How to write personal autobiography - sample: to work, for admission, child, for women, for civil service, Ministry of Internal Affairs

How to write personal autobiography - sample: to work, for admission, child, for women, for civil service, Ministry of Internal Affairs

In this article you will find a sample of writing an autobiography for different situations in life.

The design of an autobiography may be needed for various reasons: when applying for a new place of employment, when enrolling in a educational organization and so on. It is important to be able to correctly draw up it so that the employer and other officials to whom you submit this document do not have unnecessary questions.

Basic rules for writing an autobiography

Rules for compiling auto -resume
Rules for compiling auto -resume

In the modern world, almost every person has encountered such a concept as “autobiography”. Translated from Greek, this means: "Own biography." In other words, this is a story about yourself. There are such nuances and rules for writing an autobiography:

  • A clear sequence of events from “which family was born” to the present day.
  • The text of the auto tutor should be compressed up to two pages maximum.
  • The contents should be written correctly, in compliance with all the rules of spelling and punctuation of the Russian language.
  • It is necessary to write the truth about yourself so that in the future there are no unnecessary and unpleasant pitfalls.

The main rule is the business style of writing. No extra phrases need to embellish the text, only the date, event or a brief description of their achievements.

Autobiography for work: how to make?

Auto -resume to work
Auto -resume to work

A biography to work with a different word, you can call a resume. Here you need to focus on the following facts:

  • Higher education
  • Work experience
  • All kinds of advanced training courses
  • You can indicate personal qualities that will help you get the desired position.
  • It is also necessary to name the reason for dismissal from the last place of employment.

All this must be written by a business style without violating corporate ethics. Also in the resume, you can describe your readiness to go on business trips, or vice versa, not readiness. Attach a photo (passport plan). Indicate the time of military service or maternity leave, if any periods are available.

Below is an example of an autobiography to work:

I, Karpov Denis Valerievich, born on March 05, 1983, in Chelyabinsk.

Father: Karpov Valery Nikolaevich, 1963 gr, mountain engineer.
Mother: Karpova Valentina Dmitrievna, 1965 gr, ecologist.

From 1990 to 2000, he received knowledge in Osh No. 91.
From 2000 to 2008, he received knowledge in the Ural Mountain UZ at the Faculty of Mountain Business and Human Resources.

In 2008, he completed training with obtaining a document with honors.
Also, from 2005 to 2007, he graduated from the second higher education at the Moscow branch of the International Institute of Finance, at the Faculty of Finance. In 2007, he became a certified specialist in the field of finance.

During his studies, he underwent production practice at mines dangerous in gas and dust, as an engineering and technical worker.

From July 2007 to December 2008, he served as the commercial director of LLC SHIV. My responsibilities included: the sale of industrial ventilation, installation of equipment participation in tenders, work with design institutes, etc.

From December 2008 to November 2009, he headed the mine mining site. November 2009 - December 2010 - mountain master of coal mining. January 2011 - January 2012 - Deputy Head of the site.

February 2012 - March 2019 - Head of coal mining.
The reason for the dismissal was the discrepancy between the work performed and wages.

Personal qualities: hardworking, executive, responsible, sociable, easily teach. Ready to move, business trips.
Married, there are no children.
Number, signature.

How to write an autobiography to a child: a sample

Auto -Rush
Auto -Rush

The child often needs an autobiography when he is studying at school. For example, this may be homework in the Russian language or parents translate the student to study at another school.

Important: When writing your “Autobiography of a student of secondary school”, pay special attention to your merits in grades, and, be sure, activity outside the school. Describe what letters you received, gratitude. Indicate about participation in all kinds of olympiads, the creative life of the school, as well as, success in sports.

Below you will see a correctly written example of an autobiography of a child - a student of secondary school:

I, Deniskin Denis Denisovich, was born on August 15, 2005, in Rostov-on-Don. I live at the address: Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don, Komsomolskaya St., 14.

Family composition:

  • Mother - Deniskin Irina Rodionovna. A housewife.
  • Father - Deniskin Denis Maksimovich. Engineer at the foundry.
  • Brothers, no sisters.

In 2012, he entered the secondary school No. 47. Now I am studying here in the 7th grade. I have great successes in the field of biology, chemistry, mathematics. I visit a circle of drawing and volleyball. Class commander. In 2018 and 2019, he took honorable prizes at mathematical and chemical olympiads. I actively participate in school and district competitions in different school subjects.
Number, signature.

How to write an autobiography for a woman: a sample

Women should write their auto -resume as well as men - according to the accepted rules. The marital status, the presence of children and achievements are indicated. Here is a sample how to write an autobiography to a woman:

Auto -tank for a woman
Auto -tank for a woman

Autobiography for admission to a university: sample

To begin with, you need to talk about your person, about the city in which they were born. Indicate your parents, especially if they are related to the choice of your education. Be sure to indicate your personal qualities. For example:

  • Fast learner
  • Hard work
  • Punctuality
  • Society
  • Ability to find an approach to fellow students
  • Output from a difficult situation

You can take each parameter and transfer it to your personality more expanded, but, not just list. It will not be superfluous to indicate your achievements in study or sports. Write an autobiography so that it is exciting to read it so that the election commission is interested in you. But do not get carried away much.

Remember: Too long text, can lead to a reverse reaction.

If you enter a serious prestigious university, then you need to completely describe your life path, as well as write data about dad and mom and facts of disgust. Here is a sample of complete and correctly compiled autobiography for admission to the university:

Auto -tank for the university
Auto -tank for the university

Brief autobiography: sample

If you are already, for example, a student, then you may need a brief autobiography. Write it according to the following rules:

  • The student’s autobiography does not particularly differ with the school.
  • Here the emphasis is on the student years.
  • School life is compressed to the main one.

For example, here is a sample:

I, Maximov Maxim Maksimovich, was born on April 1, 1998 in the city of Kirov. I live at: Kirov, st. Maria Ulyanova, d. 7 sq. 34.

Family composition:

  • Mother - Maksimova Maria Dmitrievna, teacher of elementary training classes Osh No. 27.
  • Father - Maksimov Maxim Denisovich, teacher of physical education Osh No. 27.
  • Sister-Maksimova Ekaterina Maksimovna, student of the 5th grade of school No. 27.

From 2005 to 2016 he studied at Osh No. 27. He graduated from school with excellent certificate. I have awards and took prizes in the field of football and physical knowledge.

In 2016, he began his studies at the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Russia, where I study for the present time. I study perfectly. The elder of the group. Captain of the football team.
Number, signature.

Autobiography to the military enlistment office

The military registration and enlistment office is studying the auto -resume of the conscript
The military registration and enlistment office is studying the auto -resume of the conscript

To consider the issue of how to draw up an autobiography when submitting documentation to the military registration and enlistment office, study this example:

I, Romanov Nikolai Vladimirovich, born on Feb 24. 2001 in the city of Dzerzhinsk.
In 2007, he began training in the first cl. Osh No. 72, where I am studying for the present time at 11-B Cl., With an in-depth study of English. language.
At the city competition in English, he received an honorary diploma of the 2nd degree (2nd place) in 2017. And in 2018 he received a diploma of 3 degrees (3rd place) in geography in the district competition.
I study at a sports school, actively participate in competitive competitions of the city in football.

A family:

  • Father-Romanov Vladimir Nikolaevich, IT specialist at Alfa OJSC.
  • Mother - Romanova Inna Viktorovna - teacher.
  • Sister - Romanova Ekaterina Vladislavovna, born in 2006, student of the second cl. Osh No. 72.

We currently live at the address: Dzerzhinsk, st. Elyseyskaya, 12, apt. 76.
Number, signature.

How to write an autobiography for a civil service, a military school, the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

The main difference between the resume and autobiography is the fact that the term “resume” uses commercial structures, and state bodies use the term “autobiography”. Also, for this form of biography, the size is important, no more than 1 page of handwritten text. In service offices, accuracy in the presentation is appreciated.

How to make an autobiography for a civil service? It is necessary to consecrate the following points that are important to consecrate in the biography:

  1. Full name, birth data, citizenship, native and additional languages, change of name or citizenship, reasons.
  2. Teaching in educational institutions, with the exact indication of places, numbers, years and specializations received.
  3. Additional. training and education.
  4. Uch. degree, topic of dissertation, publication.
  5. The service in the Air Force (where and which military committee is called up, why is not called up).
  6. Sports, category number, achievements received.
  7. Family status.
  8. The experience of a working person, occupied positions, reasons for dismissal.
  9. The presence of a criminal record.
  10. Registration, causes of shift.

Advice: Just briefly describe all the points, as if answering questions.

For enrollment in a military school, auto -resume is also needed. You can compose it according to the same sample as for enrolling at the institute. An example of an auto tutor for a military school seek higher in the text.

The Ministry of the Interior is also a state structure, so you can use the list of data given above. It is important to add such a parameter as a trip abroad, when, where and with what purposes a departure was made. Consider an example of the design of an autobiography in the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

I, Fadeev Ilya Lvovich, kind. March 16, 1985 in Tula.
In 1993, he began to study in the 1st grade of generalobr. ShK. N57 Tula.
In 2000, he began to study in law. Moscow Lyceum.
In 2003, the order of the institution was credited to Moscow - the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. He received a diploma of higher images. institutions. By speciality "lawyer".
From December 2008 to June 2012, he worked as a legal consultant at Konus OJSC.
In September of the same year, he began to work as a legal consultant of JSC "Lawyer", where I fulfill my work duties now.

Family status:

  • Wife - Fadeeva Vera Pavlovna, temporarily does not work.
  • Son - Fadeev Ruslan Ilyich, born in 2002

We live at the address: Tula, st. Employees of the Karachaevsky Council, 41, apt. eleven.
In 2016, he traveled on a tourist ticket to Turkey.
Not judged, not involved.
Number, signature.

Autobiography for traveling abroad: Sample

Auto tutor for traveling abroad
Auto tutor for traveling abroad

In some countries, to obtain a visa, it is also necessary to write an autobiography. It is compiled according to the same basic principles as all other types.

Autobiography for traveling abroad - sample:

I, Dunaev Evgeny Nikolaevich, born on December 12, 1960 in the city of Kerch.
In 1968, I began to study at Osh N2.
In 1978 he became a student at the Sevastopol Polytechnic Institute.
In 1983, an engineering worker-a heat-energy-energy traffic was completed by speciality.
In 1983, he began to work at Vimpel LLC for the posts of heat and energy.
In 1993 he transferred to a new position (engineer) to a ship and construction plant.
Since 2007, to the present time, I am fulfilling the duties of the acting director of Dunaev Eagen LLC in Chisinau.
Now I live in the Republic of Moldova, G. Chisinau,
Flower St., 10.

  • Married. Wife - Dunaeva Irina Nikitichna, b. 1966, Russian.
  • Son - Bogdan, born in 1995.

Not involved, we are not convicted. Number signature.

Autobiography in the table: What is it?

There is another type of autobiography. Its text is not distinguished from the rest, but it is filled in the form of a table. Students submit such a biography for an educational visa, for example in Germany. It is filled strictly in German, and is called a beautiful word Lebenslauf. The autobiography looks something like this:

Auto -resume in the table
Auto -resume in the table

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the compilation of an autobiography. Write in the first person (that is, from yourself), be concise, and provide yourself in a profitable light for an election commission or employer, and our examples will serve you with good templates. Success!

Video: How to make an autobiography correctly?

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