How to learn how to sing at home: exercises for breathing, hearing, voices, tips

How to learn how to sing at home: exercises for breathing, hearing, voices, tips

In this article, we will consider the main exercises on how to develop breathing, hearing and a voice to learn how to sing beautifully at home.

Not all of us Mother Nature put on a beautiful voice from birth. But this does not mean that those who do not have vocal data need to hold their mouths on the castle. Do not be discouraged, because you can even learn everything at home, without professional training. For good singing, three components are important: proper breathing, developed hearing and a staged voice. About how to develop them, and will be discussed in this article.

How to learn how to sing at home: exercises for breathing

The fact is that breathing plays a very important role during the performance of songs. If you breathe as usual, with the help of a chest, then we will not succeed in beautiful vocals. It is necessary to master the so -called diaphragm breathing. With him, the diaphragm and abdominal muscles are involved. It allows you to take a quick breath and a very slow exhalation, on which you can easily sing the lyrics.

Immediately learn to breathe in this way is unlikely to succeed. Here you need a little patience and perseverance. The first thing to remember is the right posture: a straight back, straightened shoulders, a tinted stomach. The second is a set of exercises, which we will consider in more detail.

  • Exercises with candles. Light a candle and become even. Remember the correct posture. Make a slow inhale with your stomach as much as possible, then exhale slowly, releasing air through your teeth on the candle. Make sure that the light does not hesitate.
    • Now take a sharp breath, hold your breath and make the same sharp exhale. His strength should extinguish the candle. Repeat both exercises 5 times.
  • Now we will work a little with your mouth. Studge your tongue and imagine that they put something hotter on it. Breathe a diaphragm as if you want to cool it.
    • And now, on the contrary, take such breaths and exhale, as if you want to warm your fingers frozen in a winter cold. At the initial stage, the duration of these exercises should be about thirty seconds. In the future, it must be brought to three minutes.
  • Everyone saw the dogs breathing. Pull your tongue to the chin and try to execute breaths and exhale, like a tired dog.
  • Tired, probably. Pack on the floor and take a slow breath. Make sure that they are filled not with the chest, but by the stomach. Exhale slowly, passing the air flow through the teeth. You should get something like a hissing sound “C”.
    • Do the same while standing. At the same time, on inspiration, bring both hands over your head, and on the exhale slowly lower them on the sides.
    • We continue to make similar respiratory movements, only in the process of tilts of the case down. Inhale - we bend. Exhale - we return to its original position. Do not forget to "hiss" through the teeth. For each exercise, you need to perform ten approaches.
The exercise
The exercise "Breathing like a dog" is very good at breathing
  • Print yourself a poem with long sentences. For example, "The house that Jack built." Try to read the bits in one breath. In such a simple way, you also train your lungs.

Important: after a month of classes, the lungs are trained, and switching to diaphragm breathing will become much easier.

  • There is also another set of exercises, which will help practice the respiratory system. Become in the pose of the "pump". That is, lean forward a little, lower your hands freely down, round your back.
    • On a sharp inhalation, the floor is parallel to the parallel, the hands bend off at the elbow. Gradually exhale and rise. Repeat the movement scheme 10 times, but at first 5-7 training will be enough.
  • The second exercise is aimed at training the lower section of the respiratory system. Bend your hands at the elbows and spread to the sides. Make sure that they are both strictly parallel to the floor.
    • On inspiration, sharply bring your hands in front of you, laying one on the other. Return to the starting position on the exhale. Repeat as much as in the previous exercise.
  • For the entire department, “responses” will help. Remember how we call a person who is far away. Correctly, speaking the sound "hey". Call such a response of a person, straining the diaphragm as much as possible. You need to repeat at least 8 times.
  • Exercise "vacuum cleaner" will also help to train the diaphragm. Also inhale and exhale strongly, reaching the very maximum. You can even make an appropriate sound. But keep in mind that you can breathe so only for warm -up, and not during singing.
Learn to breathe aperture
Learn to breathe aperture

How to learn how to sing yourself: exercises “drive a bear” for hearing development

Yes, exactly the one that stepped in your ear. In general, musical hearing is a very abstract concept. There are simply people who by nature hear better. But regular training will help to develop this feeling at a sufficient level of anyone.

  • The banal regular listening to music will help here. Just choose a one where there are many transitions, and the performance of which is involved in many musical instruments. Classics, jazz, blues or melodic rock (just not Havi-metal) are excellent for this description.
  • Try not only to enjoy music, but also sing along your favorite performers. Do not forget about the breathing system.
  • A classic technique for the development of musical hearing is “getting into notes” when singing whole scales reproduced on various musical instruments (accordion, piano, tuning fork, guitar).
  • Exercise in the gamut. Start with three notes: to, re, mi. Then add one note by one note until you master everything.
  • After that, you can practice singing through one note: before, mi, salt, si, before, la, fa, re.
  • Also reproduce notes using vowels. Find your optimal range, achieve a complete merger of the voice with sound. If it is hard to sing in unison, try at first just to mumble notes.

Important: there is one even a proverb that accurately conveys the correct vocal training. “Good writers read a lot, and vocalists are listening.”

Listen to music more, trying to beat every rhythm
Listen to music more, trying to beat every rhythm

How to learn how to sing at home: proper voice setting

Without it, all our previous efforts lose their meaning. The main thing is to remember that a good strong voice has been given to everyone from birth. Remember what ranges are given to infants when they cry. And you probably were no exception. You just need to put it correctly. An important role here is played by a developed diaphragm breathing, which was mentioned above.

  • There are a lot of methods for improving the voice. The simplest and most affordable at home is quails, the sequences of vowels that are pronounced in a certain way.
  • Before performing this exercise, you must face the mirror:
    • opening the mouth wide, we pronounce the sound “a”, while we try to reach the chest with his chin.
    • smiling slightly, pronounce the sound "e". We remember how the opera singers do it.
    • now we smile widely and pronounce the sound "and."
    • we fold the lips with a bagel and say “o”.
    • after we give our lips such a form as if we want to make them overwhelmed with lipstick. Smiling a little, we say “s”.
  • Subject to regular repetitions, your facial muscles will very quickly remember the correct position of the lips. When the first step is passed, vowel sounds can be combined with consonants, that is, a little complicated the props.
  • This is how they look:
    • Shi-shu-sh
    • Li-l-la-lo
    • Crichec-kre-kre
    • Ri-Ro-Ra-Ro
Sake sounds even in the shower
Sake sounds even in the shower
  • You can experiment with other consonants. This exercise will help put a voice and make it more expressive, as well as improve articulation.
  • Another exercise is a three -fold pronunciation of the sound “M” with closed lips, and each subsequent should be louder than the previous one.
  • To slightly enhance the load on the muscles, you need to use a marker, a thick felt -tip pen, a pen or pencil. You interfere with any of these objects between your teeth and pronounce the above sounds. The main thing is that the language is not under or over a marker.
    • This will be an additional load on the muscles of the mouth and neck, and also train the correct pronunciation. By the way, you can speak letters with the old method from the Soviet film. Having typed several nuts in the mouth. Just do not take the walnut nuclei, they are too large and will create only inconvenience.
    • After the pronunciation of letters and some syllables, you can proceed to singing the text of your favorite song. After that, samp it without barriers in your mouth. This will not only improve your articulation, but also help to get used to the vocal mask with a smile.

Important: do not forget about tongue twisters. By the way, they work in all three directions. Yes, even hearing is developing. After all, you train your diction, and the hearing is responsible for the clear pronunciation of each letter. Breathing is necessary that you have time to pronounce the whole line.

Do not forget about tongue twisters, they perfectly train diction, servants and breathing
Do not forget about tongue twisters, they perfectly train diction, hearing and breathing

How to learn how to sing on your own at home: tips

Fort over the volume, rhythms, timbres. By this, you increase the effect of exercises. Each of us has its own tessature, the frequency range of the voice. If you have it low, do not try to take high notes. Nothing beautiful will happen anyway.

  • Therefore, choose the songs and melodies that are appropriate only. By the way, the song needs to be singing only in a good mood. Do not forget that for good singing it must be felt by the soul.
  • In general, work on pronunciation is a very important element in vocal training. After all, even nostrils should participate in it. Therefore, work again with tongue twisters, they will liberate your speech apparatus. We repeat ourselves again - pay attention to the ends of the words.
  • Sing as much as possible. Find a few songs from your favorite performers who have a similar tonality with you. Try to sing simultaneously with them, repeating sounds and actions. After mastering this technique, you can switch to karaoke.
  • The main difficulty in independent training is that there is no one to correct you. Therefore, it is better to sometimes seek help from a music teacher for help. And to control your successes from the outside, write down your “performance” on the recorder. So it will be easier for you to work on errors.
  • Also, experienced vocalists use Berushi, they help to feel their voice "from the inside."
  • Take care of your voice: do not scream loudly, do not sing in the cold, try to catch less. Since the vocal cords experience increased load during training.
Take care of your voice and do not overload the vocal cords
Take care of your voice and do not overload the vocal cords
  • Start engaged in running, as well as in a great way to practice breathing is a jump rope. By the way, increase your immunity at the same time.
  • Refuse smoking! Yes, there are singers that have an attractive voice with some hoarseness. But it is inappropriate at the initial stage, especially, doing it on her own at home.
  • And in order not to irritate the mucous membrane, give up too spicy, sour, salty and hot food.
  • Remember that you need to do long and regularly. And soon you can delight with your achievements not only yourself, but also others.

Video: How to learn to sing at home, yourself?

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