How to lighten hair without paint: 6 ways. Folk clarification of hair with cinnamon, kefir, honey, lemon, chamomile

How to lighten hair without paint: 6 ways. Folk clarification of hair with cinnamon, kefir, honey, lemon, chamomile

The article will help you choose a method of lighting hair at home without using special paints.

The usual hair color sometimes bothers, and not every woman is decided to spoil her hair with paint. But it is possible to lighten the hair into several tones using components of exclusively natural ones.

How to lighten hair at home

The clarification of hair at home by folk remedies undoubtedly differs from lightening with paint not only by the degree of clarification, but also with the effect on the hair.

What you need to know before the hair clarification by natural components of the house:

  • The result can sometimes be unpredictable. This is especially true for hair dyed. You can get a shade that will not please you at all. To avoid this, test the selected staining method on a separate strand
  • You will not receive fundamental lightening. 1-2 tones are the most real result. However, some hair is well lend itself to clarify and after several procedures can please you with their beautiful bright tone
  • Be prepared to repeat the procedures. If your hair is light, then some recipes can give a result after the first application. But in order not to be upset, it is better to prepare morally for the need to use the mask several times
  • Many recipes require applying the mask to the hair for several hours. If you are not the owner of great patience, then this method is not for you
  • Hair after popular lightening, as a rule, obedient, beautiful and soft. The exception is only the lightening of the house with unnecessary components, such as hydrogen peroxide, or natural lemon that can dry hair
Ombre by natural components
Ombre by natural components

Cinnamon lightening

Cinnamon is one of the most popular folk remedies of hair lightening. Its prevalence is due to several factors:

  • Cinnamon will make your hair thicker while using the mask
  • Cinnamon will not cause any harm to your hair
  • In combination with other ingredients, it will lighten your hair
  • Properly prepared and used masks with cinnamon will make your hair beautiful and shiny (read masks recipes below)
Mask with cinnamon and honey
Mask with cinnamon and honey

Hair mask with cinnamon for lightening

You will need:

  • 30 g of cinnamon for the entire length of the hair medium length
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of liquid honey. If honey thickened, melt in a water bath
  • 4-5 tbsp. spoons moisturizing balm or hair masks
Preparation of cinnamon masks
Preparation of cinnamon masks


  • First mix honey and cinnamon
  • Add balm or mask
  • Mix until homogeneous consistency
  • The mask should not turn out too thick to be able to evenly apply to the hair
Cinnamon mask
Cinnamon mask


  • Wash your hair and move with a towel on your head for 5 minutes to remove excess moisture from your hair
  • Apply a mask to wet hair evenly. Make each strand to achieve uniform lighting out more. You can apply not only to the entire length, but also on the ends in an attempt to get a beautiful ombre
  • After application, wrap the hair in the bag and a little bit with a hairdryer
  • Win a towel over the bag
  • After 30 minutes, the towel can be removed
  • With a package on the head, you need to pass at least 4 hours. You can go to bed with a mask. The effect will only increase from such a step
  • Wash thoroughly with warm water. Cinnamon grains are washed quite difficult
  • You can wash with shampoo
  • Dry your hair and evaluate the result

Important: hair lightening in this way requires several approaches (especially for dark hair). Each time the color will be brighter

If you do not see the desired clarification effect, then do not be discouraged. The hair after such a mask looks very good.

Cinning hair lightening: before and after

Photos of successful results

Correx clarification before and after. result after the systematic use of the mask within six months
Correx clarification before and after. Result after the systematic use of the mask within six months
Cinning hair lightening before and after 3-fold use
Cinning hair lightening before and after 3-fold use
The result of hair lightening with cinnamon with honey
The result of hair lightening with cinnamon with honey
How to lighten hair with cinnamon
How to lighten hair with cinnamon

Cinnamon lightening: reviews

After reading the reviews of girls about this method of lightening, we can conclude:

  • The lighting effect is possible, but not more than 2 tones
  • It will be quite difficult to achieve dark hair to lighten the dark hair
  • If the first time, you did not see the effect - repeat the procedure. Sometimes 5 procedures are needed to achieve the effect, and sometimes 1 procedure already gives the result
  • Bright hair will most likely acquire a beautiful ash shade, and the yellowness will leave
  • The mask is very effective for the beauty and health of your hair
  • After the first use, your hair will become soft and shiny
  • The downside of the mask is that you need to walk with her on my head for 4 hours, and even better sleep at night
  • The mask is quite poorly washed off the hair. To wash off faster, you should become a shower and separate a small strand of hair. Rinse each strand thoroughly with water. Then you will not have problems
  • Even those girls who have not reached the clarification effect do not regret the procedure done due to the resulting beautiful hair
Use of hair cinnamon
Use of hair cinnamon

Video on the topic: brightening hair with honey and cinnamon

Hair lightening with kefir: reviews

There are practically no reviews on the procedure for clarifying the hair with kefir. The bulk of the reviews about kefir masks boils down to the fact that the hair after such masks looks very healthy.

Therefore, if you want to try to lighten your hair with kefir, then you will not lose anything, but on the contrary you will get beautiful well -groomed hair.

But some still managed to achieve some effect

Cafir lightening photos before and after

Kefir hair mask before and after
Kefir hair mask before and after
Hair lightening with kefir
Hair lightening with kefir

Kefir mask for hair lightening

Kefir masks are applied to wet hair.

Recipe 1.

The easiest and most affordable version of the mask with kefir is in its pure form heated kefir. Choose kefir fatter.

Apply a heated kefir to the entire length of the hair, cover with a bag and a towel. Hold the mask on the head for 3-4 hours. If you leave the mask all night, then the chances of highlighting the hair increase. In addition, your hair will be very soft and beautiful.

Warm kefir to lighten hair
Warm kefir to lighten hair

Recipe 2.


  • Half a glass of skim kefir
  • Lemon juice
  • 2 yolks
  • A little olive oil (optional)


  • Heat kefir
  • Beat and pour the yolks into kefir
  • Add lemon juice

Apply the mask evenly to the hair and hold for 2-3 hours. It is not recommended to keep more due to the presence of lemon juice in a mask. In addition to the brightening effect, the lemon also dries the hair.

Rinse the mask with warm water with shampoo.

Mask with kefir and hair lemon
Mask with kefir and hair lemon

Recipe 3.


  • Half a glass of kefir
  • 2-3 tablespoons of honey
  • A few drops of lemon essential oil

Preparation and use:

  • Kefir and honey heated a little
  • Mix and achieve a homogeneous mixture
  • Add lemon oil
  • Apply to hair and hold 2 hours

The mask is good in that all its components are very useful for hair and each separately has clarifying properties.

Kefir with hair honey
Kefir with hair honey

Lemon lighting

Important: the first thing you should understand before lightening your hair with lemon: lemon dries your hair

For this reason, you should be prepared for the active use of moisturizing oils and hair masks after the clarification procedure.

Lemon lighting
Lemon lighting

Although, of course, the harm from the lemon can not be compared with the harm of clarifying colors.

Important: Lemon lightening is effective in the summer, since the lemon lights up better under the influence of UV better


  • Several lemons
  • A few drops of olive oil or a couple of tablespoons of a moisturizing air conditioner
Lemon mask for hair lightening
Lemon mask for hair lightening


  • Squeeze the lemon juice and remove the seeds and skins
  • If you use pure juice or juice with olive oil, then it will be easier to pour the mixture into a jar with a spray
  • If you have chosen a mixture of juice and air conditioning, then just mix in deep utensil
  • Apply the mixture to dry hair evenly
  • Go out and sit in the sun for 2 hours
  • After 1.5 hours of being in the sun, you can repeat the procedure for applying the mixture and bask another half an hour
  • Rinse the mixture carefully from the hair
  • Be sure to use a moisturizing mask or air conditioner
How to apply kefir for lightening
How to apply kefir for lightening

It is enough for someone to carry out one procedure to see the result (usually these are fair-haired girls), someone does not give an effect to someone. It all depends on the color of your hair and their structure. Some hair say goodbye to their pigments well, others do not want to do this.

Therefore, the reviews are contradictory.

Four hair with honey

Hair lightening suits you if:

  • You have blond hair
  • Do not be afraid of a red shade that may appear as a result of clarification. The result is not predictable on your hair
  • Ready to do at least 3-4 procedures until the effect is obtained
  • Agree to clarify only a couple of tones

Four the hair with honey, even in the absence of a clarification effect, will delight you with soft, obedient, silky hair.

Important: honey will not harm your hair, so you will not lose anything when using honey masks (see recipes below)

Clarification with honey before and after
clarification with honey before and after

Mask for lightening hair with honey

Masks with honey are applied to wet hair.

Recipe No. 1.

  • The most simply recipe is to mix honey with water or hair air conditioner until the consistency can be applied to the hair
  • Honey in its pure form, even liquid, will not work to apply to the entire length of the hair evenly
  • Apply such a mixture evenly to the hair. Hold from 30 minutes to 1 hour
  • Rinse thoroughly with warm water using shampoo
  • The effect is worth waiting only after several applications
Honey medical honey
Honey medical honey

Recipe No. 2.


  • Natural honey
  • Olive or coconut oil
  • 1/2 banana whipped with a mixer (added by your desire for additional hair nutrition)

Preparation and use:

  • Mix the honey and oil in a 2: 1 proportion, respectively
  • Add a banana and mix the mixture thoroughly
  • Let the mixture stand for 15 minutes
  • Apply evenly to the hair for 40 minutes
  • Rinse thoroughly with warm water and shampoo
Mask with honey and olive oil
Mask with honey and olive oil

Recipe No. 3.


  • Natural honey 2 tablespoons
  • Burdock oil in small quantities, only to slightly dilute the mixture for the convenience of application

Preparation and use:

  • Mix until smooth
  • Apply to the hair evenly. You can use a brush for staining
  • Wrap your hair with a plastic cap and towel
  • Keep the mask on your hair all night
Mask with honey and burdock oil
mask with honey and burdock oil

Hair lightening with hydrogen peroxide

Reviews about the use of peroxide are reduced to the following conclusions:

  • Hydrogen peroxide is all a chemical drug, not natural
  • Hair can be brightened with 3-5 tones. Other methods promise only 1-2 tones
  • To achieve the effect, the procedure should be repeated
  • Use only 3 % solution
  • Some girls complain about dry hair after the procedure. Some do not see the difference in the condition of the hair before and after the procedure
  • In order to avoid hair drying, you must definitely use after washing a good moisturizing mask or balm. They should be applied without saving consumption, and hold on the head for 30 minutes
  • Nevertheless, of all the above methods of clarification, this option is the least gentle, but the most effective
  • Especially be careful, lightening dark hair. Pre -conduct an experiment on a separate strand. This is due to the fact that your hair may not lighten up, but to become red
Sony DSC

Lightification procedure.

  • 3 % hydrogen peroxide solution pour into a bottle with a spray
  • Apply a spray to the strands, combing your hair. Otherwise, clarification may turn out to be uneven. Do not apply to the skin at the roots
  • The time during which it is worth holding on your head depends on your hair color: the darker, the longer, usually
  • Since no one knows for sure how the peroxide will act on your hair, it is recommended to periodically evaluate the resulting color, washing off with water. If the color suits, wash off. If it doesn't suit you, hold more
  • Usually the procedure lasts about 30 minutes
  • Do not allow the skin and in the eyes
  • Rinse thoroughly and apply without sparing, a balm or a mask moisturizing or restoring

How to lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide

How to lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide to lighten hair
Hydrogen peroxide to lighten hair

Lightening hair with chamomile

Camomile lightening procedure, as well as reviews and photos before/after reading in the article Natural clarification of hair with chamomile. Photo before and after

Chamomile lightens the hair
chamomile lightens the hair

Hair lightening

Natural natural henna, which positions itself as a safe product - is not henna for lightening.

For lightening, you will need white henna.

White henna for hair
white henna for hair

What you need to know about this method of lightening:

  • In composition, white henna is almost identical to the composition of ordinary colors. Which means that she will not bring benefits to your hair
  • Many beauty experts are absolutely categorical relative to henna: it cannot be used
  • You can not dye your hair earlier than a month after painting with white henna, since the result will be unpredictable
  • White henna will undoubtedly light your hair

Mode of application.

The method of using white henna is recommended to look directly on the packaging of the selected manufacturer. There you will read detailed instructions for use. But the meaning comes down to mixing henna with water and applying to the hair.

Apply to the hair according to the same principle as when painting with paint. Detailed instructions, as well as paint staining methods, you can read in the article Hair dyeing at home. Lunar favorable days for hair coloring. Photo of staining before and after

Hair lightening oil

To lighten the hair, you can use quite efficiently lemon essential oil.

Essential oil for hair lightening
Essential oil for hair lightening

How to use lemon oil to lighten hair.

  • Take your favorite hair mask for one application
  • Drink 5 drops of lemon oil in one portion
  • Apply to the hair evenly for 5 minutes. Avoid the very roots
  • Cover with polyethylene
  • Rinse with warm running water

The method is very simple and quite sparing. Nevertheless, it is not worth repeating the procedure more than once a week. And after obtaining the desired effect, it is worth removing the lemon oil, because the lemon dries the hair. And 5 minutes will be enough for blond hair, especially if necessary, remove unnecessary yellowness from the hair.

Lemon lighting with oil before and after
Lemon lighting with oil before and after

Even if you have not achieved the necessary lightening, but got beautiful and brilliant hair, then rejoice at this result, because healthy hair is an obligatory element of the beauty of any woman.

Video on the topic: How to lighten hair without damage at home

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