Natural clarification of hair with chamomile. Photo before and after

Natural clarification of hair with chamomile. Photo before and after

You can lighten the hair at home, avoiding destructive results of salon procedures. Decoctions of pharmacy chamomile in pure form and with the addition of various components give an excellent result and significantly improve damaged hair.

How to lighten hair with chamomile at home?

A few centuries ago, women did not know what chemical dye was. They successfully used natural means to give the strands the desired shade. Healing decoctions not only gave color, but also strengthened the roots of the hair, eliminated dandruff, and regulated the operation of the sebaceous glands. Hair care at that time did not harm, unlike today.

Folk care products did not damage the hair
folk care products did not damage the hair

Chamomile is the most popular remedy for the care and lightening of hair for several tones from time immemorial. They use it now to cure hair. For example, blondes, they successfully use chamomile when they have split ends, when they lose shine and hair becomes dull. Brunettes use chamomile to give a golden tint to dark hair. The main condition for leaving with chamomile is to use it regularly and constantly do it on a healing decoction:

  • a variety of useful masks
  • natural and useful rinses
  • infusion for washing
Chamomile flowers perfectly brighten hair
chamomile flowers perfectly brighten hair

Video: How to lighten hair on two or three tones with chamomile?

Hair rinsing with chamomile for clarification

Regular and frequent rinsing are not inferior to salon beauty procedures.

Important: the success of rinsing depends not only on the frequency, but also on the flower itself.

If you do not buy a chamomile at a pharmacy, but prefer to collect it yourself, then you need to take into account several rules:

  • collect flowers in May - June
  • try to leave as far as possible from the city: to the forest, in the thicket, in the clearing
  • collect only a pharmacy healing chamomile and no other
  • collect fresh flowers and try to avoid drilling
  • dry the chamomile in a place without flowing the sun
  • drumen chamomile can be stored no longer than a year, try to spend it in this period
Pharmacy chamomile
pharmacy chamomile

Ways to prepare a decoction for rinsing:

Method 1:2 tbsp. l. Flowers are poured with one glass of hot water and insisted for an hour.

Method 2:Four tbsp. l. inflorescences are poured with water (one glass) and in a steam bath a chamomile is cooked for no less than 30 minutes.

Method 3: A glass of flowers is poured with a liter of water and cooked after boiling for 5 minutes over low heat.

Decoction of chamomile
decoction of chamomile

After cooking, the decoction is necessarily filtered from inflorescences. Warm water is added to the finished broth (approximately a liter). Pure, shampoo hair tilts over the pelvis and bucket repeatedly washed the hair.

For effectiveness and good result, it is recommended to do such rinsing 2-3 times a week for a month. Then the washing will not be so labor -intensive and it will be enough to carry out it from time to time.

Important: do not dry your hair with a hairdryer after washing chamomile and do not wipe your head with a towel dry! Let active components absorb into the hair structure.

Do not expect side effects, chamomile perfectly affects dry and oily hair and always leaves a good result.

Hair washing
hair washing

Video: Chamomile for hair. Rinse recipe

Clarification of hair with chamomile and honey, photo before and after

The improved hair lightening recipe includes in the decoction of chamomile the addition of honey, which is known for its healing properties. The composition of honey has such useful substances as:

  • vitamin E
  • vitamin C
  • b vitamins
  • folic acid

Important: in the composition of honey there is also natural hydrogen peroxide, which can lighten hair without damage.

Honey brightens the hair
honey brightens the hair

Adding honey to a decoction will help not only brighten the hair, but also save it from unnatural yellowness. Three tablespoons of any natural honey are added to the resulting glass of decoction of chamomile. While the decoction of the warm mixture is thoroughly stirred.

Next, the decoction is not bred with water, but in its pure form it is applied to the hair. It is advisable to put a hat or bag on the head and then wrap it with a towel. The decoction should be kept on the head for at least an hour and then rinse off with a weak decoction of chamomile or just warm water.

Lightening hair with a decoction of chamomile and honey
lightening hair with a decoction of chamomile and honey

Video: honey balm for blond hair

Hair lightening with chamomile and hydrogen peroxide, photo before and after

It's no secret for a long time. that hydrogen peroxide is one of the most effective ways to achieve a light tone of hair. Moreover, this is possible for fair -haired and for dark -haired girls.

Important: the successful combination of hydrogen peroxide with chamomile, eliminates any negative effect and enhances the effect of the natural component.

This mixture will help not only achieve a golden shine of hair, but also eliminate gray hair.

Peroxide affects the hair of any shade
peroxide affects the hair of any shade

To prepare an effective tool, you need to insist 150 grams of chamomile flowers in half a liter of vodka in advance. Such an infusion should stand for two weeks in a dark dry place. After time, add 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide to the infusion.

Distributed the finished mixture along the entire length of the hair. It is advisable to wrap the hair in a food film, bag, hat and wrapping a towel. You need to wear an infusion on your head within an hour. When the time passes, rinse the stripes with a weak decoction of chamomile until cleanliness.

Clarification of peroxide before and after
lightening with peroxide "before" and "after"

Video: lighting hair with peroxide at home

Chamomile and glycerin for hair lightening, photo before and after

Such a mixture is successful due to the fact that glycerin is able to enhance and consolidate the properties of chamomile, improving its coloring properties. Four the hair with chamomile and glycerin, you can easily achieve a honey shade of at least three weeks and improve the condition of the hair.


This recipe is the preparation of a kind of shampoo, which should be regularly washed with a hair. To prepare the product, you will need to make a cool decoction of chamomile: brew 150 grams of flower and insist on one glass of water. Only then you can add a jar of glycerol and mix. Such a “shampoo” will noticeably improve the structure of the hair and can give a brightening effect to your hair.

glycerol and chamomile shampoo: result before and after
"Shampoo" of glycerin and chamomile: the result before and after

Video: Hair glycerin

Chamomile essential oil for clarification of hair, photo before and after

Chamomile essential oil has many positive qualities and affects the hair, having a wonderful result. If you regularly use chamomile oil in decoctions, masks and rinses, you can achieve:

  • cure of damaged hair with vitamins and active components contained in chamomile
  • getting rid of split ends
  • chamomile is able to stop hair loss and provoke their active growth, strengthening them fundamentally
  • chamomile essential oil makes hair thicker and more obedient
  • chamomile will help to achieve elasticity and volume
Chamomile essential oil
chamomile essential oil

Use essential oil if you have:

  • dry and thin hair
  • the abundance of split ends
  • slow hair growth
  • frequent loss and brittle hair
  • dandruff and itching

Adding essential oil to balms and cosmetic hair masks can light up the shade of your strands for a couple of tones. You will notice how much hair shines with gold in the sun and has a healthy look.

lightning with the ether of chamomile: photo before and after

Important: in order to achieve an impressive effect to use the ether, you need to regularly and actively rinse your hair with decoctions of chamomile.

  • add 10 drops of oil to everyday shampoo or hair mask
  • during a cosmetic mask, always put a plastic cap on your head and then wrap it tightly, the “greenhouse” effect enhances the action
  • do not part with procedures, three times a week - enough
  • essential oil should be washed thoroughly and repeatedly so that it does not remain on the hair and does not give a “fat” effect

Video: Hair chamomile essential oil

Clarification of hair with lemon and chamomile, photo before and after

Lemon has excellent clarifying properties for hair. It can be successfully used at home so as not to “dry” and “burn” hair, as is the case in salon procedures. The lemon has a special sour composition, which differs significantly from hydrogen peroxide and other chemicals. The lemon does not violate the structure of the hair, but on the contrary nourishes it with vitamins.

The lemon lights up the hair
the lemon lights up the hair

Important: Lemon lightening is the easiest and most effective way to give the hair a healthy shine and a light shade.

It is pleasant that lemon is suitable for any color and shade of hair, which means that both blondes and brunettes can successfully use it. If he brings golden shine, then dark -haired: red and even red. The use of lemon can make dark brown hair light brown, and blond can become an absolute blond.

Lightening with chamomile and lemon: before and after
lightening with chamomile and lemon: before and after

To achieve an acceptable result: try to achieve the correct proportions:

  1. Squeeze the juice of four lemon fruits
  2. Lemon juice is mixed with a decoction of chamomile (if you have normal hair) or with air conditioning (if you have a dry hair type)
  3. Mix the resulting product well and leave to brew for 15 minutes
  4. It is convenient to pour a sunk decoction with lemon into a spray gun and use it to distribute the mixture along the length of the hair. If you use air conditioning - apply as a hair mask and rinse
  5. If you use a decoction, apply it and dry it in the sun. It is necessary to repeat the procedure every 60 mine. The procedures are very effective while relaxing on the beach

You can use a decoction of chamomile with lemon as a common rinsing. Frequent use guarantees a positive result.

Video: hair lighting with lemon

Camomile decoction for clarifying hair at home

The decoction of chamomile has many positive properties and it can be successfully used at home. The success of the procedure depends on regular rinsing and the complete absence of chemical hair effects.

Chamomile flowers
chamomile flowers

Choose one of three possible ways to insist chamomile flowers and easily create for yourself:

  • shampoos
  • masks
  • rinses

For example, if you add a strong decoction of chamomile to a children's shampoo and use it every time - in a month you will notice its effect: the hair will become obedient and lighter for a couple of tones. Hair balms can easily get a mixture of chamomile with lanolin (a glass of decoction and 125 grams of lanolin) and one tablespoon of vodka. Such balm is applied and washed off the hair.

Video: hair lighting with chamomile

Features of lightning dark hair with chamomile

Of course, the use of a decoction will not be able to turn dark hair into blond. However, chamomile is able to give gold shine to each shade, and frequent use guarantee highlighting a couple of tones. Only a truly black color of the hair will not be possible to achieve a brightening result, but only to strengthen the structure of the hair.

Camomile lightening is successfully used on dark hair to achieve a popular “ombre” effect, when dark hair gradually turns into lighter ones at the ends. You can enhance the clarification effect by adding lemon and frequent stay on the sun.

Ombre effect
ombre effect

How to lighten hair with chamomile at home: tips and reviews

Try to pay attention to the quality of pharmacy chamomile and observe the conditions of independent collection. High -quality flowers have the strongest properties and are able to give an excellent result. Do not be lazy to rinse your hair daily with decoctions of chamomile to achieve an effective result.

Remember that the finished decoction of chamomile cannot be stored for more than a week and already after five days in most cases loses its properties. Do not remove the chamomile from the hair, but give it the opportunity to fully absorb into the hair and leave your properties in it.

Video: Useful properties of chamomile

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