is very popular fish and it is found in many places. Karasi really likes when there is no current in the pond, and the bottom is rich in silt. There they find food for themselves and hide for the winter.

The fish very rarely weighs more than three kilograms, and in length it can reach no more than 50 cm. The largest individual that has ever been caught had a weight of 5.5 kg. Although, most individuals grow up to 20 cm long and weighing only 350 grams. There are two types - gold and silver. Their shape differs, as well as the coloring of scales.

The uniqueness of crucian carp is that nonsense populations often live in reservoirs. In this case, females have to spawn with similar types - roach, bream, carp and carp. In fact, they do not fertilize, but they stimulate the eggs to growth so that they then continue the population.

In size, crucian carp can be much smaller than carp. The latter is considered more valuable. It is also important to note that the carps are very fertile and have the ability to rapid growth. If they eat well, then their weight grows by 6-7 grams every day. Usually, small crustaceans, larvae and worms become food. But the best delicacy for them is grain waste, cake or compound feed.

Carp is of different types, so, except for scaly, there is a mirror, koi, Ropshinsky and so on. However, all these breeds were bred artificially. As a rule, already at 4 years, carp has a weight of about 2 kg. Most often, their growth reaches 70 cm, and the weight does not exceed 6 kg. There have been exceptional cases when fishermen made individuals up to 40 kg.

Many ichthyologists believe that the carp appeared from the carp, which has become more domestic. The native country of fish is considered to be China, where Karpov was raised for emperors and it was considered a delicacy. Only then Karp began to gradually spread around the world and today it is in all countries.

Why is carp and crucian carp is easy to confuse?

Carp and crucian carp
Carp and crucian carp

Very often you can encounter such a situation that fishermen takes carp for crucian carp and without a twinge of conscience sends it to the cage. As a rule, they do this with young individuals, because adults already manifest more differences.

The reasons why this situation occurs several:

  • Strong external resemblance
  • The same habitat
  • The bite is similar - first the fish puts the float, and then pulls it to the side
  • Love the same baits

Undoubtedly, it is difficult and even impossible to confuse adults, since their differences appear very well. The above is more suitable for small carps and crucian carp that have visual similarities, but this is only at first glance.

How to distinguish carp and crucian carp in appearance: signs


Even regardless of which equipment and the fishing method are used, it is almost unrealistic to catch crucian carp in Russia weighing more than two kilograms. So, if you have fished for more than two kilograms by weight, then this is definitely carp. If he has small antennae, and it is pleasant to touch the scales and it is soft, then you can definitely have no doubt in your catch.

You can only confuse with crucian carp, that a small scaly carp, which weighs 800-900 grams. But he also has certain differences that will definitely make it clear that you are not crucian.

  • Head

Take a closer look at the head. In carp, she has relief and massiveness. Goliterate lips and fleshy. They move very well. If you take carp and crucian carp the same size, then the first mouth will have much larger. It is also important to note that the carp has a hump on the nose. If we talk about the shape of the head, then it is more convex and slightly angular.

A very distinctive sign of carp are a mustache. Almost 80% of individuals have them from the first year of life. Although the mustache is short and winding, it is very simple to consider them.

  • The body
Crucian carp
Crucian carp

If we talk about the body, then the carp is longer and more complete. If you try to hold it in your hands and bend, then this will be done without problems. This cannot be done with crucians due to greater density.

Take a closer look at the fin on your back. In carps, it is longer and is characterized by a protruding front beam, and there is a good seizure under it. In crucian carp, it is even, and at the end it is slightly rounded up. The lateral fins also differ and usually a matter in color. Karas usually have black or cloudy gray, slightly translucent into light. The carp has a dark purple or even orange color, and the tail has a reddish tint.

It’s also worth a closer look, or rather touch the gills. The crucian carp has small roughnesses on them. They are easily felt by fingers. By the way, experienced fishermen claim that these two fish are distinguished even by eyes. If carps are yellow-golden color, then crucian carp has muddy and slightly convex.

  • Teeth
How to distinguish carp crucian carp?
How to distinguish carp crucian carp?

Fish differ in the quantity and location of the pharyngeal teeth. Carp has massive teeth, they are located in two rows and there are 10 pieces. In crucians, they are on both sides and there are 8 of them.

It turns out that you can visually distinguish carp and crucian carp on many signs. So if you cannot immediately determine who is in front of you, then using the signs you can quickly figure out what's what.

It is important to note that in Russian latitudes there are more and more hybrids from carp and silver crucian carp. They are called Karpokaras or Karasekarp. The species have been withdrawn in artificial conditions, and the amount of fish is monitored. This can be explained by the lack of opportunity for males to reproduce. The hybrid received all the advantages of both types. It grows rapidly, resistant to disease, tolerates difficult conditions and lack of oxygen.

Karpokaras has almost no mustache. In young individuals, the species more resembles crucian carp, but as it grows up, this similarity becomes invisible. Adult individuals become similar to carps even behavior. For example, the fish does not spend wintering in silt, but prefers to just relax in the depths.

Another interesting fact is that hybrids live up to 45 years. They just cannot multiply. Although, they are still taken out in large quantities.

What is the difference between carp and crucian carp in behavior: Features of fishing

How to catch carp?
How to catch carp?

Carp and crucian carp have not only external differences, but their behavior is also different. Yes, there are the same features, but still there are those that distinguish them. Every fish should know them if he wants to catch why he came.

Carp reluctantly takes the bait, at least so it seems. In fact, he simply shows caution, for example, when the hook is at the bottom. So it is worth using additional ingredients that can lure the fish. For example, it can be corn cereal or crushed corn grains.

It should also be noted that the carps try to be away from the places where the bait balls fall. We'll have to wait until they swim around and slowly begin to get to the bait. But crucian carps for an unusual smell always strive quickly, and eat everything around them.

Karasi swim rather large packs and almost never are alone, and carps move in small flocks of 10 individuals, or separately from all. Here we must take into account weather conditions. For example, a strong wind shakes trees and reeds. They make noise, and the carp is scared. Therefore, the fish sinks deep and tries to swim. Large individuals are most often single. When the water is warmed up and a lot of food, even small fish can swim alone.

When Karp feels that he is on the hook, he tries to break free. His first jerk is very strong and can harm even the most durable equipment. So the main thing for the fisherman at this moment to make a blow and slightly tire the fish. To do this, hold the top of the rod tense and let the carp feel freedom. As for the crucian carp, for them such jerks are uncharacteristic. Fish can just win a little for a few seconds.

Carps are distinguished even by the best hearing than crucian carp. Interesting, but some breeders even call them for feeding a bell. Therefore, one must be very quiet and wear camouflage so that the fish does not notice the danger. Yes, and it is best to do a long cast.

How to catch fish or carp: Tips for fishermen

Popular fishing
Popular fishing
  • Carp and crucian carp are perfectly felt by the weather. They do not like it when cold or too hot. The most difficult thing is to feed them during wind and bad weather. Each change for the fisherman is critical and strongly affect the catch. So if you do not want to leave empty -handed, it is better to go fishing when the weather does not change at least a day.
  • Follow the complementary foods, so that it is not too nutritious, otherwise you will feed the fish. Bait is always required just to attract attention, then to file a bait. If there is too much of it, then the fish will be saturated and sailing.
  • To get the best catch, use a few bait.
  • Use the equipment as strong as possible, but try to make it invisible. It is important to understand that carps are extremely careful. Use thin carts and good fishing line.
  • It is always worth taking several lures with you, because these fish can show inconsistency. If yesterday they liked the worm and bloodworm, then tomorrow they will be actively eating corn.
  • So, although carp and crucian carp are one family, they live in the same environment and prefer the same food, they still differ much from each other. The point is not only in external data, but also behavior. Every fisherman needs to know about them, because otherwise it will not work to get good results.

Video: How to distinguish between large crucian carp from the carp?

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