How to draw anime lady bug and a super cat with a pencil in stages for beginners? How to draw anime with a full -length anime with a pencil of anime and a super cat's face?

How to draw anime lady bug and a super cat with a pencil in stages for beginners? How to draw anime with a full -length anime with a pencil of anime and a super cat's face?

The article includes tips and instructions in pictures on how to draw cartoon superheroes beloved by children-Lady Bag and Super Cat.

The adventures of superheroes have always been interesting to children. It is not surprising that the French - the Japanese cartoon "Lady Bag and the Super Cote" so came to their liking. Let's learn how to draw the main characters of this cartoon endowed with incredible abilities.

How to draw anime lady bug in full growth with a pencil in stages for beginners?

Lady Bug.
Lady Bug.

Lady Bug, superheroine in a costume of God's cow, in fact, a teenage girl from Paris. Struggling with the villains, she puts on a mask and a tight -fitting suit characteristic of the blossom of the colors - red, with black dots.
Lady Bug has a very cute, cartoon, simple face for sketching. The costume of the Superhero girl is also not difficult to reproduce. A child of 7-8 years old will cope with this.

Important: the greatest difficulty is to draw a lady bug in one of the crown poses borrowed from martial arts. Indeed, on the stop-ships of cartoons, pictures she is depicted in a half-turn, in a lunge, in the floor twine, in a jump, but not standing evenly.

Let's still start drawing the face of Lady Bug.

  1. Mark your sheet. The top half of it will occupy the head of Superheroini, the lower - her neck and shoulders.
  2. Make sketches with thin lines of a simple pencil - mark the head with a slightly curved vertical line - the neck and the central axis of the chest, the horizontal line crossing the vertical - shoulders.
  3. Mark the circle - a sketch of the head, in order to subsequently relatively symmetrically and proportionally draw Lady Bug faces. Keep in mind that in this picture it will stand slightly sideways.
  4. Lady Bag's chin is sharp, so you should lengthen your face. Make so that the vertical line sharing the face in half goes beyond the circle. Start drawing the contours of the face of our heroine precisely from the chin and cheekbones.
  5. Lady Bug has a hairstyle - two tails and bangs. Draw it. Do not make the bangs continuous, divide it into separate strands, then the hair will not look too artificial.
  6. The eyes of our heroine are large, which is characteristic of Japanese animation. Now you should draw them. Arrows should leave from the outer corners.
  7. It's time to start drawing a half mask. She covers Lady Bug's face from the middle of Lyub to the middle of the cheeks. The mask will be streamlined.
  8. Draw the girl a sharp nose and thin lips stretched in a smile.
  9. In a chaotic order, draw circles on the mask of Lady Bag so that she repeats the pattern of the wings of the ladybug.
  10. Now you have to finish the teenager-superhero's neck and shoulders, erase all now unnecessary auxiliary lines and color your drawing.
Lady Bug face in stages: 1.
Lady Bug face in stages: 2.
Lady Bug face in stages: 3.
Lady Bug face in stages: 4.
Lady Bug face in stages: 5.
Lady Bug face in stages: 6.
Lady Bug face in stages: 7.
Lady Bug face in stages: 8.
Lady Bug face in stages: 9.
Lady Bug face in stages: 10.
Lady Bug face.
Lady Bug face.

Let’s still try to portray Lady Bug in motion, in full growth. Let's choose two of her "crown" poses.

  1. Put a sheet of paper horizontally. In its upper half, make a sketch for the head and face of Lady Bug.
  2. Below sketch the contours of her body. She seemed to be crumbling in the floor. The entire elongated right leg from the tip of the thumb along with the thigh of the left leg is a straight line.
  3. The characteristic position of the hands allows our heroine to keep balance - her right hand rests on the floor, and the left hand is raised up and fed back.
  4. Now mark and draw a hairstyle, mask and facial features Lady Bug as indicated in the instructions above in the article.
  5. Draw her hair ribbons and belt at the waist. The spots of the ladybug on the suit and the mask first designate in circles, and then shake.
Lady Bug with a pencil: Steps 1-2.
Lady Bug with a pencil: Steps 3-4.
Lady Bug with a pencil: Steps 5-6.
Lady Bug with a pencil.

The next pose of Lady Bug is even more difficult. In your drawing, the girl will be depicted crowning and half -brood.

  1. First, make sketches for the head and body of Lady Bug. The head is a circle, the chest is a trapezoid that has fallen on the rib, the hips are a circle. Remember the face immediately.
  2. Draw the base of the arms and legs of the girl with straight lines. Since she sat down, her legs will bend into sharp corners in her knees.
  3. Draw a hairstyle, mask and face Lady Bug, you already know how to well.
  4. With smooth lines, connect your blanks for the heroine’s chest and hips, then give the streamlines to her hands and legs.
  5. Take the costume of Lady Bug with black dots of different shapes and sizes. Wipe the sketched lines, if desired, paint the pattern.
Lady Bug in full height: Step 1.
Lady Bug in full height: Step 2.
Lady Bug in full height: Step 3.
Lady Bug in full height: Step 4.
Lady Bug in full height: Step 5.
Lady Bug in full height: Step 6.
Lady Bug in full height: Step 7.
Lady Bug in full height: Step 8.
Lady Bug in full height: Step 9.
Lady Bug in full height.

If you have a desire to draw Lady Bug in the style of anime, use this instructions in the pictures.

Lady Bug Anime with a pencil: Steps 1-2.
Lady Bug Anime with a pencil: Steps 3-4.
Lady Bug Anime with a pencil: Steps 5-6.


Lady Bug Anime with a pencil: Steps 7-8.
Lady Bug Anime with a pencil: Step 9.

Video: How to draw Lady Bug?

Video: How to draw a lady bug with a pencil on cells?

How to draw a mask of Lady Bug with a pencil?

One of the inherent attributes of the girl Marinette, and this is the name of the main character of the cartoon, when she turns into Lady Bug, is a mask, or rather, a half mask.

Important: a half mask is a narrow bandage on the face, which covers only its upper part.
Lady Bug Mask has a simple, its only feature is a characteristic coloring of the wings of God's cow. If you learn to draw it with a pencil, after a short practice you can make it for yourself from cardboard as a part of a carnival costume.

Mask Lady Bug for a carnival costume.
Mask Lady Bug for a carnival costume.

How to draw a super cat with a pencil?

Super-Kot (or Kat Noir) is a partner of Lady Bug, a superhero in whom a friend Marinette Adrian turns. He is dressed in a black tight suit and black half mask. In addition, black cat ears appear on the hero's head.
Let's try to draw him in the company to our Lady Bug. Let's start with the portrait.

  1. As always, you should first draw a frame. The head in the form of an oval, pointed down, neck and shoulders - in the form of slightly curved vertical and horizontal lines.
  2. Draw a super-cat hairstyle. He has lush hair that you should divide into strands.
  3. Using the marking, draw your lips, eyes and half mask of the hero. From under the half mask, the nose will be visible.
  4. Draw a super-cat his cat ears.
  5. Now, based on your sketched lines, draw his neck and shoulders.
  6. A distinctive feature of the Super-Clay costume is a large bell of yellow metal on his neck. Do not forget to portray it in your figure.
  7. Wash from the portrait of a super-cat all unnecessary, if desired, paint it.
The face of a super-cat with a pencil in stages.
The face of a super-cat with a pencil in stages.

How to draw an anime super cat with a pencil in stages?

Now we portray a full-length super-cat, also in a combat position.

  1. Make a frame: a circle - a head, a trapezoid laid on a smaller base - a chest, another circle - hips.
    Subtage the arms and legs of a super-cat with lines, make angles where there will be elbow and knee joints. Do not forget that the super-cat still has a tail, throw its frame.
  2. Draw a hairstyle, ears, mask and facial features of the hero.
  3. Give the volume to his hands and legs. Our hero shod in boots, tread on the sole of which, by the way, imitate a cat's paw. On his waist of a super-cat there is a belt, a continuation of which is the tail. Hands with sharp claws (you want, portray them in the figure) are dressed in gloves. And on the guy’s wrists, you need to draw the backbracks.
  4. In the right hand, the super-cat will hold a combat staff.
Super-cat in full growth with a pencil: Step 1.
Super-cat in full growth with a pencil: Step 2.
Super-cat in full growth with a pencil: Step 3.
Super-cat in full growth with a pencil: Step 4.
Super-cat in full growth with a pencil: Step 5.
Super-cat in full growth with a pencil: Step 6.
Super-cat in full growth with a pencil: Step 7.
Super-cat in full growth with a pencil: Step 8.
Super-cat in full growth with a pencil: Step 9.
Super-cat in full growth with a pencil: Step 10.

Video: How to draw a super cat from the cartoon Lady Bag and a super cat?

How to draw a super cat mask with a pencil?

The mask is super - a cat is slightly wider than Lady Bug, she has a more pointed nose. Such a mask can also be used as part of a carnival costume.

Mask Super Cum for carnival costume.
Mask Super Cum for carnival costume.

How to draw a super cat's talisman with a pencil?

Lady Bug and Super - the cat has talismans - Kwama. These are the little human -like creatures Tikki (it looks like God's cow) and Plagg (it looks like a cat). These little creatures are very cute, but have incredible opportunities, it is they who allow the Parisian guys Marinette and Adrian to turn into superheroes.

Important: to draw them, use the pictures below - instructions. Do not forget that Plagg and Tikki have disproportionately large heads and eyes.


Plagg is very similar to Tikki. It differs only with a cat face and color.

Drawings Lady Bug and Super Cat for Sryzovka

Super-cat: drawing for children.
Lady Bug: drawing for children.
Lady Bug and Super - Cat: drawing for sketching.
Lady Bug - a portrait with a pencil.
Superheroes, Lady Bug and Super - Cat: drawing for sketching.
Super-cat: drawing for sketching.

Video: How to draw Lady Bug and Super Cat?

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