How to determine the dominant gene color gene in humans? What color of the eyes dominates a person from parents: brown or blue, gray, green or blue?

How to determine the dominant gene color gene in humans? What color of the eyes dominates a person from parents: brown or blue, gray, green or blue?

In the formation of the shade of the iris, other genes responsible for the color of the hair and skin are also involved. For example, representatives of the dark -skinned race are characterized by a dark color, and for white -faced individuals with blond hair - the blue color of the iris is characteristic, we will consider this information further in more detail.

The color of the eye of the child is determined by hereditary parental genes according to the recessive-dominant feature. Both pairs of genes give the connection of alleles that forms color content. There are three basic colors of the iris: green, karai and blue color. All other combinations of color options depend on the personal properties of the distribution of melanin in the rainbow shell.

How to determine the dominant gene color gene in humans?

  • Dominating eye gene located in 15 chromosome. His name - Herc2. He is responsible for kariy and blue The tone of the rainbow surface of the eye.
  • Another allele - is located in 19 chromosome: Contains information About blue and green eyes, has a name EYCL 1.
  • In the first case, for Herc2, there will always be dominant kariy eye color, and in the second, allele EYCL 1 - Creates green eye color.
  • Blue eye color It is formed, with the existence of a recessive sign in both genes. However, if in the 19 chromosome, one single brown -eyed type of allele will be present - it will become decisive. In the distribution of genetic features, it is necessary to take into account not only parental indicators, but also the genes of the closest relatives, which also have an impact on the formation of the color surface.
  • Dominant genetic type It is indicated by a large Latin letter “A”, it is customary to record the recessive in small letters “A”.
Dominant color
Dominant color

How does the homozygous body differ from a heterozygous body?

  • Homozygous organism Contains in his homologous set of chromosomes, a couple of identical copies of this gene.
  • Heterozygous body It has in homologous chromosomes, two different configurations provided by the gene - various alleles. The body in which the genetic set is indicated by a large and small letter in the pair belongs to a heterozygous form with a pronounced dominant tone.
  • A recessive sign In such an organism, it acquires a hidden character that can be inherited by a child. For example, father and mother have a dark color and heterozygous type - their child may be born With green or blue eyes.
Hetero and homo
Hetero and homo

What eye color dominates in humans: brown or blue, gray?

  • In humans, eye color Depends on the number in them, melanin. According to genetic studies, there are two extreme marks of the amount of melanin inherent in a particular color: the minimum number is blue shade, maximum mark - Kariy eye color.
  • The remaining shades are intermediate values \u200b\u200bbetween two extreme marks of melanin. In this case, the color content depends on the genetic quantitative composition of melanin in the iris.

The legacy of the color of the eye is customary to calculate according to the generally accepted law of Mendel, which suggests that the dark signs are dominant, in contrast to signs that carry information about the light phenotype.

  • Thus, among all probable shades, a dark color will occupy a leading value. In extreme cases, the shade may be different, provided that the child inherits the recessive sign of one of the parents. This type of allele is indicated by two options - Aa or aa.
  • Blue shade can be recorded as aa. For example, a father with brown eyes and a homozygous type, and a mother - a representative of blue -eyed people, with a genetic recessive set, will give the child brown eyes. The influence of the dominant paternal phenotype is clearly traced here. But, if the father had a heterozygous sign of AA, then in combination with maternal blue eyes, the calculated formula looked like this: AA + AA \u003d AA.
  • In this case, the child can get a blue rainbow surface from his mother, with a probability of up to 50%. Provided, where both parents have the same recessive sign of the result of the heritage will be as follows - the iris in the child will be blue.
Eye color
Eye color

What eye color dominates in humans: brown or green?

  • For green -eyed people inheritance of signs eye color, identical to those principles that are laid down in the genetic heredity of the brown -eyed owners. The green -eyed type of allele matters A. however, in comparison with the properties of the brown -eyed gene, it is not dominant. The green -eyed type is inferior to the Caric Gene.
  • This means that in a pair of AA homozygous compound, in the presence of dominant signs, the child will receive a dark iris.

There are other options:

  1. One of the parents has Brown eyes, as well as recessive blue -eyed type A, Which inherits the child. In this embodiment, prevailing is transmitted to the dominant feature of the green -eyed parent.
  2. If the green -eyed parent does not give a dominant feature but and conveys only recessive properties - the heir receives a blue iris.
Karii or green
Karii or green

The contrast of one or another color is determined by the presence of a dominant genetic set in the HERC2 allele. The same properties apply to homozygous features in green -eyed people with a set of AA.

What eye color dominates in humans: green or blue, gray?

  • In 19 chromosome The type of allele responsible for the blue and green color is contained. Gray or blue tones are derivatives of the blue -eyed gene. In nature, the green -eyed species dominates the blue recessive color.
  • Blue eye color Defined high genetic indicator in 15 chromosomewhich makes it possible to get various color options. If both parents are green -eyed in 19 gene - the child will receive the same Eye color, paired with green -eyed and blue -eyed - The green, two blue -eyed parents prevails - a blue -eyed child will be produced. But if there is, at least one dark -eyed version of 15 gene, the child will be born brown -eyed.

What eye color dominates in humans: gray or blue?

  • Gray and blue eyesit has similar values \u200b\u200bin its definition. Gray intensity depends on the density of the external fibers. A high amount of them gives a gray tone of the rainbow shell. With a low value of the density of the fibers, the eyes acquire a mixed pattern - the gray-blue eye color.
  • Initially, due to a low concentration of melanin, children are born with a blue shade and only by three years the final color of their rainbow shell is formed. Therefore, a gray or blue iris can change over time, neither one nor the other meaning is fundamental. Both gray -eyed parents may have a dark -eyed baby.
What does it depend on?
What does it depend on?

Eye color inheritance table

The color of the eyes of the parents

Probable coloring of the iris in the baby


Brown Green Blue
Brown Brown 75% 18% 6%
Green Brown 50% 37% 12%
Blue Brown 50% 0% 50%
Green Green 1% 75% 25%
Green Blue 0% 50% 50%
Blue Blue 0% 1% 99%

Inheritance of eye color from parents: tips

Below are tips that should be taken into account when clarifying variations of the color of the eye in the future baby:

  1. Determining the pre -estimated eye color of the baby, it must be borne in mind that from the moment of birth the initial shade may change throughout the first half of the child’s life. As a rule, this process ends at the age from 5 to 10 years, It all depends on the individual characteristics of the child's body.
  2. It should also be taken into account when analyzing the color palette genetic sets of relatives Baby on both sides. This will give a more accurate picture of what is happening. Sometimes children inherit the signs of the phenotype of grandparents. Therefore, you should not perceive this table as the final option, implying exceptions from the rules. The information provided in the table gives alleged options, indicating a genetic predisposition to a certain color scheme.
  3. Should also pay attention to Genetic anomalies and pathologies in the development of the eyeball, which can affect the rainbow shell. In such cases, the color palette can be partially changed or absent altogether.
  4. A change in shade intensity, when exposed to external irritants on vision, the phenomenon is safe and characteristic of children's eyeball.
  5. The shade of the rainbow shell can respond to weather changes - in bright sunny weather it becomes a little lighter.
  6. The same changes are characteristic of change of mood and well -being At the baby. However, it is worth paying attention to the dimming of colors-this is a sure sign that the baby does not like something or he feels bad.
  7. It happens that the iris becomes an almost invisible or transparent shell. This should not be alarming parents. Thus, children's eyes - signal the calm and harmonious state of the nervous system.
  8. The dark eyes of the baby They will remain unchanged, but their color intensity can change. Blue -eyed babies are characterized by changes in the palette in the first month after birth. The owners of dark interspersed subsequently become the owners of saturated or dark shades.
Eye color in a child
Eye color in a child

Inheritance of eye color from parents: reviews

  • Maria, 29 years old.Soon, my husband and I will have a daughter. I would really like to know what eye color she inherits? My husband and I have different shades, my eyes are brown, my husband has green. Thanks to clarifications in the article, I determined that there is a high probability of getting brown eyes.
  • Svetlana, 36 years old.I have a bright blue eye color, and my husband is green -eyed. Of course, I want my rare color to be transmitted to the baby. Looking at the table, I understand that the chances are equal to both mine and my husband. Now this is the main intrigue for us. Everything is in the grip of nature.
  • Julia, 40 years old.A very interesting and informative article. My child is now 7 years old, in the first year after birth, his eyes had a gray-blue shade, and now they have a predominance of green color in them. According to calculations, dark brown color should prevail. Apparently we got into the rare case when the mixed type turned out.

Video: eye color and character traits

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