How to learn how to get up early without an alarm clock: we set up a biological clock, adjust the senses. How to prepare the body for the early rise physically and emotionally? How to abandon the alarm clock?

How to learn how to get up early without an alarm clock: we set up a biological clock, adjust the senses. How to prepare the body for the early rise physically and emotionally? How to abandon the alarm clock?

In this article, we will not just talk about how to wake up correctly in the morning. We will talk about how to do it with pleasure!

How many people cannot stand the morning! Irritation, lethargy, drowsiness wake up with them. And why? Because the day has already begun incorrectly - there is no pleasure in the process of awakening. In this article we will talk about how to get up right.

Refuse the alarm clock: how to do it?

Wake up in the morning without the help of the alarm clock-this phenomenon is for some somewhere behind the facet of science fiction! Meanwhile, this is quite real! It is enough to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • First you should start experimenting It’s too early to get up in those days when there is nowhere to rush. For example, during vacation, holidays, weekends.

Important: you should immediately tune in to the fact that the habits do not change instantly. Therefore, do not give up the idea of \u200b\u200bwaking up early without an alarm clock, if this does not work out at first.

Weekends are the best time to practice getting up early without an alarm clock
Weekends are the best time to practice getting up early without an alarm clock
  • Recommended for starters change the melody. Most people meet the morning under something loud, guided by the thought that with such accompaniment to oversleep the appointed time will definitely not work. This is logical, however, the desire to abandon the alarm clock is harmful. Better to write down something melodic, calm. Ideally - environmental sounds. This will gradually wean from the alarm clock.
  • Need set a signal at the same time. Gradually, the body will get used to waking up exactly then. In the future, he will do this even without an additional signal.
  • If you immediately get up early in the morning, you need gradually go to this. For example, start installing an alarm not at 6 in the morning, but at 8, at 7. Gradually, the body itself will get used to getting up early.
  • You need to press the “Set the Signal” button to start, and then completely abandon it. Firstly, using the button, stopping using the alarm clock will not work. Secondly, frequent breaks in a dream lead to heart problems, to diabetes.

Important: therefore, it is best to simply place the alarm clock outside the reach.

Putting the alarm signal is a bad idea when trying to learn how to wake up earlier
Putting the alarm signal is a bad idea when trying to learn how to wake up earlier

How to learn to get up early: start a biological watch

Biological clock will help to get up early better than any mechanical. How to adjust your biorhythms?

  • First of all, worth Learn more about your individual biorhythms. The signal to the fact that they are knocked down are the calls atypical for a certain time of the day. For example, eat in the middle of the night. You need to observe yourself in this regard.
  • It is extremely desirable keep a sleep diary. It is necessary to record a clock and awakening watches in it. Such a diary is preferable to keep at least for a week, After all, it is proved that closer to the end of the week people begin to fall asleep later. And this is bad for health. It is also important to pay attention to the number of hours allotted for sleep.

Important: it is believed that the norm of sleep for an adult is 7-8 hours, and for a teenager-9-10 hours.

  • Sleep in the daytime is not a very useful phenomenon. Since biological clocks can be lost. But if it is impossible to do without it, it is allowed bake a maximum of half an hour.
The dream in the daytime should be brief, otherwise learn to get up early
The dream in the daytime should be brief, otherwise learn to get up early
  • We need to try protect yourself from stress. Without the ability to relax, it will be impossible to develop your sleep mode.
  • Be sure to take it a rule spend some time in sunlight. If a person goes to work, when it is dark, and also returns in the absence of sunlight, his biological clock is lost. In this case, you certainly need to go out at lunchtime to the street. Or at least stand by the window.

How to learn to get up early: we set the senses

When accustoming yourself to an early rise, you should not only prepare yourself, but also prepare the place of sleep. What surrounds should not conflict with biorhythms. And this is what you need for this:

  • The curtains on the windows must be kept in a ajar condition. This will get used to the sunlight gradually. But at the same time, it is completely impossible to pull the curtains, otherwise it will not work to wake up with the first rays of the sun.

Important: since you need to get used to the light, the curtains of dark color are not suitable.

The curtains in the bedroom must be kept half -closed - thanks to this it will work to get up earlier
The curtains in the bedroom must be kept half -closed - thanks to this it will work to get up earlier
  • In order for the first sunlight to fall on the bed, it is better to place it if possible in the north, south. Traditionally, these sides receive more light in the morning and first of all.
  • Be sure to let out street sounds into the room. At first glance, this advice may seem strange, because extraneous sounds should interfere with sleep. However, this is not so: the body, on the contrary, becomes more convenient to wake up naturally and gradually . The noise of cars, the voices of animals and people - All this will wake up. Therefore, it is recommended keep the window openly open.
  • Everything should please in the room And inspire pleasant emotions. This applies to everything from bedding to the color of the wallpaper.
  • The body should it is comfortable to feel in sleep clothes. If the night shirt is lost, it is difficult to rest fully.

Important: the material is of great importance - it should be natural. Otherwise, the body will not be very comfortable.

Comfortable sleeping clothes - that will allow you to get enough sleep and wake up with comfort early
Comfortable sleeping clothes - that will allow you to get enough sleep and wake up with comfort early
  • Need adjust the temperature of the room to comfortable. For example, turn on the air conditioner in advance when heat or get a blanket during cold. Otherwise, the discomfort will prevent you from getting enough sleep. Combination of comfortable temperature and the right amount of light It will affect the quality of sleep. What an ideal temperature should be, only the person himself can say, because it is all individual. You just need to remember that after midnight, the body temperature decreases, and closer to morning, on the contrary, increases.
  • Any sources of artificial light need to be repaid. D.if the nightlight burns slightly, the body will still be constantly on the alert, will not receive relaxation. Be sure to accustom yourself to fall asleep in complete darkness.
  • Aroma - Not the most reliable way to cause awakening. But as an addition to any other, it is quite suitable. For example, many helps many pleasantly and early to meet the morning the aroma of coffee. Therefore, you can, as an option, use a coffee maker with a timer.
The aroma of coffee will help to wake up early
The aroma of coffee will help to wake up early

How to get up early: prepare the body

How to prepare the body for early awakening, in addition to the above ways to strengthen the body. The body, which is in good shape, is easier to accustom to something. So, this is what you need to do:

  • Do sport. And regularly. It is proved that even people suffering from insomnia can defeat their problem when they begin to devote time to sports. At least 30-40 minutes three times a week It is necessary to allocate for classes.

Important: aerobic load is especially preferred. It can be running, swimming, football or basketball.

  • Organize the diet correctly. All -grain cereals, fruits and vegetables, low -fat meat - all this should be present on the table in large quantities. Experts recommend enriching the menu products with a tripophane - These are bananas, milk, nuts, eggs. The fact is that Triptofan helps the body fall asleep faster.
It is useful to drink milk at night - in this case it will work to get up earlier
It is useful to drink milk at night - in this case it will work to get up earlier
  • Exclude products harmful to quality sleep from the diet. So, food will only harm, including processed grains, fats, a large amount of sugar. The stomach will be difficult to digest such food - for this he will need to allocate more energy and time.
  • Whatever the food, use it just before going to bed you should not. It is better to eat a few hours before bedtime.
  • In the morning it is useful to drink a glass of water. Water and harmful substances accumulated at night removes, and helps to wake up faster.
  • Coffee - It is worth mentioning him separately. It is customary to think that this invigorating drink allows you to wake up faster. However, it is proved that a large daily amount of coffee dulls the work of natural regulators. Until the complete cessation of their work. By the way, it should be remembered that caffeine is kept not only directly in a invigorating drink, but also in some others. As well as in some drugs.

Important: experts believe that a safe daily dose of caffeine is 500 mg in morning or daytime.

The daily cup of coffee should be small - it will not hurt to get up early
The daily cup of coffee should be small - it will not hurt to get up early

Ways to get up early without an alarm clock: emotional setting

Emotional setting is no less important than physical. So:

  • Need find the reason for early awakening. Moreover, one that is very significant and will help the body wake up from the alarm clock. For example, the reason may be the need for early jogging to discharge extra pounds. It turns out that there is such a hormone - adrenocorticotropin - Which is about an hour before the alleged awakening is produced in significant quantities.
  • Healthy plan your day and write down a plan on paper. The paper can be hung, for example, in the bathroom above the mirror. And while a person will perform an ordinary evening ritual in the bathroom, he will remind himself how much it needs to be done the next day.
  • Visualization - Effective. For its implementation, it is necessary, lying in the bed, as clearly as possible to imagine the clock. Their arrows stop at the required time. Next, you should imagine your awakening at this time.

Important: it is also useful to say loudly about what needs to be wake up at a certain hour.

Visualization is a great way to rise earlier
Visualization is a great way to rise earlier
  • If you want to sleep for at least 5-10 minutes, you need to immediately remember the consequences of such a lying. It will not work to rest anyway, and the mode will be shot down. You need to constantly call this reminder in the morning.
  • Be sure to move to the kingdom of Morpheus with positive thoughts. Blaging yourself for any reason cannot be, otherwise it will not work to fall asleep in time and, accordingly, wake up early.
  • An alien example is contagious. Therefore, it is preferable to find a friend in misfortune with whom it will be easier to go to the goal. Better yet, find a lark that will inspire with its example.
  • Evening ritual - A good remedy that will help to relax before bedtime. What can be the ritual? Anyone! The main thing is that he brings pleasure. For example, you can read a little or drink a glass of milk.

Important: at the same time it is important to take into account that it is impossible to read much. How to watch TV long, sit in front of the computer for a long time. All these classes should not be tightened so much as to neglect the laying of sleep on time.

  • Be sure to praise yourself! Waking up early without an alarm clock, it is worth praising yourself loudly, charging positively for the whole day.
Waking up early in the morning yourself, you must praise yourself
Waking up early in the morning yourself, you must praise yourself

“Those who get up early - God gives him,” our ancestors learned. And indeed, an early man is getting better and feels better, and manages to complete things during the day. Of course, only on the condition that awakening passed easily and with pleasure. I would like to hope that the tips mentioned above helped in this.

Video: How to learn to get up early?

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