How to determine in himself, the child has scoliosis, and in which direction at home on their own: test, degree, angle

How to determine in himself, the child has scoliosis, and in which direction at home on their own: test, degree, angle

From this article you will learn how to determine scoliosis in yourself or a child at home.

Scoliosis is an unpleasant problem that requires immediate adjustment. If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, then the pathology will progress, which will lead to a complication of the disease, a deterioration in well -being. In addition, scoliosis spoils the appearance of the figure, curving the back. In this article you will find a lot of useful information on how to determine scoliosis in yourself, a child at home.

How to determine scoliosis at home on your own in an adult: what scoliosis, causes, degree, stage, angle


Scoliosis is a very widespread disease. It is expressed in the curvature of the spine in the direction of its own axis. Scoliosis can be determined at home on your own. But first you should find out about the causes of the disease and what stages exist.

The reasons occurrence of the disease:

  • Congenital - It can be birth injuries or improper formation of the fetus.
  • Acquired - prolonged systematic violation of posture.
  • Post -traumatic -arise due to injuries.

There are several stages, degrees of development of scoliosis:

  • Initial, first stage - The spine deviates less than 10 ° from its own axis.
  • The second stage -Deviation angle by 10-25 °.
  • The third stage -The angle of deviation is 26-50 °.
  • The fourth stage, the most difficult and neglected - the angle of deviation of more than 50 °.

Initial, first and second degreecurvatures are found quite often and do not show themselves: there are no pain symptoms, deformation of the body is either absent or expressed slightly.

It's important to know: The lack of treatment in the early stages can lead to progression of the disease.

Third and fourth degree Diseases most often occur as a result of damage to the spine. The curvature is noticeably visually and negatively affects the functioning of the organs: digestive, cardiovascular, genitourinary and respiratory systems. The treatment of these advanced stages of scoliosis should be carried out only by a qualified specialist.


Test - What scoliosis and whether this disease can be found at home if special testing is carried out independently in an adult or child. It is necessary to stand opposite the mirror with your back to the wall - heels, buttocks, nape and shoulders should touch it. The presence of the disease will be indicated by:

  • The shoulders are at different heights.
  • Different hands length.
  • One of the shoulder blades sticks out more.
  • The ears are located asymmetrically.
  • When tilted forward, the back of the back is noticeable.

The presence of even one of these states is an occasion to see a doctor to conduct a detailed diagnosis. Early detection of the disease will help to avoid serious consequences.

How to determine the degree of scoliosis of the house in the child - what side, is there any scoliosis: right -sided or left -handed

Scoliosis is one of the unpleasant and common diseases, especially in school children. It is associated with the curvature of the spine. It is important for successful treatment to detect deviations at an early stage. Therefore, you need to know how to determine scoliosis at home in a child, what extent, what side is this pathology at all.

Test for determining scoliosis at home
Test for determining scoliosis at home

There are methods of independent determination of right -sided and left -sided scoliosis in children at home - this is a test. There are several ways to conduct it:

  • Ask the child to press his hands to the body. If there are deviations, then the palms will be at different levels.
  • Another way to detect scoliosis in a child - Ask him to get forward. If there is scoliosis, it will become noticeable that the vertebrae are at different levels.
  • Put your child with your back. Let him remove the top (T -shirt, shirt, T -shirt). Ask to relax. In a child who has deviations, in a relaxed state, one shoulder will be below the other, and the shoulder blade, accordingly, will be higher or lower.
  • For verification, you will need an ordinary thread. It must be attached to the line of the shoulders or ridge. If an uneven line is formed, then there are deviations. In this way, right -sided or left -sided scoliosis can also be determined.
  • The usual visual inspection also helps. Even in the first stages, a deviation may be noticeable, albeit insignificant.

There are many ways to determine scoliosis. The main thing must be remembered that when any deviations are detected, you should consult a doctor.

A doctor that determines scoliosis in adults and children

Vertbrologist is a doctor who determines scoliosis
Vertbrologist is a doctor who determines scoliosis

Scoliosis is a spinal disease. In some cases, it can be diagnosed independently. When does such a problem arise, which doctor should you contact? Which doctor determines scoliosis in adults and children? Look for answers below.

An adult in a local clinic should first go an appointment with the attending therapist, and the child needs to be taken to the reception to the pediatrician. After the therapist or pediatrician who conducted an outpatient examination, the patient is sent for tests, as well as to admission to a narrow profile specialist:

  • Orthopedic
  • Surgeon
  • Traumatologist
  • Osteopath
  • Vertroologist

Any of these specialists will be able to determine the presence of scoliosis in the patient at the first examination. X -ray and other diagnosis will only confirm this.

It is worth knowing: Vertbrologist is a wide profile specialist who knows all the work of an orthopedist, traumatologist and surgeon. This doctor will conduct an inspection and prescribe treatment. Therefore, there is no need to contact other specialists.

If your hospital does not have a specialist in the vertebrologist, then you can contact an orthopedist, he will prescribe treatment in the form of massage, manual therapy, therapeutic gymnastics and physiotherapeutic action procedures.

How to determine a degree, an angle of scoliosis by the picture, on the radiograph: Methods

The degree of scoliosis is visible on the X -ray
The degree of scoliosis is visible on the X -ray

Experts determine the degree of scoliosis not only with a visual examination of the patient, but also by the picture. How to determine a degree, an angle of scoliosis on an X -ray? By form, according to the localization of curvature, by changing the static function of the spine, scoliosis is distinguished into such groups:

Description of the form of curvature of the spine
Description of the form of curvature of the spine

Depending on this, and on the X -ray, the degree of disease is determined. There are several methods for determining the angle of scoliosis:

Ferguson method.

Method for determining the angle of scoliosis
Method for determining the angle of scoliosis
  • The angle is formed by the intersection of two lines that connect the central parts of the neutral vertebrae with the center of the vertebra, which is at the height of the scoliotic arc.

Cobba method - 1 option.

Method for determining the angle of scoliosis
Method for determining the angle of scoliosis
  • The angle is formed using intersecting perpendiculars, which are set opposite each other from the lines drawn from the bottom from the surface of the upper and top of the surface of the lower neutral vertebrae.

Cobba method - 2 option.

Method for determining the angle of scoliosis
Method for determining the angle of scoliosis
  • This method for determining the angle of scoliosis is used for very great curvature.
  • The angle is obtained when crossing the lines that pass along the bottom of the surface of the upper and the top of the surface of the lower neutral vertebra.

Lecum method.

Method for determining the angle of scoliosis
Method for determining the angle of scoliosis
  • This method is used when it is not possible to determine neutral vertebrae.
  • The angle is obtained when crossing the lines that connect the centers of the two vertebrae located above the vertebra on the top of the scoliotic arc, and two vertebrae, which are below it.

Using these methods, simply determine the scolious angle. If it is not possible to do this using one of the methods, then you can rely on the obtained values \u200b\u200bof the other.

How to determine scoliosis at the legs: what is the connection of different legs length, flat feet and curvature of the spine?

Determination of scoliosis by leg length
Determination of scoliosis by leg length

A different leg length is one of the main causes of scoliosis. Often people do not pay due attention to the difference in the length of the legs, throwing it off on the natural asymmetry of the body, but this is a big mistake. After all, it is the different length of the lower extremities that is a common cause of curvature of the spine. How to determine scoliosis on the legs? What is the relationship of different lengths of the legs and curvature of the spine? Here's the answer:

  • A person’s pelvis should be located absolutely symmetrically, and the unequal length of the legs leads to displacements in the lower back.
  • In the future, this also leads to the formation of curvatures in the thoracic spine, that is, to the formation of breast-appropriate scoliosis.
  • As a result of such obvious changes, the internal organs of a person are also shifted, which leads to the development and complication of diseases such as gastritis, bronchitis, pancreatitis and other no less dangerous pathologies.

Therefore, it is important to timely detect the differences in the length of the legs. How to do it:

  • You can see the difference in the length of the extremities on the basis of a different location of the costal recesses from one side and the other.
  • Take a vertical position, straighten and bring your legs together, from the side where the leg is longer, the transition region will be deeper.

Advice: If such an anomaly is detected, contact the orthopedist immediately. In the early stages, complications can be prevented. The specialist will recommend that you contact an osteopath or vertebrologist, and prescribe the wearing of special orthopedic insoles.

Flat feet also has a relationship with scoliosis. If flat feet develops, for example, in a child, then it is quite possible that after 2-3 years he will have scoliosis. It is also due to the wrong position of the pelvis while walking.

Important: If an adult or child has a flat feet, you need to contact an orthopedist so that he helps to choose special orthopedic insoles. With their help, it will be possible to adjust the incorrect location of the pelvis and spine, and thanks to this, the development of scoliosis can be avoided.

Watch your back, since a curved spine is a problem of the century. Because of this, over time, problems with the vessels and the work of internal organs begin. At the first symptoms of pathology, immediately consult a doctor. Good luck!

Video: How to cure scoliosis with exercises?

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