How is it easy to teach a child to remember letters when playing? At what age should children learn letters? How to teach letters: methods for children 3, 4, 5, 6 years old and for kids. Studying the alphabet by children: games, modeling, video for children and kids

How is it easy to teach a child to remember letters when playing? At what age should children learn letters? How to teach letters: methods for children 3, 4, 5, 6 years old and for kids. Studying the alphabet by children: games, modeling, video for children and kids

How to teach a child easily and relaxed letters?

When mom believes that the child’s age already involves teaching letters, she faces the question of the teaching method. Mom will not want to load the child with serious activities. Therefore, many are trying to make this process interesting, but at the same time very effective.

At what age to start teaching letters?

Sometimes the opinions of experts differ in this matter. However, there are some of the most general recommendations:

  • You need to teach when the child already has the opportunity to engage in reading. The meaning of this conclusion is that a child can learn letters at 1.5 years old. But it will be just memorization, which will be forgotten very quickly if it is not used anywhere. The child at this age still does not understand that this is part of the word. For him this is something that mom repeats and he must repeat
  • For this reason, it will be more optimal to teach the child the letters at 4 years old. Without rushing, practicing with the child, you will come to reading syllables. So for the school your baby will be prepared in reading
  • At 3 years old, you can begin to introduce the baby to letters, but not be forced to study. Show him letters and say what it is. Speak sounds. And when the baby is ready, he will begin to repeat himself
  • But if the child is very well developed, knows how to speak and asks you to teach to read, or you see his desire to understand some inscriptions, then your child is ready to teach
At what age to start teaching letters?
At what age to start teaching letters?
  • But this does not mean that you should immediately arrange for him serious classes with exams. No. Perhaps after the start of training, you will see that the child is difficult, he is angry, does not understand. Do not insist. If the baby's desire is gone - wait until 4 years old
  • Separate methods offer to start training at 2 years

Important: whatever advice to experts, you must focus on your child. But at the age of 5, it is still worth starting to teach letters so that the child comes to school by more or less prepared

When to teach a child to letters
When to teach a child to letters

How easy it is to learn letters with your child?

So that the study of letters is not difficult and tense for your child, and the result was effective, follow the tips:

  • Study the letters when playing. Read more about how to do this, read in the next section
  • Sound the letter correctly. Do not speak the letter “m” - “em”, the letter “p” - “PE” and so on. Say the letters the way they sound: “m”, “n”, “s” and so on. That is, pronounce one sound briefly. Why is that? So that the child does not subsequently experience difficulties in reading. Otherwise, the word “dad” will want to read “PEAPEA”. And when you begin to explain that you need to read precisely the “dad”, the child will not understand why. After all, the letter "P" is "PE"
  • Do not try to memorize the entire alphabet with your child. Firstly, select vowels for starters. Secondly, take 2 letters and teach them for a week, fixing every day the result in a playful way. Only after that proceed to new
  • After studying letters sufficient to make a simple word - start making words. So the child will be very quickly and letters and begins to teach syllables. Compilation of words is relevant for children from 4 fly
  • Always understand the child that the letter means something. That is, when learning the letter “A”, say: “A-Arbuz”. So the child will begin to see the connection of the letter and words. But this method will begin to act only after 3 years. Until this age, the baby simply will not see any connection
Learning letters through names
Learning letters through names
  • Associations. They will help to learn the letters even the smallest. Read more in the section below "Association of letters"
  • Draw, sculpt, decorate, write, circle the letters, put their shape with any improvised materials. All this will be interesting to the baby and he himself, without noticing, will remember the letters
Original study of letters
Original study of letters
  • One of the passive ways of studying letters will be hung letters in the child’s room or in the apartment as a whole. Cut in large letters and hang several in different places. Sometimes tell the child what kind of letter it is. Do not eat with constant repetitions. The child will remember them, without realizing it. Change to others in a week. It will be more effective if you hang the letter on the subject that begins with this letter. So the letter will be perceived by the child as part of something
Passive memorization of letters
Passive memorization of letters
  • The procedure for study: we teach through associations, decorating, application, and remember in games and passive methods of hanging letters
  • Study will be faster if the child see, hear and touch the letter

Important: acting on such advice, training will give your child only pleasure

How to learn letters with a child, playing?

The game is a child’s favorite pastime. He will always agree to play and receive a lot of pleasant pleasures. And the study of letters in a playful way will be unknown and relaxed.

Game 1. Cubes.

  • The simplest and most unpretentious game
  • Buy cubes with letters and images for each letter. Cubes can be soft, plastic, wooden
  • Ask the child to find the subject, then praise the child and say: “Well done. Showed a watermelon. A-Arbuz. " At the same time, show the letter
  • Or scatter the cubes around the room and ask to find a cube with a watermelon. Words when finding the same
Cubes for learning letters
Cubes for learning letters

Game 2. Application.

  • Print and cut with a child letters in size about 10 cm in height and 7 in width
  • Invite the child to choose how you do the application: cereals, pasta, fabric, cotton wool
  • Having chosen the material, sit down with your child, apply glue on the letters and use the baby to stick the material.
  • At the same time, repeat that you will decorate the letter "A"
  • After sticking the paper-circular letter on the cardboard to preserve the form
  • Let the child choose a place for application
  • But the place should not be hidden. The child must see the letter daily
Aplique letters
Aplique letters

Game 3. Hide and hide and seek.

  • Print each letter in duplicate
  • Select the first game letter. Suppose "o"
  • Leave one at yourself
  • Put the second copy somewhere so that the child finds it
  • Put several other letters in different accessible and prominent places
  • Show the child the letter, name it and ask to find it
  • When the child goes to look, follow him and, if necessary, prompt
  • The child should not be upset, which cannot find, otherwise this method will become uninteresting for your baby
The child is looking for a letter
The child is looking for a letter

Game 4. Correct choice.

  • The game is already more on fixing
  • Print pictures with letters
  • Lay out in front of the child and ask to show the desired letter
  • Finding the letter, you can show an object starting in this letter
Learn the letters in the game
Learn the letters in the game

Game 5. Who is faster.

  • It is good to participate in the game to two children or adult and child
  • Scatter several identical letters on the floor
  • On command, participants must bring letters
  • We praise everyone
  • Be sure to repeat the sound of the letter every time
  • You can cheer the participants with words or slogans such as “Letter A find it soon, well, let's quickly!”
Repetition of letters
Repetition of letters

Game 6. Surprises in a bag.

  • Fold in an opaque bag items that will begin with the letter being studied
  • For example: Hippo, bull, drum, alarm clock
  • Intrigue your child
  • And let him take the toys in turn, pronouncing the name of everyone
Game cat in a bag with letters
Game cat in a bag with letters

Important: all children are different. Try different games and choose the right for your child

Video on the topic: Learn the letters of the alphabet: 3 games with Manka [supermama]

Associations of letters

Important: easily the baby will remember the letters that cause him associations. The method is suitable, including for the smallest

  • For each letter that you study, come up with an association: what the letter looks like or who makes such a sound
  • You can come up with an association yourself, you can draw ideas below
  • If you see that some association does not work in the child, then temporarily set aside the letter to the side
  • After a while, return to the letter with another association
  • Associations are good in that the child quickly remembers them and you will not have to repeat the letter to him a hundred times that he remembered it
Association letters
Association letters

Some associations.

The letter B.

  • The letter B is a hippo that has eaten well and he has become a big tummy
  • You can try to come up with rhymed lines such as “our hippo ate, walked, tired and sat down”
  • At the same time, demonstrate all the actions that the hippo makes

The letter D.

  • Looks like a house
  • Take a small soft toy and sit it in a house

The letter J.

  • Cut the letter from cardboard and say that this is a bug
  • Show how it crawls and buzz “zh-g-z”
  • Invite your child to glue the eye bug
  • Let the child crawl with a beetle himself or ride it by car

The letter O.

  • The letter O is similar to the mouth of a child who cries and shouts "Oh-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oh"
  • Draw your mouth tooths and tongue

Letter S.

  • Sand is poured on the letter C
  • Cut the cardboard letter
  • Rall sand or semolina on it carefully, as if sketch the letter with sand
  • Speak at the same time "Sand is poured with S-S-S-SC-SS"

Letter T.

  • Cut from cardboard
  • The letter T looks like a hammer
  • Makes the sound "tuk-tuk"
  • Tap the hammer on the floor and let the child repeat after you, pronouncing "tuk-tuk"

The letter H.

  • The letter X is similar to the intersection of two roads
  • Take dolls or with your fingers depict walking along the road
  • At the same time, say rhymed lines
  • For example: “We walk, go along the path, my legs are tired. We’ll get to the end now, and then sit down, rest "

The letter sh.

  • It looks like a snake that crawls and makes the sound “sh-sh-sh-sh”
  • Cut with a snake on the floor and do not forget to draw your head with your eyes and tongue
Cutting down letters
Cutting down letters

We write letters

  • If you decide to teach the child letters, then immediately after training part of the letters, start writing
  • The child must understand that letters are needed to write words

Where, what and how to write?

  • Pencil, pen, felt -tip pen on paper
  • Chalk on a board or asphalt
  • Paints on paper
  • A stick in the sand
  • Fingers on flour or semolina
  • Put the letters with pebbles on the asphalt
We write letters
We write letters

Important: draw yourself, but be sure to draw a child, but help him. If the baby does not have a pen yet, then help him with this

Video: Training cartoon. Records for children: write letters

We sculpt the letters

  • If you sculpt the letters after voiceing with the baby, then they will be remembered faster
  • You can sculpt from salt dough or plasticine
  • By blinding the letter, it can be decorated with beans, peas, beads or simply decorated
We sculpt the letters
We sculpt the letters

Video: Learning the letters from A to D Drip from plasticine playing to and open the kinder surprise! Developing cartoon!

Preteen the letters

  • You can decorate the letters that you printed, wrote, cut out, wrote on the asphalt or board, blinded from plasticine, you made it out of decoy, gluing it on cardboard
  • You can decorate: felt -tip pens, crayons, finger paints, pencils, pens, gouache
  • You can print letters next to which will be objects, the name of which begins with this letter
Preteen the letters
Preteen the letters
Circle letters
Circle letters
Self -struggle letters
Self -struggle letters
Circle letters
Circle letters

Circle the contours of the letters

  • Cut the letter
  • Put on a sheet of paper or cardboard
  • Circle. If the child himself cannot yet, then take his pen and circle
  • You can circle with dot, strokes, straight lines
  • After the circuit, the circuit can be laid out with pebbles, beans, pasta
Circle letters
Circle letters
Application with letters
Application with letters

Cookies from letters

  • By the age of 4, especially in girls, there is a great interest to help mom bake goodies
  • Use this interest
  • If you have a favorite recipe for cookies, then use it
  • The dough should be elastic and not sticky
  • Instead of familiar stars or circles, cut the letters and send to bake
  • You can decorate coconut with chips or lipstick
  • Bake several letters in several copies so that you can fold simple words: mom, dad, woman
  • The child will be happy to play with cookies, after which he will safely eat him
  • To simplify, you can buy ready -made cookies in the store
Beautiful liver liver
Beautiful liver liver

If such recipe You don't have it, then use the following:

  • Mix two eggs with vanilla to taste
  • Beat with a mixer to foam for about 10 minutes
  • Add butter melted to the state of sour cream (100 g)
  • Mix for 5 minutes
  • Beat 300 g of sour cream from 150 g of sugar
  • Add the mixture to a bowl with other ingredients
  • Pour 1 tbsp. l. flour mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of soda and mix
  • Add more flour
  • The dough should become elastic and not sticky
  • Put the mixed dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to make it easier to form letters
Letters from the dough
Letters from the dough
  • Having cut the letters, send cookies to a greased baking sheet into a preheated oven
  • Cookies should purchase golden color
Recipe for cookies-paper
Recipe for cookies-paper

Books, magazines

  • To consolidate the studied letters, you can use books and magazines
  • They are not very suitable for study, since the child’s eyes will scatter, it will be difficult for him to concentrate on a specific letter
  • Show the letters that the child already knows if they are allocated somehow on the page or written in large font
  • Or ask the child, where is the letter "A". If the child finds the letter, he will be very happy
  • If he doesn’t succeed, make tips, say that it is depicted nearby
  • The letters should be quite large, do not force the child to peer into the small font
Listen magazines with a child
Listen magazines with a child

The game is talking alphabet

Talking alphabet is suitable:

  • For those mothers who do not have enough time to self -study with a child
  • Just for fixing the material
  • For a variety of classes

Posters with speaking alphabet.

  • You can buy such a poster in almost any children's toys store
  • Hang it on the wall in the children's room or to where the child plays more often
  • If you are engaged with the baby, then the speaking poster will only be complemented and the way to fix the material
  • If you do not deal with the child yourself, then teach the child to deal with the poster and he will begin to approach and press the buttons with interest
  • When pressing it will hear the letter and object/animal, the name of which will begin with this letter
Talking alphabet
Talking alphabet

Online Games.

  • There are many such games on the Internet in the public domain
  • This method is bad in that the child is forced to study at the computer. So, his eyes can get tired or even deteriorate his eyesight
  • Such games are best used only sometimes for a variety

Talking alphabet in video format.

  • Also means finding a child at a computer
  • Unlike games, the child can be at a rather distant distance, as when watching cartoons
  • It will also be good sometimes for a variety
  • One of the examples of such a video watch below

Video: Talking alphabet. We teach the Russian alphabet for the smallest. For children 3-6 years old

Computer: Watch letters

  • This teaching method is suitable for lazy or busy mothers who cannot deal with a child with simple improvised means
  • Watch letters and listening to them is certainly a good and useful activity
  • But do not forget that it is better to add painting, application and cutting out letters
  • As a rule, teaching letters on a computer is reduced to viewing teaching cartoons
  • One video examples watch below
Watch letters on the computer
Watch letters on the computer

Video: Developing cartoons - ABC for kids

ABC game
ABC game

Developing games for children: teach letters 5 - 6 years old

  • At 5-6 years, you must definitely teach the child letters if he does not know them yet
  • At this age, the main method is not associations, but words starting with this letter: “A-Arbuz”, “B-Banan”
  • The child will already be perfectly understood the connection of the letter and word
  • All games will be reduced to building words for such an age
  • Buy letters-magnetics and add words from them

  • The basic principles of learning are the same as for an early age (read the second section of this article)
  • A book-book will certainly come to help at this age
  • There you will see pictures and read the child entertaining poems
  • A child at this age will no longer want to play completely children's games (see above)
  • Memorize the letter and ask the child to collect the house that he sees with the selected letter. For each thing you can offer a small delicious surprise. So the child will be more fun and more interesting
  • Bake cookies together - is also relevant for a given age (read the rules and recipe above in the section “Cookies from the letters”). Only such an adult for letters a child really help you fly out the letters
  • Buy a puzzle with letters
Learn the letters by playing
Learn the letters by playing
  • Sculpt, cut, decorate, do applications. For the age of 5-6 years, this is also relevant

Always praise the child for successes

  • Not always learning is given to the child easily
  • Without your encouraging, the child will soon get tired of this process if he makes mistakes especially
  • Always praise the child for successes
  • Even in the case of not quite perfect memorization, understanding and answer
Praise the child for successes
Praise the child for successes

Moms, the success of your child and his interest largely depends on you and your approach to this difficult occupation. Do not be lazy to deal with your child and soon you will boast of others about the successes of your beloved child.

Video: Learning with a child letters

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Comments K. article

  1. how to help a child with letters

  2. The article is great! I learned a lot of ideas! Thank you! Will learn!

  3. Here is a great application for Android to study the letters\u003dru.Romashilov.azbukademo

  4. 3-4 years the most normal age, before it makes no sense. Well, I think so. We started in a playful way, then connected drawings, pictures, handout. In addition, I give Baby formula of Mishka Multivitamins for good memory. I order an Evalar on a shop, they have good quality. We are already trying to read in four syllables.

  5. At the age of 3, we generally began to do this ... True, at first the problems arose ... Memory failed. Then they decided to try to give vitamins of multi, well, fish oil in addition. The memory has become better and better, so the child was able to catch everything quickly enough) Now he considers, reads, and writes without problems at all)

  6. Intermediate ideas, only in the article there is a huge methodological mistake !! Not a letter, but a sound. We show the letter, but pronounce the sound. If we say to the child: “this is a letter,” then we will postpone the wrong idea of \u200b\u200bthe letters and sounds, which will lead to errors in grade 1 in sound-consultation. We need to say: "We will read this letter -", not: "This is a letter."

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