How original and witty to answer the question “Why don't you have a mood?”: Examples, original phrases

How original and witty to answer the question “Why don't you have a mood?”: Examples, original phrases

Answers to the question: why you have no mood.

People are prone to mood swings for various reasons. The mood depends on many factors, such as the physical and mental state, hormonal balance, stress, external circumstances. Some people are more emotional and sensitive than others, and therefore their mood is easier to vibrate. 

Why does the mood change sharply? 

People are prone to mood swings for a number of reasons that can be divided into three main categories: biological, psychological and social. Hormonal vibrations, especially in women, can play a significant role in mood swings. For example, PMS is often associated with increased irritability and tearfulness. Serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine play a key role in mood regulation. The unbalanced of these hormones can lead to mood swings. Genetics can also play a role in a person’s inclination to mood swings. 

Sharp changes are caused by various factors, including physical, emotional, social and psychological aspects. Here are a few possible reasons: 

  • Lack of sleep, changes in blood glucose, hormonal vibrations, diseases and other physical conditions can affect mood. 
  • The experience of emotional events, such as conflicts, losses, failures or joyful events, can cause sharp changes in mood. 
  • Personal characteristics, psychological disorders, as well as negative thoughts and beliefs can affect mood. 
  • Problems in relations with other people, a sense of isolation, problems at work or in study can also influence. 
  • Some people can be more susceptible to sharp mood changes due to genetic factors or biological characteristics of their brain. 

The answer to the question is how the mood with humor 

Stress is considered one of the main factors affecting mood. When people experience stress, their body distinguishes hormones that can lead to feelings of anxiety, irritability and depression. The lack of sleep or poor -quality sleep can negatively affect the mood, making a person more prone to differences. People with certain personality traits, such as anxiety, are more prone to mood swings. 


  • The mood like a cat in the sun is lazy, but satisfied. 
  • A couple of cups of coffee back were cheerful, and now it was philosophical. 
  • Tango dances the mood - it takes off to heaven, then falls into the abyss. 
  • Like a hedgehog in a fog-everything seems to be calm, but there is some incomprehensible anxiety. 
  • The mood is like Emoji "", only the other way around. 
  • I feel like a butterfly that is about to hatch from a cocoon-a little awkward, but with great hopes. 

The answer to the question: how is the mood? (with humor) 

Changes in life, such as loss of work, divorce or death of a loved one, lead to significant mood swings. Problems in relations with friends, family or partner can negatively affect the mood. Pressure from society, in order to meet certain standards of beauty, success or happiness, can lead to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction, which, in turn, can affect the mood. 

Answer options: 

  • The mood is like that of a cat Schrödinger: both living and dead at the same time. 
  • The mood is like a hedgehog in a fog: it seems to be normal, but something is missing. 
  • The mood is like Winnie the Pooh: "Again Monday, but I have not eaten yet." 
  • The mood is like that of Carlson: "Calm, only calm!" 
  • The mood is like that of Cheburashka: "Ushastik, where are your ears?" 
  • The mood is like an inch: "Ah, how good it is in a flower country!" 
  • The mood is like Pinocchio: "Key, please!" 
  • The mood is like Dunno: "Where is this star map?" 
  • The mood is like that of Cinderella: "Ah, if I could get to the ball!" 
  • The mood is like Alice's Wonderland: "The further, the worse." 
  • The mood is like a cat Matroskin: "And I was even more hungry from this sausage." 
  • The mood is like that of Uncle Fedor: "Prostokvashino, Prostokvashino ..." 
  • The mood is like the baby: “Oh, oh, oh! Piglets! " 
  • The mood is like a patch: "I-huh!" 
  • The mood is like a tiger: “Hurray! Let's go play! " 
  • The mood is like Winnie the Pooh: "Isn't it time for us to eat?" 
  • The mood is like a raccoon: "Let the sun always be!" 


  • The mood is like that of a cat who ate sour cream. 
  • The mood is like that of a dog that stuck her head out of the window of the car. 
  • The mood is like a parrot who has learned a new word. 
  • The mood is like a hamster who runs in a wheel. 
  • The mood is like a snail that crawls along the grass. 

Why don't you have a mood: phrases 

Sometimes mood changes can be a sign of some diseases or disorders, such as depression, bipolar disorder, cyclothimium, anemia, diabetes, hypothyroidism, etc. In these cases, the mood can change sharply and for no apparent reason, causing discomfort and difficulties in communication and work. Also, the intake of some drugs, alcohol or drugs that affect the chemical balance in the brain can affect the mood. 


  • "The mood flew away like the umbrella Mary Poppins." 
  • "Yesterday I reviewed the Titanic, I still can’t leave." 
  • "My inner Shrek has seized power today." 
  • "The level of motivation is a cat on a battery." 
  • "Today I am a walking quote from Yesenin." 
  • "The mood is at zero, like a battery charge." 
  • "My mood today is abstractionism." 
  • "Enthusiasm - zero, ambitions - minus one." 
  • "The mood is just super, like a hedgehog in a fog." 
  • "Ah, yes, today I have a holiday - a day without a mood." 
  • "Oh, do not worry, I just enter the energy conservation mode." 
  • "Mood? What is it? " 
  • "Today I shine like a wet chicken." 
  • "My mood today is a mosaic of optimism fragments." 
  • "I feel like a plush bear from which Vatu was taken out." 
  • "The atmosphere of an abandoned pioneer camp reigns in the soul." 
  • "The mood is like the Owls, which the songs under the window sang all night." 
  • "The emotional state is at the level of the cockroach." 
  • "Probably, I ate an expired portion of optimism." 
  • "My inner unicorn fell ill, so I am a little sad." 
  • "Today is a magnetic storm on Earth, and I have emotional." 

Why don't you have a mood: examples 

To cope with a changeable mood, you need to understand its causes and eliminate them, if possible. For example, if the mood changes due to stress, then you can try to relax, do breathing exercises, meditation or yoga. If the mood changes due to hormonal jumps, then you can consult a doctor and undergo an examination. If the mood changes due to the disease or disorder, then you need to undergo treatment and follow the recommendations of a specialist. 


  • "Today I am a walking meme" I do not want, I will not. " 
  • "A character from the film" Gone by the Wind "settled in my soul." 
  • "The mood is as if they were locked in a room with Justin Bieber." 
  • "I feel like the hero of the song" Ocean Yelzy " -" Without a battle. " 
  • “Today I am in the astral between“ Irony of Fate ”and“ Home-2 ″. ” 
  • "The mood is at zero, like the chances of meeting a dinosaur." 
  • "The cats are scraped in the soul, or rather, a disco was arranged there." 
  • "My mood today is the quest" Find optimism. " 
  • "Enthusiasm - zero, ambitions - minus infinity." 
  • 3. Sarcasm and irony: 
  • "Ah, yes, today I have a holiday - a day without mood and sarcasm." 
  • "Oh, do not worry, I just enter the" Vegetable "mode." 
  • "Mood? What is it? " 
  • "Today I shine like a star in a night sky ... On a stranger night." 
  • "The emotional state is at the amoeba level." 
  • "My mood today is a gray palette." 
  • "I feel like a teddy bear I stepped on." 
  • "The atmosphere of an abandoned castle reigns in the soul." 
  • "The mood is like a fish thrown ashore." 
  • "Today, aliens flew to me and all my endorphins stole me." 
  • "Probably, I ate an expired portion of positive." 
  • "My inner dragon fell asleep, so I'm a little sad." 
  • "It seems that I have lost my" good mood "button, looking for." 

How witty answer the question: why do you have no mood? 

It is also useful to maintain a healthy lifestyle, sleep well, eat right, engage in physical activity, avoid bad habits, communicate with friends and loved ones, do your favorite business or hobby. All this will help improve the mood and make it more stable. 

Examples of phrases: 

  • "The mood is the same as the ruble course - jumps and falls." 
  • "Today I am like a" sad kiana. " 
  • “I feel like the hero of the movie“ Do not look up ” - I know that everything is bad, but I can’t do anything.” 
  • "Emotional state at zero, as the chances of finding tickets for the concert Imagine Dragons." 
  • "The atmosphere of hopelessness reigns in the soul, as in the queue for buckwheat in 2020." 
  • "The mood is at zero, like a thermometer on a frosty day." 
  • "The cats are scraped in the soul, or rather, arranged an orgy there." 
  • "My mood today is a rebus that I cannot solve." 
  • "I feel like a squeezed lemon, but without juice." 
  • "Enthusiasm - zero, ambitions - minus enthusiasm." 
  • “Ah, yes, today I have a holiday - a day without mood and sarcasm. Hooray!" 
  • "Oh, do not worry, I just enter the" Lazvets "mode." 
  • "Mood? What is it? " 
  • "Today I shine like a diamond ... in a pile of coal." 
  • "The emotional state is at the level of a cockroach who has lost his slippers and is afraid of a cockroach-psychologist." 
  • "My mood today is a mosaic of fragments of broken optimism." 
  • "I feel like a teddy bear, who was filled with cotton with dandelion." 
  • "The atmosphere of an abandoned water park reigns in the soul." 
  • "The mood is like the oyster, who was poured vinegar." 
  • "The emotional state is at the level of the jellyfish." 
  • "Probably, I ate an overdue portion of the positive, which was stuck in the refrigerator." 
  • "My inner unicorn fell ill with a sore throat, so I am a little sad." 
  • "It seems I have lost my" good mood "button, I am looking for a sofa." 
  • "Today is a magnetic storm on Earth, and I have an emotional storm in a glass of water." 
  • "Mood? This application is not installed on my phone. I am looking for Google Play. " 
  • "Today I am in" offline "mode as a disk phone." 
  • “Loading ... please wait. A good mood is expected. " 

A few tips: 

  • Use metaphors, comparisons, hyperbola and other literary techniques. 
  • Do not be afraid to be ridiculous and absurd. 
  • Choose an answer in accordance with your character and situation. 
  • Do not abuse sarcasm so as not to offend the interlocutor. 

How to answer the question "Why don't you have a mood original and witty?" 

In women, the mood can download for various reasons, but most often this is due to hormonal changes in the body. To cope with mood swings, you need to understand their causes and eliminate them, if possible. For example, you can consult a doctor and undergo an examination if you suspect a hormonal imbalance or a disease.

  • "My mood decided to arrange a strike until an increase from life." 
  • "The mood seems to have lost its own capricious imagination in the labyrinths." 
  • "It seems to have made its choice between vacation and work week and chose the first." 
  • "The mood is at a pause, expects inspiration, as a student before the exam." 
  • "It went to caffaupa, and coffee somewhere was lost between reality and a dream." 
  • "My sentiments found a good travel offer on the Internet and decided to take a timeout." 
  • "While I was looking for my mood, it seems to have found a more interesting place to live." 
  • "It forgot that I have a card of access to a good mood, and now wanders in search of a way out." 
  • "My moods are on vacation, and I am here, as in the office on Friday after dinner." 
  • "The mood in the flu - settled in bed and does not want to communicate." 
  • "My sentiments have gone in search of the meaning of life, but left their phone number, if that." 
  • "They got together and arranged a rally against my alarm clock this morning." 
  • “The mood believes that today is an ideal time for drama, but I asked him to take tickets for a comedy.” 
  • "It staged a strike because of a lack of attention, but I promised to negotiate with a chocolate." 
  • "The mood decided to take a vacation, leaving me in the company of his old friend - sarcasm." 
  • "It took a time off on the beach, and here I, as usual, in the rain of my duties." 
  • "My moods met with life and decided to pause to discuss their further action plan." 
  • "The mood is somewhere on the traveling on the labyrinths of my caffeine deficit." 
  • "They left in search of lost yesterday's inspiration, but promised to return as soon as they found him." 
  • "The mood is now busy with important things, such as the lack of specific reasons for its existence." 

Read on the topic:

Video: witty answers to the question: why there is no mood

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