How to learn how to drive a car: theory, basic basics. How to regulate the speed? What to do in unpredictable situations on the road: if headlights and turn signals, brakes failed, the wheel broke through, the weather deteriorated. How to learn how to drive a car from scratch: tips

How to learn how to drive a car: theory, basic basics. How to regulate the speed? What to do in unpredictable situations on the road: if headlights and turn signals, brakes failed, the wheel broke through, the weather deteriorated. How to learn how to drive a car from scratch: tips

In this article, we will consider the necessary theoretical and basic practical theses, as well as additional aspects to learn how to drive a car from scratch.

The car on the farm has long been not a luxury - this is another member of the family that expands the free movement framework. But getting behind the wheel is a responsible task for which you will have to try a bit, learn and practice. We will provide you with the basics of a novice driver, as well as share it with practical tips and recommendations on how to find a way out in any road situation.

Necessary theoretical aspects to learn how to drive a car from scratch

Before you drive a car, you need to study its elementary structure. At least in general terms to understand what is inside and makes him move. And also what its main organs will be needed for management.

  • And you will need:
    • steering wheel;
    • working brakes;
    • gas pedal;
    • gearbox, if any;
    • and where without a handbrake.
  • Turners, overall lights, headlights, ignition and even wipers are considered additional governing bodies.
  • If the detailed structure of the car can not be known perfectly, then the rules of movement  on the road you need to learn as a keepsake. This book is the basic law for drivers and pedestrians. For each participant in the movement, there are specifically prescribed rights and, of course, obligations.
  • Pay special attention to the section "Road Signs". After all, these drawings on the poles are clear signs of your further actions.
Practice only after theory
Practice only after theory

Visual inspection of the car before leaving

The first time to drive is scary. But everything is not so difficult if you carefully figure it out. And so, consider your actions when you just got behind the wheel. By the way, before leaving, the car should undergo an elementary visual inspection.

  • Check if there are spots under the machine from oil or other liquids.
  • Inspect the tires of your car, they must beat with pumped up and intact.
  • Check the serviceability of all headlights, stops and turn signals.
  • Sit and check if you are convenient. If the steering wheel is far or close, adjust the driver’s seat so that the hands hold the steering wheel comfortably and freely.
  • Do not forget about the mirrors of the front and rear view - these are your eyes. They also need to be adjusted.
  • It is important to check the serviceability of the brakes, and also do not forget to fasten yourself and control the passengers on this issue.
  • Rooms and glass should be clean. Otherwise, problems with police officers may arise.

How to learn how to drive a car: we touch and slow down correctly

And so, you sat behind the rudders. We repeat that you should be comfortable and comfortable in the seat, and the hands on the steering wheel should be located in a bent state.

We begin the movement of the car

  • Focus on pedals - there are three of them. On the left is the clutch, the brake is in the middle and the last right pedal is a gas. It is important to remember one rule that the left leg always squeezes the clutch, and the right one works in turn for the two remaining pedals.
  • In modern models, only two pedals are often present, because you do not need to adjust the speed. Therefore, the clutch is absent. But we will return to this a little later. While we offer to disassemble the complicated variation.
  • Of course, the car needs to be started. To do this, turn the ignition key to the mark ACC. After that, you need to wrap it to the indicator On. At first you can even keep a report-after about 8-10 seconds, check the key to the inscription "Start".
  • The car at this stage should give signs of life, that is, to start. Feel free to let go of the key. And do not scare - he himself returns to the position On.

Important: if you want to drown out the car, then just turn the key to the starting position. That is, the ACC mark.

Standard picture under the feet of most drivers
Standard picture under the feet of most drivers - remember their position
  • It's time to try to get out of the place. Of course, the first thing you need to have a car. But keep in mind that the movement must only start with the first transmission. Otherwise, there will be a sharp jerk that is bad for the motor.
  • But do not be afraid to press the clutch, so squeeze it out to your left foot. Install the first speed with a lever. After that, slightly give in the right foot.
  • The handbrake is still in the first gear, so you should not squeeze the gas until it stops. Try to feel the motor. As a rule, 2000 revolutions will already be shown on the tachometer, and the machine will begin to move forward.
  • Now you need to put the right leg on the central pedal, that is, on the brake. At the same time, press the button on the brake lever and lower it down.
  • Now again return the right leg to the gas so as not to lose speed.
  • And now you are very smoothly releasing the clutch. Remember - in this regard, there should not be sharp or strong movements.

Important: you can switch to increased gear only if the mark is shown on the tachometer above 3 thousand revolutions. True, not every car they have. But most of the modern models are equipped with them.

The car knows how to start moving under the hill

An important point is the ability of a beginner to move under the hill. If you make an error, the car stalls and can slide down. The story will end, at best, with a fright. We will talk about the most popular way of such a ride that is well known to drivers.

  • Start with a hand brake - it must be turned on. This maneuver will not allow the car to slide back.
  • Remember that your left leg works with clutch. Therefore, smoothly press it and set the initial position.
  • Smoothly releasing the clutch, squeeze the gas pedal also unhindered. Your car begins to move forward.
  • Gas must be kept in a stable position no more than 2.5 thousand about.
  • Now smoothly remove the car from the handbrake, remove the leg from the clutch and, squeezing the gas, add speeds.
This is the right and main launch method under the hill
With a handbrake - this is the right and main launch method under the hill

Important: but drivers with experience use a slightly different technique - “leg transfer”. That is, the left leg squeezes the clutch, and the right one is on the brake. To start movement, smoothly release the clutch. And attention - as soon as the car begins to move, immediately move your leg to the position of the gas. But the engine should not in such a situation fall below 3 thousand revolutions.

Mastery braking or how will he learn to stop in time?

  • The braking process on the box is elementary. Just smoothly press the brake with your right leg, reducing the speed first. And then you stop smoothly.
  • On the box of mechanics, the algorithm of actions is somewhat wider. To get started, remove the right leg from the gas pedal. Squeeze the clutch with your left foot and, at the same time, press the brake until the movement completely stops.
  • Now exhale and release the pedals. Keep in mind that the brake must be released smoothly so that the car does not stall sharply.
  • After the car stopped safely and in the right place, do not forget to switch it to neutral speed and put it on a handbrake.

How to learn how to drive a car: learning to regulate the speed

If your car is on mechanics, then you need to work out the skills of its correct switching. Over time, you will switch the programs without hesitation. Well, for now you need to learn.

The change of first position towards the increase, to the second

Almost immediately after you went on the road, and everything is going according to plan - it's time to change the program. After all, at the first speed you will not drop by. Moreover, the motor works for wear, and the fuel is carelessly consumed.

  • The first gear is designed to start movement and that's it - this must be remembered on the teeth.
  • To switch, release the gas and click. At the same time, put the box lever in the position of the second gear.
  • Weaken the clutch, press the gas and continue moving. By the way, it is not necessary to keep the leg all the time on the clutch, in this situation she is entitled to a well -deserved rest. But the right leg should not lose vigilance, because it regulates the speed of the car.
  • The gearbox was once four-speed, now you can more often find five-speed mechanics. But in the new car models there are even six -speed gearboxes. But the switching procedure unchanged for all types.
Now you will not surprise anyone for the fifth or sixth speed on the mechanics
Now you will not surprise anyone for the fifth or sixth speed on the mechanics

We go further to increase, starting at the third speed

The algorithm of action is, in principle, similar.

  • The car continues to move and has already managed to accelerate to 40 km/h. Now go to the third gear.
  • If the speed has reached 60 km/h marking, choose the fourth position.
  • The sensor arrow shows 80 km - the time has come for the fifth gear.

Important: do not forget - you can focus on the indicators of the tachometer. It is dangerous to mate at lightning speed even experienced drivers, so do not get carried away with too fast movement. Moreover, never forget in which area you are. Remember - the fifth speed and higher are calculated for a trip outside the city where there are no pedestrians, and for a straight road.

How to reduce the speed?

This is an important action, which can often even act as insurance of your life and other people. The most important thing is no sharp or assertive movements. Do everything smoothly!

  • Move your leg to the middle pedal and gently press. Simultaneously with the gradual braking of the machine, switch the speed position in a diminutive order.
  • For example, from position 4, you begin the transition only after 2500 revolutions are reached on board. You release the clutch evenly, but add the gas pedal to maintain speed.

Almost professional maneuvers: how to take it back?

This skill of your car will definitely come in handy. The backwards are unfolding, stopping into the garage or parking. How to make the car go backwards tell in detail.

  • The rear gear turns on only if the car is worth it. Moreover, when it is completely stopped. The left leg, as always, leads. Squeeze the left pedal, at the same time switching to the reverse.
  • Modern brands are equipped with a certain ring, which is located on the gearbox lever. It must be pulled up.
  • Further smoothly release the clutch, but do not forget to fix the gas at the limit of 2500 revolutions.
  • The movement of the car occurs back. In this case, the driver needs to navigate the mirrors. If an on -board computer is installed in the machine, the cameras display the image of the rear view on the monitor screen, so it is easier to navigate.
Always be careful when handing back
Always be careful when handing back

The automatic box will simplify the task for novice drivers

The machine will significantly facilitate the mastering of the car industry for those drivers who are difficult to switch on the mechanics.

  • The main purpose of such a box is to ride around the city. Where the movement is loaded with a large number of people, transitions and traffic lights is the perfect option.
  • After all, the hand will not tire of pulling the lever, because the automatic box will do everything itself.
  • There are two pedals in such cars - gas and brake. As soon as you moved, the automatic box itself will figure out what kind of transmission to turn on it.
  • Even more - it itself increases or lowers the speed level. The only thing you switch is to move forward or backward.

How to learn how to drive a car for beginners in unpredictable situations on the road?

This item can be called the most important. Learning to drive a car is not as difficult as learning to control yourself in extreme situations. It is sober to think and take yourself into your hands do not always manage to “on your two”, but here is a whole car. And add more passengers and pedestrians going nearby, so the level of responsibility even more inspires fear. Therefore, we suggest that you make out in order all casus situations that they can, and at least once, but they happen to a new and even experienced driver.

We control the car during bad weather conditions

Riding in good weather or a clear summer day is one thing. And when the weather is capricious or snow, it rains, or maybe even worse, ice, then these are additional obstacles to driving a car.

  • Do not forget simple safety rules. In winter, for example, rubber should be appropriate. After all, the winter analogue has a significantly better adhesion to the road than that of the summer relative.
  • In winter, the driver must be very careful. It is more difficult to slow down on a slippery road, so you need to press the brake in advance. But this is not all, remember the rule of smoothness in all presses and on any pedal. In winter, you need to be even softer so as not to provoke drifts and accidents, as investigative results.
  • Entering a turn requires considerable caution, so first reduce speed, and only then turn.
  • Heavy rain, rain format, also interferes with a high -quality clutch of the car with the road. Therefore, the rules are the same as under winter conditions. Do not forget to turn on the wipers. If the rain is so strong and the visibility is almost zero, then it is better to wait for precipitation on the side of the road.
  • It is very difficult to go in the fog because of low visibility. Therefore, do not forget to turn on the fog lights and headlights of the near light. Movement should be with a high concentration of attention and at low speed.
Choose tires in accordance with weather seasons
Choose tires in accordance with weather seasons

What if the wheel is pierced?

The road surface in the country is not distinguished by first -class quality, and in some places the name remains just from the road. It is easy to break through the wheel in such conditions. You can get into a hole or run into a sharp stone, or even an extraneous object.

  • For beginners in such a situation, first, you need to stop panic. The fact that the wheel is pierced can be felt without leaving the car. We pay attention to these incidents:
    • if suddenly the steering wheel began to drive in one of the sides, and an incomprehensible “champ” is heard from the street, then this will sign a broken wheel signed you;
    • drivers of other vehicles can also tell about a broken wheel, showing it on gestures;
    • although, as a rule, there is no comfort on a broken bus. Therefore, even being driving for the first time, you can catch these awkwardness. To understand what it is about, draw an analogy with a regular bicycle. That's right, you will not go far with tires down.
  • And now the situation has occurred, so take a breath, count up to 10 and get down to work:
    • previously, just stop and park the car in a safe place. Try to control the steering wheel and not make too sharp movements;
    • turn on the emergency rod or set an emergency sign at a short distance from the car;
    • inspect the machine which wheel damaged;
    • if the wheel is pierced slightly, for example, a stone is stuck in it, then pump it up and try to get to the tire or service center;
    • if the situation is more serious, then it's time to get a new spare wheel from the luggage compartment. By the way, do not forget about its constant and proper presence;
    • next, in the injured place, raise the car with a jack;
    • unscrew the bolts on a broken wheel and remove it;
    • put the spare wheel and tighten all the bolts tightly. If necessary, pump up the replacement.
  • Believe me, a broken wheel is a problem that can be eliminated quickly. If you can’t do it yourself, try to ask for help from drivers who pass by.
Always keep calm and judgment
Always keep calm and judgment

What to do if you notice a malfunction of headlights or turn signals?

  • When the turns or headlights in the car do not work, it is better not to experience fate and stop. You can’t go further, and not only beginners, but also experienced drivers.
    • The reason may be in the relay, so try to knock it slightly on it. This manipulation will help if the contact is weakened or moisture just got.
    • But we warn you immediately if one turnover does not work, then this is not a relay. After all, such a problem disables two turn signals at once.
  • If you are traveling in the evening or at night and the headlights stopped working, it is dangerous to continue moving further. We will not advise spending the night in the car, but try to figure out what is the reason, and how to eliminate the breakdown.
    • First, check the serviceability of the bulbs themselves. Middle light bulbs are often burned out, so be ready for this. It does not hurt to have them in stock. But the bulbs of the far light are blocked much less often.
    • If the cartridge is intact and is not oxidized, and the lamp is working, then the cause may be faulty wiring. The replacement of wires and the elimination of such a problem is better to entrust the master.
    • A common cause of headlights is a faulty fuse thread. Diagnosis of a malfunction can be carried out yourself. To do this, open the mounting unit and visually inspect your fuse.
    • And here the cause of the relay may be the cause. In this case, either the headlights or the headlight headlights, but both elements at once, refuse to work.
    • You can look for the reason under the hood of the "iron horse", but this is not for beginners, you better trust the master.
Never continue the way with any malfunction, especially at night
Never continue the way with any malfunction, especially at night

What if your brakes work poorly or completely refused?

Yes, sometimes it happens that the brakes refuse to work properly, or completely fail. This situation is not only unpleasant, but also life -threatening. Other methods are used to stop the car.

  • Continue to put pressure on the pedal with gradual and intermittent movements. It doesn’t matter if the pedal fell or stands in a stupor. Such manipulation will allow you to pump the system, and the brakes can earn.
  • If the situation does not change, then use the braking method, lowering the transmission. Remove the programs smoothly, while very easily adhere to the clutch. Remember - a sharp shift in the gears can lead to drift of the car.
  • The automatic box is not equipped with a gear lever, so just gradually reduce speed.
  • For braking in emergency situations, a handbrake is used. Slowly let it go until the wheel lock.

These are several options for emergency braking, but all these skills come with experience. And do not forget to check the brakes before going to the road.

How to learn how to drive a car: advice to beginners

If you have rights, then you can become a full -fledged participant in the movement. Of course, not all maneuvers are carried out as easily as we would like. This is the main experience and constant training. And we want to share with you some business recommendations.

  • The main thing is never, and under no circumstances, do not worry. Calm is the key to success. The theory is good for teaching. But in order to turn from a beginner into a professional, you can not do without practice. Therefore, train often and gain experience, even “stuffing cones”. The main thing is not to the car.
  • Manerate smoothly, look at the mirrors often and never forget about the existence of a “dead zone” that is not visible.
Never be distracted by driving
Never be distracted by driving
  • At first, ask for more experienced drivers to travel with you. So that they look and help you indicate your mistakes. Moreover, it is more convenient to do this immediately, at the place of movement.
  • Correct parking is an important element. Do not forget that your car should not just be comfortable for you. She should not block the exit to other cars and not interfere with others.
  • The first experience with overtaking will be remembered forever. It is better to make a maneuver on a half -empty or empty highway. Where the road review is good. When leaving the oncoming lane, do not forget to turn on the desired turn, and, having finished overtaking, turn it off.
  • Always be careful. Even if you are sure that you have learned everything, and turned into the famous Schumacher rider, high self -esteem for drivers with little experience is just a disaster. Remember, it is impossible to know everything and have all the skills and maneuvers.

The own car will give many privileges. You no longer need to wait for a minibus or taxi. But the driver’s license will award you obligations that will have to be fulfilled. Adhere to the rules, be careful and careful. Then everything will be fine and the world of motorists will accept you in your team!

Video: How to learn how to drive a car from scratch?

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