How to draw a beautiful lying cat, anime, muzzle, silhouette, cat's eyes, cat with kittens?

How to draw a beautiful lying cat, anime, muzzle, silhouette, cat's eyes, cat with kittens?

Not many amateur artists risk starting to draw a fluffy model. In fact, everything is quite simple. It is only a little patience, a lot of desire and just a little ability to draw the main geometric figures. Do not believe?

How to draw a beautiful lying cat with a stages with a pencil for beginners and children?

If you have already read the previous articles on the topic drawing cats and dogs, you know that any image, even the most difficult, should be laid out into simple figures: circles, ovals, rectangles, triangles. This technique will greatly simplify further drawing.

As soon as you apply such a technique to the image of a cat, you only have to apply auxiliary and main lines.

Option 1

Lying cat / sleeping kitten
Lying cat / sleeping kitten
  1. Conditionally divide the field of the sheet for drawing into two parts: right and left. On the left side, draw a circle slightly flattened from above and below. It will be the head of a cat. In the inside of the circle, draw two auxiliary lines:
  • vertical axis (strictly in the center of the circle)
  • horizontal line, which divides the vertical axis into two parts: upper (2/3 axes) and lower (1/3 axis)
How to draw a beautiful lying cat: auxiliary lines for the animal’s head (step 1).
How to draw a beautiful lying cat: auxiliary lines for the animal’s head (step 1).
  1. Focusing on the line, draw the following auxiliary figures:
  • two ovals for the eyes
  • one large oval for the nose area
  • two intersecting ovals for the upper lip
  • is an isosceles triangle for the nose
How to draw a beautiful lying cat: auxiliary lines for muzzle details (step 2).
How to draw a beautiful lying cat: auxiliary lines for muzzle details (step 2).
  1. Since our cat is in a sweet thing, her eyes are closed. This greatly facilitates the artist’s task: closed eyes can be drawn with two smooth lines descending to the nose. For the nose, twist the already drawn triangle. Draw ovals of the upper lip.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: auxiliary lines for muzzle details (step 3).
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: auxiliary lines for muzzle details (step 3).
  1. Look carefully at the drawing, if the result fully satisfies you, wipe the additional lines of the eyes, nose, lips of the animal.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: the main lines for muzzle details (step 4).
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: the main lines for muzzle details (step 4).
  1. The ears of cats have a triangular shape. Place two auxiliary triangles in the upper head. Focusing on them, draw the relaxed ears of the animal. The smooth line indicate the cheek line.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: auxiliary lines for ears and cheeks (step 5).
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: auxiliary lines for ears and cheeks (step 5).
  1. Be sure to wash the auxiliary lines as you advance.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: drawing the line of the ears and cheeks (step 6).
  1. Before proceeding to drawing the body of a lying animal, draw two auxiliary ovals. Look at the figure below their location relative to each other and an auxiliary oval of the head.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: auxiliary lines for drawing a cat's body (step 7).
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: auxiliary lines for drawing a cat's body (step 7).
  1. Draw the body of the animal, the elbow of the pressed paw, its tail.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: drawing the body of the animal (step 8).
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: drawing the body of the animal (step 8).
  1. Add small details to the image: a pressed paw, mustache, eyebrows.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: important details (step 9).
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: important details (step 9).
  1. Color the picture.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: drawing before painting (step 10).
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: drawing before painting (step 10).

Option #2

Another sleeping cat. Monochrome technique does not limit the imagination if you decide to make a drawing in color.

How to draw a beautifully lying cat
How to draw a beautifully lying cat
  1. Make a sketch of several auxiliary figures and lines:
  • large oval (for the body of a lying cat);
  • a small, slightly flattened circle (for the head). So that the image is as natural as possible take into account the following rule: the cat’s body along the long axis is a little more than two diameters of the animal’s head;
  • draw the axes of a small oval, they will become auxiliary lines when working on the head of the animal.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: preparatory stage.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: preparatory stage.
  1. Make a sketch of the head of the animal. In this work, we will go through the least resistance: the cat's eyes will be closed. To outline them, just draw two light lines in the lower part of a small oval. Animal nose: an isosceles triangle located on the vertical axis of the oval. Slightly below the triangle, draw a slightly curved line for the mouth. The ears of the animal are located far enough from each other and have a triangular shape.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: a sketch of the head of the animal
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: a sketch of the head of the animal
  1. Dream of the auxiliary lines of the body. To do this, combine the smooth line of the arc of large and small ovals. Draw two convex lines just above the head of the cat, indicating the bulge of the shoulder blades. Draw another circle for drawing a pressed paw.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: work on the details.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: work on the details.
  1. At this stage, draw two front paws. Add a small auxiliary circle to facilitate the drawing of the hind paw. Draw the ears of the animal in more detail. Work over the outline of the muzzle.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: work on the details.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: work on the details.
  1. Continue to work on the details of the image:
  • using two auxiliary lines, make a sketch of the tail. Draw the contours of the wool along the sketch lines;
  • draw the fingers of the hind paw;
  • above the eyes, indicate the lines of the vibrissas (three at each eye);
  • do not forget to draw the contours of the wool in front of the ear shells of the animal.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: work on the details.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: work on the details.
  1. Do not forget to draw the mustache of your Murka and pillow, and which the cat sleeps.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: work on the details.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: work on the details.
  1. Pay attention to the shadow in the nose area. By applying a denser color on this site, you will achieve a voluminous and realistic image.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: work on the details.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat: work on the details.
  1. When working on the image of the animal’s wool, keep in mind that a cat is a living creature in which wool does not grow perfectly evenly. The stroke of wool may look something like that shown in the photo below.
Stryhovka of animal hair.
Stryhovka of animal hair.
  1. Gently draw animal hair
How to draw a beautifully lying cat
How to draw a beautifully lying cat

10. Do not forget to indicate the shadow and folds on the pillow.

How to draw a beautifully lying cat
How to draw a beautifully lying cat

Option #3

On the diagrams below, several more options for the image of a lying cat are shown. Before proceeding with the picture you like, study tips regarding drawing the muzzle and eye of a cat.

How to draw a beautifully lying cat in stages.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat in stages.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat in stages.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat in stages.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat in stages.
How to draw a beautifully lying cat in stages.

How to draw a beautiful muzzle of a cat?

If you are tired of drawing sleeping Murok, you will find a fascinating activity: drawing the cat’s head in Anfas (front view), profile (side view) and turning three quarters.

Tip: In the visual arts, the preservation of proportions is very important. For the image of a cat, many artists use the formula: the length of the cat is equal to 5 heads (an account from the nose of the animal towards the tail).

Cat muzzle in FAS

  1. The beginning is quite predictable: draw a circle and divide it with two mutually perpendicular diameters into four parts. Take into account: one diameter should be strictly vertical, and the second - strictly horizontal (see drawing below).
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: building auxiliary lines.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: building auxiliary lines.
  1. The intersection of the horizontal and vertical diameters indicates the nose of the animal. Divide the lower part of the vertical diameter in half and build another auxiliary circle, the radius of which is ¼ diameter of a large circle.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: building auxiliary lines.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: building auxiliary lines.
  1. Divide the vertical diameter of a small circle into 6 equal parts. Through the marked points, draw five auxiliary lines. The lines are parallel to each other and parallel relative to the horizontal diameter of a large circle.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: building auxiliary lines.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: building auxiliary lines.
  1. The middle line of a small circle (horizontal diameter) also divide into six parts equal to each other.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: building auxiliary lines.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: building auxiliary lines.
  1. The cat’s nose is an isosceles triangle (see drawing below). Using auxiliary lines, build a triangle, and slightly lower the upper line of the animal's mouth.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: nose and upper mouth.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: nose and upper mouth.
  1. Carefully study the drawing below and make a sketch of the lower part of the muzzle, focusing on auxiliary lines.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: details of the lower part of the animal's muzzle.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: details of the lower part of the animal's muzzle.
  1. Cat eyes is a separate story. This part of the article describes the general rules for drawing the eye of the animal. To accurately determine the place for the eye, draw several auxiliary lines (see drawing below)
How to draw a cat’s face in the FAS: building an auxiliary lines for drawing eyes.
How to draw a cat’s face in the FAS: building an auxiliary lines for drawing eyes.
  1. Returning on auxiliary lines, draw the eyes of the animal. Remember, in an adult animal, the shape of the eyes is elongated, and the kittens are round (be careful: auxiliary lines in this case are built a little differently). Detailed recommendations on how to draw a cat's eyes are further in the text.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: the eyes of an adult animal.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: the eyes of an adult animal.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: the eyes of a kitten.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: the eyes of a kitten.
  1. Build auxiliary lines for drawing ears and cheeks.
How to draw a cat’s face in the FAS: building auxiliary lines for drawing cheeks and eyes.
How to draw a cat’s face in the FAS: building auxiliary lines for drawing cheeks and eyes.
  1. Using parallel auxiliary lines and circles, make a sketch of a cat's ear.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: Ears.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: Ears.

Draw wool in the ear of the animal. Keep in mind that the outer part of the auricle is not covered with wool!

How to draw wool in a cat's ear
How to draw wool in a cat's ear
  1. Draw the nose of the animal.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: nose.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: nose.
  1. Do not forget to draw a mustache from your mustachioed-striped.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: mustache.
How to draw a cat's face in the FAS: mustache.

Cat muzzle in profile

Drawn using circles and auxiliary lines (see drawing below)

How to draw a cat's muzzle in a profile.
How to draw a cat's muzzle in a profile.

The ears are also easily drawn easily

How to draw a cat's muzzle in a profile.
How to draw a cat's muzzle in a profile.

Below is another option for drawing a cat profile

How to draw a cat's muzzle in a profile.
How to draw a cat's muzzle in a profile.

Cat muzzle in turn three quarters

Since you are already familiar with the magic of auxiliary lines, it will not be difficult to draw a mysterious Murlyk. Study carefully step -by -step scheme and try to achieve perfection

How to draw a cat's face in a turn three quarters
How to draw a cat's face in a turn three quarters

How to draw a cat's eyes beautifully?

Eyes are a detail that you have to work on. However, the more often you draw, the more natural the cat will be in your figure.

  1. So, you have such a basic image of the eye (see section "How to draw a cat's muzzle in the FAS")
How beautifully to draw a cat's eyes: basic shape.
How beautifully to draw a cat's eyes: basic shape.
  1. Based on the basic shape, make a preliminary sketch (see drawing)
How beautifully to draw a cat's eyes: a sketch.
How beautifully to draw a cat's eyes: a sketch.
  1. The shape of the pupil in representatives of the cat family changes depending on the lighting.
How the pupil of the cat changes depending on the lighting.
How the pupil of the cat changes depending on the lighting.
  1. Draw the halo around the pupil with short dark strokes. Fill the rest of the eyeball with strokes of less saturated color.
The drawing of the eyeball.
The drawing of the eyeball.
  1. Be sure to mark the place for the supervisory vibrissas and draw wools around the eye.
How beautifully to draw a cat's eyes.
How beautifully to draw a cat's eyes.
  1. The eyes in the profile will look as shown in the figure below.
How beautifully to draw a cat's eyes
How beautifully to draw a cat's eyes
  1. As a result, you will receive a very natural image of the animal
Portrait of a cat
Portrait of a cat

How to draw a cat on cells

Drawing on cells, which was first offered to the kids as a simulator for the development of graphomotor skills, is becoming an increasingly popular hobby for quite adults.

The charm of drawing in cells not only in a wonderful relaxing effect, but also in the ability to create a beautiful pattern, without possessing the pronounced talents of the artist. By and large, even those who can hardly draw a flat line on a sheet of paper can draw along the cells.

All you need is paper in a cell of a suitable size, pencils and free time.

Samples for drawing in cells are presented below.

How to draw a cat on cells: Hello Kitty
How to draw a cat on cells: Hello Kitty
How to draw a cat on cells: a monochrome pattern.
How to draw a cat on cells: a monochrome pattern.
How to draw a cat in cells: a kitten woof.
How to draw a cat in cells: a kitten woof.

How beautifully to draw a cat silhouette

How beautifully to draw a cat silhouette
How beautifully to draw a cat silhouette
The silhouette of a cat
The silhouette of a cat

Video "Draw silhouettes of black cats. Drawings and crafts on Halloween ”will tell you how to draw mysterious and not terrible silhouettes of black cats at all.

Video: We draw silhouettes of black cats. Drawings and crafts on Halloween

How beautifully to draw a cat with kittens

Soft rumbling cats with kittens are favorites in the visual arts.

Such a drawing can independently draw even a child 6-7 years old. The picture is based on the simplest geometric shapes and a minimum of auxiliary lines.

How beautifully to draw a cat with kittens: a simple children's drawing.
How beautifully to draw a cat with kittens: a simple children's drawing.

How to draw an anime cat?

The cats in the style of anime are charming and playful. Perhaps thanks to this, the big -eyed creatures have gained worldwide popularity. Your attention is offered several options for the phased drawing of these sympathy.

Carefully study the proposed algorithm.

Step 1

How to draw an anime cat
How to draw an anime cat

Step 2

How to draw an anime cat
How to draw an anime cat

Step 3

How to draw an anime cat
How to draw an anime cat

Step 4

How to draw an anime cat
How to draw an anime cat

Step 5

How to draw an anime cat
How to draw an anime cat

Having mastered the technique of drawing one image well, you can safely move on to other cats anime.

How to draw an anime cat
How to draw an anime cat.
How to draw an anime cat
How to draw an anime cat.
How to draw an anime cat
How to draw an anime cat.

How to draw a child a cat is easy and simple: drawings for sketching

At the end of the article - a little happy cats for your inspiration.

How to draw a cat a cat is easy and simple: drawings for sketching.
How to draw a cat a cat is easy and simple: drawings for sketching.
How to draw a child a cat is easy and simple: drawings for sketching
How to draw a cat a cat is easy and simple: drawings for sketching.
How to draw a child a cat is easy and simple: drawings for sketching
How to draw a cat a cat is easy and simple: drawings for sketching.
How to draw a child a cat is easy and simple: drawings for sketching
How to draw a child a cat is easy and simple: drawings for sketching
How to draw a cat a cat is easy and simple: drawings for sketching.
How to draw a cat a cat is easy and simple: drawings for sketching.
How to draw a cat a cat is easy and simple: drawings for sketching.
How to draw a child a cat is easy and simple: drawings for sketching
How to draw a cat a cat is easy and simple: drawings for sketching.

Video: how to draw a cat: drawing lesson for children from 3 years old

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