How to distinguish a chicken chicken from a rooster in 2, 3 weeks, 1, 2, 3, 4 months, in an egg: useful tips, methods, photos, videos, video

How to distinguish a chicken chicken from a rooster in 2, 3 weeks, 1, 2, 3, 4 months, in an egg: useful tips, methods, photos, videos, video

You decided to engage in breeding chickens, and do not know how to distinguish a rooster from chicken? Learn the information in the article. With its help, to do it is simple.

Parts usually update part of the herd of chickens by replacing already grown individuals with young age of six months. But experienced farmers argue that it is much more advisable to produce this number by replacing the chicks that grew up in their farm.

It may be necessary to determine the floor of the chicken already in the first weeks of the appearance of the offspring. This is necessary so that you can assess the size of future profit. In addition, it is important to determine the floor of the chickens in order to limit the number of cocks in the total number of individuals of the herd. How can this be done, and how the chicken differs from the rooster at different ages, read on.

Features of determining the floor of the chicken

Various methods that experienced farmers use help in determining the floor of a kurchonka at any age, even after only a couple of hours after hatching. Popular systems for checking the gender of chickens differ in accuracy. There are also methods that are used in personal home chickenics in the inhabitants of the village and villages and are called folk methods.

The main feature of the definition is Kurchonok a boy or girl, is the use of several techniques at the same time. In this case, the identification will be more accurate, since the final effectiveness will turn out with a high percentage of reliable.

How to distinguish chicken chicken from a rooster at 2, 3 weeks: useful tips, photo

The male chicken has a lighter fluff than the female
The male chicken has a lighter fluff than the female

Experienced farmers know that, depending on the age frames, in their practice, various signs are known for the external differences in chickens, allowing the procedure to quickly and easily. It is worth noting that when the kurchonka is only 24 hours, it is difficult to determine its gender, since distinctive features have not yet been formed for this period of time. However, many breeders still try to do this, studying the features of the color background of the plumage of young animals. In the cocks, in the first few days after curse from the egg, it will be a lighter shade - almost white, and in girls - beige plumage.

A characteristic feature of the floor definition at an older age is 2-3 weeks, this is a slow growth of tails in males compared to chickens. After that, the rooster has feathers with a rounded shape, there are no such feathers in layers.

It's important to know: Petushkov is also visible from the fluff, which does not change to feathers for a long period of time.

The male is more aggressive and when lifting him upside down, he always tries to rise and rectify the situation
The male is more aggressive and when lifting him upside down, he always tries to rise and rectify the situation

You can distinguish a boy at the age of several weeks by the following signs:

  • Boys develop more quickly and gain weight than females.
  • Aggressiveness in behavioral factors in the struggle for a place in the territory or for food.
  • Replacing the down layer with a feather occurs slowly. Men's individuals aged 21 days are still fluff, while the female individuals are already covered with feathers.

These methods have almost 100%reliability. But sometimes still you should not rely only on them, due to the age characteristics of different species of the bird.

How to distinguish chicken chicken from a rooster of 1, 2, 3, 4 months: useful tips, photos, videos

Chicken male aged 1 month
Chicken male aged 1 month

There are distinctive features of determining the gender of more adult individuals of chickens, on which experienced breeders are most often based. As the bird grows, it is worth noting the following:

  • 1.5-2.5 months. -Curon-boys already have a red scallop and beard. But it is also worth noting that the female representatives may also have a scallop, but it has smaller parameters and has a yellowish tint.
  • 2-3 months. - The paws of the roosters are longer than that of chickens. The tail begins to grow faster in females, and in males it is still small.
  • 1.5-3 months -The skin on the face of males is a dark red shade and has a round shape.
  • 3 months. And older - The male kurchas already has a large tail and a splatter growth on the legs appears.
Chicken aged 1.5 months
Chicken aged 1.5 months

Remember: If in this age period a scallop resembling a cock appeared at a female individual, then this means that it belongs to a high -accurate breed of chickens.

It is worth knowing: The bright red color of the scallop in a bird aged 3 months. Indicates that this is a boy. In chicken, the scallop is painted in scarlet tones at an older age, when its reproduction system matures.

At 4 months. You can easily make the difference between males and a female. He (the cockerel) already has red earrings and a large comb. The male has a stronger body structure and high growth than the female. In the following video, you can see how the farmer selects birds for females and males.

Video: How to distinguish a chicken from a rooster by plumage at the age of 3 months?

How to distinguish chicken chicken chicken from a rooster - methods

Farmers have many reliable methods for determining the gender of the chicken based on different parameters of the bird and its behavioral reactions. Previously, in the Soviet Union, ultrasound was used on poultry farms to determine the sex of chickens.

  • It was known what sound signal attracts roosters. They included special equipment and installed speakers that made such a sound. He was almost not heard by a person, but was easily determined by a bird.
  • The cockerels immediately began to crowd near the column, and the hens remained aloof.
  • Then the workers of the poultry farm simply selected individuals needed a floor and put it in another chicken coop.
  • But such equipment is expensive and not always affordable individual breeders. Therefore, they use other proven methods.

To size

Weighing the chicken to determine its gender
Weighing the chicken to determine its gender
  • Differences by weight are visible among chickens throughout their lives.
  • Therefore, roosters are determined by weighing.
  • The difference between a male and a female at one age can reach up to 1-2 kilograms.

It's important to know: The features of different breeds of chickens should also be taken into account, since some of them can be slightly heavier than roosters.

Farmers who have been breeding chickens for many years use their personal experience in determining the floor of chickens. For example, when looking at paws and heads, you can easily distinguish a rooster: his paws are large and wide, his head is large and more round.

Feathers and wings

Sama chickens - determining the floor by feathers and wings
Sama chickens-determining the floor by feathers and wings

Fleets of chicken-girls grow earlier and faster than in males. But males have a large wing wing compared to females. Breeders often use this particular method for determining the floor of Kurchat, and its reliability is from 65 to 80 percent.

Determination of the floor of the chicken for plumage
Determination of the floor of the chicken for plumage

You can also straighten the wing and pay attention to the plumage. Take the closet in your hands and carefully spread the wing. All the "hairs" at the end of the wing are light, but in the chicken they are more sparse and different lengths. Whereas the cockerel has all the plumages the same in parameters and shapes, light in color and beautiful.

By color

Brahma thoroughbred chickens - cocks and chickens
Brahma thoroughbred chickens - cocks and chickens

This method is considered one of the best, but it is suitable only for thoroughbred chickens. Here are the distinctive features of the bird in color in different species:

  • Brahma - Black dots on the head and slightly traced lines on the body. This feature characterizes the rooster.
  • Crosses - Males - white color, females - beige.
  • Auto of autosx varieties - Males hatch with lines on the body. Females can be white, black or gray in color.
  • Adler silver hens - Males have a rich lemon color of the plumage with a black line on their heads. Females are born with yellow fluff.
  • New Hampshires and Rod Ilanda. Females have dark lines and spots of the head, which appear on the second day after hatching. In male individuals, such distinctive features are absent.
  • Kuchinsky anniversary - Females are born with a darker color of wings than that of males.

It is worth knowing: The floor of the curly is simply determined by the brood of breeds Lo-Man and Haysex-Brown. The females have a silver-golden color of the plumage, in males-a dark brown-golden color of fluff and feathers.

Japanese method or vendesxig

Determining the floor of the chicken by the Japanese method
Determining the floor of the chicken by the Japanese method

This type of determination of the gender of chickens is one of the most accurate. Its reliability is 95% and is used mainly on large farms. Good production experience of farm workers, a large period of time-all this allows you to determine the floor with almost 100%accuracy and without harm to the chick. The features of this method are as follows:

  • The procedure for determining the floor should be carried out between 6 hours after the chip and 15 hours - for egg and 18 hours - for broilers.
  • Of course, you can conduct an inspection of the chick and immediately at the first hour after the birth, but it can be harmful to its fragile body. Therefore, it is better to wait until 6 hours.
  • Later 15 and 18 hours after the appearance of the chick, the bird appears a fold that complicates the examination and affects the accuracy of the result.

It should be remembered that this method needs to be used if there is experience in caring and breeding chickens. It consists of such manipulations:

  • Do not press the chick on the abdomen so that feces come out.
  • Clean the cloaca of dirt and feces with cotton wool or gauze swab dipped in warm water.
  • Hold your paws, turn the chick and spread the cloaca and press on the tummy again.
  • Inspect this area: if there is a ledge, this is a boy.

In this way, it is difficult to use inexperienced breeders. But, if you get used to it, you can inspect and take up to 700 goals in 60 minutes.

Advice: If you are not sure that you can do everything right, then it is better to give up this method of determining the floor of the chicken. Otherwise, you can harm the chick, bring the infection into the area of \u200b\u200bthe childbearing system and even lose part of the bird heads.

Reflex method - by behavior

Determining the sex of the chicken by behavior
Determining the sex of the chicken by behavior

This method is designed that females and males have different reactions to life's negative influences or indignant factors. You can use this method for chicks aged, both for several days and 1-2 months. The reliability of the result will be the same. So, here are the methods from this group of methods:

So the male and the female chickens behave
So the male and the female chickens behave
  1. Take the chickens by the paws and raise your head upside down. The male will look around and try to raise his head, resisting the actions of a person. The female will behave more calmly, drawing her head and performing the body group. Be sure to hold the curly head so as not to injure it.
  2. Prepare a cardboard box. Take the individual behind the back and raise over the box to a small height. Now watch the behavior of the chick. As in the first case, the male chicken will be more mobile and look around. The female will be calm, squeezing the legs to the body.
  3. A stressful situation is a random method. Such a situation does not need to be specially created, it is worthwhile to simply observe the chicks during their development. If someone scares young animals, the females will crowd and hide on the perch, and the males will first scatter, and then they will stand in a protective rack, straightening their neck and preparing to reflect the aggressiveness of the surrounding factors.

On the egg

This method helps to determine the gender of future offspring at the stage of forming a chicken in an egg. To do this, pay attention to the following features:

  • Learn the shape of the testicle: perfectly oval and smooth - a female will appear if the bulges, as if a pulled sharp end at the egg, speaks of the male hatch.
  • If you have a ovoscope, which shines through the contents of the egg, then with the help of this device, it is easy to determine the gender of the future chick. Enlighten the device from the acute part of the testicle to the stupid until an air bubble appears inside. If such an air bubble is strictly in the middle, then a boy will appear. If the bubble is shifted to the side, then there will be a mesh bird.

By gait

The gait of the male chicken is measured, with clear steps
The gait of the male chicken is measured, with clear steps

Inspect the paws of Kurchat - in girls and boys they will be different in parameters and shape. The roosters have more weighty and elongated legs compared to female individuals. They seem to be “columns”, and they are clearly visible in the herd. Distinctive features of gait consist precisely in a different size of the paws. The rooster steps to the ground with more clear and measured steps, he has a wide gear and lifting paws. Females walk quickly, Semyon, raising and lowering the legs in the rhythm of their gait.

Each breeder with experience understands how to accurately and quickly determine the gender of his chickens. Someone even determines the rooster by voice. It’s just to do the orpington and Kochinhins. Their males shout in a loud, hoarse voice, while females have a quiet and sonorous voice. Thanks to all of the above methods, you can simply determine the floor of curls at different ages. Use them together to get a more reliable result. Good luck!

Video: Determination of the floor of the chickens of orpingtons and kokhinhin by voice. The economy of the Gukovsky chickens

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