How to draw a flowerbed with a pencil flowers in stages for beginners and children? How to draw a flower bed with flowers in stages?

How to draw a flowerbed with a pencil flowers in stages for beginners and children? How to draw a flower bed with flowers in stages?

Flower drawing with pencil and paints.

The city landscape is inconceivable without flower beds. It is proved that the contemplation of plants has the most positive effect on our spiritual well -being and psyche. That is why many artists depict flower beds on their canvases.

How to draw a flowerbed with a pencil flowers in stages for beginners and children?

If you want to create a similar drawing, but in the visual arts you take only the first steps and do not know where to start the process, use our tips.

Stage 1:

Prepare the necessary materials:

  • paper
  • the pencil is simple
  • eraser
  • pencils are colored

Stage 2:

Determine the shape of the flowerbed that you will draw:

  • circle
  • square
  • in the form of animals or geometric shapes
  • multi -level
Choosing the shape of the flowerbed
Choosing the shape of the flowerbed

At the same time, consider that in life we \u200b\u200blook at objects at a certain angle. In order for the image to be plausible, it is necessary to stretch the shape of the flowerbed in width, transforming:

  • circle to the oval
  • square in a rectangle
  • silhouettes in more thin and elongated

Stage 3:

With a simple pencil, apply the guide lines that will help you compose the composition of the drawing:

  • horizontal - the lower part of the flowerbed should be wider than the upper, as it will be closer to the viewer
  • vertical - in the middle to determine the center of the future flowerbed
  • additional - to refer to auxiliary elements

Draw these indicative lines subtly, without pressing a pencil much. Subsequently, you will need to erase them with an eraser

Stage 4:

Think and draw a limitation of the flowerbed in the form of a brick fence:

  • having retreated from the contour of the flowerbed at some distance, circle it
  • draw bricks in the stroke, which are larger in the foreground, and as they remove, they decrease
  • in the background, do not draw parts of the fence, as the flowers will close it

Stage 5:

Design the location of plants with the help of uneven circles:

  • in the center, portray high flowers or herbs (roses, peonies)
  • on the sides and in front of the flower bed, place low flowers (chamomile, poppies, lilies)
Draw circles for future colors
Draw circles for future colors

Stage 6:

Start drawing flowers in the designated areola. Since there are a large number of plants on the flowerbed, portray them in different stages of flowering:

  • opening buds
  • listenly flowering
  • flashing
  • with seed boxes
Draw flowers and details
Draw flowers and details

We offer several drawing patterns of some colors.


  • with a wavy line, draw small circles
  • divide them inside into four parts
  • in the middle of each circle, depict the middle - box
  • around her in an oval in two rows, designate the seeds of seeds
Draw a flower
Draw a flower
  • draw high thin stems from the heads of flowers
  • add two sharp leaflets on the sides


  • draw the circles for the heads
  • inside each, depict more circles, but smaller diameter - it will be the middle
  • draw thin petals, trying not to go behind the outer circle contour
The beginning of the picture
The beginning of the picture
  • draw the stems
  • picture leaves similar to dill
  • in the middle of the flowers with strokes, show the structure, and on the leaves - the veins
The final stage
The final stage

Lilies of the valley:

  • draw three stems that converge below at one point
  • display two oval elongated sheets from it, ending with a sharp tip
  • on the stalks, place thin crush twigs on which the flowers will hold
  • picture the corolla of the flowers
We draw lilies of the valley
We draw lilies of the valley
  • at the bottom of each make a wavy contour
  • at the top on the tips of each stem in circles, draw berries in circles
Lily of the valley
Lily of the valley



  • draw a few elongated ovals
  • carry out curved long stems from them
  • wavy lines on oval draw external petals
  • at the top of the oval, portray a small horizontal spiral - these are the internal petals tightly adjacent to each other
  • under the bud, make the stalk a little thicker to get a cup
  • place spikes and leaves on the stem


  • picture large circles
  • take the stems from them
  • inside the circle, draw the petals in the form of wavy lines and crescents
  • erashe the lastic of the template contours of lily
  • start the image from the center of the flower
The peony is in stages
The peony is in stages
  • draw six curved lines from it
  • around each second line, draw elongated petals
  • the remaining lines will also become the center of the petals, but will be slightly covered by the previous ones
  • draw stamens in the center of the flower
  • add stem with thin leaves


  • draw a thin elegant stem
  • draw an oval on top - the future bud
  • draw wide curved leaves
Tulip with a pencil
Tulip with a pencil
  • on a bud with smooth lines, draw vertical non -nicious petals that hide behind each other
  • the top of the oval end you with a wavy contour
Tulip drawing
Tulip drawing


  • draw a circle - this is the lower central petal
  • draw two more on the sides of smooth lines, a little already medium
  • over it, portray two wavy elongated petals
We draw Iris
We draw Iris
  • the contour of the flower make a little torn and uneven
  • draw straight stem and narrow leaves
Final strokes
Final strokes

Stage 7:

Finish the drawing:

  • draw details
  • add shadows
  • color with colored pencils
  • sipe guides and approximate lines

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to draw a flowerbed with a pencil. If you draw with children, help them. To make it easier, find photos with the image of colors and draw from them. And you can also use the schemes that are on the Internet.

How to draw a flower bed with flowers in stages?

Drawing a flower bed with paints is a little more difficult than pencils. However, it will be easier to cope with this task if the process is divided into stages.

Step 1:

  • With a simple pencil, draw the outlines of the future flower bed and flowers, as described above. Make the contours very thin so that they subsequently do not appear through the colors
  • At the same time, it is not necessary to draw details of colors and leaves. In addition, when drawing with paints, it is better to abandon the image of too small colors and their wide variety
  • Choose no more than four species of plants, preferably contrasting in color and size. Then the colors in the figure will not merge, and it will turn out to be more picturesque

Step 2:

  • Start working with the lightest and brightest plants
  • Place them in the center by fostering the picture
  • It will be better if these flowers are with high stems (roses, verbanics, peonies)
Flowers with paints
Flowers with paints

Step 3:

  • Add darker shades, gradually leading them to the background

Step 4:

  • Draw the background of the picture easily and airy. To do this, dilute the paint very hard with water

Step 5:

  • Between the flowers, portray dark - green grass. Make it more convenient

Step 6:

  • Draw details of the composition and contours of plants with paints of a more saturated shade

Step 7:

  • Work out the buds of all plants located in the center and in the foreground carefully. To do this, circle the contour with a thin brush, which is a couple of tones darker than the main color
  • Draw petals. Make a smooth transition from a dark shade to light. In the base of the bud, near the stem, add a little green color

Step 8:

  • Plants on the background are more blurred. To do this, a half -dry brush very carefully slightly lubricate the contours of the plants
We draw a flowerbed with paints
We draw a flowerbed with paints
Flowers for flower beds
Flowers for flower beds

Step 9:

Revive your picture by adding shadows and glare. When working with paints for the first time, consider the following:

  • make sure that the brush is not too dry (so the paints will go to bed poorly) and too wet (excess water forms stains and flow in the figure)
  • mix paints on the palette (or white thick paper)
  • apply strokes not with the tip of the brush, but its plane, placing the side in accordance with the location of the buds and inflorescences
  • rubbing the picture with wider strokes. To do this, it is better to use another brush
  • draw the details with the tip of the brush
  • start tinting the drawing with a transparent layer, gradually darkening it in the necessary places by multiple passage in color, as if laying one layer on the other. This will avoid excessive dimming
  • so that the lower layer of the paint does not blur, and the shades do not mix, before applying to the drawing of a different color, let's dry out the previous layer
  • periodically depart from the picture to look at it from a certain distance. So it will be better to see the shortcomings of the work that you can correct

Flower flower bed - drawings with a pencil for children for sketching: photo

Drawing is extremely useful for children at any age, as it develops:

  • fine motor skills
  • fantasy
  • creative skills
  • attention to detail
  • perception of objects in all their brightness and fullness

In addition, the process of image of the world is a fascinating and interesting activity. But some children refuse to draw complex things, fearing failure. Wake the child’s interest in drawing and faith in himself using our tips:

  • ask the baby what flowers he wants to portray on his flowerbed
  • teach it to draw a flower from the middle, and then draw a stalk with leaves
  • explain that when painting a pattern, paint or pencil strokes should not go beyond the contour
  • finish the work when you see that the child has lost interest in occupation. Do not make you draw if he doesn't want
  • praise his work and hang a drawing in a prominent place so that the baby knows that you like the result of his work

And to make it easier for a young artist to draw a flower bed, we offer several options for sketching.

A flower bed with a pencil
A flower bed with a pencil
For sketching
For sketching

Video: Flowers drawing with a pencil

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