How to gain awareness of life in our world, harmony: the advice of psychologists. How to learn to live a real life here and now - the path to awareness, personal growth: practice, development

How to gain awareness of life in our world, harmony: the advice of psychologists. How to learn to live a real life here and now - the path to awareness, personal growth: practice, development

In this article we will talk about gaining awareness and harmony in life in the modern world.

Living consciously is what is the most important condition for human happiness. This will allow us to understand ourselves and feel the charm of the world, enjoy the moment here and now. One of us notices that they live a monotonous life, where every new day looks like a past, and brings little pleasure. Life is full of actions, actions, dialogs on the machine, boring clock behind a tedious, unloved business continues endlessly. As a result, the day, month, year passed quietly. Awareness allows a person to more clearly control emotions, think about decisions and fill every day of his life with meaning, joy, and also improve and change himself.

Your brain believes most of all what they say to him

We are all programmed since childhood and ultimately live according to the programs that we have received: we are not born to think negatively, but throughout our lives we get this skill. As a child, we all believed that everything was possible, took on everything and did as we could. With age, in the family, at school, surrounded, a program was brought in, that something is impossible or very difficult.

According to various estimates, even in the happiest family, such a baby under 18 will hear at least 148,000 times the word “no”/“impossible”/“impossible”, along with these messages there will appear thousands of others, in which the child will “explain” what he will be in what he will Believe, but what's not.

And an adult is afraid to change something, flows through life “with the flow”, not receiving joy, success and happiness to the extent that he could if there were no restrictive programs in consciousness.

The part of the brain that stores the programs you receive does not know, meanwhile, which of them is true or false. In any case, you will use the strongest, regardless of whether they are true or not.

Up to 90 % of your programs are unconscious and completely hidden from you.

All you think, say, do - is the result of the programs that you received from your experience or from others.

A negative conversation with yourself is a combined result of negative programs that you received throughout your life. Most of them are in the subconscious zone.

Check yourself: do you say these phrases?
Check yourself: do you say these phrases?

If you have found several phrases that you allow in your thoughts and speech, then you have something to work on.

Below is a test that will reveal negative programs in behavior that you should change. If nothing to do with it, it will only worsen. And how did you think the grumbling grandfathers and negative grandmas are obtained?

Negative aspects in the behavior of people
Negative aspects in the behavior of people

Fortunately, the destructive programs can be changed.

How to master this awareness in our dynamic world? Read the article. There are observations and advice of successful psychologists.

How to learn to live here and now, how to realize every moment of your life?

  • People who do not know how to live here and now and realize themselves at every moment in time do not know how to enjoy life and are less happy. These people often show dissatisfaction with their everyday life, they often use template actions, thoughts, installations. And this is a brake in a change in life for the better.

Advice: Unloved work - look for a new, inappropriate environment - look for new like -minded people and friends.
Tired of the situation in the apartment - change the interior or make repairs.
Start taking care of your loved ones, and in response you will get good and attention.
Rinse, do not be annoyed by trifles, and in response, too, will not get irritation in relation to you. With this action, you will put a block from the leakage of your vital energy, and thus you will improve the quality of your life.
All these tips will put you on the path to a new life.

Watch yourself: what do you notice at first in a person or in a situation - positive or negative?

Toxic and envious people often cannot accept something in themselves, respectively, in others too.

Here are practical actions that you can apply, moving to awareness.

Specific actions when moving to awareness.
Specific actions when moving to awareness.
Specific actions when moving to awareness.
Specific actions when moving to awareness.

The fourth step is associated with the consolidation of the paraphrasing of internal and external conversations, so that not a single negative word, not a single negative thought or the phrase remains unrefined.

At the fifth step, we fix the developed useful habits with encouragement of ourselves praise for the right thoughts and actions. To do this, you have already learned to notice everything correct and wrong. Praise you can say in words, write in a diary, on the mirror, hang notes on the refrigerator, make screensavers on the phone, on the PC desktop.

For the negativity, you need to come up with a punishment - push -ups from the floor several times, squat, pinch yourself.

Our tips will help to understand what your life mistake is, and how to acquire awareness and embark on the path of prosperity and happiness.

What do we get from gaining awareness?
What do we get from gaining awareness?

Master the new and make atypical decisions

Abstractness from the present, mental departure into the past, future, fantasies, automation and mechanization of life - this is an indicator that you are not satisfied with your life.

  • Sometimes, this is an indicator of moral fatigue, because the brain spends many times less energy (saves) on the unconscious, mechanical actions than on the development of a new, analysis of the surrounding world, to make atypical decisions.
  • It is not so simple to remove your brain programs from the auto-launch, as you already understood, first you need to learn how to fix these moments when you live on the machine and return to reality.

Advice: If you feel fatigue, relax: go on vacation, go with your friends on a picnic or just go out in the park every day. This will help the brain switch from everyday life, and it will be ready for something new.
Look at your life. Evaluate each area on a 10 -point scale. You will find weaknesses and see what you need to work on, what to study. Set new goals that have not been set before. Break the goals into tickles in terms of resources.

Wheel of life
Wheel of life

Get rid of sociophobia, open to the world

  • People who do not yet consciously live have many sociophobia. They are always afraid of something. They are afraid of communication with others or do not like to be in crowded places.
  • It seems to them that everyone around is thinking badly about them. For example, when a person stands in a store at the checkout, it seems to him that he slowly puts the goods in a package, while others, as it seems to him, do it faster, he begins to rush, and it seems to him that now everyone is thinking about him, as about him, as about sluggish personality. He wants to pay more quickly for purchases and run away from all this.
  • In this case, a person acts unconsciously, since his top was taken by emotions, and not a real life, when you can enjoy the fact of acquisition.

Advice: Right away emotions, realize that you are doing everything right, and those around you are kindly configured to you, if you treat yourself well and do not translate negative emotions. Think and imagine that others like you, and no one despises you for putting products in a bag for a long time. And this will become a reality.

Apply sound logic in relation to yourself. But do not do it forcibly, so as not to further strengthen your stress. Just think about what it should be, and many do so, and in their own way all people are friendly. Only the negativity of you translated (fear, irritation, envy, condemnation, guilt, self -pity and other emotions) attracts negative people and negative events to you.

To cleanse the negativity, use the technique of Hooponopono.

Now let's look at a few types of behavior of people whose life is generally not conscious. What questions should be asked and how to make the same path to awareness.

How to learn to live a real life: the path to awareness, personal growth

Awareness - adds to everything that we do special clarity, measured, patience, harmony and accuracy. This is especially true for quick -tempered people who realize it and want to find harmony in life.

It is worth knowing: If there is a feeling of discomfort inside, the first thing that is important to do is awaken awareness, which is the best that we have for further exit from any situation. In a state of awareness, begin to thank for the positive that you have already learned to find even in the most difficult conditions. In any conditions, you can thank God for life, for the fact that you are full, that you have a house, a family. Gratitude is an antidote from negativity.
The offender will immediately confuse if you say to him "I love you!" Several times, and if necessary, then infinite many times. Negative can only be neutralized positively.

So, we learn to live a real life here and now. Try to recognize yourself in the psychotypes described below. If this turns out, then this will help you learn to live a real life and answer for yourself many questions. This is the path to personal growth:

The same as everyone else.

  • A person believes that developing and acting is not necessary at all, I am sure that sailing with the flow is an excellent solution, life itself will teach everything that is required.
  • For such a person, the majority acts as a guide and measure, the opinion of the surrounding people and the values \u200b\u200bof the environment are accepted as their own.
  • A representative of this type does not set goals, cannot formulate his desires (does not know what he wants), does not see any concrete meaning in existence.
  • The activity is performed, but the main factor in motivation for it is a salary that would have been enough for a living, and a position in which they would not particularly bother.
  • Such a person often ignores his skills, skills, talents or desires, does not realize his strengths and weaknesses.

If you recognize yourself, ask about the questions:

  • What is my life at the moment, and will I like it if I look at it from the side, as a third -party observer?
  • Do I have goals and plans for the future, do I know how I will embody them, and are my desires to others, relatives, my position in society, or am I fulfilling the tasks of other people to me?
  • How would I take myself by winning a huge amount of money in the lottery? What are my talents, strengths, development zones? How can I apply this knowledge about myself now?

Your path to awareness: Do not ignore your desires. After all, this is your life and you need to live the way you want, and not to anyone. Set a goal in life and go to it. Develop, act-do not be afraid to open something new. To find out your true desires, do the meditation "My perfect day."

Video: Meditation "My perfect day"

Unconsciously reacting.

  • Such a person reacts rashly, does not bother to return to reality in order to feel and realize the situation, constantly goes on about his emotions, desires, can rashly agree to something or refuse, without considering the issue, it is harsh and unfair.
  • People of this type are easier to give out information than accept, tend to criticize, but not listen to the opinion of others, proving their rightness, rejecting any arguments of the opponent, without even delving into them.
  • They do not know how to put themselves in the place of another person, they can reluctantly offend, because they are not able to delve into the state of the interlocutor.
  • Also, they are easy to manipulate, such people instantly respond to provocations and also quickly “explode”.

Questions that will help you understand yourself

  • I realize my emotions, rightly react, I would like such a reaction of another person?
  • I remember that I felt, said, did at one time or another, how I reacted? Do I remember myself in a particular situation, how conscious were my actions?
  • Are I able to control my emotions, actions, desires or inclined to respond spontaneously?
  • Do I admit that I could be wrong, do I recognize errors? Will I accept the side of the interlocutor if his arguments are more fair or is it above my strength?

Your path to awareness: When you say something to other people, first put yourself in their place, so as not to just offend people. Do not emotion on trifles and do not go to provocations. Take a rule not to prove his rightness, because each person has his own truth.

Advice: There is one psychological technique that allows you to cope with emotions. If you want to scream on someone, just stop and count up to 10. Believe me, it is after 10 seconds that you will think differently and you can solve the issue calmly and wisely.

Living in an unfair world.

  • Such a person completely ignores any life lessons, does not receive benefits from experience.
  • He is inclined to believe that there are no lessons, that the world is unfair and that you do - it will not become better, which means it does not make sense to once again bother.
  • A person is sure that people are divided into those who are incredibly lucky to be born happy, successful and talented, and his, unified by the world, deprived and doomed to eke out such a life, since he was born like that.
  • People of this type often stumble upon the same rake, but deny a pattern in this, rather consider coincidence, bad luck, an evil intent of ill -wishers, government and an imperfect world.
  • The lack of awareness and unwillingness to live here and now, do not allow such a person to analyze life, change reactions and templates, and experiment with actions in the search for optimally effective.

The following questions will help to analyze the situation:

  • How attentive I am to my life, how much I realize and accept what she teaches me?
  • Do I notice the laws leading me in life, do I use knowledge and experience, are I listening to myself and my inner voice?
  • What can I do in a particular situation, what is in my power, what is in my competence?
  • What do people do whom I consider successful, happy, what are they, what qualities can I adopt from these people?

Your path to awareness: First answer all the above questions. Now make an analysis of your life and understand that we do the world around us on our own. As we make it, so he will be. You can also be happy if you go and get up from the couch and start acting.

Why is it important to learn how to live here and now, how to influence your perception of the world?

A sense of reality to live here and now is a state that will allow you not to be in resentment and disappointments of the past, not to be content with dreams and dreams of a bright future or an alternative happy reality. Why is it important to learn how to live here and now?

You will learn to live in the present, enjoy any process, and not just wait for the result. You can get used to realizing your actions and adjusting emotions, getting rid of template reactions.

Important: Work on awareness will help you relax and recharge your internal resources. This will be an excellent source of inspiration. And remember that happiness and depression are contagious. In the United States, there are statistics: if antidepressants are appointed one of the spouses, then in six months a year and the other wife will also be prescribed, since he will also be depressed. The same rule applies to happiness.

How to influence your perception of the world? This can be done, but you need to work a lot on yourself. Be aware of yourself as a separate personality, and not an addition to others. Any possibility of changes is based on free choice, the ability to make other decisions and act differently, which requires society and the world around us.

Thanks to this, we will be able to develop our internal “observer”, which will help to notice something else and make a new choice. For example, behave differently if you are criticized or provoked or not to feel guilty, resentment and decline of mood, since all these feelings will not lead to anything good.

Learning to live now: practice, development

Below you will find several simple practical exercises that can be useful to a person who wants to learn how to live here and now. Here is the practice of sages, the advice of psychologists and the development of people with examples that have already passed these stages:

Stop method:

  • As soon as you caught yourself on automatic actions, stop and slow down.
  • Concentrate on a point on the wall or some uncomplicated object in front of you, do not allow yourself to perform mechanical body movements and think about something remote.
  • Realize the point, your view, your pose, feel your body, space, remember the interior, some little things surrounding you, which is now the hour, what you are doing now and how you do it.

Advice: You can concentrate not on the visual object, but on your own breath. The breathing method is useful if you caught yourself on automatic emotional response. A quick sharp breath and slow smooth exhalation noticeably soothes the psyche and relaxes the body.

In addition to this reaction to a certain pattern of oxygen supply, the situation “lower the steam” is bodily, the brain reacts reflexively accordingly. There is also a concentration on automatic actions, inaction (a slow breath and a sharp exhalation with his mouth activates the brain, causes a feeling of determination, the situation “fuh - went” bodily before starting up to difficult business). Several repetitions of such breaths and exhalations are quite enough.

Enjoy actions:

  • Completely concentrate on what you are doing now, realize the process completely, attach importance to the details, imagine that you are busy with this business for the last time, and even if it is not the most entertaining, now you want to feel it completely.
  • Do not do a lot of things at the same time, for example, try to enjoy food without absorbing it automatically while watching the series, or enjoy driving the car, stopping the fantasy about what needs to be done when you get to the place.
  • Now these things seem to be a trifle, but start small, and soon you can live here and now completely and at any moment.

Enjoy the present:

  • Return your mind from the past and future.
  • Naturally, without an analysis of experience and building plans, there will be no happy present, but do not get hung up on these mental travels in time.
  • Ask yourself what the benefits of certain reasoning, and if you have not managed to extract anything good for yourself, stop spending a precious lifetime on the grinding of old grievances, nostalgia or groundless assumptions.

Out observer:

  • Try to become an observer, calm and slow your mind, watch what is happening around, people, yourself.
  • Try to discard all extraneous thoughts, focusing on the current, feel the moment here and now in all its colors and details, correlate this moment with the scale of your life or eternity.
  • Realize that besides this present moment there is no other reality, you only have it, do everything so that it brings you happiness, peace, contentment.

Stop. Realize. Feel.

  • This method is interesting in that, unlike the previous ones, partially mechanical. If you do not have enough willpower to return yourself to reality mentally and how you do not try, and it is difficult to get out of a state of automatism, this idea is for you.
  • Each person has a mobile phone in our time.
  • The method is to program the alarm in your device to work every hour during the day (for example, from 9:00 to 21:00), and wherever you are, whatever you are busy with the sound signal, you must mentally Speak "Stop. Realize. Feel ”and accordingly do what was said.

Cut the struggle with yourself to achieve the best. Our brain is the most lazy organ. To activate it and start acting, you need to push yourself, and it doesn’t matter how it is mentally, some kind of action. The main thing is not to fall into depression, not to be exposed, but to act and live here and now. After all, there will be no other possibility. Good luck on your way to awareness and determination in new worthwhile intentions!

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Quotes of famous people

Video: Awareness - a brief overview of the book!

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