How to draw a kitten with a pencil in stages for beginners and children? How to draw an anime kitten with cute eyes, a muzzle of a kitten?

How to draw a kitten with a pencil in stages for beginners and children? How to draw an anime kitten with cute eyes, a muzzle of a kitten?

Description of the phased drawing of the kitten with a pencil.

In this article, we will try to help you master the basics of the image of kittens with a pencil. We offer many interesting options for drawing further.

How to draw a kitten with a pencil for beginners and children?

Many people like to draw - both adults and kids. One of the most frequent images that artists are trying to recreate - amateurs is the drawing of a kitten. This is not surprising - these little fluffy creatures are very sweet and pretty.

However, not everyone can draw cats, especially if the artist is still very few years old. We draw your attention to the main principles of drawing:

  • the basis of the figure is geometric shapes - a circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle.
  • follow the proportions of parts of the body.
  • start drawing from the body.
  • try not to draw strictly straight lines - then the picture will turn out to be more lively and voluminous.
  • first draw the main parts of the body of the animal, and then draw the details.
Consider the basic principles
Consider the basic principles

Now decide how exactly you will portray a kitten:

  • in a realistic or "cartoon" style.
  • in what position the animal will be.
  • its size
  • character

We offer several options for drawing schemes. Choose the one that you or your child likes better.

A kitten that lies on the side:

  • draw an oval located horizontally - this is the body.
  • to the right above the oval, depict a circle that will slightly enter the body line is the head.
  • at the bottom of the oval, at about the same level with the circumference of the head, draw 2 small horizontal ovals - the front paws (the hind legs and tail in the figure will not be visible).
  • inside the circle (head), draw a vertical and horizontal lines, dividing the figure into 4 parts. It is desirable that the upper segments are slightly less than the lower - this will make the drawing more realistic
  • over the upper parts of the circle, draw triangles - these will be ears.
  • on the horizontal line, draw the eyes of the almond -shaped shape.
  • inside the lower part of the circle, draw a small circle - there you depict a nose, mouth and mustache.
  • spend a horizontal line. Now this circle is also divided into 4 parts (the vertical line has already been drawn).
  • in the upper left segment of a smaller circle closer to the center, draw a kitten’s nose - a small triangle with a vertex down.
  • from the tip of the nose with two small curved lines, indicate the mouth.
  • at the same distance from the nose, put several points from which the mustache will grow.
  • combine the head, body and right foot of the kitten with a vertical line.
  • circle the animal frame smoothly.
  • draw details - mustache, eyebrows, wool.
  • wipe the auxiliary lines.
A cat on the side
A cat on the side

A kitten who It costs half a turn:

  • draw a square with highly rounded corners - it will be a head.
  • slightly below the level of the head on the right, depict a horizontal slightly curved oval (concave side up) - torso.
  • vertical narrow rounded rectangles at the bottom of the body - the paws of the kitten.
  • combine all parts with smooth lines.
  • draw ears on your head - two triangles.
  • draw a tail - it must look up and narrow on the tip.
  • divide the head with horizontal and vertical lines into 4 parts. There will be a muzzle at the bottom.
  • directly under the horizontal line, portray your eyes - two small oval (slightly sharpen them).
  • in the middle under the eyes, draw a triangular nose.
  • from it, spend two small arcs - a mouth.
  • in the upper head, depict the eyebrows - two short horizontal lines above the eyes
  • draw wool with short strokes. Make sure that the wools are directed in one direction.
  • draw a slaughter kitten and several protruding wools from the ears and eyebrows.
A cat in half a turn, scheme in stages
A cat in half a turn, scheme in stages

Kitten sitting with a muzzle to the viewer

  • draw an oval - the body of the animal.
  • dear a little smaller figure on top - the head.
  • combine them using an even smaller mug - breasts. Its contours will go beyond the lines of the head and body.
The body and head
The body and head
  • draw two lines from the middle circle - so you outlined the front paws of the kitten.
  • combine parts of the body with smooth lines.
  • draw ears.
  • in the upper part of the head, draw your eyes, and in the bottom - the nose, mouth and mustache.
  • draw the tail (its line can repeat the lower part of the circumference of the body).
Out the line
Out the line
Draw the muzzle
Draw a muzzle
  • pull the main lines and rub unnecessary.
Pull the main lines
Pull the main lines

Kitten in animated style:

  • draw a circle - the head of the animal.
  • at some distance from each other, portray two arches - these will be narrowed eyes.
  • below, draw a triangle - a kitten nose.
  • draw two “brackets” from him - a mouth.
  • on the sides, portray triangular ears with a wide base.
  • on the sides of the muzzle and on the forehead, make a striped painting.
  • draw a mustache.
  • draw a small body from the head with smooth lines (first back, then breast).
  • add the legs with spread, cheerful fingers and tail.
  • picture strips on the back, tail and paws.
A cheerful cartoon cat

Video: Cat drawing with a pencil

How to draw a kitten anime with cute eyes in stages?

Recently, the Japanese animation - anime has recently gained particular popularity. A feature of this style of drawing are bright big eyes. Images of animals with such eyes are funny and touching. They are often decorated with covers, penalties or postcards with wishes of friendship and love. We offer you to learn how to draw in the style of anime on the example of a kitten:

  • draw an oval that lies on the side is the head of our future character.
  • below, draw a rounded body, in size less than a head is about twice. At this stage, your drawing should resemble a mushroom with a large hat.
  • if desired, you can make your cheeks pointed.
  • divide the head with horizontal lines into 3 parts.
  • in the lower part, depict the muzzle - a small triangular nose, mouth and mustache.
  • in the middle, draw your eyes - they should be round and occupy almost the entire space of this part of the head.
  • be sure to make glare in your eyes. To do this, draw 2-3 small circles inside them. Break your eyes without touching the glides.
  • above the eyes-drawings, indicate the eyebrows.
  • draw triangular ears.
  • gradually round the body and add the tail.
  • draw small rounded legs. Not all will be visible, but depending on the pose of the kitten - two or three.
  • draw strands of wool on the chest and cheeks.
  • if desired, decorate your kitten with a bow.
  • wash the basic lines and paint the image.
Ainime kitten in stages
Ainime kitten in stages

Video: ANIME kitten, pencil drawing

How easy and just draw a kitten on cells in a notebook?

Drawing in a notebook on cells is a very exciting activity. It perfectly coordinates movements, develops motor skills and improves memory. Such a lesson is especially suitable for those who do not draw very well, but want to learn.

The bottom line is to decorate the cells according to a given sketch, observing their exact amount and color scheme. The result is a drawing. This is a kind of mosaic that almost all of us collected in childhood. The schemes can be simple and complex, colored and black and white.

The schemes for embroidery are perfect
The schemes for embroidery are perfect

This style of drawing is recommended for children or adults who are completely unable to draw. Below we offer several options for the schemes, following which you will receive remarkable drawings of kittens as a result.

Fleeters will turn out perfectly
Fleeters will turn out perfectly
Ready result
Ready result

With such images you can decorate the covers of books or notebooks. Perfect for this purpose schemes of embroidery with beads or cross. Take pencils or felt -tip pens and work!

Video: cat drawing by cells

How to draw a sleeping kitten in stages?

It is not easy to draw a sleeping animal - it is necessary to observe accurate trinket proportions and its posture. In this article we will tell you how to portray a kitten that sleeps.

Option one:

  • first draw a circle - the future head of the kitten.
  • divide the horizontal line into the unequal parts - the lower is less than the upper.
  • draw a vertical strip, sharing the circle in half.
  • almost at the very bottom of the circle on the vertical line, draw a nose in the form of a triangle or a flat heart.
  • picture eyes in the form of short curved dashes on a horizontal line. The distance between them should be two lengths of the eye.
  • combine the internal corners of the eyes and the edges of the nose with smooth lines.
  • correct the shape of the head and finish the ears.
  • almost at the same level, draw a horizontal elongated oval - an animal body with your head.
  • draw the front paws to the body, which should be located along it and hide under your head.
  • Inside the oval-coter, with the help of a horizontal smooth line, draw the thigh, retreating a small distance from the right edge.
  • under the oval, portray a thin tail that bring under the head.
  • draw details - wool, mustache, eyebrows.
  • snack the middle of the ears.
  • do not forget to apply the shades on the nose and body.
  • by adjusting the pressure on the pencil, perform the hatching both dark and lighter.
Sleeping cat
Sleeping cat

Option Second:

  • draw a horizontal oval - the body of the kitten.
  • inside the oval on the right side, portray a circle - the head of the animal.
  • on the left side in the space of the oval, draw a semicircle - the hip of the hind leg.
  • draw a parallel line - tail at a short distance from the lower line of the oval.
  • picture the muzzle, as in the first version.
  • draw triangular ears.
  • combine all parts of the kitten body with smooth lines.
  • draw details.
Sleeping cat
Sleeping cat

Video: Quick way to draw a sleeping kitten

How to draw a kitten muzzle?

At first glance, it may seem that drawing a kitten muzzle is very difficult. However, it is not. The main thing is not in a hurry, and draw in stages. We offer you such options for drawing:


  • draw a semicircle.
  • inside the circle, cross the smooth lines, which should be shifted slightly to the right, since the head of the kitten will turn to us in a half -breech.
  • draw triangular ears on top. They should be located almost next to each other.
  • in the center of the crosshair, depict the nose in the form of a triangle (a vertex down).
  • from its tip, write down the lying number “3” - you get a mouth.
  • draw your eyes in the upper segments of the circle closer to the center.
  • add the relief by the muzzle and ears.
  • around the muzzle, draw strands of wool.
  • do not forget the mustache.
A simplified version of the picture
A simplified version of the picture


  • picture a semicircle located horizontally and divided by a line in the center.
  • inside below, draw a small circle, which, as it were, lies on a circle - it will be a convex part of the muzzle.
  • at the top of this mug in the center, make a small triangle angle down - the nose of our kitten.
  • from the top of this triangle along the sides of the nose, draw up the straight lines that go beyond the head.
  • draw your ears so that the line overlooking the circle shares them in the center.
  • from the side corners of the triangle, draw two small parallel straight lines up - so you will make the nose voluminous.
  • on the sides of these straight lines, draw the slightly elongated eyes of the kitten.
  • draw cheeks and mouth.
  • add mustache and eyebrows.
  • with the help of strokes, draw a wool.
  • wash the extra lines and shake at your discretion.
Realistic cat
Realistic cat

Funny cartoon:

  • draw a circle.
  • at the same distance from this line, draw your eyes, above them eyebrows.
  • a little lower in the center, a small triangle - nose
    Draw a mouth from him in the form of two arcs.
  • draw a small funny tongue and antennae.
  • add triangular symmetrical ears at the top.
Cartoon kitten
Cartoon kitten

Video: draw a kitten muzzle

How to draw a Siamese kitten?

Distinctive features of the Siamese breed of cats are:

  • a thin and flexible body of an elongated shape.
  • the wedge -shaped shape of the head.
  • large enough ears, spicy on the tips and wide at the base.
  • the eyes are large, slightly slanting, bright - blue
    Short wool.
  • a thin long pointed tail.
  • the hind legs are slightly longer than the front.
  • and, of course, a peculiar color, which is called Color Point (light hair with darling in the face, paws, ears and tail).

An interesting fact - kittens are born white, and begin to darken only after a few days. And the animal acquires the final color after six months. When depicting a Siamese rock in a realistic style, take into account the listed external characteristics of the animal. In addition, Siamese kittens are very active. Therefore, it will be better if you portray their representative in motion.

Siamese cat with a pencil
Siamese cat with a pencil

We list the main principles of drawing a Siamese kitten in a realistic style:

  • take three circles as a basis: the largest - hips, medium - breast, small - head.
  • combine the head and chest with a long neck.
  • combine parts of the body with smooth lines.
  • picture into the limbs thin and elegant, and the muzzle is elongated.
  • draw your eyes in large, almond -shaped.
  • do not draw the wool throughout the kitten's body. Design it with several strokes in some places.

If you want to draw a Siamese kitten in an animated style, then the following scheme will help you:

  • picture a circle, a little pointed in front - the future head.
  • draw a body with smooth sides under it.
  • draw the guide lines for the tail.
  • draw a muzzle: wide ears, cheeks, nose.
  • draw big elongated eyes.
  • add a mustache and a fold under the nose.
  • draw the paws and tail of the animal.
  • dalm the muzzle, paws, tips of the ears and tail.
Siamese cat in stages
Siamese cat in stages

How to draw a flyer kitten?

Scottish Fold-the so-called breed of cats, having bent down, as if folded in half, ear sinks. These animals have slender, proportional to the body, paws and average tail thickness.

The head in shape resembles a slightly owl, the chin is clear, and the eyes have a round shape. Vyslowry Scots often become in the strut “column” or sit “on the ass”. This is their distinguishing feature.

In this lesson, we will tell you how to portray a flowering kitten. To make it easier, we will draw it sitting, a muzzle forward, only the front paws will be visible. Since the main difference between cats of this breed is the shape of the head and ears, it is their image that we will consider in more detail.

  • sove your head and body, observing the correct proportions - this breed is characterized by proportional addition.
  • draw a vertical and horizontal lines by designating the center of the head.
  • draw another transverse line parallel to the central one at a distance of the width of the future eyes of the kitten.
  • draw round eyes, the distance between which is equal to the length of the eye.
  • draw corners and almond -shaped vertical pupils. You can use photos of cats of this breed so that the drawing is as realistic as possible. Be sure to leave the places of glare in the pupils not shared.
  • draw a small nose through the center of which should pass the previously drawn vertical feature. The width of the nose should be less than the length of the eye.
  • from the tip of the nose in different directions, draw two small arcs with a convex side down, connect them below another arc - the kitten’s mouth turned out.
Muzzle of a kitten
Muzzle of a kitten
  • draw the ears on the head so that they practically merge with the contours of the head.
Ears will merge with the contour of the head
Ears will merge with the contour of the head
  • snack the lines under the ears and the crown.
Dalm the wool
Dalm the wool
  • draw the paws in front of the body.
  • shake the pattern, depicting wool. Remember that on the muzzle the strokes should be directed from the nose.
Draw paws and torso
Draw paws and torso

Drawings of a kitten for children for sketching

We invite you and your children to practice in drawing kittens according to the following drawings:

Cat in different poses
Phased drawing
Serious cat
Cute cat
Cartoon cat
Cute kitten
And such a drawing may you succeed
Strive for such results

Video: Cat drawing with a pencil

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