How to distinguish appendicitis and its inflammation from other diseases in men and women: distinctive signs. How to understand the appendicitis or not: symptoms of appendicitis

How to distinguish appendicitis and its inflammation from other diseases in men and women: distinctive signs. How to understand the appendicitis or not: symptoms of appendicitis

This article describes the symptoms and signs of appendicitis.

According to statistical data, in our country annually about a million people suffer from inflammation of the appendix - appendicitis.

  • The mortality from this disease is low - from 0.2 to 0.3 percent, but if this value is transferred to the amount, it turns out more than 3,000 people. These are those lives that doctors do not have time to save, since people do not seek help during.
  • It is important to be able to distinguish inflammation of the appendix from ordinary abdominal pain and other diseases, especially if you are far from civilization and doctors, for example, in the country outside the city.
  • In this article, we will tell you how to distinguish the inflammation of the appendix from other diseases, and what are the signs of this difference.

Inflammation of appendicitis: features, causes

Inflammation of appendicitis
Inflammation of appendicitis

The dimensions of this organ are small - from 7 to 10 cm in length and 2 cm in diameter. There is this black -shaped process behind the cecum. The fence is a special film partition that protects the appendicitis from the ingress of processing products from the intestinal walls.

Features of the organ and the causes of the appearance of the disease:

  • Inflammation may appear due to stagnation of feces and the life of the life of helminthic invasions.
  • In some people, with a unique feature of the body structure, this process can be twisted, which is why the partition is damaged and inflammation occurs.
  • If various microorganisms, processing products, foreign bodies fall into the appendix, then the mucous inner layer is damaged, which leads to inflammation.

Localization of pain Appendicitis can be in different places. Because of this, it can be difficult even an experienced doctor to make a correct diagnosis. Difficulties with a diagnosis appear due to the fact that the process can be located in different places of the peritoneum:

  • A little lower and right navel. The pain appears in this place. In this case, the doctor easily makes the correct diagnosis.
  • Above, closer to the liver. Unpleasant sensations are always associated with the liver. Therefore, the appendix in this case is simple.
  • Too low, closer to the inguinal region. Doctors usually think that this is an inflammation of the appendages in women. When making a diagnosis in men in this case, the doctor in the majority is still inclined to determine the inflammation of the appendicitis.
  • Closer to the spine, from below - Pain appears in the lower back and doctors often confuse them with renal colic.

In kids The most difficult to identify inflammation of the appendix. The internal organs of the child are in the growth phase and can move. The child cannot accurately describe his sensations. Therefore, with a little malaise, you need to contact a doctor.

Important to remember: Many children are afraid that they can be left in the hospital, and therefore begin to hide and deceive parents regarding their sensations, claiming that nothing hurts. There is no need to succumb to the persuasion of the child, since he still knows nothing about the disease and how it can end if you are late with an appeal to the doctor.

Symptoms of appendicitis

Symptoms of appendicitis
Symptoms of appendicitis

As mentioned above, the location of the process can be unique - in different places. Therefore, the pain can also be localized in different parts of the body, and the symptoms will be blurry. But still, if pain in the abdomen has appeared, then the first suspicions always fall on the inflammation of the appendix.

The main symptom of appendicitis is pain. It can be aching or strongly staggering that it is impossible to endure. A person is trying to lie down or change the position of the body location, so that the discomfort is slightly subsided. But the worst thing is exactly the condition when the pain passes. After all, the appendicitis itself will not resolve, and the disappearance of pain indicates the beginning of necrosis and the death of nerve roots.

Important: When you have pain in the abdomen, do not try to wait and do not self -medicate. Urgently see a doctor!

Other symptoms of inflammation of the appendix:

  • Bad feeling. It is difficult for a person to fulfill daily duties. I would like to lie down all the time.
  • Lack of appetite. If you tighten with a correct diagnosis, then even anemia can develop in a person.
  • Sickening state leading to vomiting. However, relief after vomiting does not occur, but it seems that the condition only worsens.
  • A slight increase in temperature - Up to 37.5 degrees, chills appear.
  • Cardiopalmus -90-100 beats per minute.
  • In the tongue you can notice a white plaque, a smell appears from the mouth.

When the process is closer to the liver, patients can complain not just about abdominal pain. It seems to them that everything hurts - from the intestines, and ending with the liver, pancreas and stomach. Naturally, this cannot be this and the doctor must first suspect precisely the inflammation of the appendicitis.

How to check the appendicitis at home in an adult and a child?

Abdominal pain with appendicitis
Abdominal pain with appendicitis

You can determine the appendicitis yourself, but it is still better to seek help from a doctor. If at the moment there is no way to consult a doctor, then you can try to make a diagnosis yourself in order to know for sure - this is an appendicitis or symptoms of another disease.

Diagnostics at home Here's what you need to do:

  • Put a person who is concerned about abdominal pain on an even surface.
  • Lightly tap your fingers on the right in the hypochondrium region - just below the last right rib. If severe pain is felt, this is appendicitis.
  • Do the same actions with the left side. If pain is also felt, then this only confirms the diagnosis.
  • If you press a little on the localization area of \u200b\u200bsevere pain, then an unpleasant feeling should dull. If you remove the hand after that, then the pain will appear again, but it will become even stronger.
  • Ask the patient to cough if the pain in the inguinal region is intensified on the right, then this is an inflammation of the process.
  • Ask a person to lie in the embryo position, curled up with a “kalachik” on the right side. If in such a pose with bent legs to lie down a little, then it seems that the pain subsides. If you turn over and stretch your legs, the pain returns again.

It is worth knowing: If you conducted an independent diagnosis, and all the signs of the disease in the patient were confirmed, you need to urgently seek help. If none of the signs has been confirmed or there is only one of them, then you should also go to the doctor.

The fact is that there are many different diseases with symptoms, as in appendicitis. They are no less life -threatening - it is worth remembering this.

Diagnosis of appendicitis in a hospital

Diagnosis of appendicitis in a hospital
Diagnosis of appendicitis in a hospital

In the hospital, the doctor should examine the patient and with the help of palpation determine the place of localization of the pain. At this moment, it is still difficult to make an accurate diagnosis, so additional measures are taken.

Diagnostics in the hospital:even if the doctor examined the patient and suggests that he has an inflamed appendix, he will prescribe a number of tests that should confirm the diagnosis. What should be done:

  • Analysis of urine - The indicators of the number of red blood cells are studied. With appendicitis, they are increased.
  • Blood analysis - Increased indicators of leukocytes indicate inflammation of the process.
  • Ultrasound and X -ray - determine the accumulation of fluid in the cavity of the cecum, bloating of the walls that are next to the process, modification of the gastrointestinal mucosa, an increase in the volume of the process itself and thickening of its walls.

In order to correctly diagnose, you need to be able to distinguish inflammation of the process from other diseases. Signs of this difference you will find below.

How to distinguish appendicitis from adnexitis - inflammation in the ovaries, appendages?

With inflammation of the ovaries, the pain is usually even, aching, and with appendix - stitching and acute. There are many common signs of these two diseases - this is increased body temperature, nausea, abdominal pain and even vomiting. But there is one sign of inflammation of the appendages - this is uterine bleeding. Naturally, such a symptom will not be with inflammation of the appendicitis.

How to distinguish appendicitis from poisoning, indigestion in an adult and a child?

Poisoning differs from inflammation of the appendix
Poisoning differs from inflammation of the appendix

Poisoning or indigestion can be confused with appendicitis, since these ailments have almost the same signs:

  • Temperature increase
  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Stomach ache

But with the poisoning of diarrhea, multiple. A person can "run" to the toilet every half hour. In the breaks between vomiting and diarrhea, a strong feeling of thirst appears. There are no such signs with appendicitis. In addition, when poisoning and indigestion, pieces of not completely digested food are visible in the vomit, and diarrhea can have a green color with lumps of mucus.

It is important to know: In children, appendicitis is difficult to diagnose. With indivision, the child can play, run and jump, and with inflammation of the process, it will be difficult for him to do this, since a severe pain that gives to the right area of \u200b\u200bthe groin will appear. Also, the baby will not be able to and cough - he will complain of abdominal pain.

With indivision and poisoning, the patient does not have a special pose in which he becomes easier for him, he lies exactly on the bed, without bending and not turning over on his side. With inflammation of the process, the patient prefers to be in the embryo pose, since it seems to him that relief comes.

Often, in order to relieve relief, with indigestion or poisoning, people perform a number of medical measures, but this is not worth doing until an accurate diagnosis is made. Especially this applies to children. This is what is strictly forbidden to do if suspicion of appendicitis:

  • Put a heating pad to the stomach, take a hot bath. Heat will only accelerate inflammation and can lead to a rupture of the process.
  • Put an enema - There will be pressure on the process, which is extremely undesirable.
  • Drink painkillers - It will be difficult to make the correct diagnosis. Laxatives can provoke a rupture of the process.
  • Eating, it is better to just drink a glass of weakly brewed tea, and the child can give sweetened water.

Advice: In order not to reach peritonitis, do not self -medicate, but immediately contact the doctor.

How to distinguish appendicitis from intestinal infection?

The intestinal infection usually proceeds very acutely. Temperature can rise-up to 39-40 degrees. With appendicitis, the temperature is low-37.3-37.5 degrees or slightly higher. Here are the signs of these two diseases for comparison:

Differences of appendicitis and intestinal infection
Differences of appendicitis and intestinal infection

How to distinguish rotavirus, rotavirus infection from appendicitis?

Rotavirus infection proceeds with the same symptoms as poisoning, indigestion or intestinal infection. It is difficult to distinguish appendicitis from these diseases. The signs of poisoning were described above and they are similar to the inflammation of the appendix. Therefore, consult a doctor, only he will make the correct diagnosis on the basis of laboratory tests, ultrasound and x -ray.

How to distinguish an appendicitis from renal colic?

If, with appendicitis, a person can find a convenient pose, so that it becomes even a little easier, then with renal colic the patient rushes about, cannot comfortably lie on the bed to relax in pain. There is no temperature for colic.

Frequent urination may appear to urinate with pain in the lower back, giving to the crotch in women and the head of the penis in men. The stomach with colic is soft and it can be easily felt. With appendicitis, tension is observed in the abdominal muscles.

Important: In both cases, it is impossible to delay with a doctor. With renal colic, the stone can close the ureter, and threaten health and even life. With appendicitis, the process can burst and peritonitis will come, which will require more complex surgical manipulations than with appendectomy.

How to distinguish colitis from appendicitis?

With colitis, the pain is localized in the left side of the abdomen of the inguinal region. Also, this disease is characterized by constipation. The pain after eating intensifies and becomes easier after defecation and gases departure.

With appendicitis, the pain manifests itself mainly on the right, although there are times when the process is located closer to the left side of the abdomen. With inflammation of the appendix, on the contrary, it overcomes diarrhea, and after going to the toilet, it does not become easier.

How to distinguish pancreatitis from appendicitis?


In case of pancreatitis, in addition to all signs similar to the signs of appendicitis (vomiting, diarrhea, pallor of the skin, increasing body temperature, abdominal pain), there is a shock state. This is due to a sharp increase in pressure, rapid heartbeat, headaches and sweating. At first, the pains will be shining, and then they are stopped in the area of \u200b\u200binflammation of the particular part of the pancreas - on the left side.

Pancreatitis is a complex disease that requires immediate hospitalization of the patient, as with appendicitis. Therefore, when unpleasant sensations appear, or exacerbation of the disease, immediately call a doctor or an ambulance.

How to distinguish an appendicitis from ovulation?

When ovulation of pain is more calm than with appendicitis. In addition, the ovulation period begins on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle and ends on the 17-18 day. With pain during ovulation, you will lie calmly in any pose, while with appendicitis there will be relief only in the pose of the embryo.

How to distinguish an appendicitis from menstruation?

The answer to this question is simple - menstruation is accompanied by severe bleeding. With appendicitis, this is not. If during menstrual pain, you suspect an inflammation of the appendix, then try to drink an anesthetic tablet.

With inflammation of the appendicitis, analgesics and anti -inflammatory drugs may not help or only for a while. The next day, the pains of inflammation of the process do not pass, but only intensify. During menstruation, most women can grow only on the first or second day of the MC.

Important: But it is better not to make assumptions - it is an appendicitis or pain with menstruation. If your condition bothers you strongly, and the improvement does not come for a long time, consult a doctor.

Appendicitis or ectopic pregnancy in women: how to distinguish?

If a woman has pain in the lower abdomen, but there is bleeding, a fainting state is observed, then it is worth checking these signs for an ectopic pregnancy. More details on how to distinguish one disease from another, see the table:

Differences in appendicitis and ectopic pregnancy in women
Differences in appendicitis and ectopic pregnancy in women

How to distinguish cholecystitis from appendicitis?

Acute cholecystitis and acute appendicitis have many common features. Therefore, you can easily make an error when making a diagnosis. Both of these diseases begin acutely, with severe abdominal pain, slightly fever, diarrhea and other symptoms of abdominal irritation. But there are some differences in the nature and location of the pain syndrome:

  • With cholecystitis, the pain stops in the right hypochondrium and gives it to the right shoulder blade or to the right shoulder.
  • With appendix, the pain is also located on the right, but gives to the right iliac region of the abdomen.

If the worm-shaped process is located atypically, and shifted up or the gall bladder, on the contrary, is omitted, as is the case with older people due to the weak abdominal muscles, it can be difficult to distinguish inflammation of the appendix from cholecystitis. But the following must be done:

  • The doctor usually in this case, if the pain is not too strong, produces palpation in the liver.
  • If he manages to palpate the edge of the liver, then you can feel the gall bladder. If it is increased and shifted down, then there is inflammation.
  • This helps to diagnose cholecystitis.
  • But to confirm the assumptions, they are also prescribed to take a blood test for biochemistry, and an accurate diagnosis will be made according to the indicators of leukocytes.

Remember: It is dangerous to carry out palpation independently, as this can be leading to a rupture of the inflamed appendicitis, and stones can move in an inflamed gall bladder, which leads to very dangerous consequences. Therefore, when any abdominal pain occurs, you should contact the doctor!

How to distinguish gastritis from appendicitis?


Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It is located in the submarine of the abdomen, at the top, in the arch of the ribs under the diaphragm. Most of it is located on the left, in the lower ribs, and the smaller one is on the right.

  • Gastritis pains are felt “under the spoon”, in the middle of the peritoneum on top.
  • Appendicitis always hurts in the lower abdomen.
  • But, if the process is shifted to the top, then the pain can slightly give in the middle of the peritoneum.

In addition, during gastritis, the body temperature is almost always normal, and there may also be heartburn and pain in the submarine after eating. However, remember that only a doctor should make the correct diagnosis.

How to distinguish mesadenitis from appendicitis?

Acute mesadenitis is an inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the mesentery of the small intestine. In this ailment, pains appear in the ileum of the ileum and resemble the pain of inflammation of the appendix.

It is worth knowing: Oddly enough, the doctor will ask about the ongoing diseases of the upper respiratory tract or otitis media to make the correct diagnosis. It is these diseases that cause abdominal pain, as the lymph nodes located in the lower abdomen increase with them.

It is worth noting that even doctors are not always correctly diagnosed. Sometimes, already during the operation, it is found that a person does not have an inflammation of the appendix, but acute mesadenitis, and the appendix is \u200b\u200bin a constant state.

How to distinguish appendicitis from intestinal colic?

Intestinal colic
Intestinal colic

With intestinal colic, intestinal obstruction develops, which is accompanied by painful cramping pains in the entire region of the peritoneum. A person can faint, he falls pressure, and the skin becomes pale.

With intestinal colic, the pain occurs immediately with great intensity, and with appendicitis it is increasing in nature with localization in the right iliac region.

How to understand the appendicitis or not: signs

To determine the first symptoms of appendix inflammation, you should pay attention to such signs of this ailment:

  1. The location of the pain - At first there is no clear localization. Then, after a few hours, the pain shifts to the right region. A person feels pain during cough, deep breath and even laughter.
  2. I can't straighten your back - The pain intensifies.
  3. Nausea with vomiting.
  4. Body temperature up to 37.5-38.0 degrees.
  5. Diarrhea, but not always.
  6. Dry mouth.
  7. Pain during urination.
  8. Hrylore and cough - These are atypical signs of appendix, but they can be present, especially in children, which makes it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.

Remember: The inflammation of the appendix develops rapidly, both in children and adults. In just a few hours, the disease proceeds from the onset of mild malaise to the appearance of a critical state.

Timely help will help save the life and health of the patient. Therefore, when any abdominal pain appears, see a doctor immediately!

Video: How to distinguish an appendicitis from other abdominal pain?

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