How to find a percentage of the number: independently, on a calculator, online

How to find a percentage of the number: independently, on a calculator, online

We all roughly imagine what a percentage of the whole number is. For example, 10 percent of 100 equals ten - this is a very simple example, which is possible to solve the primary school student, but not always everything is so simple.

What to do if the numbers come across more complicated and the task itself is more upside down? In this case, there are a number of tips that we will consider below.

How to find a percentage of the number?

Everyone knows that value added tax is 20%.

To find the percentage of the number and calculate what share in the amount of 1,500 rubles is VAT, the following arithmetic actions should be performed:

  • Sumise X percent: 100, that is: 1500 rubles x 20%: 100 \u003d 1500 x 0.20 \u003d 300 rubles.
  • If you have the opportunity to use the calculator, then the task is simplified at times, you just need to multiply 1,500 by 20 and press the “%” icon.
  • This recipe can come in handy, for example, in a supermarket, when you see a coveted announcement of a share where the discount is registered in percentage of the basic value of the goods.

For example: today the cost of a jar of red caviar is reduced by 12%. How much did the delicacy come down? Take its usual price of 300 rubles, multiply by 12% and divide by 100, as a result, you will find out that on an promotional day the price of a jar of caviar is reduced by 36 rubles.

How to find out an integer from a certain value of interest?

  • It happens that it is known the numerical value of a certain percentage of the whole number, which must be calculated.
  • For example, you know that the bank calculates 5% per annum from your loan and this amount is 750 rubles. To understand what the amount of the entire loan follows:
  • Amount x 100: percentage, that is: 750 rubles x 100: 5% \u003d 15,000 rubles.

How to find a percentage of one number from another?

  • Sometimes it happens that we know two numbers and one of them should be found in relation to another: for example, 25 in relation to 250. To calculate the desired percentage, it follows:
  • Number (whose percentage we find out) x 100: conditionally an integer number, that is: 25 x 100: 250 \u003d 10%.

Let's look at a more difficult example. During the implementation of the complex of autumn and field work, 100% of grain crops were removed. 35% of the total mass is 10 tons of oats, and what percentage falls by 25 tons of wheat? Answer: 25 x 35: 10 \u003d 87.5%


How to find a percentage by changing the number in a larger or lesser direction for a certain percentage?

  • How to find a percentage by changing the number? The increase or decrease in the number by a certain percentage has to be carried out often.
  • For example, with a rise in the cost of any component (cost of fuel, energy, increase in wages, and so on), sellers or manufacturers of goods automatically increase the cost of their products (for example, 220 rubles) by a certain percentage (for example, 18%).

This is necessary:

  • The initial number x (1 + %: 100), that is: 220 rub. x (1 + 18%: 100) \u003d 259.6 rubles.
  • Accordingly, in order to reduce the initial number by a certain percentage, you should use the same formula, but already with the sign “minus”.
  • The initial number x (1 - %: 100), that is: 220 rub. x (1 - 18%: 100) \u003d 180.4 rubles.

Find on what percentage was the value changed?

  • Looking at the shelves in the store, sometimes you understand that the usual price of the goods has changed. For example, yesterday a dozen eggs cost 50 rubles, and today - 45.
  • If it is interesting how much percent the goods have fallen in price, do the following calculations: (1 - new price: old price) x 100, that is: (1 - 45 rubles: 50 rubles) x 100 \u003d 10%.

Find a percentage in comparison of two values

  • Sometimes we know two values \u200b\u200band we need to understand how many percent one of them is more or less than the other. Such a problem is known to every mistress who wants to use some kind of recipe by changing the total number of ingredients. How to find a percentage in such a situation? In this case, you need to calculate their percentage ratio so as not to spoil the result.
  • For example, in order to understand how much percent you need to increase the number of ingredients for the marinade so that it is enough to pour 35 kilograms of cucumbers instead of 10.
  • For this: (New quantity: Old amount - 1) x 100, that is: (35 kg: 10 kg - 1) x 100 \u003d 250%.

Find the percentage of the amount

  • If we know the amount of values, but we must isolate a certain percentage (for example, tax) from it, then you should use this formula: The desired number + known % \u003d known amount of values, that is: we have a certain amount of values \u200b\u200bequal to 2000, a certain percentage is 900%.
  • To find the desired number: Known amount of values: (1 + known %: 100) = 2000 : (1 + 900% : 100) = 2000 : 10 = 200.
  • Now we are looking 900% of 200, that is: 2000 x 900%: (100 + 900%) \u003d 2000 x 900: 1000 \u003d 1800.

Find the percentage of the number: calculator

  • As mentioned above, the percentage of the number can be found using simple actions on the calculator: drive conditionally the whole number x the required percentage and the “%” icon. For example, 500 will multiply by 5% 25, \u200b\u200bthat is, 5% of 500 rubles. amounts to 25 rubles.
  • To find out what amount will turn out after taking a certain percentage of a certain number, it follows: drive a certain number and take the required percentage of the “%” icon. For example, 350 will take away 15% 52.5, that is, with a 15-% discount on a product, which usually costs 350 rubles, you will pay less for it for 52.5 rubles.
  • To find out what amount will turn out after adding a certain percentage to a well -known number, it follows: drive a certain number and add the required percentage with the “%” icon.For example, 73000 + 6% will turn out 4380, that is, to your deposit in the amount of 73,000 rubles. At 6% per annum you will receive an increase per year in the amount of 4380 rubles.

Using online resources to find a percentage

  • If you need to quickly and efficiently perform various operations and find a percentage, it is best to choose the appropriate online resource for use, of which there are many on the open network.
  • For example, such services can already take into account complex formulas for calculating taxes, deposit or credit rates, and so on.
  • Among the most successful examples of such online services- Planetcalc, AllCalc and so on.

Video: finding a percentage, calculation in the mind

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