How to lighten the eyebrows when dyeing the hair of a brunettes into a blonde: recommendations of a stylist, instructions for clarifying eyebrows at home

How to lighten the eyebrows when dyeing the hair of a brunettes into a blonde: recommendations of a stylist, instructions for clarifying eyebrows at home

The lightening of natural eyebrows when lightening hair: all kinds of ways to lighten the eyebrows at home.

This article is devoted to unnatural blondes who have changed their hair color, and now the turn of eyebrows has come, since these parts of the appearance are echoing in the integrity of the image. We will tell you how natural brunettes, brown-haired women and dark blond beauties light up your eyebrows to the desired tone.

Is it necessary and how to lighten the eyebrows when lightening hair?

The gold rule of the makeup artist:

  • Dark hair (brunette, brown -haired, etc.) - two tones are lighter than hair color;
  • Blonde hair (blond, light blond, etc.)-two-tones are darker than hair color;
  • The underon of hair and eyebrows coincides: For cold hair tones - a cold tone of eyebrows, for warm hair tones - a warm tone of eyebrows.

It is obvious from this that if your natural hair tone is dark, then after lightening you also need to lighten your eyebrows. To begin with, consider the tone tone table.

Human hair tone depth levels
Human hair tone depth levels
  • Please note that blond holds positions from 10 to 7, and therefore, that it is these tonalities that are approaching the rule of “two tones darker than hair color”. From this it is obvious that the girl whose hair is “10-ka” should light up the eyebrows to the tonality of the 8th level, and if the girl has a hair level 7, then it is better to stop the choice of eyebrows at the 5th level. Thus, the eyebrows will be expressive, and the eyes are visually open and voluminous.
  • Additionally, we will consider variations with subtons. For example, a burning brunette lights up in a platinum blond. Its natural underbone of the hair is cold, and it is also repainted in a cold shade, respectively, the eyebrows should be with an ashen-gray submone.
  • But if the red -haired (warm underly) is lighten up To a pearl blond with pink subtons, it is obvious that to select eyebrows, she needs to choose paint with brown-chocolate shades. If the blonde has enough red pigment (pink halftones fashionable this season), then you can consider the coloring of the eyebrows in reddish halftones.
The eyebrows of blondes should be 1-2 tones darker than hair color
The eyebrows of blondes should be 1-2 tones darker than hair color

So, with the question of how to choose the color and a shade of eyebrow shade, it remains to decide how to paint and lighten the eyebrows. If you are going to the salon, get acquainted with possible options so that you have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe services of the masters offered. If you plan to lighten and stain at home, carefully study each option and select the one that corresponds to your goals.

If you need to color the eyebrows to the tone lighter, and the tonality of hair from 6 and above, then you can immediately try paint. In other cases - first clarification, and followed by tinting in the desired color.

Professional paint for clarifying eyebrows

Before deciding how to lighten the eyebrows when clarifying the hair should be determined. And the easiest way to do this is, looking with which products the broovists work with. This is definitely not a budget option, but given that you save at the work of the master, you can allow a good remedy for an excellent result.

We selected the three best means to clarify the eyebrows, and made a list of characteristics.

Refectocil paint №0 blond Kodi Professional brightening eyebrow paint Thuya Blond
Mode of application
  • Pre -cleanse the skin of the face, carefully work out the eyebrows;
    Degrease the hair of eyebrows primer, let it absorb;
  • For one use, a mixture is prepared (20 drops of 3% oxidizing agent + 2 ml of paint), thoroughly quickly stir (no longer than 2 minutes and apply on the eyebrows;
  • We hold for at least 5 minutes, but no more than 20. As in the case of hair lightening, it is enough to clean one of the hairs, checking if it is quite brightened;
  • Delete a special tool (included).
  • Pre -cleanse the skin of the face, carefully work out the eyebrows;
  • Degrease hair, as in the previous case;
  • Familiarize yourself with the instructions and prepare the composition depending on the desired result;
  • Immediately apply the composition to the eyebrow zone and withstand from 5 to 10 minutes;
  • Remove the excess with a cotton pad;
  • Wet a cotton pad and remove everything thoroughly again;
  • Wash with water.
  • Pre -cleanse the skin of the face, carefully work out the eyebrows;
  • Degrease the hair of eyebrows primer, let it absorb;
  • Mix the pigment and oxidizer 1: 1, mix thoroughly until smooth;
  • Apply on dry eyebrows, carefully distribute;
  • Wait 7-10 minutes and remove the remains with a cotton pad;
  • Moisten a new disk and erase again and only after that you can wash your face.

Perfectly brightens even the 1st depth of tone, prepares gray hairs for painting.

Complete equipment with a spatula for applying paint.

An excellent profile formula not only stains, but also cares for eyebrows.

The saturation is easily regulated - the time of action. The longer you hold, the brighter the final option.

Uniform result.

The composition contains castor oil caring for the eyebrow zone.

Convenient packaging allows the necessary amount of product, which significantly saves the budget.

Additional bonus - lightened hair is muffled naturally.

It is considered the best composition for health, less than all, it gives allergies.

Able to lighten the eyebrows up to 4 tonalities. For lightening from 1 to 7-8, 2-3 times is enough (in a month and a half)

Prolonged result.

Persistent, durable result.

An excellent formula that not only brightens, but also cares for hairs.

It copes with any clarification tasks. It gives a stunning result even at dark bases.

He perfectly levels and prepares gray hair for tinting.

The presence of a certificate of European cosmetic norms and hypoallergenic samples. The presence of ophthalmological and dermatological quality control.

After opening the packaging, it can be stored up to 12 months.

Flaws Lightening for 2-3 tones in order to obtain lightening from 1 to 7-8 must be lightened once every two weeks 3-4 times.

In the package only dye, the oxidizing agent must be purchased separately.

The composition cannot categorically be applied to the eyelashes.

The possibility of lightening up to 2 tones.

The composition cannot categorically be applied to the eyelashes.

Estimated price in rub. For 15 ml of product +/- 400 rubles. For 15 ml of product +/- 450 rubles. For 14 ml of product +/- 600 rubles.

As you can see, the creams give a persistent result, but lightening at several points. If you are planning cardinal changes, take a closer look at the brightening creams.

Eyebrow lighting cream

It can be difficult to light up a dark natural base, without preliminary staining, since the natural pigment is very strong and rich, so if you are not ready to wait and work with sparing paints for months, we can recommend a quick result in one call. And you know how to lighten the eyebrows when lightening hair from 1st level (black) to 6th (dark blond)? With help enigma eyelashes From the Russian brand Estel.

Engma eyebrow clarifying from the Russian brand Estel
Engma eyebrow clarifying from the Russian brand Estel

In a neat box you will receive:

  • Clarifying cream;
  • Showing emulsion;
  • Cream dishes;
  • Shoulder blade for application and kneading.

As you can see, the manufacturer made sure that the process of clarifying the eyebrows delivered exclusively positive emotions. And the result of clarification up to 5 tones is perfect!

Using the product is simple:

  • Prepare the shape of the eyebrows, clean and go through the primer;
  • Mix the cream with the developer in a proportion of 1: 1.5, stir thoroughly;
  • Apply on the eyebrows;
  • Wait for time: 1-2 tones-5 minutes, 3-4 tones-15 minutes, maximum clarification for 5 tones-up to 30 minutes;
  • Remove the remains with a dry cotton pad or a napkin, the next step is a damp disk and only then wash yourself so that the product does not get into the eyes.

Whitening paste to lighten eyebrows

Another proven and well -working tool for sparing eyebrow clarification is a whitening pasta. If you have the tonality of the natural eyebrow color differs from what you desired in a large number of tones, and you thought about how to lighten your eyebrows when clarifying your hair, and at the same time find the most sparing products, then whitening pasta for eyebrows and eyelashes Refectocil Blond 0 - An ideal remedy that is enough for a whole year.

Bleing eyebrow and eyelashes Refectocil Blond 0
Bleing eyebrow and eyelashes Refectocil Blond 0

The use is very simple: Squeeze 2 cm paste from a tube, add 15-20 cap. Cream -shaped Refectocil Oxidant 3% or 10 cap. Refectocil Oxidant 3%liquid peroxide, mix thoroughly.

Apply to prepared and cleaned eyebrows and, according to the table below, withstand the time indicated in the table and remove the remains with a dry cloth, after which you can wash your face.

The color table of the lightning paste for the eyebrow Refectocil Blond 0
The color table of the lightning paste for the eyebrow Refectocil Blond 0

A whitening eyebrow paste Refectocil Blond 0 is an excellent sparing remedy for extreme changes in eyebrows!

White henna to lighten eyebrows

For those who do not want to apply chemistry on their face, and wondered how to lighten the eyebrows when clarifying the hair with natural ingredients - we recommend that you look at the white henna for eyebrows.

Important: Despite the fact that henna of plant origin is a test test for an allergic test.

So, the preparation process is standard: remove excess hairs, give shape and degrease.

White henna to lighten eyebrows
White henna to lighten eyebrows

Now we proceed to the preparation of henna to clarify the eyebrows:

  • Pour a teaspoon of henna (without a slide) with boiling water (until the gruel is formed) and let stand for 2-4 minutes;
  • Add 10 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice, mix;
  • If the mixture is too dry, add a little more water to the sour cream -sized solution of the solution. He must keep his shape and at the same time not crack.
  • The mixture is ready, it remains to apply on the eyebrows and wait 15 minutes. If henna quickly refers (which happens in summer and in dry rooms) - moisturize, spraying water.
  • Rinse with warm water, comb your eyebrows.

Hydrogen peroxide to lighten eyebrows

Want to know about the budget method of how to lighten your eyebrows when clarifying hair? Of course, with the help of a tool that is in every house - hydrogen peroxide.

The process of lightening eyebrows using hydrogen peroxide:

  • Wash thoroughly and give the desired shape to the eyebrows;
  • Go through an alcohol tonic to remove excess fat and moisture;
  • Treat the zone around the eyebrows with fat cream or petroleum jelly;
  • Apply to a cotton wand (no more than 3%, a higher concentration will make a burn on the body) and apply with quick movements on the eyebrows;
  • Stretch the product along the entire eyebrow growth line and repeat the procedure. You can apply 7-10 layers;
  • Wait 15 minutes and wash off with cool water.

Decoctions of herbs that lighten the eyebrows 1-2 tones

If you are a burning brunette, who was reproaching the blond and thought about how to lighten your eyebrows when clarifying hair - this method is not for you. But if your natural color is dark blond, and you need to lighten literally a few tones-try working out your pigment with herbs.

Camomile decoction for clarification of eyebrows
Camomile decoction for clarification of eyebrows

Chamomile to lighten eyebrows:

  • 100 gr. dry crushed chamomile;
  • 150 grams of boiling water;
  • Thermos;
  • A little lemon juice.

So, everything is quite simple. We fill up the crushed chamomile flowers into the thermos and pour boiling water. Close and let it brew at least 10 hours. We filter the concentrate and add 15-20 grams of lemon juice. Mix and pour into the bottle so that the product does not disappear. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

By the way, you have exactly two days to use 100 g of funds on the eyebrow, so you can lubricate every 30 minutes.

Lemon juice to lighten eyebrows

For those who thought about how to lighten the eyebrows when clarifying the hair in natural ways by 2 tones and above - a folk proven tool, lemon juice.

Work will require many lemons and about a week.

  • Squeeze the juice from the slices of the lemon and apply freshly squeezed juice on the peeled eyebrows;
  • Let us soak and do not wash off at least 30 minutes;
  • Repeat 3-5 times a day for a week.
Four the eyebrows with lemon juice
Four the eyebrows with lemon juice

Please note that this procedure is very aggressive and can not be suitable for everyone. In addition, it acts to the depth of tone from 7 and above.

Contraindications of clarification of eyebrows

Of course, if we think about changes in appearance, then we can’t scare anything, and we are ready to go to the most risky procedures. But there are some cases when it is better to leave eyebrow clarification for later, and if the color does not suit at all, hide it behind cosmetics.

So, contraindications of the lightning of eyebrows:

  • Hormonal disorders and diseases. The body is working for wear and not harmonious, so any cosmetic procedure can give the most unexpected result;
  • Pregnancy - Do not brighten your eyebrows without the coordination of methods and means with a doctor;
  • Dermatitis and other diseases on the face and skin - consult with a dermatologist and cosmetologist;
  • Brittle, weakened, dropped eyebrows. First to treat and nourish, give the opportunity to recover and only, then clarify, since all the means of clarifying eyebrows dry the structure of the hair;
  • The presence of allergic reactions to drugs. If you have at least once in your life an allergic reaction to the components of the product, never use it.

If you recognize yourself in the list, and even if the question is how to lighten your eyebrows when lightening your hair does not give you rest, we strongly recommend that you wait with the procedure or consult a specialist in order to minimize risks.

Can home eyebrow clarify home methods?

By asking the question of how to lighten the eyebrows when lightening hair, you should remember that not only the result, but also the safety of the procedure are important. The result “at any price” most often leads to deplorable consequences, the solutions for which can then be found only in the hospital with prolonged treatment.

There is an opinion that all chemicals are extremely harmful, but folk methods are almost a panacea from all troubles. At the same time, as the long -term practice of cosmetologists shows, it is domestic “miraculous” recipes most often cause burns, cause many troubles in the form of dermatitis, falling out and brittle eyebrows.

Consistent adjusted actions in the lightening of eyebrows - the key to an excellent result
Consistent adjusted actions in the clarification of eyebrows - the key to an excellent result

Therefore, if you have a question of how to lighten your eyebrows when clarifying hair, give preference to a sparing, professional tool, which guarantees the result and are carefully tested by specialists.

Another gross error made during home lightening eyebrows is non -compliance with instructions. If the product must be diluted in this proportion, dilute this way. Other options may harm. It also concerns the time of action of the clarifier. Do not overexpose the product, since it will not lighten it anymore, but the structure of the hair will dry and thin.

Which method for lightening eyebrows is better?

Having familiarized himself with numerous ways how to lighten the eyebrows when lightening the hair arises the following question - which of the methods is better?

Immediately, we draw attention to the fact that there is no single ideal way, both in professional clarifiers and in folk methods. For example, a decoction of chamomile helps one girl to clarify the eyebrows, and in the other, aggressive clarifiers are triggered to clarify only 1-3 tones. Therefore, there is no single better product, and it cannot be, since we are all different. But there are indicators, paying attention to which you will select the perfect tool for yourself:

  • Inexpensive, quickly, clarification of 2-3 tones-paint for clarifying eyebrows;
  • Quickly, efficiently, lightening up to 5 tones - a brightening paste for eyebrows;
  • Plant origin, aggressive lightening for 2-4 tones-white henna for bleaching;
  • Sparing, budget, from improvised means - decoction of chamomile, peroxide, lemon juice.

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video how to lighten natural dark eyebrows in light colors.

Video: eyebrow epic. Four the eyebrows

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