Pain in the right side: causes in men and women, treatment with folk remedies, preventive measures. What dangerous diseases are expressed in pain in the right hypochondrium? What to do if he tries in the right side, at what symptoms you need to see a doctor?

Pain in the right side: causes in men and women, treatment with folk remedies, preventive measures. What dangerous diseases are expressed in pain in the right hypochondrium? What to do if he tries in the right side, at what symptoms you need to see a doctor?

In this article, we will consider what the body is talking about, starting to stab on the right side, in front, in the hypochondrium.

Pain is a very unpleasant feeling for a person. And almost always signals a malfunction in the body. Moreover, a particular organ may not always hurt. After all, he can give into a certain part of the body, creating an incorrect error. A fairly common type of pain is pain in the side, on the right side. Therefore, we propose to study such a signal localization in order to find out its danger and cause.

Separation of pain in the right side at the place of localization and circumstances

As a general rule, for a clear distinction between pain, it is necessary to understand what part of the body, the organ it spreads, and begins to give to the right side. But this can also be signaling about serious diseases.

  • If he gives, as if from under the ribs in the form of constant acute pain, then the causes of occurrence can be:
    • parasitic life forms and cholecystitis in the gall bladder;
    • cirrhosis, hepatitis B;
    • pancreatitis and oncology in later manifestations in the pancreas;
    • tumors and hernias in the diaphragm.
  • If it gives in front, at the waist level:
    • then it can be appendicitis;
    • or even the inversion of the intestines;
    • inguinal hernias also remind of themselves;
    • women may have inflammation in the uterus;
    • stones in the gall bladder complement this list;
    • as well as various kidney diseases.
In rights
In the right side at the waist level, even pain from the kidneys can give
  • If he gives, as if from the back:
    • then this speaks of kidney stones;
    • about the disease of the musculoskeletal system;
    • again, it can be a signal about any liver disease;
    • or it is injuries, or stretch marks, especially in the waist section.
  • If he gives from the hypochondrium, then these are signals:
    • intestinal diseases;
    • infections in the stomach;
    • dysbiosis;
    • constipation;
    • intestinal diffusion (accompanied by additional vomiting).
  • If it gives out from the side of the liver, then this indicates the attack:
    • parasites;
    • congenital pathologies;
    • liver cirrhosis;
    • cholecystitis;
    • hepatitis A;
    • the oncology of this organ is also expressed so.
  • Most often, pain occurs when walking if the patient is observed:
    • cirrhosis of the liver;
    • appendicitis;
    • thrombosis.
  • If the pain occurs with a cough, then this says about:
    • pneumonia;
    • injury to the right intercostal space;
    • on oncological education;
    • or about pleurisy.
  • If it hurts after eating, then this is:
    • gastritis;
    • pancreatitis;
    • cholecystitis;
    • holangit;
    • or other problems with the digestive organs.
  • If you hurt when breathing, then you should pay attention to additional symptoms:
    • cholecystitis;
    • renal colic;
    • pericarditis;
    • viral diseases.
Pay attention when and after which begins to stab on the right side
Pay attention when and after which begins to stab on the right side

Knocks in the right side: establish the reason by the nature of the pain

Pain in the right side is an indicator of the disease of a particular body or any specific disease. For a greater understanding, we give you the causes of pain in the right side, according to existing types of pain.

  • Acute pain on the right side It can serve as a signal about the occurrence of diseases such as appendicitis, inguinal hernia, pancreatitis, encircling lichen, hepatitis, cholecystitis and casement of the intestine.
  • Sharp pain Often occurs during the disease of the gall bladder, liver and duodenum, inflammation of appendicitis and with ectopic pregnancy.
  • Nagging pain It may indicate a symptom of occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy or a tumor in the kidneys, pathology or changes in the arrangement of the ovary, and this also indicates appendicitis.
  • Prickly pain It can serve as signs of kidney stones, pyelonephritis, problems with bile passages.
  • Blunt pain may indicate an exacerbation of chronic diseases. For example, hepatitis, pancreatitis or cholecystitis.
  • It's a dull pain signals the possibility of cirrhosis, liver cancer, cholecystitis and hepatitis, and also reports the presence of parasites in the body.
Very often the liver makes itself felt
Very often the liver makes itself felt
  • Wandering pain There are different manifestations, but can occur during diseases with the pancreas and stomach. Such pain gives from the organs located on the left.
  • Discomfort with the right The sides can occur in any, even healthy person. The causes of this manifestation may be frequent use of alcohol, hepatitis, cholecystitis or mental and nervous overvoltage. After all, the body can report through any organ that he should just relax.
  • Pulsating pain It may indicate digestive disorders, the occurrence of the menstrual cycle and other problems in women.
  • Cutting pain It can report acute appendicitis, inflammation of the duodenum or uterine pipe.
  • Sensation embossing In the right side, it can occur after overeating and drinking alcohol, but sometimes indicates the occurrence of osteochondrosis, diseases with the liver, a problem with the gall bladder and intestines.
  • Burning It may mean that there are diseases of osteochondrosis, liver, intestines, gall bladder and other organs in this area.
  • Pain feel, like bursting character, reports the possibility of the occurrence of hepatitis of the liver, chronic cholecystitis and exacerbation of appendicitis.
The gall bladder can also speak about itself
The gall bladder can also speak about itself

Kolets in the right side of men and women: reasons

Pain can also occur in both women and men. But at the same time, speak of completely different foci of the disease, its character and complexity.

  • Women can feel pain in the side during pregnancy, when the fetus begins to grow, and, of course, before menstruation. And also during fibroids, with inflammation of the uterus, ovaries and with infectious inflammation of the fallopian tubes.
  • If the man in the right side of the man, then this indicates the inflammation of the male genital organs, the adenom of the prostate gland or prostatitis.
  • We brought you the main diseases that can serve as specific pain in the right side, for a reason. And so that you understand that you should not postpone a “long box” visit to the doctor. After all, any, even minor discomfort, not to mention a serious form of pain, may indicate specific diseases.
  • However, from the above information it can be traced that the pain does not always signal pathological processes in the body. Since it can occur during the normal course of pregnancy, when the fetus grows, and with physical exertion, and with a menstrual cycle in women.
In women can give pain in the right side during pregnancy or critical days
In women can give pain in the right side during pregnancy or critical days

Dangerous diseases that are expressed in pain in the right hypochondrium, in front

We remind you that you should not treat your own! Since timely detection of the disease contributes to the rapid recovery and avoiding complications. We bring to your attention the causes of a painful sensation on the right side, which are rare. But, nevertheless, they exist. Therefore, they should not be excluded with the manifestation of some symptoms.

  • Inflammation of the pelvic organs, which is also accompanied by unpleasant discharge of dark color. Such signs indicate the presence of diseases that are transmitted only to women sexually. At the same time, the menstrual cycle can be additionally disturbed, and back pain may be present.
  • Intestinal oncology it can occur only after the age of fifty. Additional symptoms are constipation, nausea, disappearance of appetite and other concomitant signs of poisoning and digestive disorders.
  • Ulcerative colitis It is relatively rare. The patient additionally feels weakness and nausea, as well as an increase in temperature.

Important: if you feel the severity or pain in the lower abdomen, on the right or in any other area, do not make diagnoses yourself. Better consult a doctor. After all, they know what to pay priority attention to. Remember, pathological processes can be found only in diagnosis and based on the results of a number of tests.

  • Also, if a person was injured, pain in the right side may occur. But much later. Therefore, pay attention to the past time after the bruise.
Sometimes this can be a consequence of a serious disease, which is transmitted sexually
Sometimes this can be a consequence of a serious disease, which is transmitted sexually

Kolets in the right side: when should I go to the hospital, but when can you stay at home?

Coals in the right side of everyone. Of course, under certain circumstances. And this may not always be a signal of the disease. Sometimes we walked for a long time or started running after a dense dinner, and the body immediately “grabbed us by the side”. But sometimes, the systems gather together and send dangerous signals to which it is simply necessary to react.

Critical manifestations that require immediate contacting

  • Be sure to alert the presence of other painful concomitant signs in parallel with pain in the right side:
    • vomiting, nausea;
    • diarrhea or constipation;
    • bloating;
    • elevated temperature for no reason;
    • drowsiness and too fast fatigue;
    • dizziness and loss of consciousness;
    • heartache;
    • spasms in any area of \u200b\u200bthe body, especially in the side;
    • cough, which is not the result of a viral ailment;
    • redness of the skin and unknown rashes;
    • severity during urination;
    • bloody discharge from the vagina, as well as with bowel movements or in the gag.

Important: such symptoms accurately indicate problems with the endocrine, respiratory and nervous systems, as well as the occurrence of dangerous and serious inflammation in the body.

With severe and prolonged pain, it is urgent to contact the hospital
With severe and prolonged pain, it is urgent to contact the hospital

When does the pain in the side have no fears for the health and life of a person?

We also offer you a more detailed disclosure of factors that are not considered deviations from the norm. And they are not a pathology of internal organs, but are accompanied by pain in the right side.

  • Does not indicate the disease:
    • the pain that has passed quickly and is no longer repeated;
    • a painful condition after eating fatty and heavy foods, as well as after overeating;
    • pain in women in front of the menstrual cycle and after sexual intercourse (although this issue requires more detailed consideration, but already from the side of gynecologists);
    • piercing pain after intensive running;
    • pain during any active movement at excessive load.
Sometimes the pain in the side does not indicate a serious symptom, for example, after physical exertion
Sometimes the pain in the side does not indicate a serious symptom, for example, after physical exertion

What can be done if he tries on the right side, under the ribs?

Like any painful conditions in the body, pain in the right side is subjected to independent treatment or at least relief.

  • Very often, people take medications of analgesic or antispasmodic nature, in extreme cases - antibiotics. They can be freely purchased in pharmacies.
  • Also, a painful condition can partially remove relaxation and rest.
  • And if pain in the right side occurs after eating, then you need to refrain from certain diets.

Important: however, we emphasize that it can only be a doctor can correctly establish the cause of pain and prescribe treatment. Since they are treating not a manifestation, but the cause of the disease. In this case, all, self -medication is quite harmful. Since you dull the body's signals about the beginning of the disease. And then rush to the hospital with an aggravated form.

  • Doctors are allowed to take medications for temporary anesthesia of bad sensations on the right side. But then you should then contact a specialist.
  • No need to abuse medicines, especially painkillers. They do not treat, but only temporarily relieve pain.
  • Remember forever if specific pain feelings arise with unpleasant concomitant signs, you should consult a doctor at least for consultation.
  • With any suspicious signs and with prolonged pain in the right side, see a doctor. You will be held a priority review, the necessary examinations and take tests.
  • This is the only way to determine the cause and type of disease. Depending on the testimony of the test, the patient can be directed to doctors such as gynecologist, therapist, endocrinologist, surgeon, cardiologist, neuropathologist and gastroenterologist. This is only the main list of "popular" specialists.
With frequent pain in the right side, show a specialist
With frequent pain in the right side, show a specialist

Prophylactically measures if he often tries in the right side

To prevent the occurrence of pain in the right side, remember the following recommendations for the prevention of the disease, or rather its sensations:

  • you are more in the fresh air;
  • maintain the state of your immunity, eat vitamins, healthy food, drink water in the required amount;
  • less yourself overloaded with both physical and emotional nature;
  • complete scheduled medical examinations at least once a year;
  • give up bad habits;
  • take medications only on the recommendation of a doctor;
  • if any pain occurs, do not hesitate to visit the doctor.

Traditional medicine will help prevent the appearance of pain in the side

There are also a number of methods for treating pain in the right side with the help of traditional medicine. We give you some simple recipes:

  • take 25 g of hop cones and insist in a glass of vodka. You can replace 10 g of hop cones, but insist in a glass of water. Take at least three times daily for 2 tbsp. l. Helps with diseases of the gall bladder and cholecystitis;
  • in case of diseases of the biliary tract, take 30 drops of calendula tincture up to 3 times a day;
  • insist the flowers of chamomile, immortality, grass of St. John's wort and knotter in 1 liter of water. Take one glass on an empty stomach every morning. Helps with diseases of the liver and gall bladder;
  • for diseases of the liver, it is also good to use 0.5 kg of raw pumpkin daily;
  • immortal, plantain and rosehip fruits are indispensable assistants for cholecystitis and kidney problems;
  • a milk thistle is useful for the liver.

Important: but we clearly see that even traditional medicine requires an accurate diagnosis. After all, there is no such means that it will fight just with pain in the side. Once again we remind you that this is only a symptom and a signal of the body about the disease.

Walk more in the fresh air and lead a healthy lifestyle
Walk more in the fresh air and lead a healthy lifestyle

Inflammatory appendicitis in the right side of the right side: symptoms, what to do?

Given the above material, we want to focus on one of the most common disease, which is accompanied by pain in the right side. According to the statistics of incidence, this type includes appendicitis.

  • According to the analysis of all diseases listed in this article, we see that appendicitis prevails over other ailments. Moreover, it can occur in all age categories, regardless of gender. And, unfortunately, it is not amenable to independent help even to improve well -being in exacerbation of appendicitis.
  • The name appendicitis itself comes from the organ in which this disease is concentrated - appendix. This burlap, which does not perform any necessary or important functions in the body.
  • Treatment is only surgically. Interestingly, a person continues to live normally after removing the appendix. This common disease, which develops quickly enough. And, if you do not remove the appendix in time, it bursts 2-3 days after the start of inflammation. Although sometimes there are a rapid course of the disease.
  • In order to save a person life, everyone should know the first and main symptoms of appendicitis. These include:
    • the first cramps in the abdomen;
    • soreness at the bottom of the back and pelvis may occur;
    • the body temperature rises from 37 to 40 ° C, and is constant;
    • vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, gas problems may occur;
    • the stomach becomes sensitive and bloated;
    • there is a sharp acute pain when pressed on the right side of the abdomen;
    • there may be other related symptoms.
The most common cause of pain in the right side is the inflammation of the appendicitis
The most common cause of pain in the right side is the inflammation of the appendicitis
  • Unfortunately, sometimes the symptoms of appendicitis are very similar to the usual spasm of the stomach or poisoning. Therefore, the main thing is to react in time to characteristic features and go to the hospital.
  • Of course, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of appendicitis by using fiber products. For example, broccoli, green peas, apples, raspberries, kiwi, etc. But without surgical intervention, this disease is not treated!
  • The age category, when frequent outbreaks of appendicitis disease are recorded, becomes from 10 to 30 years. But this does not mean that other age groups are insured from it.

We brought you the main signs and causes of pain in the right side. And on the basis of a brief description of the disease of appendicitis, they showed how important the timely appeal to the specialist. Since the usual, at first glance, symptoms, without timely response and treatment, can even lead to death.

Video: What is in the right side?

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