How to pump up shoulders at home: exercise program

How to pump up shoulders at home: exercise program

Pouring shoulders at home is simple. The main thing is to do exercises correctly.

Training in "its" territory, or at home, should not differ from training in the hall. It is naive to believe that having at your disposal a couple of cast dumbbells weighing 8 kg and one pound weight, you can count on serious growth both for force indicators in the exercises on the shoulder belt and the growth of mass and width of the shoulders, that is, delta muscles. After all, this is not easy.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to warm up muscles before training exercises, warming ointments?".

From this article you will learn how to pump up shoulders at home. You will find information about the desired sports equipment and effective programs. Read further.

Necessary sports inventory for pumping shoulders

Geri for pumping shoulders
Geri for pumping shoulders

Obviously, both dumbbells and a weight are quite serious sports equipment, but this set will simply not be enough to work with a load in a limited repeated range. Working with a weight to increase the number of repetitions will be less effective if the purpose of the muscle mass of the shoulders is set, and not the developing of strength endurance. So take care of in advance about the presence of sports inventory suitable for these purposes for pumping shoulders, with the possibility of increasing training weight - this will be required, both for working in a separate training and within the entire class cycle. Here are a couple of tips:

  • In order to pump muscles, it doesn’t matter what you use as a shell: a bar, a couple of collapsible dumbbells or even sand bags, it is important that weight can be changed on the projectile.
  • It is desirable that you can regulate it, then adding, then declining 1.25-2.5 kg for the bar and 0.5 or 1 kg for each of the dumbbells.

Such weights will allow you to allow you to arise, and it will inevitably arise, increase the working weight, and also set relatively small weights in the warm -up approaches that prepare the body for the main “work”.

How to pump up shoulders at home: exercise program

A correctly compiled training program will give a good result, especially in the first months. When the muscles get used to it, you will need to change the approach, or simply change the sequence of exercises and replace some familiar exercise to others, more effective. So, how to pump up shoulders at home? Here is a training program of exercises for the development of the shoulder girdle:

Exercise 1st:

Warm -up
Warm -up
Warm -up
Warm -up
  • Take a break in the usual manner-smoothly, without sudden movements, five to seven minutes enough.
  • Pay attention to warming up the muscles of the shoulder girdle and lower back.

Exercise 2:

Standing bench using two dumbbells
Standing bench using two dumbbells
Standing bench using two dumbbells
Standing bench using two dumbbells
Standing bench using two dumbbells
Standing bench using two dumbbells
  • Standing, using a bar, two dumbbells or one dumbbell alternately.
  • Perform an exercise with the shell with which this is not too difficult to do. The time will come, and you will definitely increase weight, and also use various sports shells.
  • For example, Sumo fighters for power training, following centuries-old traditions, are practicing with sandbags, pouring one or two handfuls in them if necessary.
  • Standing the bench press (with any shell) perform 5 approaches, the first two of which are necessarily warm -up, the three subsequent ones are the main ones.
  • Try to work in working approaches in the number of repetitions from 8 to 12, do not go out of this range.
  • Having reached 12 repetitions in all three working approaches, increase the weight next time, as stipulated above.

Exercise 3:

  • The bench press is Delta standing with a traction. It is also performed either with a bar or dumbbells.
  • Standing and holding a shell on your arms outstretched, pull it up to the level of clavits and a turn of the hands (inertia is allowed here), take the bar or dumbbell to the position for the press - to the position that you occupied in the previous exercise. And perform the bench press itself.
  • After all the movement, repeat in the reverse order.
  • Perform exercises with the strength of the arms and shoulders. Do not help yourself with your lower back and feet - it is important that the exercise is performed by the power of the shoulder girdle.
  • In total, follow three working approaches, also 8-12 repetitions.
  • Choose a slightly less weight than in the last exercise - consider the accumulated fatigue and a longer amplitude of movement.
  • If you do not go out at least 8 repetitions, feel free to reduce weight - it is now important to work strictly technical and in the indicated number of repetitions.

Exercise 4th:

Breeding dumbbells to the sides of standing
Breeding dumbbells to the sides of standing
Rod to the chin
Rod to the chin
  • Breeding dumbbells to the sides of standing or craving a bar to the chin (broach). Choose the option that allows you to perform your inventory.
  • If you have a bar and dumbbells, then just alternate both exercises from training for training - this will allow you to keep the muscles in good shape again.
  • Work in 3-4 working approaches at 8-12 repetitions.

Do the exercise technically, with a flat back, without any tricks. Remember that the main thing is to do everything right. All work should be carried out by the strength of the muscles of the arms and shoulders.

Tips for better progress in pumping shoulders

Do all the exercises correctly, and then you can achieve good results. Here are a few more tips for better progress in pumping the shoulders:

  • Train the above program once a week, but in extreme cases no more than two times.
  • Experienically determine which option is more suitable for you. It is easy to do this - first train once a week, then twice, if after the transition to a two -time mode for the next training, progress was slowed down, feel free to return to a one -time option. In this situation, he will bring more benefit.
  • If the two -time option allows you to increase either weight or the number of repetitions, at least one, then stay on it.

Here is a program for training at home is designed for one separate training per week and work with dumbbells:

Home training program
Home training program

Train with pleasure and responsibly approach the classes. Eat a lot of protein foods, sleep at least 8 hours a day and after a couple of months you will be surprised at the result of your own shoulder girdle, as well as an increase in the strength of your body and hands in the shoulders. Good luck to achieve your goals!

Video: shoulders will grow - without options! Stanislav Lindower.

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