How to draw a dinosaur with a stages with a pencil for beginners? How to draw a dinosaur of Tirex?

How to draw a dinosaur with a stages with a pencil for beginners? How to draw a dinosaur of Tirex?

We draw dinosaurs with a pencil: step-by-step description and photo selection.

Children motivate us to master new activities that we often do not use in ordinary life. For example, drawing heroes of cartoons, vehicles and animals.

Times of dominance of huge lizards attract children with their unusualness and variety of flora and fauna. And you will have to master the technique of drawing dinosaurs with a pencil to show it to the child and spend time with him for pleasure.

How to draw a dinosaur with a stages with a pencil for beginners?

The phased drawing of a herbivore dinosaur for beginners
the phased drawing of a herbivore dinosaur for beginners
The first step is to decide on the dinosaur that you will be portrayed with a pencil. It is:
  • herbivorous
  • predator
  • bird
  • fish
The second point - watch cartoons or a feature film where this ancient resident of the planet is. Pay attention to the structural features of his body. Feel inspiration to the image on paper.

We offer to disassemble the sequence of a pattern of herbivore dinosaur and a large predator.

  • paper
  • pencil
  • eraser
We draw the first, which is located sideways to us:
  • portray a large oval for the body and a couple of small ones for the head and ear,
  • from the large oval, lower the smooth line of the future tail with a light curl up,
  • under the oval torso, place 3 small circles at an equal distance from each other. These are the knee bends of the legs of a dinosaur,
  • smoothly connect the lines of the head and ear, add tiny eyes and nostrils, a line between the jaws of a closed mouth,
  • draw two neck lines to the body from the head. It is quite fat at the herbivore,
  • add another tail for the tail and thick legs, display bends in places of circles,
  • draw sharp horns, claws on the paws and folds at the base of the limbs,
  • wash all additional lines,
  • add strokes for the shadow or paint the pattern with paints/colored pencils.
Steps of drawing in the photo below.
Grass dinosaur with a pencil for beginners: phased drawing
grass dinosaur with a pencil for beginners: phased drawing

We draw a predator:

  • mark the details of the body of the animal with the help of two ovals of the body and the head, the lines of the neck, tail and two hind legs. The head is located above the body,
  • combine the oval of the head with two lines with the body. This is a thick neck of a dinosaur,
  • add two lines for the tail, which is a continuation of the body,
  • designate strong hind limbs with a slight bend,
  • on the head of the predator, insert lines in the shape of a sign larger. They are needed to draw an open huge mouth,
  • add lines on your head so that it looks like a crocodile with an open mouth,
  • detail your eyes, nostrils,
  • draw short front limbs with 2 fingers,
  • wipe the auxiliary lines,
  • depict sharp teeth on open jaws, claws on all limbs and lines on the body of a dinosaur,
  • color the drawing at will.
Photo instruction below.
Dinosaur-predator with a pencil: phased drawing, step 1
dinosaur-predator with a pencil: phased drawing, step 1
Dinosaur-predator with a pencil: phased drawing, step 2
dinosaur-predator with a pencil: phased drawing, step 2
Dinosaur-predator with pencil: phased drawing, step 3
dinosaur-predator with pencil: phased drawing, step 3

How to draw a dinosaur of Tirex in stages for children?

Color drawing of a dinosaur Tirex for children
color drawing of a dinosaur Tirex for children
The hero of the cartoon of the dear dinosaur Tirex will help you draw the following instructions.


  • paper
  • the pencil is simple
  • flomasters/paints/colored pencils
  • eraser
We draw:
  • designate the frame of the dinomage - the body in the shape of a pod of burning pepper with a short tail, a rectangle of the head, a booty of the hind legs and the mittens of the front paws, from them, from them, the connection lines with the body,
  • draw your head in detail - bends for nostrils, ears, ajar jaws for a smile, a partition between the nose and eyes,
  • designate the tiny nostrils and ears, ovals of eyeballs and pupils, the opening between the jaws and the zigzag of the teeth between them,
  • draw the front small paws with 2 fingers and connect them with the body with two lines,
  • similar action perform for the legs. Only they are thicker and fingers on each of them, 3,
  • draw your claws on all fingers,
  • add the spots characteristic of lizards on the head and body of the dinosaur, scales on the limbs and parallel lines from the head along the inside of the neck, abdomen, abdomen,
  • remove the auxiliary lines with an eraser. Tirex is ready to paint.
The phased course of the performance of the Tirex is below.
Dinosaurus Tirex with a pencil, step 1
dinosaurus Tirex with a pencil, step 1
Dinosaurus Tirex with a pencil, step 2
dinosaurus Tirex with a pencil, step 2
Dinosaurus Tirex with a pencil, step 3
dinosaurus Tirex with a pencil, step 3
Dinosaurus Tirex with a pencil, step 4
dinosaurus Tirex with a pencil, step 4
Dinosaurus Tirex with a pencil, step 5
dinosaurus Tirex with a pencil, step 5
Dinosaurus Tirex with a pencil, step 6
dinosaurus Tirex with a pencil, step 6

Dinosaurian drawings for children for sketching

Color drawing of dinosaurs from the cartoon
color drawing of dinosaurs from the cartoon
In order for the kids to spend time with a pencil in their hands with benefit and joy, offer them inspiration in the form of pictures for sketching. For example, such:
Drawings for sketching to children: dinosaurs, option 1
drawings for sketching to children: dinosaurs, option 1
Drawings for sketching to children: dinosaurs, option 2
drawings for sketching to children: dinosaurs, option 2
Drawings for sketching to children: dinosaurs, option 3
drawings for sketching to children: dinosaurs, option 3
Drawings for sketching to children: dinosaurs, option 4
drawings for sketching to children: dinosaurs, option 4
Drawings for sketching to children: dinosaurs, option 5
drawings for sketching to children: dinosaurs, option 5
Drawings for sketching to children: dinosaurs, option 6
drawings for sketching to children: dinosaurs, option 6
Drawings for sketching to children: dinosaurs, option 7
drawings for sketching to children: dinosaurs, option 7
Drawings for sketching children: dinosaurs, option 8
drawings for sketching children: dinosaurs, option 8

So, we learned to draw dinosaurs both adults and their lovely babies. Now it remains small - to hone the skill of owning a pencil. Pleasure to you from drawing with children and for them!

Video: How to draw a dinosaur with a pencil?

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Comments K. article

  1. i drew me 18 more complicated well, well, I didn’t work out a little!
    Well, I was neong! 🙂

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