Back training in the gym for girls and women: exercise program

Back training in the gym for girls and women: exercise program

The back training is not only beautiful, but also useful. In order to do this in the gym, it is important to perform a specific set of exercises that are listed in our article.

To have a spectacular figure, slender legs, fitting buttocks, stately posture - this is what every woman dreams of. All this makes it possible to emphasize the lines of the figure. That is why the exercises intended for the back should be present in the program of the exercises of every girl who attends the gym.

Back training in the gym in Gravitron

Pulling is one of the powerful exercises. It is considered the main thing in complex, thanks to which it is possible to form and correctly develop the muscles of the back. In addition, the exercise is quite complicated, so not every woman will be able to perform it.

Ordinary pull -ups are easily performed:

  • Take the emphasis on your head.
  • Start pulling the body up.

Gravitron is a simulator where a counterweight operates. Just install the necessary load on the simulator. In order for the task to seem lighter to you, set the weight slightly less.

On the simulator, you can pump up most of the muscle tissue, develop endurance, increase capture. Your back will become beautiful, visually increased. Against the background of the back, the waist will look sophisticated.

Training in the hall
Training in the hall

So that when training the back in the gym, girls and women do not have injuries, perform the following manipulations:

  • Put the desired load on the simulator.
  • Take the necessary pose on the graviton. End to the simulator, stand with your knees on the lower platform. Hand, take the handles at the top.
  • Make your back straight, point your gaze up.
  • Take a breath, tighten up to the chin reach the pens.
  • When you exhale, gradually return back to its original position.
  • Exercise repeat as much as the coach will tell you.

During the execution, try to ensure that the back is perfectly flat.

Back training in the gym for girls: deadlift

This exercise is considered universal. Thanks to him, most of the muscle tissue of the back is worked out during the execution. The muscles also work on the legs, buttocks, arms, press.

If you are a beginner, start with a vulture without weighting. Perform the minimum number of approaches initially. Pay important attention to how you perform the exercise.

An exercise
An exercise

Do the back of the back in the gym in this order:

  • Put your legs wider than your shoulders.
  • Stand straight, socks a little.
  • Tilt the case by 45 degrees, push the pelvis, bend a little in the back.
  • Bend your knees, take your hands on the bar using the grip to yourself.
  • Without rushing, straighten your legs, then slowly level your back. Get up and at the same time bring the shoulder blades.
  • Locate in this position for about a second.
  • Return to the original position.

Try to move the shell only vertically. Do not get knees during bending for socks. Make the main emphasis only on the heels.


If you use the vulture without weighting, make only 3 approaches. In each approach, a maximum of 15 rods.

Back training in the gym for girls: hyperextensions

Relatively recently, women performed this exercise on an ordinary sports "goat". But with the emergence of new technologies, simulators began to appear in sports halls, on which you can perform hyperectstenzia.

In order to perform the right back training in the gym, perform the following manipulations:

  • Set the simulator for your own weight, height. Make sure your basin is strictly on the pillow. The area where you will have to bend the case is the edges of this pillow.
  • Stop your feet on the ronfall roller.
  • Make your back perfectly straight.
  • Place your hands in front of the chest, cross them. You can start them behind your head.
  • Raise your head up.
  • The most basic movement of this exercise: bend the body down in the lower back area so that the angle of 45 degrees forms between the bottom and the top of the body.
  • Slowly, return to the original position.
For the back
For the back

You can also do this exercise using a sports "goat", a Roman chair. Make sure your legs are rested on the rollers of the tendons of the heels, since bruises often remain in other areas.

Back training in the gym for girls: bar

Initially, decide which bar you need. The classic exercise is suitable for beginners. It is performed with emphasis on the hands that must be pulled out on the shoulders.

If you are a newcomer, you will have to perform the following movements to train your back in the gym:

  • Lie in the way as if you plan to push up.
  • Put your hands wider than your shoulders. So you will avoid an unnecessary load for you, which can give to the neck, deep dorsal muscles.
  • Make your legs straight, socks to the floor. Make sure that the heels are above the floor, do not touch it.
  • Raise the case with your back so that they are located at a single level. Align the body, make it straight. Locate in this position and count the required time.
Incredible benefit
Incredible benefit

If you notice that your body begins to get tired quickly, a trembling in the muscles will appear, break through for a while. Do the exercise several times to achieve a better effect.

Back training in the gym: horizontal thrust

There are several types of this exercise for pumping trapezoidal back muscles. They are slightly different in the implementation technique.

Consider the option of traction to the belt. Exercise do this:

  • Sit on the simulator. Try to rest your feet on the platform. Bend the knees, the legs themselves must be recorded during the approach. Pick up the bend so that your knees do not interact with your hands. Find the back of the back.
  • Lean forward. Grant to the handle with your palms, take the necessary position: place the body body vertically, raise the load above the stops. Spread your chest, bend your elbows a little.
  • Hold your breath, pull the simulator handle to the stomach (to the waist). Movement is carried out thanks to the spinal muscles when the blades are reduced. At the same time, you must take your elbows back, try to move them away.
  • When you get out of the situation, exhale.
To the belt
To the belt

When you begin to perform this particular exercise, during back training in the gym for girls, Make sure that the case does not deviate much on the sides. Do not help pull the weights, do not bend your back.

Back training in the gym: vertical thrust

Consider each nuance of execution. Do the exercises stages:

  • To get started, stand in the desired position, take the simulator. Move as close to him as possible. Put the hips under the rollers.
  • Take the handle. At the same time, use the middle and big grip.
  • Without deviating back, beat your back a little.
  • When you perform the exercise inhale. When exit, pull the handle to the chest. Perform this exercise while strictly in an upright position. Take the elbows a little back, bring the shoulder blades to the maximum.
  • When you lower the bar, linger in the pose for a second. So you will achieve the maximum effectiveness of the exercise itself.
  • Return to the original position.

In this back training in the gym There are no difficulties. The most important thing is to take the initially necessary position, use the optimal grip corresponding to your degree of preparation.

If you do everything correctly, take into account all the features, get a wide, embossed back. Perform the exercise in parallel with other exercises. You can perform traction in a slope.

Back training in the gym: traction in inclination

When you perform the exercise, place the bar on the rack so that it is in the same line with the knees. You do not need to overload the lumbar muscles, lifting heavy weight? So you will only spend a lot of effort.

Perform the exercise in several stages:

  • Stand around the bar. Take your hands on the bar using a wide grip (wider than shoulders). Remove sports inventory from the rack. Dilute your elbows around. Keep your back evenly. Bend the legs a little at the knees.
  • Tilt the case forward, reach such a position so that the body is almost parallel to the floor surface. Keep balance. You can do this if you warm your knees, and take the pelvis back. Fix the torso in this position.
  • Pull the bar to the belt. Try to reduce the shoulder blades to the maximum. You will perform traction thanks to the spinal muscles, but not to your hands.
  • Try to stay at the very top of the second. Slowly, lower the bar back, dilute the shoulder blades on the sides. Do not change the position of the case. Just lower your hands as low as possible, spreading, while on the sides of the scapula.
In inclination
In inclination

Perform the exercise to train the back in the gym no more than 15 times. It will be a warm -up. In total, make a maximum of 4 more approaches, each in 10 repetitions.

"Superman" - exercises for training the back in the gym for girls

The main advantage of the exercise is that you do not need to use additional sports equipment. It can be performed in the gym or at home. But do not treat the exercise frivolously. It is quite intense, it is more complicated than it may seem to you.

Make the following manipulations:

  • Lie on the floor. The face should look down. Place your hands in front of you. This is the starting position.
  • Tighten the spinal muscles, lift your legs, also tear off the chest higher from the floor. Hold your arms with your feet in parallel. At the very top point you will resemble the hero of Superman, soaring in the air.
  • In this position, slow down for a few seconds. Put your legs on the floor slowly, also return your hands to its original position.

There are several options for performing the exercise for training the back in the gym:

  • To increase the intensity of execution, do exercises in 3 approaches. In each approach, do 30 repetitions.
  • To reduce the intensity, perform this exercise without dressing sneakers. Also, do not straighten your arms, it is better to press them to the neck.
  • Perform the exercise, raising one leg and hand alternately. Raise your hand and leg left, change.
  • An alternative, as well as an effective method of exercise "Superman" - hyperextensions. This exercise was described a little higher.

Back training in the gym for girls: hands breeding

This exercise To train the back in the gym for girls You can use to improve the relief of the back, the upper spinal muscles. Also, during the execution, you can strengthen the rotational muscles of the shoulders, and this is very important, since the strength of the muscles directly affects the stability of the upper joints to heavy loads.

We spread our hands
We spread our hands

Perform the exercise as follows:

  • Set up the simulator: the handles and their position, and also set the height of the seat. Straighten your hands, take them by the handles located on the width of the shoulder.
  • Press the chest to the seat of the simulator, keep the body of the body only vertically. Beat your back a little in the lower back, straighten your hands, hold on to the handle using a neutral grip. Dilute the handle from the sides of. At the same time, the cargo must break away from stops.
  • Tighten the deltes and the upper spinal muscles. Dissat your hands to the maximum. The elbows should be located on the same line with the back. When you start performing the exercise, inhale, hold the air.
  • Fix the position for a second, taking your hands back. Tighten even more than the delta. Exhale, return to the original position.
  • Relax a bit, do the exercise again. Do not bend your hands when you breed them. Find your elbows, hold motionless.

When you perform this exercise, consider the following - each movement should be slow, controlled.

Back training in the gym: exercise with a video

In order to warm up the widest spinal muscle, fix the posture, pump up delta - use the video to train the back in the gym. This device will allow you to eliminate back pain, make the press, spinal muscles stronger.

With the video
With the video

The exercise is simple, but when performing it, hold these rules:

  • Rin on your knees, socks. Take the simulator in your hands, pull it in front of the chest.
  • Roll up the video in front of you, slowly straighten the body.
  • Try not to touch the floor surface with your body.
  • Take the video in front of you to the maximum.
  • When the body becomes a horizontal floor, linger for a couple of seconds.
  • Tighten the muscles of the abdomen, shoulders, back.

Choose the number of approaches yourself or ask the coach.

Video: Exercises for the back muscles for girls

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  1. After training, the muscles were often sick. She began to use the relaxative Hors Forsa gel after class. It helps to relax muscles and removes pain

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